Super Smash Bros. Brawl: The Forgotten Chaos

Info: When a group of teens get pulled into an old well in a forbidden forest, they land in a new world that's quite familiar to them.

Now they have to decide if they want to help the Smash Bros or go back to their world. All is decided in time.

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Ally Sakura I. Starheart: She's 17 years old and has no memory from her past, she's a quiet girl who gets out of her 'shyness shell' in the very beginning and becomes a brave, sly, smart girl. She's a talented teen who;can sing beautifully, sketch, slightly dances and animating her drawings on her laptop. She has a slight problem when it comes to Math and Science, but she'll never give up and will find a way to get around the problem. When she fights, she attacks by using her strong kicks; rumor has it that she'll send a person down with just one or more kicks...she rarely punches and she's very flexible. Ally, sometimes goes by 'Al' or 'Tails', is a very skinny girl, but she's actually in good fit. She was bullied when she was very tiny, but she gotten over those times and focuses on her two jobs: Being a Waitress and a DJ on Friday to Saturday nights.
Ally is a very attractive girl, since she has Sun-kissed Skin, and she's very easy to be friends with. If she's pushed to her limit, she'll collapse and will be unconscious for a while. She mostly calls it a "Long term Sleep", to not scare the little ones. Sometimes if someone gets her mad, she'll snap and will literally kick that person away from her.

Rika Caspian: Rika Caspian is a seventeen year old who is quiet most of the time, she talks a little but she's very active. Rika is Ally's Childhood friend ever since they were 2 years old. If there's a sale that has cute clothes or jewelry, she'll drag Ally and Chiharu with her. In SSBB, she has two weapons; she holds two golden guns and carries a golden pen that turns into a dagger if clicked, if she loses her weapons in battle or misplaces them, her guns will appear back in her holsterand her pen will be in her pocket. She loves the outdoors, let alone go on adventures. And she has problems in Science and math... Rika and Chiharu have thesame job with Ally, which is being a Waitress. She also sings a couple of songs with Ally... When she fights, She takes out her two golden guns and shoots a couple rounds of golden bullets. She shoots endless bullets until she gets tired, she kicks here and there but she mostly uses her gun.

Chiharu: Chiharu is 16 and a half, the youngest in the female trio. She works as a Waitress with Rika and Ally, she's very outgoing, let alone a second thinker. She takes criticism slightly, but she's not a dumb blonde like every other blonde girl out there. Her weapon is a staff that shows an image of a leaf. One of her attacks is called "Sacrifice" and we all what that does, she sacrifices her life and lets her magic (she uses Fire, Ice, Shield, Earth, and Light) attack the enemy once she collapses to the ground and is unconscious and numb during the fight. That attack literaly hurts her but she's awake sometimes when she uses that attack, but she'll remain numb until the fight is over. If her staff is knocked away, she'll kick or slap the enemy until she reaches to her staff, later on she'll have an ability to bring back her staff without even moving from her spot.

Kamui (pronounced Ku-mi. The 'A' is silent): The Moody type who is also silent, he holds a secret from Ally and his friends...

Ryuo (pronounced You-oh): The outgoing dude who wants to be a hero badly, he teases Ally for fun and he doesn't leave Ally behind when it comes to trips. You can say that he's the funny guy in the group...

Travis: the Clam one in the group who deeply cares for the girl's safety, he loves Baseball, since he always carries a baseball bat everywhere he goes. Is he protective? Who knows...