Wow guys thank you soo much for all the reviews! To be honest when I started writing this I wasn't expecting to have over 80 reviews! And I'm glad everyone enjoyed the lemon even though personally I think it was rushed, I'm still glad! So I'm starting to run myself into the ground and I'm asking you guys what I should do. I either need some ideas for future chapters or/and a number in which to stop at, okay? Now I don't want to dawdle any longer on with the story.

Disclaimer: Blah blah blah own nothing blah blah blah MOVING ON!

Chapter 10: Long Weekend

Kay was on cloud nine, but for the life of her she couldn't remember why. She was half awake trying to remember what had happened to her to make her feel so good. As she laid there with her eyes closed trying to remember what happened she felt something move next to her. She flinched slightly and came to a conclusion she hoped was true. Then she felt powerful and muscular arms wrap around her and hold her tight. She was beyond bliss at this point but she dare not open her eyes, because if this was a dream she didn't want to wake up from it! She squeezed her eyes tighter trying to prevent herself from waking up, but the tighter she squeezed the more awake she was becoming. Kay tried with all her might to relax and enjoy everything she was feeling but once again the harder she tried the harder it became to stay asleep. She eased her eyes open and looked straight up. She still felt the powerful yet gentle arms wrapped around her and gave a sigh of relief that at least her companion was real. She turned her head to see who was lying next to her and she gave another sigh of relief when she saw it was Aang. She smiled as she recalled everything they did last night, and she just stared at him happily. They had spent a night of romance together and he was still there, not a dream like last time, no this one was real. Kay turned her body towards him so they looked like they were hugging and she snuggled her head into his chest. She was so warm within his embrace and he smelled so good to her she never wanted this to end. But sadly when she moved he started to stir and she knew they would be awake soon.

"Well good morning Katara!" Aang said as he opened his eyes to look down at her.

"Good morning Aang!" Kay said trying to have the same infliction he had but failing miserably.

"Hmm, that doesn't affect me the same way your real name seems to affect you." Aang said with a tinge of cynicism in his voice.

"Yeah speaking of my real name how did you figure that one out?" Kay asked with genuine curiosity.

"Well I would usually take annoying secrets like that to my grave just to pester you but I' feeling nice. I know your real name thanks to your father."

"What? He knows better than to tell other people my real name why'd he tell you?"

"Well he didn't tell me, he let it slip and I pretended not to hear him. Figured it would come in handy so I waited to use it. Tell me, did I say it at the right time?"

Kay looked at him and started blushing.

"Yes Mr. Smooth you used it perfectly, but I want you to promise this stays out of the office ok?"

"I promise your real name won't come up." Aang swore.

"Good, so now what do we do with all this extra time my dad gave us?" Kay asked trying to focus Aang down the right path.

"Skydive?" Aang asked as if he was really trying to come up with an event instead of sex.

"Skydive? Seriously that's your answer? Well that is definitely a good choice but I was thinking something a little more… home based!" Kay said as she rolled Aang on his back and she straddled him, perching herself over his muscular and thin frame perfectly.

"Scrabble?" Aang said rhetorically, but he said it with an infliction he was being serious.

Kay looked at him with a deep frown before answering his rhetorical question;

"Scrabble? Yeah that sounds fun!" She said as she started to crawl off him. Aang quickly realized his little joke was not being appreciated and grabbed Kay to stop her from leaving.

"I was kidding do you think I'm really that dense?" Aang asked as he pulled her back on top of his chest and gave Kay a very passionate kiss. Kay was defiant at first not appreciating his bad joke but she quickly got over it as she melted in his arms when he kissed her.

"Wait, wait I have a better idea!" Kay said as she leaned up, revealing her upper body to Aang. Aang bit his lower lip trying to hide a lust he had not had until late last night but Kay could see it, and exploit it. She leaned down and whispered into his ear; "Let's get a shower!"

Aang was a little shocked by this request but he was also excited at the same time! This would be something new for him to try and experience there was only one question.

"A normal shower or a dirty shower?" Aang asked before he got his hopes up.

"I was thinking a dirty shower a very dirty shower!" Kay said as she crawled out from under the covers and moved towards his bathroom.

Aang decided to lie in his bed for a minute before joining his girlfriend. That word still tickled him pink, girlfriend. For once he had a legitimate girlfriend who wasn't only fun but she was unbelievably smart too. The more he thought about it the more unreal it seemed to him. She didn't reject his hobbies, she was on the same level as him in terms of intelligence, and she was completely independent. Aang was snapped out of his train of thought when he heard the shower kick on and heard an exaggerated sigh from Kay. He hopped out of his bed and dashed for the bathroom door, just in time to see the shower door slide shut. He knew she had no intention of getting thoroughly clean so he wasn't worried about being denied entry to the shower so he casually walked over to the door and tried to open it, but it was locked from the inside!

"Hey, what's the deal?" He asked.

Kay giggled as she heard Aang's obvious disappointment. "Well you should have been right behind me instead of taking your sweet time getting here!"

"Ha-ha now c'mon, unlock the door I'm getting cold." Aang complained.

"No, not until I hear the magic words!" Kay declared

Aang smiled as he said in the sexiest voice he could;

"Please Katara; I'll make it worth your wild."

Aang heard the door click as the lock was lifted and he slid it open, only to see another stunning sight in front of him. Kay's perfectly shaped body, naked to the rest of the world, and water spraying over her dark frame. As she looked at him in the light she started to blush as he started to get excited, looking at her and she felt the cool breeze enter the shower.

"Get in here before I change my mind."

Aang noticed what she didn't want him to notice; when the cool air hit her, her nipples became erect and she was embarrassed about it, just another cute thing about her that he could admire later. He stepped into the shower and let the warm water run over him as he embraced her. He leaned down to kiss her again and this time he felt an unusual jolt as Kay grabbed his, already stiff member. They stood there for a moment kissing in the warm water as Kay started to stroke his penis ever so slightly.

"Is it me or the warm water?" Aang asked.

"What do you mean?" Kay whispered.

"Well it just seems to me that you're a little more 'hands on' right now than before!" Aang said with a smile spreading across his lips.

"Well the way you were with your hands last night I thought I should return the favor, and for what you put me through with all the teasing, maybe some interest!" Kay said with a vicious smile on her lips. Then Kay gave him a kiss, with his member still in her hand, she moved from his lips down to his chest and from there he knew exactly what she was going to do, and from past experiences it was both good and bad! She continued moving down until she was on her knees and so to speak, 'face-to-face' with her prize. She was till stroking his member this time slightly more so than before, but not too much, she didn't want to ruin it just yet.

As Aang looked down at her face so close to his penis he realized how sexy she looked and this surprised him a little. Aang was not the typical man when it came to things like porn or lascivious acts, but the way she was looking up at him was just so hot! Kay noticed how Aang was reacting and while she was this close to his member and so she decided to stop playing and start torturing him. Her grand scheme was simple and brilliant. She would bring him to the breaking point and then stop, and give him the most intense blue balls ever! So she started, as she carefully wrapped her lips around his head and began enveloping his member into her mouth. The pleasure Aang felt was extremely intense, so intense he had to lean back against the shower wall and lean on the plastic bar that was waist high to keep his knees from buckling, and she was only half way down his member. Kay kept it up as she moved closer to the base and at the halfway point she got her tongue involved. When this happened she thought Aang was going to blow but he just moaned really loud, so she continued.

Kay was diligent in her work and she seemed to know every spot that could drive Aang crazy. She would exploit this for a few brief seconds and then move her tongue elsewhere and this was causing Aang to see spots, as his cerebral cortex was flooded by passion and pleasure. If this persisted he knew she would be getting a less than nutritious breakfast and just as his prediction was about to come to fruition she stopped! His eyes sprang open as he realized she stopped, she bloody freaking stopped and when he was so close, he looked down. She had a vicious smile on her face as she stood up to confront him and then she opened the shower and stepped out. He was totally dumbfounded by what just happened then all of a sudden his hot water stopped working and he was effectively taking a cold shower. He yelped and screamed as he was sprayed with cold water and he struggled to turn it off.

Kay stood outside the shower wrapping a towel around her, laughing maniacally at the sounds poor Aang was making. Aang slid the door open and just looked at Kay with disdain at the traitorous act she had just pulled. Not only had she led him on that she would let him climax and she stopped right before that happened, but she turned off the hot water and made him completely flaccid. But Kay just smiled and did her sexy little walk out of the bathroom into his bedroom. He couldn't be too mad at her but it was really hard to stay calm because his balls really freaking hurt and she was the one who caused it. He dried off and walked out just in time to see her walk out of his bedroom and into the living room. As he started to get dressed the doorbell rang. He wasn't too awful concerned until he heard the annoying voice of one Duke Zerbe.

He got his boxers on and poked his head out to see Duke stuttering as Kay stood in front of him with her hip cocked to one side, wearing nothing but one of his shirts. Aang walked out and pushed Duke out the door and Kay still had the stupid grin on her face.

"DUDE not cool man!" Duke exclaimed.

"Keep it down I do have neighbors man." Aang said with worry in his voice that someone would complain. "Duke what the Hell are you doing here?"

"I thought I would swing by and see if you wanted to chill out and maybe go to a draft but I can see you're quite preoccupied!" Duke said with an inflection in his voice.

"Yeah preoccupied that's the word, listen man why don't you call me at like noon and maybe we can draft ok? Now get the hell out of here before I decide to curb stomp you!" Aang said trying to hide the pride swelling in him.

"Yeah, yeah I'm going but can I say Nice!" Duke said giving Aang a thumbs up with a shit eating grin on his face. And much to his surprise Aang smiled back as he walked back into his apartment and Duke left.

Aang walked back into his apartment and saw Kay standing at the threshold of his kitchen with a cup of yogurt in her hand and a spoon in her mouth. Aang walked up to her and she started smiling again. He was right in front of her and he wanted to tell her how mean she was but she just looked so damn cute like that and he couldn't bring himself to do it. So instead of chastising her he wrapped his arms around her in a hug and whispered into her ear;

"You are the cruelest person I have ever met."

She smiled some more and responded; "I bet you won't ever do that to me again will you?"

"I still don't know what I'm being punished for." Aang said being completely serious.

"Last night when you had your hand down there you took me over the edge and you had such a sadistic look in your eye. So I thought it was fair payback, don't you?"

"No, it was cruel…" He kissed her neck "unusual…" another kiss "And downright mean." He said with a final kiss on her lips. Kay was feeling the sensation again, so she threw her yogurt and spoon in the sink and jumped onto Aang and wrapping her legs around his waist.

"Oh now you want to have fun and play fair." Aang said.

"Listen I'll make a deal with you. This time, we make love and if you can make me cum more times than you do then you can go and do that draft thing with Duke how's that?" Kay proposed.

"And what if I can't get you past my limit what then?"

"Well if that's the case then we stay home all day and watch movies and do things like that."

Kay was surprised when Aang squeezed her butt and started moving towards the couch. He laid her down and quickly removed the slight thong she had, for some dumb reason, deemed necessary to wear.

"Well let's see, should we put an hour time limit on it?" Aang asked as he started working on her collar bone, and simultaneously getting his button up off her slender dark frame.

"Ohh Aang better make it an hour and a half!" She said as he got fed up unbuttoning the shirt and just ripped it open revealing her perky firm breasts.

As Aang lay over top of his beautiful girlfriend/boss he stopped for a split second when he had a slight revelation. For the first time ever he had almost uncontrollable lust! This was something strange to the martial artist nerd and it strangely felt, good. Even though this was a revelation for him he didn't stop, instead this sudden knowledge helped fuel him. He pressed forward with an intense vigor and saw what Katara thought of it. She was thoroughly enjoying his renewed sexual desire as he once again mouthed her breast and used his tongue to play with her erect nipple. Aang sucked hard once, twice, three times before he pulled his mouth off and moved to their favorite part.

Kay's body was shaking at the hard sucks Aang was performing on her breast but she didn't say anything, she just let him do as he please as a reward for the cold shower. She was shocked when he sucked hard a third time and almost immediately moved right into coitus. She looked at him and he at her, even though they were rushing this compared to last night nothing seemed wrong about it. Aang slowed himself for a second to let everything catch up before making the plunge. His hard member once again entered her womanhood and she once again let out a slight moan of intense pleasure. Katara decided at this point in time she would never go months without sex again because this was just ungodly overwhelming.

Aang hadn't even gotten his stride and already Katara had cum once. He looked at her and held up one finger, signifying he had gotten her to cum once. She smiled and wiggled her finger, signing for him to get closer to her. Aang leaned down to listen to her when she said;

"You know missionary is fun Aang but my favorite is doggy!"

When she said this to his face, he lit up as he realized what she was telling him. So he stopped momentarily and Katara sat up and rolled over with another smile on her face. When she was on all fours on the couch she looked back at Aang with a very seductive look in her eyes, so he knew it was time to continue. He moved his member back to her entrance and slid it back into her womanhood.

When Katara felt his member back in its original place she felt incredible joy as she was back in her favorite position. And kind of a surprise to her Aang took to this position quite fast, as he was already grabbing her hips and pumping much faster than he was earlier.

"Aang! Oh God! Faster Aang!" Katara moaned as he started to pick up momentum.

Aang complied with Katara's last wish and thus he gained speed as well as power. Aang realized he was reaching his first 'barrier' but he would put her pleasure first.

"Katara I'm… about… to cum!" Aang informed his lover.

"Do it Aang, I'm at my limit too lets cum together!" Katara told him.

Just as they climaxed Aang had another revelation and decided to pull out halfway though. The revelation was; no matter how much birth control you are on if you periodically 'line the walls' pregnancy is very likely. At first he thought she would be mad but when she rolled over to look at him, he knew she understood. She lied on the couch looking up at him until he fell down next to her and he wrapped his arms around her naked frame.

When it happened Kay was disappointed that Aang pulled out but she got over it and was just glad he was a little freaky unlike her last boyfriend. He was interesting in the public life but he refused to do anything fun in the bedroom, missionary only. As she laid there on the couch and he fell down next to her she felt genuinely happy.

"Well we made it an hour should we continue?" Aang asked.

"No, no you won fair and square, and to be honest I don't think I could go another round. It's been so long I'm actually a little sore!" Kay answered.

Aang reached to the back of the sofa and pulled the blanket down. He wrapped them up in it and looked at the clock. It was ten thirty and neither one of them had had anything to eat. Just as he was thinking about food he heard her stomach growl. She shied away from this and tried to ignore it but he just smiled and grabbed his boxers. He put them on and moved into the kitchen to make a light brunch.

Kay just laid there on the couch all bundled up in the blanket trying vainly to ignore her grumbling stomach. She was once again trapped in her own thoughts, an anomaly that seemed to be occurring more and more frequently. She was wondering why she had asked Aang out in the first place. She wasn't regretting it but she was trying to think of what she had seen in him. He was shy, yet charming, modest but bold, and he was intelligent. Perhaps that was it, his unusual intelligence. He worked in a lumber mill, a trailer factory, and was a teacher at his father's dojo, but he had an intelligence that rivaled her own. Plus she could add that he was great at sex. But she stopped thinking about it and instead decided to get dressed. She was thinking perhaps they should have another girls' night out, she had so much to tell them and this would give her something to do while Aang was at his draft thingy.

Well there we go another one down. Man I never knew how hard it was to write a lemon. Now guys until I get some ideas I might only be updating once every other week. School started up last week and I'm going to up to my ass in psych stuff so I promise to update when I can. Let me know what you guys think/thought and as always…..

Remember: "I'm not mad at all. I'm just differently sane" -Joker