AN: So, this is the last one. I didn't know how to end it and honestly, still don't. If someone could edit it would be nice, but I feel I've looked over it as much as I could. I didn't know how to start the end so it's just cute moments until it goes back to the plot/actual resolution. ...Read and review?

'nother note: This story changed so much and looking back on the first chapter makes me wonder what I was planning for it. It became so dark after a while xD But I'm glad I wrote it and love dark stuff with a gay Gokudera (like my story, The Other). I hope to write more stories similar to this one, I just don't what yet (request something? ;]).

"You're actually really cute, huh?" Gokudera said as he sat in Hibari's lap, facing the man.

"Say that again and I'll bite you to death," Hibari threatened, lazily sitting in the chair of the living room, hands lying on Gokudera in a perverted place. He couldn't help it. It was where the little guys naturally reached for.

"I love you," Gokudera decided to say to test the waters.

"Me too," Hibari replied.

Gokudera scoffed. "Why can't you say it normally?"

"Why do I have to say it?" Hibari growled, face reddening.

"You're incredibly Japanese."

"What's that supposed to mean? Not that I'm offended. I take that as a compliment."

"It is, I guess. I just mean you're really shy…" Gokudera glanced at his own ass where Hibari's hands artlessly cupped. "Except for stuff like that, huh?"

"You're incredibly Italian then," Hibari said. "Always sentimental or whatever."

Gokudera laid his head on the brunet's shoulder. "You could use a little more romanticism."

"I don't even think that's proper use of that word."

"Shut up."

"Hey, let's have sex."

"Oh my god, you're horrible," Gokudera laughed, pushing the man away as he tried to bite his ear.

Hibari pouted. "Why not?"

"I'm going to bed now."

"Me too then."

"You pervert."

Lambo eyed the man suspiciously. They sat at the table as Gokudera prepared dinner. Italian this time because Lambo wanted it. Hibari didn't complain much about that because Gokudera had started this new thing where when he was angered, he wouldn't have sex with Hibari no matter what. It had tamed Hibari. He liked sex.

"Stop glaring at him like that," Gokudera told Lambo who then backed off a little, but not much.

"This thing is getting annoying," Hibari said, pointing to Lambo.

"He's not a 'thing,'" Gokudera groaned. "God, can't you two get along?"

"Probably not," Lambo said simultaneously with Hibari's "No."

Gokudera rolled his eyes. A knock on the door.

"I'll get it!" Lambo shouted as he shot up from his seat. He ran to the door and flung it open to exposing Fuuta. "Fuuta!" He squeezed the man tightly.

Hibari growled, "You're crowding the place."

"Shut up," Gokudera growled back.

Lambo excitedly guided Fuuta to the table and pulled out a seat for him.

"Thank you for having me over, Gokudera-san," Fuuta said courteously.

"It's no problem," Gokudera said, beaming. He was glad that Lambo liked Fuuta and hoped that some of the 21 year-old's grace would rub off on the rude teen. "Besides, Lambo was just about begging for me to invite you."

"Was not!" Lambo said.

"Yeah, you were," Hibari said, annoyed.

Lambo slyly stuck his tongue out at the man making Hibari's blood boil and brow furrow with annoyance.

"Now, now, you guys," Gokudera said as he carried over plates of Tagliatelle in meat sauce. "Calm down. I swear sometimes it feels like there are two kids in here."

"I'm not a kid," both Hibari and Lambo snapped, glowering at one another afterward. Fuuta and Gokudera made fun of them for it the rest of the night.

Next day at headquarters, Gokudera waved goodbye after he and Hibari parted with a gentle kiss. Tsuna smiled at his right-hand man.

"Ever since you two got together, Hibari's been hanging around the base a lot more."

"Because he likes to say he checking up on me when really he's just trailing me like a lost puppy."

Tsuna laughed at this then said, "I've noticed Hibari's been less impulsively violent."

"That's because I've been training him," Gokudera replied proudly.

Tsuna chuckled, "Oh yeah? How's that?"

"Whenever he does something wrong, he gets no sex for a week. If he needs to be calmed down, then I give him a hand at that." Gokudera winked. "But if he's really pissed off then he needs a blow—"

"Hayato, please…" Tsuna trembled as he covered his face in shame and disgust. "I don't want to know anymore…"

It warmed his heart to walk in and feel the body heat radiating from the couch. Everything in his apartment seemed a little eschewed. On the sofa lied a stretching, sleeping man with a yellow cat curled up beside him.

"I don't know which one's cuter," Gokudera chuckled, approaching the two. Suddenly, he was pulled atop of the "sleeping" body.

"Who're you calling cute?" Hibari asked.

"You," Gokudera stated.

"You're cuter."

"Don't try to turn this around on me."

"Why do you smell sweet?"

"Do I?"

Uri stood and stuck out its tongue in disgust. They'd always get too lovey-dovey forgetting the cat wasn't interested in anything other than food and sleeping. Watching them get all romantic on the couch was not in Uri's schedule.

"This is dumb," Gokudera complained as he strolled the streets of Shibuya beside his lover. They were empty-handed for now, but Hibari's wallet was nice and fat.

"No, it's not," Hibari barked back in a firmly monotone voice.

"You could've just gotten something small. Or made me dinner. Anything really." Gokudera then looked to the bright blue sky. It was heating up a bit. The months of winter had passed by quickly after all of the chaos that had went down. Spring now quietly made its way near. Over the span of a year, a lot had happened. Too much maybe. Things were crazy at the base, Hana and Ryohei's wedding was so close everyone could taste it. It was crunch time, getting last minute things together.

"No," Hibari said, stopped and faced Gokudera, looking him in the eyes. "I've never bought anything for your birthday and it's my duty as your lover to do so." He then quickly turned away and marched off, too embarrassed to continue looking Gokudera in the eyes.

Face flushed, Gokudera ran after him. "H-Hey! Your birthday's coming up too! What do you want?"

"Idiot, you have months to think about that."

"So what?"

"Besides you know what I want…"

"…perverted beast…"

Hibari looked ahead at the TV, taking in the movie he hated. It was some horror film about aliens that Gokudera adored. He couldn't believe how dumb it was. He liked it a bit more now that it allowed the silver-haired man to adorably fall asleep on his chest. Gokudera had been lying on top of Hibari as they quietly viewed the flick. In Gokudera's hands was his cell phone which he'd been using to send work e-mails. Sad to see his love so tired, Hibari decided to snatch the phone away and keep it for a while, until Gokudera was less work-obsessed. A beep. A text message. Eh, Gokudera was his, so whatever was Gokudera's was Hibari's too. Or at least that was the Foundation leader's thought process.

He knew he was selfish and was fully aware how ridiculously possessive he could seem, but it was only because Gokudera was the most precious thing to him in the world (after Namimori) and sometimes he didn't know what to do about it. Sometimes he feared his own behavior. Feared that one day Gokudera would get fed up with him and leave. If Gokudera discarded him now, Hibari would be sure to destroy Gokudera before self-destructing. He stroked Gokudera's hair. He had to have some confidence in their mutual love. That these strong feelings weren't one-sided. To have the man he'd grown so attached to disappear would be devastating. He couldn't imagine a pain more horrifying (except for Namimori exploding).

Back from his thoughts, Hibari looked to the text message. It was from Yamamoto.

It read: "I know a lot has happened but you're still my friend. Can we meet up sometime? :)"

Hibari's face twisted into a scowl. It's true the amount at which Gokudera and Yamamoto had been hanging out depleted severely since their "break up," but still the very idea of the swordsman wanting to meet his lover in private repulsed him. Hibari's finger moved towards the delete button, but then he stopped and smirked.

He realized he had a tad more confidence in their relationship than to do a thing like that.

"Hey," Gokudera said as he came up to Yamamoto in the café.

"Yo!" Yamamoto replied happily.

Gokudera wondered if it stung for him to smile while they looked at one another.

"How have you and Haru been?" Gokudera asked as they left their meeting spot with warm drinks in hand. They just walked around talking.

"Haru and I've been good. She's an awesome cook, but I think I'm starting to rival her at that. How're you and Hibari?"

The pain in his voice was clear though he was obviously trying to conceal it.

"Good. He's a bit of a…" Gokudera stopped himself. It'd be awkward to tell your semi-ex that your current boyfriend is a sex fiend. "… We're good."
Yamamoto laughed at this. "Cute as always," he commented making Gokudera's cheeks turn pink.

"You know," Yamamoto continued. "I'll never forget what we had, Hayato."

"You should go back honorifics, I think."

"I guess you're right, Hayato-chan."


"Sorry, please don't think I'm like Haru. She's recovering from such prejudices somewhat."

They remained silent for a few moments.

"Isn't it… isn't it best you forget me or rather, that time?"



"Those memories of us being happy like a couple are something I'll cherish even while I'm with Haru. You may not believe me, but I really did love you, probably more than I ever thought I was romantically capable of."

"Stop talking, that's so embarrassing."

"And hey, if things don't work out with Hibari, I'll dump Haru even if we're married with a family just to comfort you and win you back."

Gokudera pushed the taller man. "Takeshi!"

Yamamoto snickered. "Kidding, kidding! Haru is actually the type of girl who I could see myself falling for and marrying somewhere in the far off future. We just need some time to get over the whole thing that happened between you and I. I'm pretty sure she's scared that I'm gay."

Gokudera tapped his chin in thought. "What's the sexuality of someone who falls in love with anyone who'll end things painfully?"

"Haha, wouldn't that be some kind of emotional masochist?"

"See, that's why we would've never worked out. You can't put two masochists together."

The men laughed a little.



"Thanks for being my friend."

"No, Takeshi, thank you."

Gokudera unlocked his door just to find Fuuta and Lambo making out on his couch. Hibari watched as his silver-haired lover smacked the shit out of Le Grand Prince.

Lambo lied asleep on the floor, tuckered out from yelling at Gokudera, talking(?) to Fuuta, and getting drunk off wine. Gokudera sat on the couch texting both Tsuna and Yamamoto like they were 16 again and no shit ever emerged between any of them. Back when Gokudera innocently adored their boss and had yet to feel the poisonous sting that was Hibari Kyoya's vicious venom. They wrote him things that made him laugh like they were going to meet up at school the next day and talk about the joke, make fun of the teachers, discuss their favorite shows. He wrote them things like they weren't dealing with weddings and like they weren't in the business of the underground world. In moments like these when the apartment was quiet except for the buzz of his friends sending him a smile, he realized how much he didn't want to forget and all the things he wanted to remember.

Standing above Gokudera, Hibari snatched the phone from his hands and looked at the text from Yamamoto.

"Don't you…" Hibari started out, clearly tired from their long day.

Gokudera raised an eyebrow, waiting for him to finish the question.

"Don't you ever think you'll regret it?" Hibari asked. As soon as the words left his mouth, he felt as though something was squeezing tightly on his heart.

Gokudera's lips curved into an affectionate grin.


"I mean an angel and a saint would make a good pair, right?" Hibari said, tossing the cell phone away.

"What are you talking about? I'm no angel." He stood and put his arms around Hibari's neck, snuggling into his chest. "I'm selfish. Just like everyone else."

The ride there was the awkward part. Everyone on one plane. Stuck in front of each other, behind each other, next to each other. Fuuta and Lambo sitting lovingly beside one another leaving I-Pin as the third wheel. Haru clutching onto Yamamoto's hand so hard as though to confirm their love to Gokudera who was getting his hand squeezed equally hard by Hibari. The Foundation leader would've taken a private jet had not he known that Gokudera and Yamamoto would be flying on the same plane. Tsuna could feel the tension fuming behind him and Kyoko.

He swallowed hard. He thought he had to do something to diffuse it.

"So… how is everyone?"

Everyone replied with a solid "Good." But each had a small change in tone. Lambo and Fuuta's answer came out giddily while I-Pin and Haru sounded irritated. Gokudera and Yamamoto had a hint of fear and Hibari hadn't said anything at all.

Tsuna sighed, thinking, What's the use…?

Somehow, Gokudera ended up feeling anxious in the hotel room even though he wasn't the one getting married. He looked at himself in the mirror, dressed in the black tuxedo that had slits of silver at the pocket and cuffs.

"You look good," Hibari said, dressed up in a tux himself.

"It's weird to see you in something like this," Gokudera commented happily, fixing Hibari's bowtie.

"I figured if I'm going Western, I'm going traditional."

It was true. He chose the most boring tuxedo Gokudera ever had the displeasure of gazing upon.

"It suits you," Gokudera admitted truthfully. "Doesn't matter as long as everyone looks good and Hana's happy."

"Sasagawa has his work cut out for him," Hibari said with a straight face, but Gokudera laughed anyways. If it wasn't meant to be a joke, it should've been. Despite this, it was the truth. No one could quite see how long the dynamic between those two would last.

"Marriage shouldn't be work, though, right?" Gokudera asked.

"It seems like something you'd have to keep up with…" Hibari replied, looking upon Gokudera with unreadable eyes just as they were making their way out the door.

"What?" Gokudera questioned, not sure whether he should find the gaze humorous or offensive.

"Would ever you want to…" Hibari turned away. "Never mind."

Gokudera thought his heart had never gone so crazy. He wanted to grab Hibari and plant a kiss on his lips, overflowing with love. He knew exactly how that question was going to end and he hated that they had to leave before he could answer.

The wedding was fantastic. In a medium-sized venue with all their family and friends. White roses were everywhere and silk banners lined the walls. An arch with jasmine linked in the holes of its white wood sat behind the priest who stood smiling and bright. The whole place seemed to be shimmering with excitement, purity, a promise of something new. Gokudera made the unfortunate decision to stand with the crowd-hating Hibari in a corner at the back of the church. The advantage to this was he could talk without anyone hearing.

Hana glided in with her father, her veil covering her subtly made-up face. Her hair was down with flowers scattered on top. Her dress was white and simple, something gorgeously mature. Everyone leaned to their neighbors to whisper about how stunning she looked.

"Wow!" Gokudera said to Hibari. "She's beautiful. Like she's shining…"

Hibari looked to Hana for a second then back to Gokudera. "I wasn't really paying attention."

He then continued to stare at his lover. Gokudera blushed then grabbed and pushed Hibari's face in the wedding's direction, forcing him to watch the ceremony.

Throughout, the taller man complained of boredom and never failed to ask how much longer every single minute. And each time Gokudera would respond with a lie, saying that the rituals were almost done.

It wasn't that the wedding wasn't lovely; it was spectacular. Perfect, Hibari dared himself to think. There wasn't one part of it that would leave Hana complaining. Hibari just hated having to see that glint in Gokudera's eyes as the ceremony went on – a slight hint of envy lurking just below his pupil, reaching somewhere deep that Hibari assumed to be his heart. Gokudera knew what the couple's pledges meant. Never alone. There'd always be that person they could reach to when they were cold or scared. Gokudera wanted that. That promise of loneliness's death. It hurt Hibari that he couldn't give the man that important thing he desired.

"I do."

"I do."

Those words, Hibari thought. Those words could ensure the demise of Gokudera's lonesome forever.

Music died down before Ryohei and Hana began giving their vows that caused the crowd to release romantic sighs and hold their loved ones' hands. Even Gokudera felt as Hibari silently intertwined their fingers.

Then a few more words were said before the bride and groom were slipping rings on each other's fingers and a few more before their lips locked their bodies into one life from there on out, holding them in a single moment of affection which would stretch out to last throughout the rest of their lives.

For that second, all of Gokudera's jealous feelings melted into nothing but genuine joy and exhilaration – they were his friends and he wasn't sure that he'd ever see them happier. That made him happy as well.

Cheers and applause erupted from the church's crowd. They stood and greeted the newlyweds as the pair walked down the aisle, hand-in-hand, receiving bows and congratulations. Petals and bliss rained down upon them. There was no longer a question of whether or not they were shining. Some had tears in their eyes from the overwhelming splendor of it all. Others cried because they knew that there were things that were going to change now.

Gokudera remained with Hibari in the corner, clapping as all the wedding goers seemed to trail the groom and bride out the church doors. He decided he would congratulate the two at the reception and simply merrily watch from a distance as everyone whooped during the festive occasion. Gokudera (as well as everyone else) was just glad that it ended without any of the usual Vongola craziness occurring. He was almost definite that it would manage to reveal itself at the reception though.

All it took was a tiny, short interaction with him on the way back to the hotel room. One so brief yet friendly enough to be threatening.

"I should've known it was too good to be true," Gokudera snarled as he sat on the hotel bed and Hibari leaned against the door with crossed arms.

"Shut the fuck up," Hibari growled back.

"Please, dear god, could you be pleasant just for the rest of today," Gokudera begged with irritation in lying under his tone. "This is supposed to be a happy occasion and you're—"

"I'm not doing anything," Hibari snapped.

"You're pouting like a goddamn child!"

Silence enveloped the two after that. It's not like Gokudera hadn't seen it coming. Hibari was childish and crazy, so he wasn't surprised or anything. Sooner or later an argument was bound to rear its ugly head.

"I can talk to whoever I want to," Gokudera stated.

"It's not fucking who you talk to," Hibari roared. He sighed deeply. "It's what you say that pisses me off. It's what he does that makes me so fucking…" His fists clenched yearning to slam into something – anything. Gokudera stood and went to his lover, placing a hand on the taller man's cheek.

"Have more faith in me, please," Gokudera begged and Hibari's fist loosened. Hibari went limp, leaning down to lay his head on the silver-haired man's shoulder.

"It's hard to," he admitted. "I'm sc…"

I'm scared.

Gokudera never really pictured Hibari being scared of anything and supposed it must've been a new emotion to him. He rubbed his lover's back.

"What did I tell you?" Gokudera asked softly. "You don't have to fight anymore. You've won. I promise you that."

"You do?"

Gokudera lifted Hibari's head up so the two could kiss. "I do."

They two arrived at the reception late due to Hibari's raging desires that he passionately unleashed after their somewhat amorous discussion. It was a cute garden party that clearly had already gone awry. The main dance between bride and groom was currently being played out despite an intoxicated Lambo who stumbled about whilst being chased by the dutiful Fuuta. Despite Haru helping to clean off Dino after he fell into the cake. Despite Bianchi complaining to I-Pin about how badly she wanted to be married, what an successful event this had been, and her good friend's failure at picking a worthy partner. Despite Yamamoto and Mochida debating about how Ryohei should toss the garter (as well as giving deadly examples using random objects about the area). Despite all of this madness, the couple danced to music they could barely hear, forgetting about a cake they didn't really get to eat, and seemingly unaware of guests that were more than unruly.

"Sometimes I wonder what I've gotten myself into," Hana said as she leaned against her new husband's chest, their hands pressed together and feet moving in step with one another.

"I'm sorry," Ryohei sighed. "I know you wanted everything to be perfect…"

"You're here, aren't you?" She placed a kiss on his cheek. "So it already is." She then snuggled closer to him and the noise faded further away.

"You made it!" Tsuna called out to Gokudera and Hibari, jogging over to them. "I almost thought you'd be no-shows." He rubbed the back of his neck embarrassedly. "As you can see everything is out of control as usual."

Gokudera shrugged. "It's to be expected."

"They must've decided to hold it outside knowing it'd get like this," Tsuna observed then he glanced to the Cloud Guardian. "And because they hoped it'd make Hibari feel like it's less crowded so maybe… he wouldn't leave."

Hibari showed no reaction to this, but Gokudera knew that he appreciated the gesture.

Tsuna appeared as though he was going to say something else, but was interrupted and dashed off screaming, "No, Lambo! Not that!"

Gokudera couldn't help, but laugh then he was approached by Yamamoto who paused his intense conversation with Mochida.

"Hey," he said with a grin.

Hibari moved closer to his lover which made Gokudera blush a bit.

The silver-haired man replied with a simple, "'sup?"

"We nearly thought you guys weren't coming!" Yamamoto noted. "Mostly everyone got some cake before Dino-san toppled into it. Haru set aside two pieces for you both."

"Thanks, but Hibari doesn't like sweet stuff," Gokudera said.

Yamamoto chuckled, "Well, I'm sure someone'll eat it. This party's kind of a free-for-all right now; everybody's just doing their own thing, but now that you arrived maybe they'll throw bouquet and garter!"

After that, Yamamoto left them to join Haru's side once she was finished cleaning off Dino. They hugged and he hung his arm around her shoulders as he made his way to end his disagreement with Mochida.

Gokudera wore a small, sad smile when he watched this. But at the same time he was relieved. They really were just friends now, moving on yet holding onto that time together as a happy memory – no regrets, just happiness.

Hibari wore a straight face as he always did. On the inside, he was relieved. They really were just friends and their love was nothing more than a memory to leave in the past. Now all that was left in Gokudera's heart was Hibari. And he had faith in that more than ever.

A little after this, everyone gathered around. The bouquet and garter were going to be tossed.

"With force, Hana!" Yamamoto shouted.

"A simple underhand movement!" Mochida exclaimed.

Chatter was abundant as the bride let the flowers fly. They seemed to freeze in the air for a moment – Bianchi and Haru's face twisted with determination. The bunch spun twice on its way down, landing gently in Gokudera's crossed arms. He (as well as the rest of the guests) was startled, immediately uncrossing them and letting the flowers fall to the floor. Everyone burst into laughter.

"Gokudera will be the next bride?"

"It's definite! Gokudera'll be wedded next!"

"Is that even possible?"

In spite of the joking around, Hana decided it was best to redo the toss and all the men backed out the way. The flowers flew up and floated down into Kyoko's outstretched palms. Her face colored as Haru and Bianchi cursed their luck.

The young light-haired woman looked to Tsuna whose face flushed. The majority of the Guardians chuckled at this.

Finally it was Ryohei's turn. He couldn't take the garter off without hearing a number of whoops, hollers, and wolf whistles. He then threw it high upon instruction from Mochida and Yamamoto. It took some time for the garter to make its way back to Earth. Some guys made sure to step away from the clothing while others clamored for it. In the end, it laid itself on Tsuna's head making whispers light up among the guests. They were raring and ready to go ahead with another wedding apparently.

"A picture!" someone yelled. A photo of blushing Kyoko and Tsuna was snapped with the bouquet still in the young lady's hands and garter remaining in Tsuna's hair. Everyone giggled except Ryohei whose chagrin went ignored. The jokes about it took a while to die down.

Dancing resumed among couples while the youngsters and others continued to wreak havoc.

"Are you happy, Hana?" Ryohei asked as they looked over their destroyed and messy reception. The white decorations were either on the floor or otherwise sullied. The food was squashed or on the ground. The DJ was scared out of his mind and that was without knowing they were all mafia members.

Hana laughed a bit and put her hands on her hips. "Yes. Everything's just as I pictured it would be…" This made Ryohei let out a hearty laugh as well.

Not too far off, Kyoko and Tsuna danced with one another, too discomfited with their red faces to speak.

"I love you, Kyoko," was all Tsuna could manage to say after some time. The girl's kiss was a sufficient reply.

Yamamoto danced with Haru in rather cute fashion, both smiling and with little stumbling. They appeared perfect for each other, some might have thought they were in sync enough to have been the newlyweds themselves.

Lambo waltzed drunkenly with Fuuta, nearly knocking into the equally clumsy Dino and his girlfriend, Oregano, who he hadn't proposed to… yet.

Once again Gokudera ended up in a corner with Hibari.

"Everyone looks so happy," Gokudera said, gazing at his boisterous friends, feeling an overpowering glee surging through his body.

"Go be with them," Hibari said. "I'll stay here."

"Won't you get lonely?" Gokudera asked.

"I'm used to it," Hibari smirked. "Besides, I know you'll return to me."

Gokudera rolled his eyes before planting a kiss on his lover's lips then running off to join the party.

They all returned to Namimori completely tuckered out. And though every bone in their bodies ached from all the ridiculousness, everything felt right. It was all in place as it was meant to be. Everyone smiled and reminisced and peace within the Vongola hung like an ornament on a tree – the wedding a memory to be cherished.

It didn't take long for Dino and Tsuna to finally get out their proposals and two more weddings were put into the works. Meanwhile, Fuuta and Lambo enjoyed their time as lovebirds and began making sure their I-Pin never felt left out. Ryohei and Hana announced that they had a bundle of joy on the way around the same time Gokudera and Hibari made the decision to move in together. Yamamoto was considering taking over his father's shop so that the old man might retire and Haru supported the idea, hoping to help out.

They were getting a medium sized apartment together, both well aware that there would be a few issues from there on out. Only children dreamt of perfection. Everyone had agreed to help them move in though, carrying boxes and waiting for the after party filled with drinking and jokes. But even the fun couldn't come smoothly.

"I'm keeping it," Gokudera insisted.

"It's idiotic!" Hibari retorted.

Of course the two still argued. The right-hand man couldn't help but argue. Hibari didn't mind it much though since they always made up in just the way he wanted.

"What are you supposed to do with a collection of fake alien ectoplasm?"

"None of it's fake! It's authentic from Area 51 itself!"



They glared at each other – leaving Ryohei and Yamamoto, who carried a box labeled "Ectoplasm Collection" in an awkward position.

After shit and hellfire. After death and heartbreak. After distrust and misplaced trust. After deceiving and masterful acting. After pretending to know and faking forgetting. After painful years of loneliness and harboring heavy unrequited feelings. He felt he'd won. And so did his lover. There was just one more thing to swear to ensure there would be no more anger, isolation, being left unprotected. Just one more step.

That night, the young gay couple slept in their bed together for the first time. Like newlyweds. Half awake, Gokudera snuggled close to the other man.

"I love you," he murmured.

"I love you too."


The taller man wrapped his arms around his lover and answered, "I do."

The End. Hope you enjoyed it. :)