A/N: I do not own Twilight, it's characters, or the plot. This story is OCC and rated mature for adult content. You have been warned. Sorry guys for the huge delay. It's been forever. I hope you continue to read and that you will enjoy the chapter. I promise to update sooner. Until next time...

Beta: Rocksteady54

Chapter Ten

Bella opened her eyes as the pelting water of the shower sounded only a few feet away. She rolled over to gaze at the clock on the nightstand. It's was ten a.m.

She sighed.

She could only imagine the fit Charlie was throwing at their home. Bella had not planned to stay out all night, but she refused to to sleep through the night with Jake mad at her.

After the bitch fest, she found herself in his arms where she belonged. Normally things were hot, heavy, and vulgar between Bella and Jake. But last night had been completely different. Jake had managed t;o do things that no guy had ever done to her. He worshiped her body with every ounce of love that he felt for her.

If Bella had been questioning his true feelings for her, after last night, she would never worry about that again.

The way he confessed his love for her had fulfilled her heart's desires leaving Bella no choice but to surrender to his vices. Jake told her how beautiful she was over and over again. He never hesitated when telling her how amazing she felt. He had gotten deep inside of her soul. Bella had fallen over the edge again and again; more times than she ever imagined possible. She loved him. Her body craved his. They molded perfectly together - always.

She smiled to herself and rolled over in the direction of the bathroom. As much as she hated to get out of Jake's bed and head back home, she knew that she had to. It would only be a matter of time before Charlie would come looking for her with his shot-gun in hand.

Bella moved from the bed and walked into the bathroom. The steam was solid across the mirror as she wiped it with the palm of her hand. She admired her reflection. Her brown hair was wild, an indication of what occurred the night before. She was completely naked and had no shame; her body was perfect. It was perfect enough to flaunt in front of the guy that she could not get enough of.

As the shower ceased, she turned on the faucet. Bella leaned over and splashed water on her face. She stood up again to see Jake standing behind her.

"Morning," she smiled.

Jake smirked flirtatiously and wrapped his arms around her waist. His chest was bare and wet against her back as he rested his chin on her shoulder.

"Sleep well?" She asked.

"Like a baby."

He kissed her shoulder repeatedly. Bella realized how hard he was against her back. She sighed, "Charlie's going to kill me."


"He'll kill you too," Bella added.

"I can handle Charlie."

Bella chuckled, "He will handle you."

"Well, I'll handle you." Jake breathed into the crook of her neck as he sucked her skin into his mouth.

Bella closed her eyes and inhaled. The last thing that should have been occurring was this. She had never been the kind of girl that deprived herself of what she wanted.

"Jacob," she moaned.

"I love it when you say my name," he said huskily.

Bella grinned, "We are not having sex. I have to go."

Bella tried to pull away but Jake quickly objected by pulling her back to him. He gripped her waist lifting her and placed her tiny frame on top of the sink. Quickly he moved between her thighs. Before Bella could utter a single word his hands gripped tighter sliding her forward, sucking her bottom lip into his mouth. Bella wrapped her legs around his waist. His cock was hard and pressed against her wet sex. She had been objecting to this earlier, but of course; Jake brought out her inner animal.

"You're bad," she said.

Jake retorted. "So are you," He whispered into her ear as he thrust completely inside of her.
Bella gripped tightly onto the bathroom sink. She bit down onto her lip as Jake began his assault on her body, enjoying her as she took all of him in.

"God, you feel so good," He moaned.

"Oh Jake..."

There was a loud thump on the door. Jake stopped his movements and Bella's eyes flashed open. Fear framed them as she gripped tightly onto him.

"Uh...yeah," Jake said.

"Is Angela in there Jake?" Billy said.

"Angela?" Jake questioned. "Why would Angela be here?"

"Her parents are here for her."

"Dad, I have not seen Angela since last night." Jake informed.

"Jacob, I need you downstairs right away."

Jake remained quiet until he was sure that Billy was not outside the door. He turned back to Bella. Her face was flustered and confused as she removed herself from sink.

"I have to go." She stated.

"Just give me a few minutes to figure out what is happening, okay?"

Bella nodded as she followed him out of the bathroom. Once inside of his, room Bella turned on the television and sat down on the bed. Jake kissed her soft lips sweetly before turning to put on his shirt.

"Five minutes?"

Bella smiled lovingly. "Okay."


Jake sat down on the couch as he watched Mrs. Webber, Angela's mother, wipe the tears from her eyes. He was a little confused by her visit and as to why she seemed so distraught .

"Morning," Jake said politely.

"I really am sorry that I had to come over this early, but Angela is missing. Libby found her car abandoned on the side of the road last night with all of her things still in place. We notified chief Swan of her disappearance and he agreed to do anything her could to help us. Please say that you've heard from her?" She sobbed.

Mrs. Webber removed another tissue from her purse and wiped the tears that fell from her eyes continuously. She took a deep breath and closed her eyes for a brief second before opening them again.

Tears filled Jake's eyes as he shook his head no. There was no secret that Angela and Jake were over but that did not mean that he hated her. Jacob loved her but he would never be in love with her again. Bella had his heart. But the thought that something awful happened to her caused his heart to weep.

Jake began to reminisce about their relationship. It had been a rocky one but he accepted her and was willing to work on their relationship. The fact that he would one day imprint did not stop Jake from giving her his heart once upon a time. The idea of love had been intriguing and soon both Angela and Jake had found it, together.

Time could not replace every memory that they both shared. The thought that she would never grow up and find happiness with in herself and life nearly tore him apart. That was all that Jake wanted for her. He did not want to fight with her, see her suffer, or waste away because of their break up. What he truly wanted was for things to go back to the way that they were before both of their hearts were lying in pieces on the floor. He would never wish anything harmful on anyone.

Jake wiped a few stray tears away before turning his attention to Billy. Billy's potent features remained hard as he gazed into his son's eyes, "What happened last night Jacob?" Billy asked. "I heard a girl's voice, so I figured that maybe you made up or something."

"Bella and I made up."

"Bella Swan?" Mrs. Webber asked.

"Yes. My girlfriend."

Angela's mother's expression hardened. "Angela spoke of her before. I didn't realize that you had moved on so quickly."

"Things happen," Jake shrugged.

"Indeed they do. There are things we need to discuss, Jacob. With Angela's disappearance, I feel that it is only right that you know the truth about her."

"What do you mean the truth?" Jake asked confused.

Mrs. Webber sighed and looked directly into his eyes.

"Angela is ill."

"Sick?" Jake asked.

"Yes she is. More than you can imagine. When Angela was five-years-old she would refer to herself as Naomi. It occurred frequently. As the years passed I could distinctly notice the difference in her attitude. Sometimes, she was the sweetest person I had ever known. It was not until things went wrong that she changed."

"Changed?" Jake asked dolefully. "What do you mean a difference in her attitude? I don't-"

"She started acting out. Then there were the massive amount of headaches. Sometimes they were so bad that she could not stand to open her eyes. She became paranoid; as if the entire world were out to get her. Then one morning she woke up and I could tell Angela was not herself. A mother knows her own and I took her to see Dr. Regal, a psychiatrist, and he diagnosed her with dissociative identity disorder - in other words: multiple personality disorder."

Jake had to pick his mouth up from the ground as he tried to comprehend what Angela's mom was saying. Was it possible that his ex-girlfriend, the one he thought that he had known so well, had been mentally ill? Was it possible that the person he had willingly fell hard for had never been who she claimed to be? Deep down inside a part of him was hurting. He wondered how Angela could keep something like this from him? Or was it possible that Angela did not keep it from him, maybe it was Naomi?

Jake stood to his feet. Anger coursed through his veins as he paced back and forth frantically. He stopped abruptly, before turning his attention toward Mrs. Webber. His eyes darkened with rage as he yelled at her, "You knew all of this time and never told me? We were in love and it never crossed your mind to tell me the truth even if Angela did not? You are her mother. What would have happened if one day I ever had an encounter with Naomi?"

"You were in love with Naomi. The medication that Angela was on suppressed one of her personalities and helped tame the other. We had no idea that Naomi would become dominant. Angela let go of the the name Naomi as she matured. She decided to go by what was printed on her birth certificate," she responded.

Jake clenched his fists at his side. No excuse would work on his. As far as he was concerned Mrs. Webber had more than enough time to inform him of her illness but she had not. It was unfortunate that she decided to keep such a huge factor of Angela's life hidden until the worse had happened. Jake shook his head. "Ugh! This is fucked up on so many levels. Why are you telling me this now?"

"...Because I found a trash bag full of medication that Angela had not taken, three months worth to be exact. Jake, I need your help. Angela was her best when she was with you. If you hear from her, I need you to help bring her home for me. It's the only way to help her. I don't think you realize what your break-up did to her."

"I did not know her," Jacob yelled. "Angela did not trust me enough to tell me the truth! Why should I help her?"

"Because somewhere, some place deep inside of you, there is still love for her. Jacob I know that you are a good kid. I'm sorry about our dishonesty but I just wanted Angela to have a chance at a normal life. It was a life that she never had."

"I um...I have to go. Bella is still upstairs. I'm really sorry about Angela but please do not go knocking on anymore doors. Just let chief Swan do his job."

"Jacob, maybe it would be best if you saw less of Bella Swan." She stated.


"I've never met Bella but I can say that Angela was fine until she came along. I believe that Angela may have run off because of Bella. I don't know much about her but Angela had made it clear that Bella wanted her to disappear. I'm not completely sure what to think, but Naomi is in control."

"I have to go," Jacob repeated. He turned away from them and began walking toward the stairs.

Jake was silent as the tears formed in his eyes. He fought an internal battle with himself to hold back the tears. So many emotions fled through him as he thought back to the time that he spent with Angela. The way they were, all that he believed that they shared, vanished. The memories faded into the background with the thought of who she really was.

Jake paused and inhaled deeply before opening the bedroom door. Bella sat quietly at the edge of his bed, just the way he had left her. With his movement he caught her gaze fully of worry.

Jake stood frozen as he debated on what the right thing to do was. He wondered if he should tell Bella what happened downstairs? Should he express how much pain he felt? Jake sighed and closed the door behind him. Both Bella and Jacob remained quiet for only a moment.

"Jake," Bella said. "You're upset..."

It was not a question but more of a statement. She could sense his frustration. Bella gazed into his eyes for a moment. She was trying to put aside her own worry. Just as she was about to, she realized the emotion that was written on his face - heartbreak.

"Bella, Angela is missing," Jake said somberly. "Her mother is downstairs crying her eyes out as we speak. What is someone kidnapped her or if she's hurt?"
Jake ran his hands roughly over his face as he fought back the tears that threatened to release.

"Are you sure that she did not run off?" Bella inquired. "She could be out doing whatever her heart desire."

Jake sighed. "She's missing."

"Well, how do you know?" She asked.

"I don't," Jake snapped. "She's just gone, alright."

Bella glared at him and stood to her feet. "I was just stating the obvious.I mean come on Jake this is just another stunt to get your 's be real here."

Jake met her gaze. "And what the hell does that mean?"

"It means that Angela is spoiled and is used to getting what she wants. She was upset that she did not win..."

Jake cut her off. "She did not win what? Bella, this is not about the stupid game of clashing egos that you and Angela had going. Something terrible could have happened to her. What the hell is the prize anyway?"

Bella snatched her cell phone from the nightstand and headed for the door. Jake blocked it before her hand could grip the door knob.

"Move," Bella said.


"Move, Jacob."

"Bella, will you stop trying to run off."

"I'm not going to sit here and endure your emotional abuse because of your stupid ex who may or may not be missing. I thought you loved me."

"I do," Jake said. "You have no idea how much I love you Bella, and I'm sorry for yelling at you."

"I want to believe you but look at you Jake. Your nearly in tears because of her. You love her."

"I do love her," Jake acknowledged. "But I'm not in love with her. I've known Angela for a very long time. You can't expect me not to care."

Bella shouted furiously, "Why is Angela always the third wheel in our relationship, Jake? Have you though about that at all? I have thought about it. She's been nothing but a bitch to me since the moment I walked into Forks high school."

"You were rude to her as well, Bella. You were not always the victim," Jake yelled at her.

"Now you are defending her?" she asked furiously now standing to her feet.

"I'm not defending Angela. I don't even know who she is, Bella. Everything that she had ever told me, everything that I thought we were in the past - was all one big lie. It's all a lie. I don't want you to think that I'm in love with her, but it hurts."

Bella sighed. "It should not hurt. Listen, I'm going to go home and give you time to think."

"I don't need time to think. What I need is you," Jake said pulling her close. He wrapped his arms around her tiny waist, securing her body to his. "I need you."

"I hope so," Bella said.

"Don't hope," Jake avowed bleekly. "Just know...that all I need...is you."

Bella smiled sweetly at Jake, "I'm sorry. So what happened downstairs?" She asked.

Jacob's expression turned cold again as he stepped away from her. Bella ran one hand through her hair nervously as she waited for him to speak.

"She's sick," Jacob mumbled.

"Who is sick?"

"Angela...she is sort of...well sick."

"Jacob, what are you saying?"

"I'm saying that Angela is insane. You were right."

Bella folded her arms and held back a the laugh that fought hard to erupt from deep within her. She had been right all along. Although she never really believed that Angela was insane, a bitch maybe, but insane? Not really.

"I think you need to explain to me further," Bella said, leading him over to the bed.


There was a sharp pain in the pit of Angela's stomach. She regained consciousness as her eyes fluttered open. There was nothing, only darkness. Fear washed over her as the thought of what happened occurred to eyes, the deep crimson eyes that she last saw made her aware that the end was near. Angela felt weak as her body slumped over in the chair. Wet thick locks over hair remained slick and pressed to the side of her face. Sore eyes, made it nearly impossible for her to keep them open. There was an gut wrenching feeling that took a hold of her as seconds turned into minutes and still silence filled the air around her. No escape was attempted. She wanted it all to be over soon.

Tears fell from her body began to tremble in fear and anticipation. She was sure that Edward Cullen would kill her. Some part of her welcomed it but there was also a part of her that wanted to escape.

Unknown to Angela Edward was only a few feet away from her. He decided to take her to his parent's cabin. His parents had a cabin built when both Edward and Alice were little. They rarely had time for family vacations so they would take the children there to pretend that they were away from home. It was a spacious, two bedroom, and two bathroom cabin full of innocent childhood memories.

Edward's body rested against the cool white cottoned sheets of the queen sized bed in the master bedroom. He was shirtless with his eyes closed savoring the scent of Angela's blood that circulated in the room. It was soothing for him. The smell, the taste, even the texture of blood upon his fingertips made him feel as if he needed more of it and fast. Blood and the hunt had become and obsession of his. It took every last ounce of will power in order for him keep Angela alive for this long. But he needed to see her suffer. Edward wanted her death to be painfully slow. He planned to see just how far he could push her body and spirit before they completely gave up on her.

He inhaled, turning slightly in the direction of Angela's semi-unconscious body. She was seated in a chair with her hands handcuffed behind her back. The chair was placed in the center of the bedroom. The cabin was dark but Edward could see clearly.

Angela's sobs filled the air. Her voice had become music to his ears. Her wails were scenic and reminded him of why he chose not to kill her sooner. Edward could not bring himself to care about her pain. She deserved to feel pain for all of the wrong she had done.

"Kill me," Angela sobbed. "Please, just kill me."

Edward sat up in the bed and raked his fingers across his scalp in confusion. Killing her had been an option that he considered. But torment had become a better one.

He bit his lip in anticipation of feeling the blood drain from her body and fill his. He was obsessed with the idea of instilling fear in those who believed that they were the ones who should be feared. Angela had reigned in Forks High School for the last three years. She was a greedy bitch. He knew that and Edward found it hilarious that she thought he would do her a kindness by killing her.

Edward began to laugh malevolently as he stood to his feet. "Poor Angela. Kill me please," He taunted. "I never thought that I would see the day that Angela Webber shed a tear. Do you want remorse? Is that what you want? You want me to feel sorry for you, am I correct?"

Edward began to pace back and forth. He wished that nightfall would come soon. He wanted to play a game of cat and mouse with Angela. He wanted her to try to escape so he could hunt her and more than likely kill her.

"Edward," Angela sobbed breathlessly. "Please..."

"You know Angela, I used to have the biggest crush on you. I would watch you - admiring everything about you. You were beautiful, you still are. But unfortunately, I was not what you wanted. Nope, Edward Cullen was not good enough for you. But you know, that is not the reason that I hate you. Oh no, I can get over being turned down - but what I can not get over is the fact that you, Angela Webber, took something that belonged to my sister. You took her innocence away from her."

"I never intended for it to go that far!" Angela screeched.

"Do you have any idea of how long it took me to heal my sister?" He yelled.

"It was a prank," Angela sobbed.

"It was rape! And you are going to admit that to yourself tonight. You are going to own up to what you've done!" Edward hissed.

He was in front of Angela in a flash. Although Angela could not see him, he was glaring at her viciously. Edward fought the urge to rip her from limb to limb. He took a step back

Edward had always promised himself and Alice that when the time was right, Angela would get what she deserved. Edward knew that her time was now.

"That prank consisted of my sister locked inside of a classroom with a guy who forced himself onto her. It was you who gave her the drink, it was you who did not come to her aid. You listened to her sobs, Angela. I'm not sure why Alice did not turn you in to the police along with him. You had a hold over her and you hurt her."

"I did not think that he would go that far," Angela yelled. "I never meant for that to happen!"

"You did," Edward yelled, slapping her across the face. "You wanted Alice to suffer. You were jealous of her. You've always wanted the things that you cannot have. You're a leech, sucking the life from anything remotely good in this town."

Edward used vampire speed until he reached the light switch. He turned on the light, slightly turning to face her. Horror flashed across her face, her eyes went wide, taking in Edward's being. His eyes were a deep red; his body stance hard as marble as he peered at her. Angela began to struggle with the handcuffs on her wrists as the tears fell from her eyes. Edward smirked and moved swiftly until he was in front of her.

"Now, now little Angela, let's not make any wrong decisions. I'm not through with you yet."

"Help me!" Angela screamed, as she twisted in her chair, causing it to fall to the wooden floor. "Someone please..." she sobbed.

"You're a pathetic bitch," Edward hissed. "Where's Angela? At least make this a little fun for me. You know I really get sick of the same routine."

"What do you want from me?" Angela asked.

"What do I want?" Edward said, remaining in ponderous in thought. "Why do you instantly think men want something from you?"

"You're not going to get away this," Angela warned.

Edward chuckled. "Who will stop me? You know I doubt that anyone will come to your rescue and if they do, I'll kill them too."

Edward kneeled down beside Angela's body and brushed her hair away from her face. "You know, you look horrible in the morning. You should really clean yourself up."

"What are you going to do to me? What the hell are you?"

"You will just have to wait and see," Edward said coldly.


Alice sat quietly in the living room of her house with her knees pulled to her chest. The house was empty and cold. She was terrified of what would happen next. She knew that Carlisle and Renee were secured underground until dusk. That gave her plenty of time to think. Alice was afraid to go into the basement where her parents were chained up. It hurt her heart to see them as prisoners in their own home. But what could she possibly do?

She could release them, tell them to run but Carlisle would find them and kill them. It was still a mystery as to why he had chosen to keep them alive. Everyday Alice faced the possibility of death. But she would play by their rules if it meant saving the people that she loved. Alice knew that she would be no good to Bella - dead. Carsile had intentions that were still hidden. Bella Swan was included in whatever plot he had.

Alice quickly stood to her feet and began pacing back and forth. The stillness in the air had begun to set in as she froze, gazing around. Quickly she grabbed her car keys, purse, and bolted from her house. She stumbled down the pathway towards her car and quickly got in.

Alice drove in silence until she reached Bella's house. She had no idea of what she would say to her but felt as if she should say something. Bella had to know the amount of danger she was in. Learning that Jacob Black was a werewolf had offered some form of relief. She was relieved to know that he mated with Bella. That meant that Bella had protection. But even Jacob Black and his pack were not enough to put Alice's worries at ease.

Edward had never returned home and even though he was a completely different species now, she hoped that he had beat the sunlight. She hoped that he had found some shelter before daylight.

Alice parked in front of the Swan residence and got out quickly. She rushed over to the door before glancing over her shoulder. Alice felt as if she were being watched, as if someone were lurking in the shadows waiting for her to make one wrong decision. She began to panic as her breathing hitched in her throat. She managed to swallow thickly as Chief Swan opened the door.

He cleared his throat before greeting. "Hello Alice."

"Hi, is Bella home?" She asked. "I really need to speak with her."

"Alice, Bella did not come home last night. She stayed with Jacob."

"Oh," Alice said awkwardly.

"She should be home in a few minutes. You can wait if you like."

"That would be great," Alice said following him inside.

Inside, Alice sat across from Charlie. She watched as he quietly flipped through the television channel. After a few minutes of silence Charlie gazed in Alice's direction and returned the gesture. He noticed how hesitant she was. She seemed a bit shaken up. Her fingers held a firm grip on her knees as she sat on the edge of her seat. Charlie had come across many frightened teenagers in his line of work.

"Alice are you alright?" he asked.

Her eyes met his as, "Sure, I'm fine."

"You seem a bothered by something," Charlie said. "Are you sure that you are alright?"

Alice nodded, "Yes I'm fine."

After a few moments Charlie heard the door knob turn and in walked Bella. She wore the same black dress and plat form heels from the night before. Her hair was pulled back into a ponytail and tucked under. Bella's eyes were full of worry as she met Charlie's gaze. The wrath of Charlie had been what she anticipated for staying out last night. But when she notice Alice sitting across from him her attention shifted. Alice did not look like her usual chipper self. Her eyes had dark circles around them and her outer appearance was not flattering. Bella took a step closer as Alice held Bella's gaze. Tears threatened to fall from her eyes.

"Isabella Swan," Charlie began to speak angrily. "Only because I was aware that you were with Jacob I have not sent out an Amber alert. But if you two kids make me a grandad at such an young age I would lock you both up."

"Sorry dad," Bella said.

" Angela Webber disappeared last night without a trace. I don't take something of this sort lightly and her mother is insisting that I talk to both you and Jacob. I'm going to take you down to the station."

"Your joking right?" Bella inquired angrily.

"I'm afraid I'm not Bells. Listen kid it's just a few questions and then it will be over."

"Fine. But can I at least change first?"


"Alice," Bella said. "Come up stairs with me."

Alice nodded and quickly followed her out of the room. Once the two girls were inside of Bella's room with the door closed Alice flopped down on the bed. Bella moved quickly toward the closet and began to find something to wear.

"Alice, can I ask you something?" Bella asked gazing over her shoulder.

Alice nodded and sat up completely on the bed, "Sure. Ask away."

"What happened to Edward while he was away?"

"What do you mean?" Alice asked.

Bella turned to face her completely, "I think that you know what I mean Alice. Edward, what secret are you keeping for him?"


Kiree Newton sat quietly in the diner as she waited for her brother Mike to meet her for lunch. Mike and Kiree had always been close before she went away to college in Seattle. After that her relationship with her younger brother went hay wire. She wanted to fix their relationship for his sake. Mike had always been a bright kid and Kiree felt that she owed it to him to be the older sibling that he needed even if her arrival in Forks was not permanent.

Mike entered the diner with a baseball cap covering his blond hair. He wore a white tee shirt and ill fitting denim jeans. He stopped at the counter before noticing his sister sitting at a table to the far right. She wore a beautiful smile while waving her hand at him to get his attention. Making his way over to where she sat he smiled and joined her at the table.

"I'm glad that you could make it," Kiree said.

"Yeah, sorry that I'm late. Libby, a friend from school showed up at the house at around six a.m."

Kiree took a sip from her glass of water before speaking again, "Is that your girlfriend?"

Mike shook his head, "No she is just a friend. She was hysterical when she showed up. Her sister vanished last night after the dance."

"What?" Kiree asked in disbelief.

"Libby received a phone call last night from Angela. Libby went to pick Angela up because she had car trouble and found Angela's car abandoned on the side of the road. Her keys were still inside and the door was completely opened."

"Oh my that is very strange. Did she go to the police?"
"Yes her mom did. It just seemed strange that no one know what has happened to her but yet they are ready to blame someone for her disappearance."

"That does sound strange. I did not notice any strange activity at the dance."

Mike chuckled, "That's because you were not looking for it. I'm sure chief Swan will handle the situation even if Libby is convincing herself that Bella Swan is responsible for her sister's disappearance."

"Bella swan?" Kiree asked incredulously. "There's an intriguing theory."

Mike raised an eyebrow. He knew his sister well enough to know that she would go snooping in business that were not her own,"Don't turn into Sherlock Holmes while you are on vacation here Kiree. You promised mom and dad that you would relax. That is the reason that you are here remember. Your health is more important."

"You are amazing you know that," Kiree smiled sweetly at him. "I promise. Now let's order lunch. I'm starving."

Mike and Kiree enjoyed their lunch and each others company for an hour. But her thoughts continued to drift back to what Mike had shared with her. The fact the a girl had gone missing last night was sad. She had a great amount of sympathy for her family and friends. Angela's sister believed that Bella Swan had something to do with it. Kiree had learned that Bella was good friends with the Cullens. She was the one person who could bring her closer to them. The information that Bella Swan had could be vital to her. If her hunch was right she would be one step closer to proving truth in a theory that no one ever dared to believe in.