Mimi slid open the door to the loft she shared with Roger and Mark.

"Mark! Roger! I'm home!" she called. Roger jumped up from the bed he and Mimi occupied at night and bolted into the main room. He swept Mimi up off of her feet bridal style, spinning around the room. Mimi laughed like a child, and pecked her boyfriend on the cheek.

"Put me down!" she insisted.

"Not without a better kiss." Mimi rolled her eyes, but obliged. "That's more like it," he said, setting Mimi back on her feet.

"So how was your first day of teaching obnoxious four-year-olds ballet?" he asked. Mimi shrugged, setting her backpack on the couch (A/N Mimi went back to school).

"Pretty good. Don't be so hard on them, though. They're actually pretty cute." Noticing that the other person who occupied the apartment hadn't made his debut, Mimi inquired of Mark's whereabouts. Roger explained that he back at Buzzline. In her haste, Alexi had called Mark and offered him his job back, which he accepted. He immediately started on a new piece, and wanted to work late on it.

"I guess it's just us tonight, then," Mimi said. Roger nodded.

"I have an idea," he said. Let's eat dinner on the roof. There's going to be a meteor shower, and we'll have a great view."

"Great idea, babe. I'm going to call the Life Café. What do you want? The usual?" Roger nodded.

"Am I really that predictable?" he asked. Mimi bobbed her head like a five-year-old, causing the two of them to erupt into laughter. Roger, muttering under his breath that he needed to spice things up a bit sometimes, went to grab a folding chair from the corner of the apartment. Mimi picked up the phone, ordered, and then quickly jogged to help Roger lug the heavy table up to the deck. They finally got it up the stairs, set it up, and then walked back into the loft, arm-in-arm.

Scaring them half to death, their beepers went off for them to take their AZT at exactly the same time.

"They've never gone off at the same time," Mimi observed quietly.

"I know. That means something," Roger replied.

"It means… we need to take our AZT!" Mimi cried. They laughed hysterically for at least five minutes. Mimi had to sit on the couch, doubled over, while Roger stumbled to the cabinet

to get their medicine. Tears fogged his range of vision, and they struggled in taking their pills because they were laughing so hard. They finally calmed down, and then Mimi's watch went off, telling her to head out to grab their food.

"Do you want me to get it?" Roger asked, wiping tears from his eyes. Mimi shook her head.

"I'm a big girl, Roger. I can go around the corner and get our food," she said mockingly. Roger raised his hands in surrender.

"Just trying to help," he said. Mimi apologized, leaning in to give her lover a hug.

"I'll be right back. Love you!" she said, blowing Roger a kiss as she stepped out the door. When Roger was sure she was gone, he reached into his pants pocket and pulled out a small diamond ring. Kissing the small jewel on top, he murmured,

"This will be the night. I can feel it."