Disclaimer: I don't own anyone from Naruto
Warning: The story is rated M for a reason. This story will contain adult language, adult situationsrivate Demon
Private Demon
Chapter one
Now to start this off, let me say that I don't care what you say or how you act. This is my story and like every story, there are several sides to it. Before you go any further understand this, my story does not have a fairytale ending. In fact, some parts may make you laugh while others make you cry. But if you stick around maybe, just maybe, you will be able to understand my life and how I found myself in love with a demon and what happened between him and me. Everything in this will not be pretty but I feel that it needs to be said, both for myself and the love of my life. Anyways, Naruto had always told me to write a book about us. Therefore, to make him shut up I am.
Uchiha Sasuke
The day started like every other one, the raven getting up and making himself breakfast before he went to get ready for his day. At only sixteen years of age the raven took care of himself since his brother wasn't home much and even when he was the two didn't get along. No, Sasuke had always seen himself as independent and that is how he liked it. Not wanting nor caring for many other things. Though that all changed today as he walked down the sidewalk, taking the forest path since it was the fastest way to get to school. He went to Konoha high and although he didn't enjoy it there he did know that it was one of the top schools in the area. Which was why he was going there. Sasuke would not allow himself to do just 'good' or 'okay'. He had to do excellent in every subject, had to be at the top of the class in everything so that meant he had to go to one of the top schools.
Today instead of walking down the worn path Sasuke decided to move through the trees, not wanting anyone to see him. That's when he found the thing that would change his life. Lying in the grass was a little fox, nothing new except this fox had nine bright red tails, all swinging in the air and the little animal kept moving his white paws as like it was trying to trap something under it. Stunned the raven just stared at the little animal, counting the tails over again in his mind, wondering if maybe he was seeing double, several times.
"He's yours you know."
Looking over his shoulder Sasuke found himself looking at some lady. She had a youthful appearane; the raven would put her no older then maybe twenty-five or so. Or at least he pinned her for that till his dark eyes met her bright red ones. Those eyes looked so much older than her physical appearance that it made the young raven shiver. Not answering her though Sasuke threw one more look at both her and the little kit before he started to walk away because one thing was for sure, this lady was crazy. The last thing he expected though was for the other to come running up to him and grab his arm. "You can't leave! Naruto has been waiting for you! After all, you are Sasuke Uchiha. You're his other half; his master, his everything. No one but you will be able to control him. "
Turning Sasuke gave the women another look before he turned his gaze back to the small kit. "And why should that matter to me. Who the hell are you anyways?" None of this was making any sense to the young boy, but one thing was for sure if this lady kept on touching him he was going to do something. Never could the raven stand for anyone touching him, no matter if it was family, a friend or even a stranger. Though just as the thought crossed his mind the raven watched as the young fox turned and started to growl at the women who quickly pulled her hand off his arm.
"Who I am does not matter. All that matters is that you take him. Naruto will not listen to anyone other than you." Turning his head dark eyes glared at the woman before he slowly moved towards the little fox. It was like he was being drawn to the small furry red blob. Once near it he bent down and soon the small red thing was rubbing up against him, making small sounds of what Sasuke guessed was contentment. "Well since you seem to know so much, want to at least tell me what the hell he is along with his name. It wasn't a question and as he gently lifted the animal into his arms he turned back around to face the woman.
"His name is Naruto and as to what he is, he is what I am. A demon, but more importantly he is your demon. Like I have already said no one can control him but you. Look at how he reacted when you got angry. That is proof enough; he is connected to you just like you are connected to him." Although the woman had given a good point Sasuke just looked down at the small fluff ball in his arms, who was still giving off small noises. Although as soon as he looked down he was trapped by the blue eyes looking back up at him. Blue eyes that held way too much intelligence to just be animal's eyes. They were much too bright.
Thinking back on it, Sasuke could now remember reading something about this, what he wasn't too sure. He would have to look through his father's books when he got home today, after school. That is if he was ever going to get there. At the moment, holding the soft red kit Sasuke wasn't so sure. "Like all demons Naruto will be able to take on human form. So far he hasn't been able too but that is because he has been away from you. Now he should be able to do so. You should know that in human years Naruto would be around your age."
Blinking dark eyes looked back down at the furry mass before he looked up, wanting to ask another question but instead of meeting the women's dark red eyes he found himself staring at a tree. "Well that's just great." Glaring at the tree for a few moments the raven sighed, after all the glare wasn't helping and he was already late for class. Huffing the raven shifted the fox in his arms so that he was able to hold the small thing out in front of him and found himself looking into a bright red face. "You know, if I remember right anything that has more than one tail should be killed. Or at least that's what Father always said to me." But instead heeding that advice he brought the small animal back to his chest and continued his walk to school, turning out to be half an hour late for class. He also wound up getting a lecture from his homeroom teacher for bringing an animal to school and the raven soon found himself in the principal's office.
Apparently it was his fault that the small fox had bitten everyone who had tried to take him away, not that Sasuke could really care. In fact he enjoyed watching the little show that happened every time a teacher or student came up to him and grabbed the content ball of red fur. Really no one would listen to him, not that he told them much. Nevertheless, he did glare at everyone who even came close to him. Some people got it and ran away but others, the more stupid people didn't understand at all. Sometimes Sasuke had to wonder if people had a death wish. Luckily, for everyone else the principal was a smart man and after about ten minutes, Sasuke walked out of the room closing the door behind him with a smirk on his face.
After all it wasn't everyone who was able to scare their principal enough to have the older male pale and shaking in his boots. Oh no, only a handful of people were able to do something like that and Sasuke prized himself on being one of those people.
Later that day the raven was sitting in his English class, done with his work and now just reading a book he had been trying to get through for a little while now. On his lap rested the fox who was sleeping. Sasuke could feel the soft rise and fall of the animal's chest as he nuzzled into his lap. Glancing down he just watched him for a few minutes, letting his mind go over everything that had happened that day. So apparently this small fox was his and somehow, it would be able to change into a human. Although Sasuke wasn't sure how that was going to happen he had to admit at least it looked interesting. His hand moved to gently rest on top of the small head, a soft sound coming from the animal as it moved and soon blue eyes were staring into dark ones.
Staring right back Sasuke smirked at the small animal, after all even though he had no idea what he was going to do with it, he did know one thing. Sasuke had always had a liking for foxes.
"Oh Sasuke!"
The day had gone smoothly, no other teachers had tried to take Naruto away from him and most students had stayed away. He had been able to get though a good amount of his book and now he just wanted to get home. Somehow the raven had been able to get through the day without his name being called. Sadly though it didn't look like anyone was on his side anymore considering the fact that the owner of the voice was pulling him to a stop.
"Oh Sasuke-kun do you want to go out with me after school?"
"Hn." Sasuke tried his customary grunt even though it never worked. Turning his head he glared at the female, already knowing that his glare would have no effect on her. It was like the thing was immune to it or something. It was really annoying and yet Sasuke couldn't figure out what to do about it. After all, he refused to talk to such an annoying creature as she was. Personally Sasuke thought she would sound so much better if she lost her voice.
"C'mon let go on a date! We both know I'm prettier than any of the other girls at this school. And way better then that Ino-pig!" Sakura said moving one of her fingers up and down Sasuke's arm which gave the raven shivers, and not the good kind either. Before he could pull away a soft growling noise was coming from his arms. Having forgotten about Naruto the raven looked down at the fox, surprised to see the small animal turned and growling at Sakura. "No." It was a simple word but backed up with the slight growling Sasuke didn't think that the other would be stupid enough to push it.
"Why not? We would make the cutest couple! We can go to the amusement park! Go on rides and you can win me one of those big teddy bea-"
Apparently she was.
"I said no. Now. Let. Me. Go." Really what else did he have to say? Though somehow even that went though the one of her ear's and out the other considering the fact that she looked down into his arms and squealed. From the looks of it she hadn't seen the fox in his arms and before Sasuke could say anything she had picked up Naruto and was cuddling the poor animal into her flat chest. Raising an eyebrow Saske crossed his arms over his chest and just watched because he could see how much Naruto did not like this, in fact he could hear the animal growling loudly.
A slow smirk started to form on his face as Sasuke watched the animal wiggle around and finally when she wouldn't let him go Naruto bit the her. A scream of pain followed Naruto being thrown in his direction and Sasuke caught the animal easily. Without another word he turned around and continued on his way home, ignoring the girl who was calling out to him. Gently he held the fox in his arms, which was once again curled up, just content to be held.
The walk home was much shorter than the walk to school considering the fact there was no one stopping him this time. Once at home Sasuke quickly let the animal down as he moved up the stairs. In the background he could hear the small pitter patter of the foxes claws against the wooden floor. Though he ignored that as he passed through the hall and stopped only once he was in the library. Looking at the books the raven scanned the titles, finding a few old books that may be of help for the info he was trying to find. Carrying the old, dusty books back to his room he shut the door once the small animal was inside. Setting the books on his desk he ignored the animal as he jumped on his bed and made himself at home on the soft navy blue blanket.
Sneezing the raven rubbed his nose as he opened the dusty book and quickly started to flip through the pages. Sometime later, he had a good four books lying on the floor and Sasuke had finally found something useful. Licking his dry lips, one pale hand moved over the old writing as he read aloud to himself. "...Every few millenniums the creatures of the world make a bond. When the creatures come of age they are given away to their true masters or other half. No one knows how this happens or why it happens but one thing is known. The creatures must be killed. If not killed they can destroy the world and everyone in it..."
Well that wasn't very helpful, at all. Closing the book the raven ran a pale hand though his black locks as he looked to his side and pinned his dark gaze on the sleeping animal. If he listened to what this book was saying then he should kill the fox and yet... Sasuke didn't want to. After all what harm could a small fox do? So far, all it had done was scare off some people and eat his lunch. Not really demonic acts in his eyes.
Shaking his head Sasuke closed the books before turning back to his bed. The night was wasted already, it was late and the raven was tired. Really he had spent too much time reading through those books. Stripping off his clothes he crawled into the bed, not even bothering to put on some sleeping clothes. Anyways, he liked to sleep in his boxers. Yawning he looked at the fox who had moved onto his pillow a few hours ago. Reaching out he poked the little red head before gently taking one of the ears and rubbing softly. "So you're Naruto huh? Well what do you say, should I follow what the book said and kill you?" The only response Sasuke got though was a soft purring sound before the little fox yawned, showing off tiny, sharp teeth. Shaking his head he pulled his own hand back and let his own dark eyes slip closed. After all he had a lot of thinking to do, but at least he knew one thing. So far Naruto didn't like anyone but him and for some odd, strange reason that Sasuke didn't fully understand, that pleased him.
Author's note:
Okay so if anyone had ever read the first version if this you will see that some things were changed and stuff was added. Hopefully everyone reading this enjoyed this chapter. Personally I feel it's a lot better than the other one, but that's just me. Anyways, reviews would be loved.
Also, as stated this is now my new account and my stories will slowly be switched onto this one. For personal reasons the account will be deleted, or at least all the stories will be once I believe enough time has passed. Thank you for reading!