The scream rang out in the middle of the night, waking three other girls, who all stared at the shaking witch lying on the ground, covered in sweat and panting.
"Are you ok?"
"Who screamed?"
"Does she mean professor…?"
"Shut up!"
The witch slowly opened her eyes, feeling the eyes of the other girls on her, she took a shaky breath and snapped 'I'm fine, go back to bed!' She heard them slowly return to their own beds while she fixed her curtains around the four poster bed and fixed her blankets up.
Why were these nightmares plaguing her?
He was dead. He was gone. The war was over and she had returned to school, but with one huge difference, and that was in the sleeping one year old that was in his cot, his hair slowly turning from sandy brown to bright blue as his snores filled the now silent air. How he could sleep through the screaming, she had no idea, and yet he slept.
She fought with herself for a good three minutes to not scoop him up and hold him in her arms, to feel his heart beat, to hear him breath and pretend that his father was still around. She still saw his body every time she closed her eyes, and yet… Something wasn't right.
He didn't seem to be… Well… Dead!
Tonks… She was gone, the way her body was, her face, it was the face of someone who had left this planet, but Remus… She started to pace, not being able to stop herself.
"Hermione. Go back to sleep." She heard Lavender say, ignoring the rising remark coming from within her, Hermione complied and curled back in to her bed.
Stop it you stupid girl! He is dead. You saw his body. You are raising Teddy, you are obeying his will. He is not coming back. Free your foolish heart and learn that. Even Harry saw him come back as ghosts… But still…
She closed her eyes and tried to will her body back to sleep, but all she could think of was the fight again. Something was off, and she was going to find out what!