Uryuu stood with his bow ablaze, ready for an attack.
It never came.
"What…did you do?" Uryuu asked, confused and wary. He wasn't stupid enough to put his guard down, especially when the Arrancar's zanpakuto released. He heard footsteps and felt innumerable power growing closer and closer. They called his name but Uryuu kept his attention on Aroe for the Arrancar had only smirked.
"You'll see…"
"Ishida, you bastard!" Ichigo panted, standing in a ready position with Zangetsu firmly in his grip. "You send me away to face an Arrancar alone!"
"Bastard! There's no need for two people to get injured!" Uryuu growled out. What was Ichigo doing there? He was supposed to have had left…
Uryuu's thoughts where broken by a fist making painful contact with his head, and he fell to the ground with black spots dancing across his visage. Pain erupted from his head and Uryuu could only grunt as his back made contact with the hard ground. His bow dispersed and Ichigo stood high before him, fist held high with his knuckles turning red.
"That was for being a dumbass and for trying to make me leave! Not to mention the beating I owe you for what happened today in school!" Ichigo growled and lowered his hand, fist flying forward. "But that is going to have to wait until we kill the Arrancar-Bastard." Ichigo's fist morphed into an open hand and he pulled Uryuu back up in his feet.
Uryuu swayed a bit but nodded and shook his head.
"Make your move!" Ichigo shouted and he pointed Zangetsu at the at Aroe. The Arrancar's lips twitch slightly before spreading to a smirk.
"I already have."
The wind blew lightly, causing the trees to sway and groan. The sun seemed to lose it's intense heat from earlier and began to lazily drift downwards. The grass danced in a slow rhythm to the melody of nature, and the three combatants stood their ground, breathing evenly. The air around the Shinigami was that of someone mystified, puzzled, while his comrade seemed more on edge. The Arrancar, however, continued to smirk.
"What…what the hell are you talking about?" Ichigo finally muttered after the moments of silence. "You crazy shit!" Ichigo makes to move forward but finds that his body does not move at all. He glares and grunts as he tries to move any part of his body but can't.
Just what is happening?
"What…what is this?" Ichigo shouts and manages to tilt his head up to glare at Aroe. The Arrancar's smirks widens and his eyes gain a crazy shine to them.
"You wanted me to attack, yes?" Aroe confirms and he lifts his hand; simultaneously, Ichigo's form straightens out and he cries out painfully, his muscles tensing and his bones snapping into place. Uryuu looks exasperatedly at the Shinigami before glaring at Aroe. "Well then," a cynical chuckle," Attack!"
Ichigo grunted as both his hands moved o hold Zangetsu's hilt, his body twisting on its own accord. Uryuu cautiously backed away, his bow formed, fingers itching to pull an arrow. He glared at Aroe and swiftly moved his bow, aiming at the Arrancar. He shot four arrows at once, each one flying and aimed to kill.
A black blade prevented this by only scant inches.
"Oh no, little boy, I am not your enemy, understand this!" Aroe said mockingly, as if speaking to a toddler. Aroe raised his hand and Ichigo's body straightened out once more. Ichigo's face was twisted in despair and panic as he watched his own body lurch forward, his hands move his sword and slash at Uryuu.
"He is!"