A/N: This is my version of the dam breaking. I figure that after six years of frustration, anger, passion, and love, not even Booth and Brennan would not come back from the ends of the world and magically get along. It's insane. Something's got to give. Slightly OOC, but whatever. It's fanfiction.

Disclaimer: LOTS OF ANGST! Also: I don't own a thing.


"Sweets, what are you doing here?" Booth asked as he wandered into Angela's office.

"Angela needed assistance with the profile so she could accurate draw her sketch." He said. "What are you doing here?"

"Picking up the sketch." He said.

"Did you see your girlfriend?" Angela asked.

"Hannah?" Booth clarified.

"Is there someone else?" Angela wanted to know, her eyebrow rising in curiosity.

"No." Booth said. "Why is Hannah at the lab?"

"She's upstairs having coffee with Brennan." Angela said, in the tone that told him she thought it was completely ridiculous.

"Why?" He asked.

"Good to know I'm not the only one who thinks this new friendship is a little strange." She said with a satisfied smile. "Although, if I were Hannah, I would probably want to befriend my biggest competition too." She said with a smirk. "You know what they say, keep your friends close and your enemies closer."

"That doesn't really apply here." Sweets said. "Hannah doesn't know about Booth's past with Dr. Brennan and Dr. Brennan is obviously more than willing to put aside her own feelings so that Agent Booth can be happy." Booth, who had been ready to jump all over the fact that Sweets was poking his nose into his own private business, stopped as the doctor's last few words hit his eardrum.

"What do you mean: her own feelings?" Booth said, eyeing the young doctor.

"Booth..." Angela muttered, shaking her head at him. He looked at Angela, waiting for an explanation. "You cannot be that dense. She's loved you from day one." She said.

"I'm sorry. What?" He said, shocked not only by Angela's statement, but by her confidence in it.

"She told me, sort of. It is Brennan we are talking about." She added.

"Bones would never say that. She doesn't believe in love at all, let alone at first sight." He said, betting his life on it.

"That doesn't mean that it didn't happen." She said. "She told me about that first case when you two almost had drunken tequila sex together before she wised up and realized that you dating someone else at the time." Booth closed his eyes. Bones had never given him a reason for why she had left that night. He had assumed it was because of the tequila, not because of the girl he had been semi-seeing at the time.

"Look, I think what Angela is trying to say, is that while you spent the last five years getting to know Dr. Brennan and falling in love with her, she's spent the last five years convincing herself that she didn't love you." Sweets started. "As you got two closer, that got harder for her to do and when that stopped working, she moved on to her theory that love was temporary and fleeting. They are all defensive mechanisms so that she could keep working with her best friend without getting her heart broken." Booth looked sick at the thought.

"And that night when you wanted more, she didn't know how to react. Everything that she had been telling herself for the past five years: that you didn't love her, that you were partners so it was off limits, all of her inner excuses suddenly were turned on their head." Angela said.

"I guarantee that she fed him one of those lines when he first suggested more." Sweets said to Angela before turning to look at Booth. His lack of an answer told Sweets and Angela all that they needed to know.

"You know that Brennan can't deal with abrupt change like that." Angela said.

"It's true. Dr. Brennan only has experience in dealing with abandonment. Even if she had been prepared for what you were about to say, there was still a possibility of her pushing you away to test your feelings." Sweets told him. "I take partial responsibility for urging you on, but because of your impulsive actions, more defensive mechanisms had to go up around her. Now she knew what you felt and she couldn't hide behind her excuses anymore. Now it wasn't the way it had to be; now it was entirely her fault that you two weren't together."

"She had the opportunity and she said no. She said no." Booth repeated.

"And it's killing her inside." Angela told him.

"Okay, supposing that all of this is true. Why wouldn't she say anything? Why would she immediately befriend my new girlfriend? It doesn't make any sense."

"Because it's Brennan." Angela pointed out. "She couldn't handle seeing the pain she had caused you so she traveled halfway around the world to avoid looking in your eyes every day. She's not exactly one to show her true emotions."

"Actually, I believe that all of these kind actions and selfless gestures are her way of telling you that she recognizes the fact that you've moved on and that you're happy with someone else. She wants you to have everything you ever wanted, even if it means she has to let you go and move on. This is her version of what you are trying to do with Hannah."

"What do you mean, what I'm trying to do with Hannah?" Booth asked.

"You have a need to make things right, it's what you do." Sweets said. "You're subconsciously trying to ease Dr. Brennan's guilt about her choices by coming home with a girlfriend." Sweets said quickly, as if he had been waiting to share this opinion since the agent had landed on U.S. soil. "You feel that you were the reason that she left for Indonesia and you want her to stay in your life so you've found a girlfriend to prove that you're moving on and that you're not heartbroken. That way, you are removing the blame that you unwittingly put onto Dr. Brennan that evening and she can be in your presence again without any issues."

"Wow. Good work Sweets." Angela said, impressed.

"Dr. Brennan is doing the same thing. She's trying to make you happy by letting you move forward with the life that she feels she is unable to provide you herself." Booth just stared at the psychologist.

"You both love each other too much to tell each other how you really feel." Angela summed up. "Stupid, but ridiculously romantic." She smiled. "But if you don't do something about it now, while Brennan still has some lingering feelings for you, she's going to shut down and you're going to be stuck in the "partner" box for the rest of your life."

"I agree with Angela. If you ever want a chance, now is the time." Sweets said.

"The last time you told me that, it nearly destroyed our relationship, so don't take it personally if I don't exactly trust your advice on this one, okay Sweets?" Booth said.

"Great idea. Let's learn from our past mistakes. You go home and think about what we've told you for a couple of days. You decide how you feel, or don't feel," he added "and we'll talk about it in our session on Friday." Sweets said as he tapped the agent on the shoulder and walked out of the office.

"Booth, let me put it this way. If you don't act now, Brennan is going to end up being a bridesmaid in your wedding to Hannah." Angela said as she glanced out of the office window to where the two girls were drinking coffee and smiling. Booth's stomach churned at the scene.


"So, did you think things over this week?" Sweets asked as Booth got comfortable on the couch.

"Of course I did." He said, snapping at the young psychiatrist.

"And how are you feeling?"

"Frankly, I'm pissed off." Booth said.


"Because I tried. I tried and she said no. Not, no for right now, or maybe in a few years. She said no, never. Now, because she hesitated, or lied, or whatever she did, I've met another wonderful woman who I'm crazy about and no matter what I choose to do, I hurt someone I love." Sweets smiled.

"Good. Good." He said, pleased by what he was hearing. "It's very normal to be feeling angry about the situation right now."

"It is?" Booth said, surprised that the shrink was agreeing with him.

"Totally." He said. "You, projecting the anger you are feeling onto Dr. Brennan, shows that you are working through this in a healthy manner."

"Whoa, whoa, whoa. What do you mean, projecting?" Booth asked. "I am angry at her. If she had just said yes, I wouldn't have been in this mess in the first place." He stated his case again.

"You may be angry at Dr. Brennan for her rejection of what you proposed, but I also believe that you are hurt by her actions, which for a man such as yourself is not an emotion that can be shown, so instead it manifests itself as anger."

"Of course I was hurt, at the time, but now I've moved on to anger." Booth said honestly.

"Okay, is it possible that you are really angry at yourself for ruining your chance with Dr. Brennan with your impulsivity?" Sweets asked. Booth got a vemonous look in his eye that told Sweets he hit the nail right on the head. "I think that you are really upset that, in hindsight, you might have been able to work through this with Dr. Brennan without bringing Hannah into the mix. You acted impulsively towards Dr. Brennan and when that didn't work out as you thought it should, you reacted impulsively again; this time in the opposite direction."

"Look, I love Hannah." Booth said, as if that were the final answer to the question.

"I know you do." Sweets said. "But you also love Dr. Brennan."

"Bones had her chance, okay." Booth said stubbornly as he stood up. "It's done." He said definitively as he walked out of the office. Sweets sighed. This so wasn't done.


The rest of the week had been purely business for the two partners. Brennan had noticed the change in her partner's behavior and wondered if something was happening at home to cause his now icy behavior. For someone who was so usually happy-go-lucky and charming, it was unnerving for her to see this new side of Booth. Even at their personal worst, they had been able to compartmentalize long enough to be happy around each other at work. It had never crossed over to this. Thankful to finally be done with the case, she hoped that some time away from each other might help fix whatever had transpired between them.

"Hannah called, she's making us dinner to celebrate." Booth said as he hung up his phone and walked into her office.

"I'm not really in the mood, Booth." Brennan said honestly as she put on her coat. "I'm tired. I think I'm just going to go home."

"Come on, Bones." He said. "We always celebrate after we close a case. Hannah's not going to take no for an answer." Booth said as he pulled out his last resort technique: the charm smile. Sure, it was unfair to abuse the knowledge of its effects on his partner, but he knew just how adamant Hannah was about the dinner. Booth had already tried to excuse his partner from the dinner in any way he could.

"Fine." She muttered as Booth smiled victoriously and ushered his partner towards his car. "For Hannah."

A/N: Enough psychology for you? lol The next chapter is when all Hell breaks loose. Reviews are welcome and the button is conveniently located right next to this little message.