Started: 10/18/10
By 2cbetter2
Rating: PG
Spoilers: Up to and through the ending of 'The Second David Job'
Summary: Maggie's POV during on particular scene during this episode
Character(s): Maggie Collins (Ford), Nate Ford
Disclaimers: I don't own Leverage or any of its great characters or plots as it belongs to TNT along with John Rogers and Chris Downey. I've made absolutely zilch on this so I totally expect to not be sued over it.
AN: This is my first and likely only attempt at writing a Leverage fic, which you can kindly blame on the fact I've watched 'The Second David Job' like three times today.
Any familiar words are quoted from the actual episode itself as written by Chris Downey and John Rogers.
"Why would I hate you?"
How could I hate ever hate him? Doesn't he know I could never ever really hate him? Oh I hate some of the things he's done since our son died, like how he was never able to stay out of the bottom of a bottle long enough to talk with me about it. I hate the drinking and the fact he could never let me share my pain with him, let us mourn our son together, but not him.
"I do. If I had ever seen you look at me the way I look at myself in the mirror, I would've blown my brains out."
"Come here." The pain in his eyes cut through me like a million razors, and I couldn't take it. As I felt Nate lay his face in my shoulder crying, I did the same. I cried for our beautiful little boy lost too early in life, and I cried again because of how his loss had so thoroughly broken the man in my arms. I had known for a long time Nate would never, could never be the same man he was before Sam's death, and I cried more tears as holding him my arms again confirmed it.
A little while later when I knew Nate was no longer crying but was still seeking the comfort of being held, I felt such hatred for Ian Blackpoole swell up in my heart. I had always known Sam's death had shattered the man who had been my husband but to find out Ian had had the power to prevent it but had said no, that hurt me almost as much Sam's death had while at the same time made me angry. I lost my only child and then my husband because of this man's greed.
When Nate finally pulled away from and stood up I did the same saying, "I'll help you, whatever it is you need me to do." I wasn't sure getting back at Ian would help either of us in the long run but it'd help me to know he would never ever be able to let another child die like Sam or shatter another good man like Nate.