This is my first VA fanfiction. Any my first proper story thing as well. I wrote another story of my own but it wasn't very successful =( oh well haha
Review and tell me what you think, if i should continue or deem myself as a crappy writer.
Thank you


Chapter 1: Rose

I was awoken from a very pleasant dream of me with the most sexy guardian alive -Dimitri Belikov- when there was an aggressive and persistent knock on my door. I groaned and pushed the covers that were surrounding my head back roughly.

"Training!" A perky girls voice practically sung from the other side of my door.

No way.

My eyes darted over to the clock on my bedside table before widening in horror.

"Stupid alarm." I glared as I slumped out of bed.

This was so typical. The one time I try do something right, like setting my alarm the night before, very un-Rose-like, it bites me in the arse. Now I would have to deal with Comrade and his stupid Zen life lessons about organization for the next hour.

I made a snap decision to skip a shower, since I had already had one before I went to bed as well as having a chance of cutting down Dimitri's lecture by maybe even two seconds. If I'm lucky.

I threw on a pair of grey, snug-fitting joggers, a black tank and my battered, but loyal, running shoes. I secured my long, dark hair up in a high pony tail, showing off my Marks the way Dimitri had told me to, rather than cutting all my hair off. I put on a thin coat of the gloss Dimitri had bought me as an after thought before grabbing my gear bag, ducking out the door and heading down to the gym.

Thanks for waking me I silently sent to Lissa's mind as I rounded the corner and into the open doors of the gym.

I found Dimitri there, laying on his back on one of the sparring mats, reading a western novel, like always. He was wearing navy sweats with a plain black t-shirt, his hair loose and hanging around him gorgeously. I walked over to him, trying not to move to fast and seem eager, and slipped my bag off my shoulder and dropped it to the floor.

"Morning, Comrade." I smiled devilishly as he got up, tossing his book over towards his own gear bag.

He smiled back quickly, one of his rare smiles that I refused to think of him giving to anyone besides me, before setting into Mentor Mode.

"You're late. Our time is cut short as it is. Go do a few-"

"Why?" I asked before I could stop myself. I snapped my lips shut. I really didn't want to get on his bad side today.

"We have been called into a training camp for novices and their mentor's." He surprised me by replying calmly in his light Russian accent, retying his shoe. "Guardian Petrov thought it would be beneficial for us both to participate, so we are leaving when classes start. Training will be half an hour, then you can pack and meet me by the gates when the first period bell rings. Five laps, then meet me back here and we'll spar for the remainder."

"Got'cha, Comrade." I saluted before turning to go outside to do my laps, I spun around just before I stepped out the door. "Gonna join me?" I winked, he just shook his head with a low rumble of a laugh.

I took that as a 'no' and began jogging along the track. Five laps wasn't much compared to what I usually did so I finished them quickly and sprinted back into the gym.

"I take it all these laps are paying off?" He asked, a smirk on his face.

"Yeah, they hurt like a bitch but they are definitely helpful." I smiled, gulping down the water from the bottle he threw to me. "But don't tell anyone I said that."

"Oh, of course not, Roza." His smirk instantly slipped from his face when he realised what he had called me. It make my heart flutter and butterflies riot in my stomach, but his Mentor Mask was back on again as he stepped onto the mat and crouched into a fighting stance.

I chewed the inside of my cheek at the new awkward tension in the air now but walked onto the mat and got ready anyway.

We circled each other for a few seconds before I lunged at him, timing my moves just right so that my leg connected against his ribs in a flash. Or so it should have.

I was fast, but he was so fast. His hand darted out, quick as lightning, and caught my ankle. His twisted his arm swiftly, death rolling me as I fell to the ground.

"That was good." He told me, circling me as I got to my feet. "But your timing is slightly off. Use diversions before striking."

I nodded, considering as he crouch back into his stance. I ducked under his arm, coming up behind him and was about to throw a punch into his ribs from behind, but he twirled too quickly, catching me from behind this time and restraining me against his chest.

"You're dead." He whispered in my ear, causing a shiver to run down my spin. He released me from his hold and I dropped to the ground, quickly skidding away from him and standing back up.

Use diversions before striking. I told myself, repeating his words.

I studied him carefully, watching his footing and movements. I timed it right this time and banked right, before jumping back and striking his left side with my foot. This time it did connect with his ribs and he smiled broadly.

"Good, Rose. Much better."

We continued on like that until we were both sweating and puffing. When I got in a good hit, he would praise me and give comments and advice when he caught me out. We worked in sync with each other and the time was gone before I even realised it had started.

"Good work today. Go pack." He held out his hand, helping me up from where his previous move had knocked me down.

His hand was warm and rough as he heaved me up and walked off to get his gear bag.

I got mine too and walked back to the dhampir dorms, throwing some extra clothes and toiletries into my gear bag, on top of my training things. I got changed into my skinny jeans, threw on a baggy jersey and grabbed my flats before leaving my room. I quickly ran by Lissa's room, but she wasn't there, probably with Christian, so I didn't feel particularly excited about getting sucked into her mind. I left a note about where I was and that I'd see her Monday.

I met Dimitri by the school gates, where he was dressed in jeans and his duster, leaning against a shiny black Hummer, just as a high shrill signalled the beginning of the school day.

"Oh, Vlady upgrades, huh?" I grinned, running my hand along the glossy finish.

"And Rose upgrades too. You're on time." He spoke as he unhitched himself from leaning on the door. "For once. The training camp runs on a day time schedule. Training us to be aware at all times. It's a long drive and I'd like to make it by nightfall so we better leave now. Are you ready?"

"Yep." I made a popping sound on the end of the 'p' and threw my bag into the back seat.

Dimitri opened the passenger door for me and closed it when I had slipped in.

Thank you for reading. Please review and tell me what you think. If you would like me to continue, suggestions would be great =)