Battle of the Sexes- Bella vs. Jake

Bella stood in front of her life size mirror as she finished concealing her face and blushing her cheeks. Her juicy couture charm necklace sparkled around her pale neck and her light brown hair and strawberry blonde highlights were pulled up into a ponytail. She placed her huge designer shades over her eyes as she grabbed her Gucci backpack and headed out. There was no sun in forks but Chloe shades required no sun. She inhaled lightly once she reached the bottom step. Charlie stood in the archway as and eyed her deeply. Bella sighed.
"Rene and her expensive gifts are making this whole parenting thing hard."
"Daddy seriously your great but René has taste."
"Yea and where did she get that skirt your wearing?" he said gazing down "And when will she be sending the other half?"
Bella laughed lightly wrapping her arms around his neck, "Oh dad being over protective is normal you fathers but I promise I wont bend and snap."
"Bells where do you learn to talk like that?"
Bella shrugged her shoulders, "Too many Disney movies."
"I'm blocking everything Disney from the television. Oh and by the way Rene had your car transported here."
Bella jumped up and down like a kid in the candy store while clapping her hands. She was excited that she did not have to start at a new school in a beat up red truck someone named Billy had donated her. She did not like gifts from people who were not family. She was not a charity case.
"I take it you are excited."
"Am I. Remind me to call and thank her."
"Sure thing kiddo. So your first day of school in forks how do you feel?"
"I feel pretty normal. If I can deal with snobby girls at Pollard Mere Academy I'm sure I can handle anything."
"Well alright then. I have the late shift tonight so you will probably be asleep when I get home."
Bella smiled lightly, "Don't worry I'll be fine beside I'll probably just wait up for you."
"Oh you don't have to do that."
"But I want to. Charlie we have missed so much time together. I owe you a few hours of my life before I make friends and corrupt your town," she joked.
Charlie laughed, "You are like a clone of your mother. But listen kid public school is a little different than private school. Take it easy on your peers you hear me?"
Bella nodded lightly, "Of course dad."
Bella and Charlie exited the house. He headed towards the police car and she made her way over to her candy apple red BMW X6. She got in and checked her reflection in the mirror. She knew that Charlie was a strict dad so she would lose the sweat and flat shoes once she was in the parking lot of school. Bella did not like to lie or sneak around but she respected Charlie enough to not make him nervous. Plus she did not want to be on lock up. Rene made her promise to take it easy on him. It was hard enough hiding the tatoo on her neck and back. Even the belly ring was a no go and Rene made her promise to keep that covered as well. Living here for the remander of her high school sentence was going to be hard.
Bella wished Rene had not taken that two year marketing job over in Germany. But she knew that it made her mother happy so she swallowed her pride and decided to live with her dad.
Bella waved to Charlie one last time before speeding off. She always wondered what public school would be like? Maybe it was like her favorite old sitcom saved by the bell? she turned on the radio and popped in a CD. The pussycat dolls- Bad girl was her favorite Jam for the past year. She listened to it every chance she got. Suddenly her cell phone went off as she was pulling into the parking lot. She parked the car and ransacked her Gucci bag for her side kick slide.
It was Haylie, her best friend from back home.
"Hola Bella here."
"Bells have you been mauled by the public school geeks yet?"
"Good morning to you too hails and no I just got here. School starts at 8:30. Quick question why are you not in class?"
"I'm boycotting until you get back here. It's only been a few days and Courtney is all over Shane and your territory."
"I'm going too be gone until I graduate. Courtney can never have Shane. But I could care less about still being popular there."
"Yea well he seemed to be into her if you ask me."
"Okay well I have to go. I'll call you tonight. Chow."
Bella hung up her phone and tossed it into her bag. The though of Shane touching Courtney made her want to puke. Courtney Reynolds was anything but classy. I mean bella herself was not the most classy chick around but she conducted herself in a better manner than Courtney. Bella sighed, "Forget it. If he wants Courtney he can have her."
She grabbed her knee length Jimmy choo boots from the back seat and slipped them on. She removed the numerous shirts she wore to cover her tattoos and threw on her blazer.
She removed her ponytail and ran her fingers through her hair. Bella jumped as a pounding hand came down on her window. She turned lightly and grabbed her bag.
"What the hell?" Bella said angrily as she got out of the car.
She stood infuriated in front of the idiot who nearly put a dent in her car window.
"What the hell is your problem?"
"You can not just sit in your car. School started 10 minutes ago."
"Yea okay and who are you?"
"I'm Edward."
"What are you like a rent a cop for the parking lot?" Bella said rolling her eyes
"Call it what you want but I'm giving you a citation."
Edward pulled out a pad and began to write. Bella stood impatiently eyeing the stranger. He was not completely horrible looking. In fact he actually had style. He was wearing Gucci loafers and an Armani Exchange leather jacket. Bella smiled lightly. Edward looked up again and she turned away.
"What is your name?"
"Isabella Swan. Can I go now?"
Edward handed her the paper and she took off in the opposite direction never looking back. As she got inside she was not surprised at just how low class the school was. It had average marble floors and bland blue lockers. Bella held her head high and walked down the main hallway. Everyone was in class or so she thought. She came across a few guys who was laughing and joking until she walked by and then she was suddenly the topic of their conversation.
"She looks like a smuttier version of Malibu Barbie," One of them said.
Bella continued to walk until she heard the comment that made her furious.
"The bitch should just go back to planet rich girl stop posing nude."
Bella turned around and marched right up to them. Maybe she would not have done that if she would have know that they were looking a booty magazine. They were not talking about her. They barely noticed that she walked by until she was standing directly in front of them with an embarrassing look on her face.
"Can we help you?" One of them said
Bella was to embarrassed to utter a word and she was also blown away that they were beautiful. All tanned skinned, big brown eyes, and muscles to die for. Each of them could be told apart with their different styles but Bella was suddenly infatuated with just staring at them.
"Hey quil man she's drooling," Paul joked. "Why do they always drool geesh?
Quil laughed lightly, "Which one of us is she drooling over?"
"Probably me We all know who the fine one in this pack really is," Embry smiled standing to his feet.
Bella rolled her eyes, "Don't flatter yourselves guys," Bella said flipping her hair.
"Well can we help you?"
"Yea I just need to know where this class is?"
Bella said leaning over and pointing towards the paper. Quil could see directly into her shirt and she did not mind. He smiled lightly, "Down the hall on the left."
"Thanks," Bella said walking off.
"Hey what's your name?" Quil yelled
Bella ignored him and continued down the hallway until she reached the class. She entered and all eyes flashed towards her. Mr. birdie did not look too impressed. He gestured for her to come to his desk before sitting. She walked slowly.
"Class," Mr. Birdie yelled. "This here is Isabella swan."
Bella waved lightly and headed towards the back of the class. She had never felt happier to be in a seat. She felt over dressed and out of place. Public school was indeed different. Bella pulled out her ipod and put in her ear buds.
She just wanted to relax and that was it. There was a light tap on her shoulder. She turned to a see yet another cute guy. Who knew that public school had this many cute guys? She smiled lightly but he did not return the favor. He just continued to stare her down with his huge brown eyes.
"Hey princess your music is distracting me. Besides if he see that you'll get detention. It does not take a rocket scientist to know that you can't listen to that in class."
"Excuse me?" Bella asked stunned
"Oh so you don't speak English?" Jake asked "Which language would you like me to translate the words "Turn that stupid shit off" in?"

Bella could not believe her ears as she turned her body completely around, "I speak English you dick. What is your problem? I mean besides your lack of style."
"My style is just fine and my problem is you and your stupid ipod. I though we covered that part already."
"Do you have any idea who you are talking too?"
"I could careless. Just turn it off."
"No," Bella said turning around and sliding down in her chair.
Jake reached over from behind and snatched it from her hands. He sat back completely in his chair and slid it in his pocket.
"Hey that's stealing."
"I'll give it back once class is over."
"No give it back right now you jerk off."
"Make me."
Bella glared at him before she felt Mr. Birdie hand on her shoulder.
"Jacob black and Isabella Swan I know that your conversation is important and I intend to let you finish it. In detention," He said before walking off.
"This is your fault."
"You should have shut it off Barbie."
Bella rolled her eyes and turned around. She had never had detention and just her luck she had to spend her detention with someone who could possibly be the biggest idiot in this school. Just great.