The freeway was jam-packed with vehicles under an unrelenting sun in a cloudless sky, air conditioning the only refuge for the drivers. The cars crawled at a snail's pace, and sometimes, not at all for a moment or two at a time.
The G.A.V was among them, rolling slowly forth on the road. Inside, Jazz was napping, arms crossed, and head hanging over her chest. Danny was idly texting, eyes half-closed as he stifled a yawn. Jack was driving and Maddie working a GPS system as the two bantered.
"I knew we shouldn't have taken this freeway," Jack complained irritably, "or left earlier."
Maddie didn't look up from the screen she was poking at. "It's probably still the fastest route to Alicia's, Jack." she replied, sounding a little annoyed, "the other way is much longer and might still be crowded with traffic.
"Still. God, maybe we should've braved the planes again and just dropped over her house. There's probably an accident and a bunch of looky-loos slowing down to look." Jack griped. Maddie rolled her eyes, but said nothing. "Ugh. I wish I could just charge past these slowpokes and…" Jack trailed off, eyes widening. A grin began to grow on his face, and Maddie raised an eyebrow.
"Dear?" she asked. Jack glanced to the backseat momentarily and back on the road.
Said boy jolted in his seat, having zoned out during his parents' conversation. He turned his head forward. "Yeah?"
"Can you do your old man a huge favor?"
"Sure," Danny said, merely expecting his father to ask him to hand him something, "what is it?"
"Can you use your powers to turn the car intangible so we can get to our next rest stop faster?" Jack asked, trying to sound as casual as possible. Danny gasped slightly.
"Wh…what?" he blushed and looked away, averting his gaze. "I…um…"
"Jack!" Maddie exclaimed, crossing her arms. "The next rest stop is at least two hours away with the traffic. I don't know if Danny can handle keeping us all intangible for half that long— and invisible. If he doesn't use invisibility, it could get us unwanted attention."
"Ah, it'd probably be a little less than an hour!" Jack reassured her, leaning forward, staring at the line of cars ahead. "Danny, you're tough, I think you can handle it." He looked back towards him again. "So, what do you say? Please?"
"Uh…uh…" Danny desperately wanted to say no; it had only been several months since his parents (and the world) had discovered what he could do. But Jack's brow was furrowed, and he was giving a wide grin at his son.
"…Okay. Pull over." the teenager muttered, still blushing. Jack turned his attention back to the road.
"Great!" Jack obeyed and pulled to the side of the road. By now, Jazz was beginning to awaken, and she yawned. Rubbing her eyes, she slowly stretched and glanced about, gradually registering what was going on.
"What's going on?" she asked sleepily. Maddie sighed.
"Your brother's going to turn the car invisible and intangible so we can get to the next rest stop sooner."
"What?" Jazz's eyes widened and she turned to her brother. "Danny, are you sure you can handle that? It's awhile until—"
"—I know. And…probably. I'll be fine." he reassured her, faking a smile. He blushed even more as he realized all eyes were upon him as he readied to transform. "You guys, um, you don't have to stare at me."
Immediately Maddie and Jazz turned away, getting the clue. Jack, however, raised an eyebrow. "Why?" he asked, "it's not like we don't know what you're going to do. Going ghost, as you'd say."
Danny winced. "Well, I just don't like being watched."
"Oh." Jack finally turned away, and Danny realized, in all his embarrassment, that it was still just as awkward as everyone looked away. The rings of light formed and passed over his body with a schwing, and he was in ghost form. Closing his eyes, he concentrated and shoved his hands against the seat.
Within seconds, the vehicle disappeared from view and Jack was off, driving through all the traffic faster than he had ever driven. Jazz and Maddie yelped as they were thrown back against the seat, and Danny's eyes widened in terror, clinging onto the seat as hard as he could. Jack, however, was having the time of his life. He hooted and laughed with glee, disregarding white and yellow lines and dots, zooming by at top speed.
"We should've done this much sooner!" he cried giddily, "Woo-hoo!"
His son smiled weakly and sighed. It was going to feel like a long drive.
"Danny? Danny, you can stop."
Maddie's voice came with great relief to her son. Danny released his tight grip on the seat and stopped his powers, exhaling deeply. With white rings again, he was human, and he looked up tiredly at his mother. His mom was peering into the back seat at him, frowning worriedly. "Hi. How are you feeling?"
"Tired." he stated simply, huffing out another breath.
"You can undo your seat belt, we're parked. Breathe in through the nose and out through the mouth, sweetie. Are you dizzy? Lightheaded at all?" Maddie asked as she came into the back, putting a hand on her son's forehead.
"Fine, I guess. Tired," he repeated, "and hungry."
"You're in luck. We're at a restaurant!" Jack piped up, "You did great. You made it for an hour." He beamed at his son. "I knew you could do it."
Danny smiled weakly back, eyes half-closed. "Thanks."
Everyone piled out of the car, ignoring stunned passersby. Danny lumbered out of the car, head hanging down. A large arm wrapped around him, and he looked up to see his father was giving him a proud grin and a one-armed hug.
"How's about you and me share a fudge sundae here, huh? You earned it." Jack asked cheerfully.
"That'd be nice, Dad," Danny said with a genuine smile, "that'd be nice."