Twisted story here, horror/romance/horror/more romance/triangles. And yea... oh, and suspense.
Introducing his fan girls: First kill
Seventh period was boring as usual, with flying papers across the classroom and couples making out all over the place. Large classroom, not very much kids and a smoking teacher on an empty desk.
A long line off girls that were probably skipping their own classes to get to this one just because of one boy. All of them with all kinds of gifts and presents, letters and posters, seductive outfits…
"Hey! You! That's dress code, I'll see you in I.S.S." The teacher stuck a note to her bunny outfit, not sparing another glance at the girl.
She watched silently, as girl after girl after girl got rejected with a simple word.
"No." The raven-haired teen repeated for the last time that afternoon.
She still watched silently and hasn't muttered a word ever since.
Her shoulder-length pink hair, graciously even and well combed in straight patterns but she paid no heed to the strands getting in her face.
Another girl was left and she looked as if she were very confident about her decision.
The pink-haired teen stood from her spot as the girl who thought she was wonder woman got rejected, badly.
"Hey Sakura." Her friend jumped behind her, wrapping his arm around her shoulder in a friendly manner.
"Hey Naruto. What's up?" She said casually, a hint of annoyance in her voice as the blonde played with her pink hair.
"The usual. But today, the 'U.U.F.G.' are having some kind of…"
"Whatever, they can do what they want." She sighed.
"Wait! About that chemistry homework?" He grinned sheepishly.
"No, you're just going to try to get me to make out with you. And-"
"Yeah I know. But come on! One kiss!"
"I thought we were best friends." Sakura raised a pink eyebrow at her blonde friend.
"Fine. I'll go now."
"Wait! What's… 'U.U.F.G.?'" Sakura asked curiously.
"Oh, you didn't know! Ex-president." He teased.
"No, that was Ino." Sakura said with a hint of sadness.
"Sorry." Naruto hit a tough spot, he knew how it felt like to lose a friend.
"Are you gonna tell me now or." Sakura crossed her arms in impatience.
"Oh, yeah. Those crazy girls named it the 'Ultimate Uchiha Fan Girls' kind of lame right?" As Naruto rambles on and one, Sakura left her bright green eyes to wander over the boy that was famous without even trying.
"Seriously, I can't tell what's so great about a jerk that practically feeds off others' shame and misery." Sakura said.
"Well, guess you don't know him that well after all." Naruto muttered.
"You know. You two are like, best friends."
"Yes but… He barely talks and he actually threatened to kill me once if I didn't shut up." He giggled.
"Wow, what a nice best friend you got." She said sarcastically.
"Yeah but… He's great to me sometimes, even with his egoistic, emo/bipolar mode."
Sakura raised an eyebrow at the blonde and proceeded to take her stuff to leave.
"Hey! it's barely three minutes before the bell!"
"So, I gotta go home. There is nothing left for me to do in this dump anyways." Sakura said with a new darker tone and left the blonde standing there, with a scratch of the head.
Her backpack on her shoulders, loose grey sweatpants and a white tank, white socks and an old rubber grey sandal as her outfit for the day, she made her way back home.
Sakura Haruno shoved her hands in her pockets as she got to a chillier part of town, she was grateful for wearing her socks today, she wore them everyday so it didn't matter anyways.
A long honk was heard with a girlish tone added but it didn't make her jump like it should've and the annoying glares she had gotten used to over the years.
"Hey! Pinkie! Nice dye job!" A blonde called to her as she drove her shiny lime green Lamborghini with her Barbie friends.
Sakura kept walking a little faster on the sidewalk, ignoring them still since they had been saying this exact same phrase for twelve years.
"Where do you shop? Mr. Krabz's patty dumpster!" They shouted more, unashamed at their useless outbursts.
Sakura turned around a corner, stuck her middle finger to the girls and slipped behind the apartment building.
Disappointed at the short fun they were having, the girls sped away with laughter and profanities. "Come on girls!" The leader snapped.
They would never get bored of the same old shit that was happening over and over again.
Another day… bored as hell, sitting in her sole bedroom with nothing to do but stare at the loose leaf of paper on her desk.
She pushed her hair back, making way for her light green eyes to focus on her work.
As she finished her shade, she raised it up in the air and smirked.
Another picture…
The door of her room burst open and revealed a girl, her age pushing herself inside.
Sakura hid the piece of art behind her, biting her lip to ignore the upcoming profanities.
"What do you want?" She rasped out in a mere whisper.
The girl in front of her wrinkled her nose, pushing up her glasses at the bridge of her nose. "What the hell is this smell? Are you smoking again?" The redhead scowled.
Sakura grimaced, realizing her sister was drunk… again.
"No, please, Karin. I am really…" Sakura wiped the tears off her eyes, scoffing silently at her immaturity. She didn't want to cry over some shit stupid girls were talking about, it was insane and very not her style.
"Damn it." Karin cursed as she clutched her head in her hands, sliding down beside the door and passed out right away.
This was what her life was like, a sister who would drunk her ass off, then bitch about nothing in particular. Two days later, she would apologize and they would be friends and the cycle repeats itself all over again.
Sakura got off her chair, her art forgotten for the moment to take care of her sister.
A familiar bag caught her attention, and with a smirk she took it back in her possession.
Movements were very careful and observed and the first victim ever was brushing her long blonde hair. Her hard bluish-green eyes shone through the mirror as she repeatedly brushed her long hair that was already too neat.
"Ami? Is that you?" She pushed herself backwards to glance at the bottom door of the restrooms. Receiving no answer, she glanced back at the mirror, dull green eyes meeting hers. She gasped but then she rolled her eyes. "Oh, it's you, freak."
Sakura didn't answer and carried her rather heavy backpack behind her, her pink hair hiding her face.
"Gosh, such a freak." The girl muttered again as Sakura disappeared in the shadows at the back of the restrooms.
The lights blinked twice but Tara didn't paid no heed to it, her hair was more important right now. The lights went out once more and when they came back, her eyes met a long ax with a large rose ribbon tied to it.
"Ahhhh!" She released a bloodcurdling scream as the cold sharp blade met left shoulder, slicing through the soft skin.
"There goes a nice three-year tan." The voice said darkly with a hint of amusement.
"Ohhh! What the fuck!" Tara screamed.
"This isn't a good time to use profanities bitch! You have said enough!" And the second swipe sliced her pretty head off her nicely shaped shoulders where blood started to gush out and pour on he killer's face. Smirking, the killer made a way out, leaving the FBI to clean up the mess later today.
Yea... My first weird kill, kinda sick but nothin much. Review to tell me what you think or something.
Next chap is weird.
NOTE: This story has an alternate version, it will be published after this one is finished and the alternate version is humorous and not as serious as this.