This is my newest story. I hope you like it. Please Review

Thanks to Dejavu1978 and Kinley Orton for the help with the idea.

Sabine Patel quietly left her parents house and got into her SUV. She just wanted to get away from everyone. From her parents and the guy they were pushing her to marry. She didn't want to deal with them anymore.

She headed out on the highway and just drove. As she did, she thought about everything. Her father, Raj, was from Bahrain and had come to America in 1979 while her mother, Sharon, was from California. They had met when Raj started working for Sharon's father at the family vineyard. Most everyone in Sharon's family objected to the relationship. They were shocked when Sharon ended up pregnant before they were married.

Her father, Warren, made Raj marry Sharon immediately and soon Sabine was born in 1980. After Sabine was born, Warren gave Raj and Sharon a house on the estate and soon everyone had come to like Raj and welcomed him into the family.

As Sabine drove on the road, she thought about when her parents told her they had found her a husband who was from Bahrain like her father.


"Sabine, we have found you a husband." Raj Patel said when he walked into the room.

"What? Dad, I can find my own husband." Sabine replied to him.

"No, I don't think so. I don't trust these America boys so, I have found you a husband. He is from Bahrain."

"Why would I want to marry someone from Bahrain?"

"Sabine Naia Patel, don't disrespect your father." Sharon Patel said walking in the room.

"I wasn't doing that. I just don't want to marry someone I don't know. I want to pick my own husband or my own anything."

"I'm sorry Sabine. This is how it is. You will marry Naveen. No exceptions." Raj said before walking out.

"I can't believe you are okay with this." Sabine said turning to her mother. "You really want your daughter to have an arranged marriage."

"Sabine, I agree with your father. You need someone stable and Naveen is that. He is someone your father thinks is perfect. So, I'm in agreement." Sharon replied. "You will meet Naveen tomorrow."

Sabine watched as her mother walked out and knew it was no use talking to them right now. They wouldn't budge on this. The next day, she met Naveen. He seemed nice especially to her parents. Raj allowed them to spend time together alone. He trusted Naveen to be a gentleman to her.

Sabine had to laugh at the thought that her dad trust Naveen. Yes, he had been nice to start off with but he had a dark side that no one in her family saw. She herself hadn't seen it until their so called second date. She had told him that she wanted to wait for a while before setting the date. She wanted them to know each other more. Naveen wasn't happy with that. He pushed her into the wall and told her there would be no postponing the wedding. They would be married in a week whether she agreed or not.

After that conversation was when she decided to leave to clear her head. She told no one she was leaving. She just packed a bag and got into her SUV. She had no idea where she was going. She just needed the time and space. She drove toward San Francisco but decided to drive further. She knew her family would probably think she went to San Francisco. So, she would go on to somewhere else.

She looked at the road and realized it was dark and she was in the middle of nowhere. Suddenly, she felt the SUV start to stall. She pulled over and it cut off completely. She tried to get it started but nothing would happen.

"Great, just great." She said to herself. She popped the hood and tried to figure out what was going on. But she really knew nothing about cars.

She got back into the SUV as it was midnight and got out her cell phone. She saw that she had no service.

"Seriously. Are you kidding me?" She said to herself. "Why does this happen to me?"

She waited and saw no one come by. She had her hazard lights blinking so if anyone drove by, they would know she was having car issues. She kept trying to get a signal on her phone but nothing worked.

"Unbelievable." She said throwing her phone onto the seat of the SUV.

It was then that she noticed a car pulling up behind hers. She hoped it was someone who wanted to help her. She got out of the SUV and walked a little to meet the person.

"Are you okay, Miss?" The guy in the car asked her.

"No. My car will not start and my cell has no service." She said quickly. She wasn't afraid like she might probably should have been since she was alone in the middle of nowhere but she wasn't.

"Can I check out the car if you want?"

"That would great. I have a flashlight." She walked back to her SUV and got the flashlight. She handed it to him. "I appreciate you doing this."

"No problem. Anything to help a beautiful lady such as yourself." He flirted with her.

"Yeah. Let's get this done and you can flirt with me later." She laughed. She was a little shocked that she was so bold because it wasn't how she was normally.

"Alright." He walked to the front of the SUV and looked under the hood. "Yeah, your starter is gone. So, there is no way this car is going anywhere."

"Great. I don't suppose you have cell service?"

"Let me check." He took out his phone and checked. "No, no service."

"Great. Now I'm not going to get this fixed."

"You wouldn't get it fixed tonight anyway. It's almost one in the morning."

"Unbelievable." She sighed.

"If you want, I can give you a ride to a hotel. I'm going there myself. I promise I'm not a serial killer or anything."

"Okay." She laughed. "Let me get my stuff."


She headed to the SUV and got her stuff out. She locked the door and pressed the button to set the alarm. She then headed to the car.

"Well, since I'm taking you to a hotel, can I get your name?" He asked once they were on the road toward the next town.

"Sabine Patel." She answered.

"Alright, Sabine. I'm John." He replied to her.

"Nice to meet you. So, do you make it a habit to rescue people, John?"

"No. I'm actually a WWE superstar."

"Like pro wrestling?"

"Yeah. I take it you don't watch."

"I have on occasion. But it's been awhile."

"What about you? Why were you on the side of the road at midnight?"

"I needed to get away from things and thought a drive would help."

"What things? If you want to talk about it. I don't mean to pry." He replied. He didn't know why he was so interested in knowing this girl.

"No, it's fine. My parents have decided I need a husband so, they found me one. Someone I don't' know that well and I have only met twice." She replied moving her black hair out of her face.

"Like an arranged marriage?"

"Yeah. My dad is from Bahrain where arranged marriages are common."

"What about your mom?"

"She is from California but she agrees with my dad."

"So, you don't like the guy?"

"I don't. I told him I wanted to wait to set a date until we knew each other better. I know my parents won't let me out of this marriage."

"So, what happened when you told him?"

"He got angry. He was nice to my family and nice the first meeting. But when I told him I wanted to wait, he pushed me up against a wall and told me this marriage would take place whether I agreed or not. So, I took off." She didn't' know why she was so comfortable telling him all of this. She had only met him like ten minutes before.

"Sounds like someone you don't need to be with."

"Yeah. But my parents won't let me out."

"Well, maybe things will work out." He said as he pulled into the hotel.

"Maybe." She replied as they stopped. Both headed in.

"Checking in, John Cena." John said to the desk clerk.

"Of course." The clerk checked John in and then turned to Sabine. "Can I help you?"

"Yes. I would like a room please."

"I'm sorry. We have no vacancies. We have a big convention at the hotel."


"Yes, I'm sorry." The clerk said turning away.

"You have got to be kidding me." Sabine said. This was so not her night.

"Relax, you can stay with me." John said to her.

"Are you sure? I mean you have already done enough for me."

"It's not a problem really. It has a king size bed so it's big enough."

"Okay. If it's not a big inconvenience." She replied shocked she was accepting this offer. This was not like her. She had only known this guy for a few hours and she was sharing a hotel room with him. But she didn't feel afraid at all. She felt comfortable with him.

"It's not." He said as he picked up her bag and they headed to the elevator and up to the room.

Sabine wondered as they head to the room what her family was thinking. She knew they knew she was gone. She hadn't left a note because she wanted to be alone. She wanted to figure things out. She had no idea how complicated things were going to get.

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