Don't own, don't sue !
New story ! Completely different from Diamond in the Rough. Hope you'll like as much as you like DitR ^^
A big thank you to my wonderful beta treewitch703!
Eric slammed the door shut and the sound of the wood creaking and splintering was like music to his ears. Fucking Bill Compton. The Queen had called him earlier that night to tell him he was to take Bill Compton under his personal protection. Should anything happen to him, she warned, she'd have his fangs.
Eric didn't understand the interest the Queen showed in Compton. He was an asshole. Always had been, always would be. Eric hadn't really been ecstatic when Pam had announced that Bill Compton was requesting an audience two weeks ago.
When Pam showed him into Eric's office, he felt her amusement and had to fight the smirk that threatened to twist his mouth. "Bill Compton is here to check in with you, master." She had deadpanned. As if it weren't obvious. Instead of leaving, like she usually did when a vampire came to check in, she actually locked the door and took her position behind Eric.
"Bill Compton, it has been a while." Eric had drawled, sounding as bored as he felt.
"I have been..." Bill had began to explain but Eric had quickly interrupted him.
"Mainstreaming, I've heard." He had smirked. Mainstreaming. What a pussy.
"How does it work for you?" Pam had asked, as amused as Eric was.
"Quite well. Thank you." Bill had answered stiffly.
Eric had barely been able to hold back an amused snort. "So, what are you doing in my area? Passing by or settling down?" Passing by. Passing by. Passing by...
"Actually, I want to move back into my old house. In Bon Temps" Bill explained. That didn't make any sense, Bill's last location was in Sophie-Anne's court. Why would he want to come back in the middle of nowhere after living in New Orleans ? Either he was up to something or he was even more pathetic than Eric thought. "I built it when I was still human and since the last Compton died a few months ago, I want to go back there."
Pam cocked an eyebrow and Eric felt her amusement through the bond they shared. Pam loved her undead life and she couldn't figure out why the likes of Compton still held on to his past . Pam's human life had been pretty dull and after he had taken her, she never once looked back. Eric had always known that Pam was born to be a vampire, he felt it, felt her desire for life, for danger and excitation and it had drawn him to her. If he hadn't taken her the night he had found her sneaking back home, what kind of life would she had led? Married to a man she'd never love - someone who might have been much older than her, someone she even might have never met before - living a boring life, raising children she'd never wanted to have... And dying at the age of what? Fifty? What a waste that would have been. Add to that that he was bored at this period of his life and there was the result, a vampire silently laughing her ass off.
"Go figure," She had actually muttered under her breath.
When Bill glared at her Eric had growled low in his throat to remind him of his position and to get his attention back. Fool. "Very well. You'll have to come to Fangtasia for a certain number of hours every month. To mingle with the blood bags." Bill had grimaced and Eric had smirked. "Now, now, don't make faces at me, Billy." Pam had actually snorted at that one but Bill had wisely remained impassive this time. "Just like anyone else, you'll be on floor duty. That's a part of the deal for staying in my area."
Bill had bowed his head before nodding. "I understand, sheriff." He had answered respectfully.
Unfortunately, no reason good enough to refuse him the access to area five. "Alright, then. Pam has some paperwork for you to fill out and then you'll be able to go as soon as she's given you your floor schedule." He felt a flare of irritation and indignation through his bond with Pam and he had actually chuckled. The amusement was lost on Bill, though, and the younger vampire had just kept staring blankly at him. Eric had arched an eyebrow quizzically. "Anything else?"
"No, sheriff."
"Very well. Keep a low profile, do what you are asked to and everything will be perfect," Eric had advised before flicking his wrist, motioning for him to leave. Bill silently stood up and left the office without looking back.
Pam, however, had stood in front of him with her arms crossed over her chest. "You'll owe me big time for making me spend time with that mainstreaming pussy Compton."
Eric had smirked and winked at her. "A pair of new pumps ?"
"Two. Jimmy Choo." Pam had countered, smirking as well.
"You really don't want to spend any time with him, huh?" She had asked him with amusement.
"Not if I can help it." Eric had grunted. He had never liked Bill Compton. Ever since he had first met him in Chicago thirty years ago, he had considered him worthless. Back then, Bill was still under Lorena's thumb and Eric had been disgusted to see how pathetic the young vampire was. Bill had been completely enthralled by Lorena. He hated her with a passion for taking his human life and yet he was completely and helplessly devoted to her. However, Eric suspected that it was Lorena's gift, to keep her children enthralled. But even if it was true and though it might excuse his behavior, Bill was still a pathetic creature in his eyes. He was pining for his human life, trying to hold onto any thread of humanity he might still have. He tried to pretend to be human. How pathetic. And apparently, it hadn't changed over time.
"You're a manipulative master." Pam had sighed dramatically.
"Oh, come on, Pam." Eric had smirked. "Two pair of shoes for less than an hour with him. Fair deal."
"It will cost you." She had warned. "New collection."
Eric's smirk had turned into a grin. "Totally worth it."
And tonight, Eric had picked up a cute little redhead and led her back into his office. She was beautiful, with big green eyes and luscious breasts. He had just used his fingers to make her climax while feeding on her and she was kneeling between his spread legs, with his cock in her mouth, when Pam had barged in. Eric had merely raised an eyebrow, not in the least disturbed by his child's presence. The redhead had tried to stop her ministrations but fisting his hand in her hair, he had kept her in place until she started again.
"A phone call for you, master." Pam had announced, holding the phone out. "From New Orleans."
He pushed the redhead away from him without even glancing at her, he heard a soft thud followed by a grunt when she landed a few feet away from him. "Take the trash out," He ordered Pam. His child caught his dinner by the arm and looked her over. "Redhead ?" She mouthed with a smirk. Eric rolled his eyes and waved his hand, motioning for her to leave. She led the bloodbag out of his office without dropping her smirk but Eric wasn't fooled. He could feel a slight tinge of worry emanating from Pam. A phone call from the royal court never was a good thing.
"I am here." He announced firmly, one hand holding the phone while he used the other one to tuck himself back in.
"Sheriff," A soft voice purred. "What a pleasure to hear your voice."
Eric was dumbfounded. The Queen was calling him herself. Probably not good. Not good at all. "Your majesty," He exclaimed. "To what do I owe the pleasure?"
"I just want to chat a little with you, my dear," Sophie-Anne told him in a sweet voice. But Eric wasn't fooled. Sophie-Anne was anything but soft.
"Of course, your majesty." He replied in a flat voice. "Anything for you."
"Perfect," She chimed. "So, how is area five?"
"Everything is in order, your majesty." Eric answered proudly. He was good at his job. And everybody knew it. "Life goes smoothly for every vampire residing in my area, no major problems. Business is flourishing as well."
"Perfect, perfect," She muttered absentmindedly. Eric knew she was up to something. She'd tell him soon enough.
"Now, tell me," Sophie-Anne began. There it was. Faster than he had expected it, though. "How's Bill Compton ? Did he move back in his old house? Everything went well when he came to check in?" So the Queen and Bill Compton, huh ? Eric didn't like it. They were planning something. Something in his area and without warning him. He'd have to investigate that.
"As far as I know, yes, your majesty. Everything is fine with Compton." He answered calmly, without giving away his inner turmoil. He hadn't lasted this long to be outsmarted by a Queen and a pussy.
"Very well. I called you to make it clear that Compton's well being is really important to me. Therefore, it is important to you as well." She warned him and Eric heard the threat in her voice. Screw this up and I'll make you regret it. "Should anything happen to him, Northman," She continued harshly, "I'll have your fangs." Said fangs clicked in place with his anger. How dare she threaten him? Sophie-Anne was a good Queen but if she came after him, he wouldn't hesitate to stake her.
"Of course, your majesty." Eric answered smoothly. "I'll do as I'm told."
"Very well," She replied happily. "I want you to take Bill under your personal protection."
"I will, your majesty," Eric promised, hiding the disgust he felt at that idea.
"Of course, you will," She told him smugly. "You're my loyal Viking." Loyal, certainly. Viking, definitely. Hers, absolutely not.
"Yes, your majesty." He ground out through clenched teeth.
"I have to go now," Sophie-Anne sounded like a child. "Until we meet again, Viking." She hung up. Eric stared at the phone in his hand and had to resist the urge to crush it to dust.
No matter what Sophie-Anne and Compton were planning, Eric knew it wouldn't end well. But the question was, for who?
After recounting the whole conversation to Pam, and before planning their next move, Eric took to the air, direction : Bon Temps. When he landed on Bill Compton's porch, he quickly scanned the area. Everything was silent except for a clicking sound coming from inside the house. Compton was there then. And apparently, he was busy on his computer. Eric didn't even bother to knock, he opened the door and strolled in as if he owned the whole damn place. Like he always did. He heard Compton curse and quickly shut his laptop down.
"What are you doing here, Eric?" Bill asked in a tight voice.
"I was in the neighborhood, so I thought I'd pay you a little visit." Eric smirked.
"So nice of you!" Bill grunted and Eric's smirk grew wider.
"You know, Billy, I received an interesting phone call tonight." he noticed that the younger vampire immediately grew still. "Sophie-Anne was worried about your well-being." He continued, while observing Bill. When the dark haired vampire cringed, Eric knew he had been right. The Queen and Compton were up to no good. And in his fucking Area.
Faster than lightning, Eric threw himself at Bill. He slammed him against the wall and rejoiced in the sound of his bones smashing. "What the fuck are you doing in my area, Compton?"
"I...I told, you" Bill stammered. "I came back to live in the house I'd built myself."
"Do you think I'm stupid, Compton?" Eric growled and slammed him in the wall once more before baring his fangs. "The fucking Queen asked me herself to make sure that you were safe. I know you're working for her. So, I'll ask again, what are you doing here?" Eric insisted.
When Bill remained silent, Eric briefly thought about torturing him to get some answers but Sophie-Anne would throw a fit. He couldn't jeopardize his position without knowing more. "I can see that I won't get any answers from you tonight, Compton." Eric gritted through his teeth. "But make no mistake about it," He then warned, "I will find out what you're planning." With those words, he slammed Bill into the wall once more before dropping him to the floor.
"I have no doubt about it," Bill spat, massaging his sore throat.
Eric slammed the door shut and the sound of wood groaning and splintering was like music to his ears. Fucking Bill Compton. Fury was running through his veins. He would not be double-crossed by his own Queen in his own area. No way.
Taking a deep breath, he tried to calm down. Fury would be useless right now, he needed to keep a cool head. A scent drifted toward him and he sniffed deeply. It was familiar and foreign at the same time. And very intriguing. Following his nose, he walked through Compton's property to reach Bon Temps Cemetery. He frowned, unsure what to do. The smell attracted him like a moth to a flame but he didn't knew what was waiting for him there. Should he go see or just go back to Shreveport? He certainly wasn't a coward but he hadn't had lived a thousand years by making rash decisions.
However, he was probably strong enough to face whatever was waiting for him in the cemetery and he wanted to investigate this tantalizing smell. He ran through the cemetery, slaloming between tombstones until he reached the other end of it. An old farmhouse was standing there and something was off about it, but Eric couldn't focus on it. His eyes were drawn to the driveway.
Basking in the moonlight was one of the most beautiful girls he'd ever seen. She had blond hair swirling behind her back and her lovely curves gave her what could only be called a luscious figure. Unfortunately her eyes were closed so he couldn't tell their color though he was willing to bet they were a bright blue. Her skin was almost as pale as his but he actually found it attractive on her - unlike on those fangbangers who even used makeup to make themselves look paler that they really were. Ridiculous. - It was her complexion though, and it made her even more beautiful, giving her an almost ethereal look. She was wearing a tight white dress with big red flowers on it - though to Eric's eyes, they looked more like bloodstains - that added to that impression. That sweet smell was coming from her. Of course.
Eric felt his fangs click into place and he licked his lips. Oh, what he wouldn't give to plunge his fangs in her sweet neck right now. How he would love to grab her and kiss her, and drink her sweet blood while fucking her sweet body. But no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't move. He was fascinated, enraptured. His eyes were following each and every one of her graceful movements.
She was dancing.
So ? I know it's just the first chapter but I'd love to read your thoughts about it ^^