OMWGNOTE: This story is dedicated to Miss Fenway and EpicInTheLibrary, based on the mere fact that they both provide me with all of my angsty ideas. Also, you'll be seeing a quote at the beginning of each chapter. You're probably going to see a lot of the same bands like Mayday Parade, All Time Low, The Maine, Go Radio…it's because I have way more songs by artists than actual singles. Just letting you know.

Oh, and expect this to be updated once a week. I'm not going to neglect Monster or I'm Fine, Just Fine (which only has one more chapter hahaha) but this story is basically completely planned out and it's amazing and seriously, I'm really, really excited for it. If I don't update it once a week you have permission to send me a PM and bug the shit out of me.

DISCLAIMER: I don't own anything.

"You don't have to be so scared. You don't have to go tonight. I just need to hold on tight for one hell of a ride." –Forever My Father, Go Radio

"You know," Kendall began. "I really think it sucks that Gustavo is making us walk back to the Palm Woods again."

The road the boys of Big Time Rush were walking along was eerily empty, only a few cars rushing by every few minutes. Either Los Angeles roads weren't busy past ten on a Tuesday night, or everyone was staying where they were due to the heavy downpour that was currently unleashing on the famous city.

Logan shook his head. "He said it was to prepare us for more concerts to come," He informed his friend. "To build up endurance and stuff."

Kendall laughed bitterly as James pulled the drawstrings on his hoodie, fixing his hood so that it completely covered his hair. "I can endure walking back to the Palm Woods," he told the others. "That's no problem. What I cannot endure is this stupid rain ruining my hair!"

"Do you want my helmet?" Carlos innocently asked. "It'll protect your hair from the rain."

James scoffed at the idea. "I'd rather have wet hair than helmet hair."

"You know what? I was just trying to be nice. I wouldn't have let you use it anyway," Carlos retaliated. "Even if you got on your knees and begged."

Before a fight between his two immature friends could break out, Kendall raised his hands and promptly smacked each of them on the back of the head, causing a soft, "Ow!" from James and stinging in his right hand from coming in contact with the hard plastic of Carlos' helmet.

Carlos smiled in satisfaction. "Nobody messes with my helmet and gets away with it."

Just then, a car sped past, unfortunately rolling through a puddle as it sped past. Water shot through the air, effectively soaking the four boys more than they already were. James, however, was affected the most, being closest to the road from where he was walking.

James stopped dead in his tracks, shivering and the expression on his face looking far from pleased. "You're kidding me, right?" He asked through clenched teeth.

"James, it's just a little water," Kendall reminded him, rolling his eyes.

James shook his head. "No, it's just a little water on you. I got completely soaked."

Logan sighed. "James, standing in the rain is going to get us soaked anyway," He said, brushing some of the hair that was matted to his forehead out of his eyes. "Besides, it's not like you're going anywhere else tonight. Who cares if your hair gets messed up?"

"I care," James told him. "I can see why you wouldn't, but my hair actually looks good, and I spend a lot of time in the morning on it. I don't want it messed up by the weather!"

"My hair looks good," Logan huffed, crossing his arms over his chest. "I spend at least twenty minutes trying to get it to spike with hair gel, and let me tell you, it isn't easy!"

Kendall rolled his eyes again and interrupted before James could come up with a comeback. "Really?" He asked. "You two are fighting about hair getting wet. Don't you know by standing here your hair is only going to get more wet?" He shook his head and then began walking forward again.

"I agree with Kendall," Carlos said. "You two are ridiculous, and that's saying a lot coming from me." Suddenly his face lit up. "I have an idea," He informed the others. Kendall stopped and turned around again. "Why don't we race back to the Palm Woods? Then James can get inside to fix his hair and Logan can fix his hair and we can all be happy!"

"Carlos, I don't think that's such a good idea," Logan said. "It's raining and the sidewalks are slippery."

Kendall smiled, putting an arm around Logan's shoulder. "Logie, nothing's going to happen," He said. "Worst case scenario, one of us falls and gets a few scrapes. Big deal."

"But what about cars?" Logan asked.

James shook his head. "Logan, do you see any cars?"

"Well, no—"

"So what is there to worry about?" Kendall asked him.

There was a lot to worry about. No matter how dead the streets of Los Angeles looked, there could always be a car coming at any time. This wasn't even just true with Los Angeles; the world was full of cars. There weren't many places in the world where you could go and not come in contact with an automobile. Rain made this all the more dangerous, based on the simple fact that a car could start hydroplaning and the driver could lose control of the wheel.

But although Logan knew there was a possibility that one of them could get hurt, he pushed it to the back of his mind.

"Okay, but we have to stop at the crosswalk that would take us to the Palm Woods. I don't want anyone getting hit by a car." The three boys nodded quickly. Sighing, Logan said, "I've gotta get new friends." The three boys before him beamed, and Logan felt a small smile creep onto his face as well.

"Alright," Carlos said, the four boys getting into position. "On your mark, get set…" He paused for dramatic effect. "Go!"

And then they were off, shoes slapping hard against the pavement and rain harshly hitting their faces, making it hard to see. Logan pulled ahead of all the others in no time, James close behind him. Carlos and Kendall soon fell behind, not even trying anymore. Logan and James had always been the fastest of the group, James due to his long legs and Logan due to his light weight.

It soon became a competition between just Logan and James, each boy often looking at the other and then trying to push himself further.

As the crosswalk came into view, James started to push himself harder. He made his strides bigger, using his long legs as an advantage. He soon pulled ahead of Logan, and a smile made its way onto his face as he reached the destination.

But then he kept going, crossing the street and stopping at the beginning of the sidewalk on the other side.

He jumped in victory. "Yes!" He screeched, fist pumping into the air. He started to do a victory dance. Logan had already slowed down a bit; there was no point in tiring himself more if James already had it in the bag, and Kendall and Carlos had given up long ago and were now walking back.

Logan slowed to a walk, again moving his hair out of his face. But what happened in the next moment caused him to break out into a run again, running faster than before, faster than he had ever run in his entire life.

A car was speeding down the street, going far too fast for the current weather conditions. It ran a read light and spun around once, and Logan knew that the driver had no control of the car. It was hydroplaning. This isn't what made Logan run for his life.

He was running for his friend's life. James was still dancing like it was nobody's business, his eyes closed and his back turned to Logan. And the car was headed straight towards him.

Logan knew that Kendall and Carlos also saw the car heading straight towards their friend, judging by the fact he heard two sets of feet slamming into the pavement behind him. But Logan was faster. Logan had the chance to save James.

"James!" He screamed, still trying desperately to get to where his friend was standing. He was almost to the crosswalk, just a few more steps and he could safely pull James out of harm's way.

James opened his eyes and turned his head at the sound of his friend's panicked voice, and stopped breathing when he saw the car coming towards him. The headlights illuminated his face and made him squint, and he wanted to move out of the way, but he was frozen with fear. The fact that the car was only two feet away from him didn't help either.

And then James felt impact, sending him hurtling to the ground. But he fell flat on his face, meaning he had to have been pushed from behind. The car was coming at him from his left.

Then he heard a cry of pain, and was about to turn his head at the sound when it happened.

Logan's plan had been to run into James from behind, pushing them both out of the way of the car. He wouldn't have enough time to pull James out of the way; the car was coming too quickly. But his only hope had been smashed, for James was much larger than him. Therefore, where Logan had meant to push James completely out of the way, the force of his small body only caused James to fall to the ground.

Logan fell to the ground as well, and doing so landed on his knee in a horribly wrong way. He felt a ligament in his knee tearing, sending him to the ground crying out in pain and clutching his knee. He knew the car was still coming, knew that he had to warn James to try to avoid getting hit, but the only thing that he could do was scrunch his body up and wait for impact.

He felt like a horrible friend.

The car hit them then. The right front tire caught Logan's foot, crushing the unfortunate bones. Logan cried out in pain again, drawing his legs closer to his body to avoid getting hit by the back tires.

James wasn't so lucky.

The car's front left tire ran over his lower back, and James heard a cracking sound coming from his body that couldn't be good. He cried out in agony, trying to move to get out of the way. But he wasn't quick enough, and the second tire on the left side ran over the same place in his back again. This time, James heard no crack, but he felt unbelievable pain where the car had struck him twice.

The vehicle sped away from the two boys before crashing into a nearby building.

Logan was concerned about the driver of the automobile, but not as concerned as he was about the sobbing, screaming boy next to him.

He still heard Kendall and Carlos running toward the scene, but he payed no mind to this. Instead, he focused all of his attention on James, concentrating all of his energy to drag himself the few inches over to where his friend lay, screaming.

He eventually made it over to the other boy just as Carlos and Kendall arrived.

"Are you guys okay?" Kendall asked frantically.

If James was up to it, he would have glared at him. "No!" He screamed, but it came out more as a strangled sob.

"Where does it hurt, James?" Logan asked, trying to suppress the pain he was feeling.

James let out another sob. "My back," He cried, pain clearly evident in his voice. "Make it stop!"

Logan looked to Carlos and Kendall. "Help me flip him over," He said over James' sobbing.

"What about you?" Carlos asked, his own tears running down his face. "You're hurt too!"

Logan resisted the urge to smack his palm to his face. "Yes, I am hurt. But I'll be fine, it's only my knee. I can't say the same for James, so stop arguing and help me flip him over."

Without any more protests, the three boys helped their injured friend roll over onto his back. The minute the injured part of his body touched the ground, James cried out in agony, sobbing the same thing over and over. "Make it stop," He begged, clutching Kendall and Logan's shirts in his hands. "Please!"

But they couldn't do anything.

Kendall felt incredibly helpless. He always took charge in bad situations, and now he could only watch as his friend suffered the worst pain he's ever suffered in his life. Kendall couldn't do a thing about it. He felt tears fall from his eyes and mix in with the rain water on his face as he watched his friend sob and beg.

Carlos felt like he was going to throw up. He didn't like bad situations. He liked to think about kittens. He didn't like to see James screaming bloody murder, his handsome face distorted with the pain he was feeling. Carlos began to sob with him, not knowing what to do.

Logan just felt all around horrible. If he had gotten to James faster, this wouldn't have happened. If he had pulled James out of the way or at least was strong enough to push him completely out of harm's way, James wouldn't be in so much pain at the moment. Or perhaps if he hadn't even agreed to the race in the first place, James wouldn't have been in harm's way at all. And Logan felt extremely guilty, sobbing his eyes out not because of his pain but because of the pain James was feeling.

"Make it stop," James begged again. "Make it stop, make it stop, make it stop!"

Apparently someone had seen the accident, because Logan could faintly hear sirens in the distance.

He turned to James then. "James?" He waited until the boy looked at him, tears and rain streaming down his pained face as he sobbed. "You need to hang in there, alright? The ambulances are coming to get you soon."

"Are they going to make it stop?" He asked. James sobbed a bit more as Logan answered.

"I hope so," He whispered, but his voice was drowned out by James' cries and the steadily growing closer sirens.

OMWGNOTE: Uh. I don't know what to say. Sorry James? Review? Maybe?