Dean and Seamus were alone in the dormitory, getting ready for the Yule Ball. They weren't sure where Harry, Ron, and Neville were, but they weren't going to look a gift horse in the mouth. They relished moments when they could speak freely, without always watching their words.

"God Dean, your collar's a mess." Seamus said. He wove around the beds to Dean, and started fixing him up; smoothing wrinkles, flattening collars, and buttoning overlooked buttons. Dean rolled his eyes, but submitted.

"You're like my mother, Seamus."

Seamus took a step back, and raised an eyebrow. "Is that so? Would your mother do this?"

He stepped forwards, and gave Dean a peck on the lips. Dean smirked.

"I guess not. But maybe yours would…" He laughed, and Seamus punched him lightly on the shoulder. "Ow! How long before we have to go down to the Great Hall?"

Seamus checked his pocket watch. "We have less than five minutes."

"Perfect." Dean said, and flopped down on his bed. Seamus groaned.

"After all that trouble I went to unwrinkling you?"

"Hey, there's room for two." Dean said, patting the bed beside him. Seamus looked around nervously, but he lay down beside Dean, taking a little more care not to mess up his dress robes. He found Deans hand, and held it tightly. They lay there is silence for a few minutes, both thinking about their current situation.

"Who are you taking?" Seamus said to the ceiling.

"Marietta Edgecombe. You?"

"Hannah Abbot."

Dean groaned. "Oh, you get the good one. Typical."

"I wish you were taking me." Seamus said in a small voice. He sat up, and drew his legs in to his chest. "It isn't fair."

Dean sat up, and put his arm around Seamus. "I know." He paused, and added, "It hurts me too, you know. Seeing Cho and Cedric, or Ginny and Michael, or Percy and Penny. I wish we could hold hands when we walk down the halls. I wish we could dance together at the Ball. But we both know that it can't happen. Hogwarts isn't ready." Seamus smiled a little.

"Isn't that what I always tell you?"

"At least you know I was listening." They smiled at each other, and Dean reached out for Seamus' face, but Seamus abruptly jumped back.

"Dammit!" he said, pulling out his watch. "We have to go!"

He made it to the door before Dean grabbed him. "Wait!" Dean said. Seamus looked like he was going to make an irritated remark, but he was cut off when Dean kissed him.

Dean pulled away a few seconds later, and he was pleased by the flustered expression that did not often appear on Seamus' face.

"Now we can go." Dean said, pushing Seamus out the door.

AN: TLDR, homophobia sucks. And I would hazard that Hogwarts is a pretty homophobic place. There are no gay people at all in the books. Dumbledore doesn't count, as he was outed via Word of God, and it isn't even mentioned at all in the novels. I guess that's all.