The MPreg Drabbles

By: Pri-Chan 1410

Disclaimer: I don't own anything from Vampire Knight it all belongs to Matsuri Hino, I just play with the characters. This idea of the series of drabbles is not originally mine it belongs to GreyInnocence (They used it in Prince of Tennis Drabbles) though all the drabbles in here are original and written by me.

N/A: Sorry for the writing errors you may find.

Drabble 25: Yagari/Kaito/Zero/Ichiru

Scene 1: Ichiru

"I cant believe, I really cant believe it. This just can't be happening to me!" Ichiru exclaimed as he looked wide eyes at the test results before throwing them to the garbage. "Oh fuck. I should talk to Zero nicchan first." He said as he ran out from the bathroom to look for Zero. "ZERO!" He called.

Scene 2: Zero


Zero jumped when he heard Ichiru called his name and rapidly hided the sheet of paper on his hand inside his shirt. Right now he didn't what to think of that.

"I definitely can't let him know…" Zero murmured. "I am definitely going to kill Kaito for this…"

Scene 3: Ichiru and Zero

"Nicchan…what happened?" Ichiru asked when he saw Zero hide something as he entered.

"No nothing happened Ichiru, relax. What is it?" Zero asked.

"What do you mean?" Ichiru asked frowning

"You were looking for me right? I heard you calling."

"Oh! Yeah I almost forgot." Ichiru said smiling a little embarrassed.

"Well what is it?" Zero asked.

"Well…you see I wasn't feeling very well since a few days ago, so wI went to the doctor and have some test done and I got the results today..." Ichiru started.

"And?" Zero said to make him continue frowning a little worried for his brother.

"Well…you see…"

Scene 4: Yagari and Kaito

"Hey. How are you feeling Yagari?" Kaito asked Yagari as he sat in the couch in front of him.

"I am not sure…" Yagari said.

"Not sure?" Kaito asked.

"Yeah I feel something is going to happen." He said shivering.

"Yeah, me too…." Kaito said shivering to. "And it will be soon."

"What do you think it will be?" Yagari asked.

"I have no idea…" Kaito murmured.

"KAITO! YAGARI!" They heard Ichiru and Zero calling.

"I think I do…." Yagari murmured and Kaito nodded gulping.

Scene 5: Ichiru, Zero, Yagari, Kaito and…Babies?

"KAITO! YAGARI!" Zero and Ichiru screamed looking for the mentioned two and found them sitting on the living room looking rather nervous.

"Yes? Zero Ichiru, did something happen?" Kaito asked and Zero glared at him and then at Yagari.

"You could say that." Ichiru said coming in front Zero holding to his older twin's arm before letting go and sitting next to Kaito and hugging him. Kaito returned the hug without complaining though a little confused.

"Then what is it?" Kaito asked stroking Ichiru's hair. Zero sighed and sat down next to Yagari looking away. Ichiru chuckled as his twin's behavior.

"Well you see…we are pregnant." Ichiru said answering Kaito's question. He looked up when he didn't receive and answer and saw two stunned faces and one blushing.

Ichiru broke in laughter.

Zero frown when he heard his little brother laughing and look up to see why he was laughing, as soon as he saw the other's faces he started laughing too.

Hearing the laughter from the twins got Kaito and Yagari out of their stupor. Kaito chuckled as he hugged Ichiru tighter and Yagari pulled Zero against his buddy and hug him ignoring Zero's protest.

"The I guess…" Yagari started.

"We will welcome the addition to the family." Kaito finished for him.

"A very weird family." Zero said together sighing. And Ichiru chuckled.

Pri-Chan 1410: Well here was the last drabble….BUT DON'T WORRY! IT DOESN'T END HERE!

I am going to write A SEQUEL!

Yep you read right, I will write a series of drabbles sequel to these ones. It will be called:

Joys of Parenting(This idea also is not originally mine is also property of GreyInnocence but I have permission to use it.) This drabbles will be located a few years later of this ones.

Can you imagine then? Instead of the semes dealing with pregnant lovers now they will deal with their lover and their GROWING CHILDS! Do you think they can manage? Yes? No? Want to find out?

Then please wait for a couple of weeks, I want to finish my final exams before staring the new series.

So I'll see you in Joys of parenting soon! Ok?

I'll be waiting for you!