A/N: okay so apparently you aren't allowed script format so I am re-writing and re-posting which means no updates sorry!

Disclaimer: I don't own Vampire Diaries (Christmas present anyone?)

In the Salvatore home

Elena drew closer to Damon and she curled herself on top of Damon, her cheeks brushing Damon's sculptural chest. Damon looked into her enthralling eyes and he combed his fingers through her silky, luxurious hair; Elena purred with ecstasy.

Stefan unexpectedly stormed into the room and shouted at Damon:

"I still cannot believe you called that cat Elena!" he shook his head in disgust.

"Maybe I thought it would prevent you turning her into one of your dirty little midnight snacks…" Damon retorted and smirked at his own joke.

"Oh VERY funny, brother, I don't know how I can refrain from laughing."

Elena hissed at Stefan's hostility to Damon.

"Well I thought so, little brother" At least she's on my side. Damon had often dreamed about how different life would be for him and how different he would be if Elena had just chosen him.

"You know she'll be freaked out… why did you christen her that anyway?" Stefan tried to ask casually and keep his voice cool, but he was seriously freaked out! First: Damon cared for something. Second: it WASN'T Katherine. Third: the cat was, well, fluffy and cute. Fourth: he names it after his little brother's girlfriend, who (Stefan hoped) loves him and NOT his brother. It makes no sense… what game was the Damon playing? Was it even a game?

"I…I… j...just…" Damon stuttered before he trailed off and looking down at Elena, in awe at her beauty. He was going to enjoy every moment of this. Seeing the poorly disguised panic begin to build in his little brother's face was one of the few joys he had left in the world. Watching the veins start to bulge in Stefan's forehead. Oh yes, h was going to enjoy this very much. Damon picked up the feline and left Stefan in bewilderment.

Stefan sat down and put his head in his hands. Now, now he was terrified.

Please review! I hope all the reviewers are happier with this version, and i would appreciate it if you would please review again! :)