A/N: and here is the last chapter :D I want to thank everyone who reviewed this, especially Falling to Fly who gave me so much support the whole time I was writing this :D but I love all my other reviewers too! You're all so awesome :D
"If one day you wake up and find that you're missing me, and your heart starts to wonder where on this earth I could be. Thinkin maybe you'll come back here to the place that we'd meet, and you'll see me waiting for you on our corner of the street" - The Script, 'The Man Who Can't Be Moved'
The years went on and on. Carlos, James, and Logan all aged and soon death too the three boys like it had taken Kendall. But as the years continued the three boys found themselves able to wake up everyday without that same feeling of hollowness in their chests. Slowly, they began to heal. But what helped them heal? Time didn't. All that time does is make it more distant, put more space between you and what happened. It doesn't heal anything. Carlos, James, and Logan didn't know how or what did the healing, but it wasn't time.
Time eventually did catch up with the three boys, all of them passing away with old age taking their final breaths. But as Kendall requested, the boys did live out their lives to the fullest.
Carlos followed in his father's footsteps and became the head of the police academy. He married his high school sweetheart, Stephanie King when he was twenty five. Their wedding was small, just friends and family, and Logan and James shared the position of Carlos's best man. Shortly after the wedding they had their first son together- Kendall Carlitos Francis Garcia. Following the birth of Kendall, Carlos and Stephanie had two more kids- another son and a daughter. They remained in Minnesota, moving into the house Carlos grew up in after his father died and his mother moved out. The years went on and Carlos eventually retired from the police force and after a marriage of fifty years, three beautiful kids, five grandkids, and a German Sheppard named Sparky, Carlos passed away peacefully in his sleep at the age of seventy-five.
James lived out a different dream. Growing up all he wanted to do was become famous, but after saying goodbye to Kendall he decided he needed something else for his life. He became the center for the Minnesota Wild, a dream that had been Kendall's up until he died. Very game, he played for Kendall and he played his heart out each time, eventually making himself MVP. James remained single, since his heart belonged to Kendall, and "the eye of every girl's affection" as stated when he made the cover of Sports Illustrated. At the age of thirty five, James played his last hockey game before he was to retire. At that game, James was knocked to the ground, loosing his helmet, and earning a blow to the head from someone's skate. After he was hit, James had a seizure and at the hospital, a tumor was found in James's brain. The doctors didn't expect him to live very long but James beat the odds and found himself in remission after almost two years of suffering with the tumor. After he was cleared of the cancer, he continued to live his life out as best he could, never halting for anything or anyone (except Carlos and Logan). He made it to his late seventies before his body just started shutting down and like Carlos, he died in his sleep.
Logan became the next big thing since House. He moved up to Maryland so he could start a practice at the Johns Hopkins University as an undergraduate. He was accepted to the Johns Hopkins Medical School and did very well during his time there. He then moved back to Minnesota to finish out his final year of medical school at St. John's Hospital, in Maplewood, Minnesota. At twenty-five he graduated as second best in his class and at thirty-three he became the youngest Dean of Medicine as well as the Head of Diagnostic Medicine Department. Throughout his practice, he fell in love with the Head of the Department of Oncology- Camille Sanders, whom he secretly called Cuddy while they dated. At forty, Logan and Camille finally married, having the same type of small wedding as Carlos. They had one child together, a daughter named Erin, and three grandchildren from her and her husband. When Logan reached seventy give, he was diagnosed with Alzheimer disease and he passed away six years later. He lived the longest of the three.
"Welcome to heaven Logie."
The raven haired boy blinked as the white walls around him morphed into what looked like the lake behind Kendall's house. Standing before him was Carlos, James, and Kendall. The three boys looked like they did when they were sixteen, as if nothing had ever changed. Carlos even wore his helmet again. Logan felt himself smile when he saw Kendall's arm looped around James's waist and the brunette boy couldn't be smiling wider. And right now neihter could Logan. The four of them were finally together again.
"Took you long enough." Carlos joked.
Logan laughed sheepishly and went to run his fingers through his hair. As he did so he noticed that the wrinkles and old age that had been etched into his skin for years were gone. He could walk and run again and even his appearance had changed; looking into a mirror he realized that he had taken the appearance of their sixteen-year-old self.
"What the…?" he looked to his friends for explanation.
"Let's just say, I pulled in a favor so I don't have to hang out with a bunch of eighty-year-olds trying to play hockey with me." Kendall smirked. Logan smiled and rushed toward him, hugging him tightly.
"Alright, now lace up." Kendall said. "We can finally play a proper game of two on two."
And Logan laughed, but not because Kendall sounded slightly ridiculous. But because he finally realized that Kendall was right; it wasn't goodbye.
It really and truly was, I'll see you soon.
F i n (: