Nessie-chan: Yo, minna-san! How're peoples? Well, here's a new story ^-^ I hope you like it. Oh, and I won't post the next chapter until I get five reviews, or a month goes by. SO REVIEW! REVIEWS MAKE THE WORLD GO 'ROUND!

Disclaimer: This is for all chapters of this story. I do not own Gakuen Alice. I will never own Gakuen Alice. However, I do want to own Gakuen Alice.

New Swim Class Rules, New Antics

Chapter 1

"WHAT?" Yelled all the guys in the class.

"From now on, the required uniform for the boys during swimming classes is a speedo. The school will no longer give out swim trunks, and if you wear a pair of swim trunks that you bought to class, you will be asked to either change or leave. If you leave, you get a zero for that day in class. I'm sorry, everybody. I don't make the rules, I'm just supposed to tell all of you," said Narumi-sensei.

The words "perverted teacher" were running through everyone's minds at his words. Even Mikan - who tried very hard not to think badly of Narumi, since he was dating her mother - couldn't help but think it. The reason those words were running through everyone's minds at that point was that Narumi had been beaming as he said it. And because, even though his words should have seemed apologetic, he'd said them like he was delighted. Like it was good news.

Some of the girls in the class were very happy about the new swimming class uniforms. The ones in the Natsume/Ruka Fan-club. They were almost fainting at the mere thought of Natsume and Ruka in black and blue, school regulation speedos.

"Of course," Narumi continued, as if an afterthought. "You boys could always wear the girls' uniforms. I'm sure no one could really object; after all, it's still a uniform, and - while they say which ones are girls' swimsuits and which ones are boys' - they never actually say that boys can't wear the girls' swim uniforms, or that girls can't wear the boys'.

The fangirls who hadn't fainted at the thought of Natsume and/or Ruka in speedos promptly fainted at the thought of Ruka in a girls' swimsuit. Natsume in one just wouldn't be right, they reasoned as they were passing out. He's too manly for a girl's suit.

Kokoroyomi, who still found it hard sometimes to control his alice, was having trouble that day. He heard the thoughts of the fangirls, and started laughing. Everyone looked at him weirdly, but he said nothing. Natsume's ego's already so big, thought Koko. I don't want to make it any bigger.

Mikan's gonna kill me, Natsume thought.

It was the day when Elementary Class B was starting swimming lessons. All of the boys were wearing their speedos, waiting by the side of the pool for the instructor. The girls were still changing.

"Natsume, how can you be so okay with this?" asked Ruka. He was bright red from head to toe, and any fangirls who saw him would immediately say that he looked like an angel. Just at that moment, Natsume thought he looked like a giant misshapen tomato. He almost laughed.

"I don't care because Polka's already seen me semi-undressed, and a little more can't hurt. No other girls matter. If they see me, it doesn't mean anything. Besides, aren't we going to be swimming? All the girls except Imai'll need all their brain cells just to keep floating."

In reality, he was really nervous about being in the speedo. Mikan might have seen him shirtless, but that was because she accidentally came into his room when he was changing, and she'd hurriedly gone out again (after staring at his chest for a second, anyway). Mikan had certainly never seen him wearing as little as he was just then.

Also, he wasn't sure how jealous the fangirls' reactions would make Mikan. He remembered when Luna'd tried to pull him away from her, how territorial she'd gotten, and that was before they were even dating! He nearly gulped, just thinking about it. Someone snapped a picture.

"IMAI!" Yelled Ruka. It was indeed, Imai Hotaru, Mikan's best friend. She was wearing a swim cap and the school's regulation one piece bathing suit, and Ruka (as well as a few others, but they were mostly fanboys) wished the school would make the girls wear bikini's so Hotaru would have to wear one.


"Not a chance, Nogi," said Hotaru emotionlessly, as always. "A picture of you in a speedo will sell with girls as well as animals, and maybe even with a few guys. There's no way I'd just give you this picture."

"I'll pay for it, then!" Ruka exclaimed. He didn't want any documentation of this day. If he got that picture, it'd be burned.

"You'd have to pay for the price of the picture itself, plus whatever I calculate the amount of income would have been had I sold copies of this to people. That'll probably be even beyond your budget, Nogi. It might even be beyond Hyuuga over here." She gestured to Natsume.

Unbeknownst to Ruka or Natsume, Hotaru'd placed hidden cameras facing every angle of the pool, so even if Ruka actually did agree to pay for this one, she'd be able to sell others. Hotaru was nothing if not greedy and practical.

Mikan came out of the dressing room, then. Her hair was down around her shoulders, since she'd found out that pigtails were bad for swimming in. If your hair was in pigtails (or a pony tail) while you were swimming, they got all tangled up, and were really annoying to brush out afterwards.

Natsume gasped silently when he saw her come out in her bathing suit with her hair down. Mikan had elected to wear a two piece bathing suit. Not a bikini - she was too innocent for that, Natsume thought - but a two piece, all the same. It showed some of her stomach, and had a halter-top V-neck. He thought she looked beautiful.

I'm glad the girls get to wear their own bathing suits, Natsume thought as he studied Mikan. She looks so beautiful in hers that if people weren't watching I'd kiss her right now, he added.

She came over to him and stopped right in front of him. He muffled his gasp, this time. She was so close to him. She glared. "Natsume, you pervert, what are you staring at?" she asked angrily. Even though they were dating, now, she still acted pretty much the same towards him, and he to her.

"Who'd stare at you, Ugly Girl?" he shot back.

She smiled flirtatiously, before saying "That's not what you said last night."

They all gaped at her. The sweet, innocent Mikan had just made an innuendo in front of everyone. They were all stunned.

"What?" she said, clearly a little annoyed that they were all staring at her with their mouths open.

"Nothing, Polka," said Natsume, recovering first. "It's just no one expected the "sweet, innocent" Mikan to know how to make a joke like that."

"Why do you think I used to get annoyed when you stared at my underwear?" she replied. Everyone else had gone back to their own business once Natsume started talking, so it was safe for them to actually flirt. "Of course I know about stuff like that, and how to make jokes like that. Otherwise, I would have just wondered what the big deal was, and why you liked looking up my skirt, Pervert."

Natsume chuckled a little, and pulled her in close for a hug and a kiss. She complied, and gave him a small, chaste kiss on the lips. At least, that's what she'd intended to do. But for some reason, whenever she and Natsume kissed, they ended up in such long, drawn out kisses that people sometimes had to physically pull them away from each other so they could breath.

This wasn't one of those most extreme times, but the kiss was long, deep, and passionate. The type of kiss no one really wants to see. He'd started off by nipping and licking her lip, to which she responded by opening her mouth so that their tongues could play. And play they did, only stopping when they realized that they were almost in danger of passing out due to lack of air. Luckily, no one (except for Hotaru's hidden surveillance cameras) had seen the kiss.

By the time they unglued their mouths - pulling away just enough that they weren't kissing anymore, but so that they were still in a very close embrace - the rest of the girls had come out of the changing rooms.

All the girls in the class who were fangirls of either Natsume or Ruka (which was everyone except for Anna and Nonoko) were wearing bikinis. They were obviously trying to impress Natsume and Ruka, but Natsume only had eyes for Mikan, and Ruka for Hotaru (not that Hotaru knew that, of course).

The fangirls, seeing Natsume staring into Mikan's eyes adoringly while hugging her, having obviously just kissed her due to the shortness of his breath and the slight tinge in his face, were outraged that he hadn't noticed them. So they decided that the next day they would resort to other tactics than dressing in revealing clothing.

The teacher still wasn't there yet, and Hotaru and most of the guys were wondering where the hell he or she was. The only teacher who was this late consistently was Narumi, and no one thought that he would be the one teaching the class.

But back to the fangirls. Ruka's fangirls had already started trying to hit on him. Most of them were crowded around him in a circle, trying to get his attention. Ruka was freaking out because he was already embarrassed, and Hotaru still had the picture. Plus, many of the girls were wearing bathing suits so revealing that they hardly passed for clothing at all.

Hotaru, seeing this, decided to "help" him, a little. She pulled out a size-changing megaphone, and made it bigger than herself. "HEY, FANGIRLS." she said into the megaphone in her usual monotone, but - the invention being Hotaru's - it carried all the way to the middle school dorms and class rooms. "ALL FANGIRLS OF NOGI RUKA, I HAVE A PICTURE OF HIM IN THE SPEEDO. IF YOU WANT ONE, I'M TAKING ORDERS FOR COPIES OF THEM FOR TWO HUNDRED RABBITS A PIECE. THAT DOES NOT INCLUDE SHIPPING AND HANDLING."

Every single fangirl of Ruka, no matter where they were in the school, rushed to get to Hotaru. They left Ruka alone, but they were now buying a picture of him dressed that way. Today was going to be a long day.

So, what'd you think? Was it good? Bad? Wonderful? Horrible? Don't care what you thought, as long as you review! SO REVIEW, PEOPLE! Remember, I won't post the next chapter until I get at least five reviews, or until a month has gone by. SO REVIEW! REVIEWS MAKE THE WORLD GO 'ROUND!