Sorry for the late, late, late update, I've been reaaaal busy. Hope you like this one!

Keep reviewing (:

Jesse St. James pulled up to the UCLA Medical Center, his heart still beating fast. Thoughts were running through his mind at 100 miles a minute, and he got more and more worried with every second that passed. Quinn wasn't telling him anything; she was too worked up and frantic to even get a message across during the phone call. He had left Claire in the auditorium, despite her protests that Kendall was her friend too. The truth was, she had tried to hook up with Kendall before, but because of his man-prudence, it didn't work out too well. He knew Quinn and Rachel would be upset if Claire was there anyway, and Kendall wouldn't miss her too much.

He parked and sprinted to the entrance, thankful that there were automatic doors because he had way too much momentum.

"Can I get to Quinn Fabray?" he asked the receptionist, overflowing with anxiety.

"She's in the East Wing, 1103, just getting evaluated for trauma. You can wait outside and see her in about 5 minutes," one of the nurses said over the counter.

Jesse found his way to the room, where Quinn was already outside, pacing back and forth, tears still flowing down her face. Jesse was dying to know what happened to Kendall and Rachel, but he knew he couldn't automatically force it out of her.

"Quinn, are you alright?" he asked, before comforting her with a hug. He didn't know if Quinn particularly liked him or not, but it was the only thing he could do. She buried her head in his shoulder for awhile and then nodded, wiping her face with the back of her hand.

"Can you tell me what happened?" he asked, as Quinn calmed down a little bit. She took a deep breath before starting to talk.

"Well, Kendall was driving us back from his aunt's house, and we were just going through and some guy ran a stoplight and t-boned us, and I was sitting on the other side but Rachel and Kendall were on the side where we got hit," Quinn said, through small sobs.

"How are they doing?" Jesse asked, silently praying that nothing happened to either of them. Mostly, he hoped Rachel was okay, that nothing happened to that pretty face of hers. Even if something did, he knew he would still be captured by her. He would still love her.

"Kendall's alright. They said he had a concussion and he cracked a couple of ribs," Quinn said after taking a few deep breaths. "But Rachel, she got hit the hardest and she's in surgery right now."

Jesse sat down on his seat after his legs got a little bit shaky, and he stared blankly at the floor. He needed Rachel to be okay. There were so many things he wanted to say to her, he didn't know how little time there really was.

"Listen, I know this isn't going to work to your benefit, but… I called the rest of her friends, the Glee club. They needed to know. And… some of them are going to get here as soon as they can,"

He knew it was wrong to wish her friends wouldn't show up, but he still just wanted it to be him there. He wanted to be the knight in shining armor, or maybe just the hand she woke up holding on the hospital bed. "Who's coming?" he asked, hoping especially that it wasn't Finn.

"Tina, Kurt, and… Finn," Quinn said, knowing that Jesse did not want to hear the last name. She was much calmer now, and she could see that Jesse was starting to do worse than her. "This might sound crazy, but I think she wants you to be there when she wakes up."

Jesse looked up, surprised at what Quinn had just said. "There's no way that's true. I don't blame her either, she has every right to wish I were gone," he said in quite an upset tone. "I know she hates me. She didn't even have to tell me, it was just the look in her eyes."

Quinn smiled slightly and shook her head, amazed at how dramatic Jesse could always be no matter how dramatic the circumstance already was. "I know for a fact that she doesn't hate you. I know she's hurt and there are still some wounds, but she was so happy when she was with you. How could a girl forget that? And right now, I know she needs you more than ever. More than she could ever need Finn or Puck or anyone else from the Glee club. You've been there for her during her worst times."

Jesse looked at Quinn's sage facial expression, wondering how she got so wise about these things. Being pregnant really does give you some type of new outlook, he thought.

He looked through the window of Kendall's room, where he lay there unconscious. He was deeply in love with Rachel, but he knew that Kendall was one lucky guy for finding a girl like Quinn in a place full of shallow and unintelligent girls.