A/N: I apologise so profusely! You are all brilliant readers, reviewers and I am a horrible, non update-y person! Thanks to Eclaire Stones for the recent review, which has reminded me to update! xD I can't promise that I'll get any better. I now have A Levels and university application rubbish to attend to So thanks for sticking around! I hope this is worth it… :S Also, I may change the rating soon. I'm not entirely sure of the future of this. One would be M, the other not so xD


The silence of the potions dungeon was deafening and the students were practically holding their breath. Professor Snape was sat behind his desk marking work and looking furious, thanks to a particularly taxing day. A disappointing meeting with Professor Dumbledore had left Snape in a foul mood, and his third year class were taking the brunt of his anger. Seamus and Neville had received a week's worth of detention simply for sharing their ingredients and for the rest of the class, the bell could not come fast enough.

"Get out, all of you."

In less time than it took for him to say the words, the third year class had fled, minus our favourite know-it-all Hermione. Snape had already gone back to his marking and Hermione, after gathering her thoughts, approached his desk.

"Sir…" she enquired.

"Ah, Miss Granger. I was aware that you were still in my room, although I find myself at a loss searching for a reason why. " Snape's retort had dented Hermione's resolve, and she took a moment to reply.

"Well, you see Sir. Professor McGonagall has suggested that I speak to you. She said that you 'd know what it was about. So… Here I am."

"Yes. A few days ago Professor McGonagall asked me if I would spare some of precious time in order to assist you with your current dilemma with time. Yes, Miss Granger, I am aware that you are currently in possession of a time-turner. I, myself, used the device whilst studying at Hogwarts and the good Professor thought that you might benefit from some…advice."

At this, Hermione became intrigued, a small light shining in her eyes.

"You used a time-turner whilst at Hogwarts?" she exclaimed.

"That is what I just said. Please, Miss Granger, if my speech is only to be repeated back to me then I would rather keep silent."

"No, no Sir!" she replied, blushing furiously. "I only… Professor McGonagall hadn't mentioned it. That was all. Your advice would be invaluable to me! The practicality of using the time-turner is simple enough, but hiding the effects is already becoming difficult. Ron seems suspicious…"

"I highly doubt that Weasley's suspicions are anything to worry about. The idiot wouldn't notice if you developed another limb, let alone guess this." Snape rolled his eyes at Hermione's slightly shocked expression.

"He's not a total idiot…"


A small knock sounded on the dungeon door.

"Enter." Snape's voice echoed around the room, and Lupin's head appeared round the door.

"Sorry to bother you Severus. Oh, hello Hermione." Lupin gave a small wave. "Would you prefer if I came back later?"

"No Lupin, that's fine. So Miss Granger, I have some free time on Saturday evening. If you are truly interested in my advice, you will meet me here at 8 o'clock."

At the obvious dismissal, Hermione nodded. "Thank you, Sir."

After she had exited the dungeon, Lupin turned to Snape.

"She's so much like Lily isn't she, Sev?"

"No, Lupin. No."