Summary: Aang is starting his first day at the biggest pharmaceutical company ever. And things seem to go from bad to worse but there is always a light at the end of the tunnel, right? Right?

Ok first publish, trying this out.

Let me know what you think and don't worry flamers will not be deleted! Yes that's right you heard me flamers will not be deleted!

And as a side note. I got the idea for this AU setting from ATHPluver. Even though she thinks I'm a terrible person for calling her story imperfect and having unoriginal material in it. And I know what you're thinking if I'm borrowing this setting doesn't that make me a hypocrite? Well no. I'm using a setting, not material. People can be put into any setting for any reason. My reason is I liked where she was going with it. Nothing more, nothing less so, thanks again ATHPluver for the inspiration!

Disclaimer: I own nothing related to Avatar. *sob* Not even the DVDs!

Chapter 1 "The Elevator"

"Ok Aang, just calm down. Breathe and be calm. It's your first day working next to the biggest name in pharmaceuticals." Aang said in an unconvincing tone.

This was his first day at a real job. Not that his other places of work had been fake. No this was his first attempt at a steady 9-5 job. Unfortunately for him the rumors he heard about his new boss were all bad! Everyone he told this job about said that no one can handle his work load and they completely crash by the end of the week! Aang looked at his watch; 8:30.

"Good. Plenty of time to introduce myself, and get organized before work."

Then the elevator he was riding came to a slow stop on the 4th floor. Aang became instantly nervous. He was afraid of small spaces, and while the elevator wasn't large it was comfortable. That is until people got on, then he found it unbearable. As the doors parted he breathed a sigh of relief. Only one person.

"Thank God." Aang said aloud not realizing what he just announced.

"Well I've never heard someone say that before with such a happy look on their face." The oncoming passenger said.

"Oh I'm so sorry. I didn't know I said that out loud he he." Idiot! Why did you say that out loud? He thought.

"He he. That's quite alright, does that mean you don't mind if I join you?" The passenger asked

"No, no of course not."

As the person got on Aang finally realized he was talking to a girl. Well not a girl a woman. A very beautiful woman. And as this realization set in he once again became nervous. Talking to girls, or women in this case, wasn't his strong suit. He often made himself look silly and childish when he talked about his hobbies and his past. So he just looked at his feet hoping to avoid conversation and further embarrassment. So he didn't notice her looking over the buttons when she asked;

"Um not that it's any of my business, but what floor are you going to?"

Aang looked at her and said "What do you mean I'm headed to the top."

"No you're headed nowhere. See."

As she pointed to the call board, Aang noticed that no lights were on. Then he realized that in his rush to get an empty elevator he forgot to press his floor. He got in just before the doors closed and the elevator started up automatically. Stupid!

"Oh, well…..Would you mind?"

"No of course not." She giggled. "I'm going the same way."

Then the elevator started its ascension. Aang looked at the numbers tick by one after the other in slow agony. And after each one he glanced at his watch. 8:35 the same number it had been the last five times he looked. But it was still plenty of time. He was so consumed with his thoughts he jumped when the passenger said something.

"First day?" she asked.

"Huh?" He jumped.

"I said, first day?" She repeated.

"Yeah. Yeah how'd you know?"

"Well it's kind of obvious. You've checked your watch six times since I've gotten on." She said "Now either you're nervous about day one or you suffer from anxiety attacks when you're near girls." She giggled

She thought that last part was funny. Great. Fortunately she didn't know how true her last statement was. She turned to him and held out her hand and said;

"Call me Kay, everyone does."

"Hello. My names A but everyone calls me Aang"

"Hehehe." She giggled

"Oh man! I mean my names Aang nice to meet you, um Kay was it?" He said as he held out his hand to shake hers.

" Yes, my names Kay. Well nice to meet you Aang."

They shook hands and he just hoped she didn't notice how clammy his hand was. Then the elevator jerked to a sudden stop. Then the emergency buzzer went off and Aang, well Aang panicked. His claustrophobia was finally getting to him.

"Oh man. Oh man. Oh man why now? Why, right before I start my first day? Oh God, why now?" He said hysterically.

"Don't worry Aang. It's just stuck. I'm sure it will start moving soon." Kay said reassuringly.

"Its not that its stuck, its that I'm claustrophobic! I don't mind being in elevators by myself or even another person but when they stop moving I get panic attacks and start thing about other things."

"What things?"

"Things like I'm going to lose my job because my boss is a total hard ass and I couldn't be at work on time cause the FREAking elevator broke!" Then Aang started hyperventilating.

"Aang you need to calm down okay? I'm sure the boss-man will understand why you were late. Things happen, and I'm sure he can respect that." She said

"Yeah. Yeah I hope your right. But If he starts yelling could you come in and be my alibi?"

"Sure." She giggled "I think I can do that for you. But you have to calm down first okay?"

"Ok, I think I'm calm now." He took a few deep breaths and calmed himself.

There they waited patiently in the elevator. In silence. Just waiting, till finally the buzzer stopped and the emergency phone rang. Kay answered it with a smile.


"Hey Kay this is Iroh." The elderly man's voice boomed in over the elevator's speakers.

"Oh hey Iroh. How are you doing?"

"Ha me I'm doing great! You on the other hand, aren't."

"What do you mean?" She asked

"Well I'm up at your guys' elevator's winch controls and well, there shot!"

"What? What does that mean? Can you explain that?" Aang started. But Kay quickly shut him up with an abrupt;

"SHHHHHHH." She demanded.

Aang instantly bit his lip and quieted. He seemed to be almost afraid of the woman in front of him. But that intimidation seemed to calm him instead of frighten him. So instead of worrying, he listened to the conversation.

"Well Iroh what's that mean exactly?" She asked.

"In layman's terms honey? That means you two get a free day off work. And here's the best part, cause you're in the building you get paid! Just for being here, you get paid isn't that great?"

"Crap. So you mean we are stuck in here all day aren't we?" She asked

"Yep. I suggest you two get to know each other cause this is easily a ten hour job. Oh and don't worry about the higher up's kiddo. I told them your situation and they understand so don't fret ok?"

"Oh thank God." Aang sighed a breath of relief.

"Okay thank you Iroh, take your time and do it right okay? The last thing I want to do today is plummet sixteen floors to my death." Kay said

"HA-HA-HA sixteen? Deary I think you're forgetting about the three basement floors and the underground shipping dock that's twenty floors in total!" Iroh said with a deep laugh

"Oh thank you Iroh for that spirit booster, just what I need when I'm stuck in an elevator with a claustrophobic!" Kay said rhetorically

"HA a claustrophobic HA that's better than I thought! HA-HA." Iroh laughed.

"Um I can hear you, both of you, and neither one is very reassuring." Aang commented.

Kay hung up the phone and the deep laugh over the speakers came to an abrupt halt. Aang was in bad spirits. At first when it stopped, then Kay cheered him up. He got distressed when he heard they were stuck in there but Iroh calmed him with the statement about the higher ups. Then everything was dashed away when Kay mentioned the fall, and when Iroh corrected her that just made it worse. He was going to die today, his first day as a secretary and he was going to be killed, by a faulty elevator and a sadistic old man. Worst first day ever. Then Kay turned and said:

"Well what now?"

"Well we could take the codger's advice and get to know each other. I mean it is ten hours what else can we do?" Aang said.

"That 'codger' is like family to me, but you're both right. Unless you got a deck of cards or something?"

"Sorry I didn't mean to offend it's just he doesn't seem that… right in the head. And sorry no deck of cards." Aang said as he leaned against the wall and crossed his arms effectively covering the rectangular shape he had in his breast pocket.

"Ha I suppose he isn't right in the head. He purposely corrected me when I mentioned something bad Hahaha." She laughed. "Well who should start first?"

"Well I was taught to let ladies go first under any circumstances. So if you don't mind?"

"And who says chivalry is dead. That's very sweet of you Aang thank you. But where should I start?"

"Why don't you start with something about yourself?"

"No kidding why didn't I think of that?" She said rhetorically

"You know what I mean try something like a hobby or one of your past times those are great starting points." He said.

"Well I've always liked…."

Aang didn't like not paying attention to someone talking but he was finding it hard to not admire the woman in front of him. He was stricken dumb by her beauty. Because when good looking girls talk to him they realize he's a nerd and dismiss him. So this was the perfect time to admire her! He started at the top and worked his way down.

She was tall, almost as tall as him and that was pretty impressive because he was 6'4". Her hair was milk chocolate in color and was pulled back into a braid. She also had these cute little loopy things coming down next to her face and connecting back to her braid. He looked inward at her face, and the first thing to strike him was her eyes! They were a bright sapphire color that was further complimented by her dark complexion. See she was much darker than he was. Aang thought that must be her natural skin tone because it was almost too dark for a tan. Going down from there she wore a choker necklace with a blue emblem on it and a simple navy blue suit/skirt combo. Even though it was business attire she had a very shapely figure which was increased by the rise her heels gave her backside. And Aang found it increasingly hard to not stare. It was at this point she noticed how entranced he was staring at her butt.

"HEY" She snapped. "PAY ATTENTION!"

"Oh I'm sorry what?"

"Well I knew it. You're just like the others aren't you?"

"What do you mean?" He asked.

"You're like all the other men. All you care about is my body and what you'd like to do to it!" She jabbed.

"No, that's not it! I was just admiring you." Aang defended.

"Uh-huh, sure that's what they all say, but in reality you are just thinking of things you want to do to me!"

"No really I'm being serious. I am solely admiring you!"

"And why should I believe you?" She asked, curious to hear his excuse.

"Well to be honest…it's not every day I get to see someone as beautiful as you!"

"Yeah I've heard this one before, just get to why I should believe that you don't see beautiful women all the time."

"Well let me explain. I've had dates, plenty of them; I won't lie to you about that. But they always fall short when we get to personal things during dinner."

"Oh yeah and why's that?" She asked, more interested in where this was going.

"Well….. I tend to 'Nerd Out'. And that is when they brush me aside and call me childish, just because I like different things than other people my age." He shied away, and looked at his feet feeling like the child they portrayed him as. "So when I find a woman as beautiful as you, standing in front of me, treating me like a peer, I find it hard to not admire you."

There was silence for a while. Then Aang looked up from his feet. He was expecting her to be stifling laughs, but instead she was looking at him with compassion and understanding in her eyes.

"Okay. I guess I can let your 'examination' of me slide this one time, but just this once okay. If I see you looking at me like that again I'll hang you with your own tie okay?"

She looked him in the eyes when she said that. And when she finished his eyes lit up like spotlights.

"Really? Thank you sooooo much Kay. So, before you caught me admiring you, where were you at?"

"Oh no shiny, no dancing around the subject. I started and you didn't listen so now it's your turn to start!"

"Shiny?" Aang said, rubbing his bald head. "Fair enough. But where would you like me to start?" Aang dared to ask.

"Well…. Why don't you start with one of these things you like to do that makes you seem so childish?"

Aang sighed deeply. "Well ok. One of my longest running hobbies is…Magic the Gathering."

He looked down in defeat. There was a long silence. Then he looked up, and saw admiration in her eyes. This ultimately confused him but he just stood there waiting for her response.

"Wow." She said. "I've never had a guy your age admit to a girl he plays Magic. Congratulations on your part."

"Well that's usually not the terrible part that sends them running. It's the fact that I'm the current inter-continental champion for four years running. And that I've won the world championship twice!"

"No way I, don't believe you!"

Aang sighed and reached into his breast pocket. He pulled out what seemed to be a small rectangular box. He looked at it and sighed again, then, he handed it to her. She looked at the small box he handed her. And the shock of it came all at once.

"Oh. My. God. You're serious." She said.

This felt like a slap in the face. But he was actually used to this reaction, because many of his dates ended with that very same sentence. And now it appeared to have ended any and all respect she once may or may not have had had. That is until she said;

"Wait you're the inter-continental champ?" Kay asked

"Yeah I am. But why do you sound impressed?" Aang asked.

"Well this might sound unbelievable but my older brother started playing Magic a couple of years ago. And if you are who you say you are then he has been worshipping the ground you walk on for the past few months." Kay said as she stared at the deck of cards in her hand. She handed the deck back to Aang and saw the life come back into his eyes.

"Really your brother is a fan? Of mine? Wow that's kinda cool."

"Yeah it's been Mr. White this and Mr. White that. To be honest it was getting really old. But now that I think about it why do they call you Mr. White?"

"Well it's because I didn't want to use my real name in tournaments and I run a white deck so the name kinda stuck with me."

Kay laughed at this and Aang felt happy. For once in his life he told a girl how nerdy he really was and she didn't head for the hills. In-fact this strikingly beautiful woman showed interest for his hobby, that was just completely unheard of. This could possibly be the best day of his life!

IOIOIOIOIOIOIOIOIOIOIOI (just a popular way to break I guess.)

While in the elevator they talked, a lot. They talked about everything you could think about. It was six hours in a metal box. But Kay found it weird, she found herself telling this stranger things she would never tell anyone, not even her girlfriends. Aang on the other hand just let her talk. He barely told her anything. She just babbled on and he listened, of course he put in his opinion when it was needed but that was as far as it went, in six hours. But he found this oddly enough, comforting! Because of his lack of girl communication he found her life absolutely fascinating! And he thought maybe she just wanted a guy friend to talk to, one who wouldn't ignore her the whole time and ogle her. She was just getting to the time when she spent two months in the arctic, when the elevator jerked and then continued its ascension. Then the phone rang.

"Hello?" Kay answered.

"Hey darling" Iroh's deep voice boomed over the elevators speakers. "Thought I'd let you know you still have to work a little today!"

"That's crap Iroh; you said we would have the whole day off and then some what the hell happened?"

"Ha well it turns out that one of the maintenance guys knew that the winch was about to go so he ordered a replacement. So sorry to say, but having that winch in storage shaved four hours off our time!"

"Damnit I really liked not having to work." Kay said.

"Yeah well we can't always get what we want now can we Ha-ha-ha."

Then Kay hung up the receiver and Iroh's voice stopped in mid laugh. Kay turned to face Aang and said;

"Well this was fun for me how about you?"

"It wasn't the worst six hours I've spent with a girl! Hell it was the only six hours I spent with a girl!"

Both Aang and Kay laughed at this. And then they both noticed something. During their confinement they got a little too relaxed and their attire had become disheveled. They looked like the walking dead. Without a second thought they started fixing each other up so they would look presentable. After all, the boss was on the top floor and they couldn't look like they came off the street right?

Aang looked at Kay and said: "How do I look? Tie straight?"

Kay giggled and fixed his tie for him. "Looking good how about me?"

"Well you still look amazing!" Aang complimented.

"I see you're not only good looking but you're a sweet talker too? It's a wonder you're still on the market."

Aang blushed at this remark.

He looked at Kay and said: "Kay listen I know you want to tell your brother that Mr. White is working with you but I really don't need any fans right now ok?"

"But why not? He would just love to meet you in person!" She said.

"Well that's all well and good but I just want to work ok? Maybe after I get used to working here you could introduce us, but just not now ok?" He pleaded.

"Yeah okay I guess I can do that, just so long as you don't mind if I tell you a secret?"

"Sure, what secret?" He asked with anticipation in his voice.

"She leaned in close and whispered: "I'm your boss!"

"What? You're my,my,my….BOSS?"

Kay giggled "Yeah so?"

Just then the elevator dinged and came to a halt. The doors opened up and Kay stepped forward, and out she walked into the plethora of busy people at desks. She left him there in the elevator dumbstruck, until she turned around and said:

"I suggest you get your ass out here and start work, you're six hours behind as it is and it is your first day."

"But I, we were, elevator, and talking!" Aang stuttered

Kay turned and winked at him, and he seemed to relax but then she was on him again.

"I'm not kidding get to work or you're fired!"

Aang rushed out of the elevator and walked up right beside her. "Um Kay…."

"That's Miss. South to you okay?"

"Yes ma'am. But where do I work at?

"Here Mr. White, right next to my office"

Aang sat down and began working. He couldn't believe that he spent six hours in a little metal box with his boss and she didn't let on one bit that she was in charge. Wow what a personality change. He thought then he realized that working here was going to be the most interesting job he'd had so far!

Well there you have it! Let me know what you think and be honest. There is nothing more I hate in Fanfiction than kiss asses. No comment will be deleted ok? Just remember this is my first fic and as always…..

Remember: "You magnificent bastard, I read YOUR BOOK!" –Gen. George Patton