Hey welcome to my first fanfic here it is its going to be a Naruino cause I like this paring

Also I don't own naruto : (

Chapter 1

Outside near Konoha

It is a dark night as screaming can be heard all over Konoha as the kyuubi the strongest of all the tailed beast. Was destroying the village the ninjas were buying time for their leader Namikaze Minato the Yondaime hokage know as the Konoha's Yellow Flash who had his new born son Naruto.

The Yondaime was riding on top of Gamabuta the toad boss who was fighting the kyuubi while he finished the seal.

"Foolish human do you really think you can stop me I am the great kyuubi lord of hell you pathetic humans cannot stop me." Laughed the kyuubi

"I don't think I can I will stop you by sealing you into my son."countered Minato he then set his sight on Naruto "Naruto I'm sorry for the burden I am placing upon you I hope the villagers see you as a hero because you are one goodbye Naruto." Minato said to his son.

Minato finished the seal and called out his jutsu "Shiki FÅ«jin." As the shinigami appeared behind Minato.

"Why have you summoned me human?" Asked the shinigami.

"That over there the kyuubi no kitsune I need your help to seal it into my son." Replied Minato

"I will help you with your problem but it will cost you your soul do you accept these terms." asked the shinigami

"Yes I accept." answered Minato

The shinigami then took his knife and sliced out the kyuubi's soul inside Naruto and then finished the seal on Naruto's stomach and Minato sealed half of the kyuubi's chakra into Naruto and the other in a scroll which he gave to a toad he summoned.

"goodbye Naruto become an outstanding ninja I know you can do it." Minato said with his last dying breath before the shinigami devoured his soul.

The third hokage, Jiraiya, and Kakashi had arrived to see Minato seal the Kyuubi into his son Naruto the third went and picked up the crying Naruto who instantly stopped crying and giggled as he picked him up the third could only smile at this he told Jiraiya and Kakashi to meet him at the hokage tower they nodded and shunshined away to the hokage tower.

Hokage tower

"What do you suppose we do Hokage-sama." asked the young Kakashi

"Jiraiya I want you to go and train Naruto outside of the village he will need to be strong so that he can take his father's name I will send Kakashi to help him with his training when he is 10 years old." replied the old hokage.

"I understand but what about the council I doubt they will let Naruto go some will want him dead and others will want to turn him into a human weapon." Sighed Jiraiya

"don't worry about them I'll take care of it just make sure Naruto is back for the last the last year of the academy." said the hokage

"He will have a huge advantage over the other kids you know with both mine and Kakashi's training." smiled Jiraiya.

"He also has the uzumaki sealing power." said the hokage.

"I'll also teach him how to control the kyuubi the seal Minato did is to allow the Kyuubi chakra to fuse with his own so he should learn to control it." said Jiraiya. "Well I guess I'll see you two in a couple of years by the time you see him he'll be stronger than ever." said a smiling Jiraiya.

Hiruzen then dismissed Kakashi he was smiling thinking of how strong Naruto will be when he returns then came the thing that all kage's hated paperwork.

Konoha council room

The room was full of both shinobi and civilians they were discussing the events that had occurred last night then they all saw the Sandaime walk in and they all went and took their seats.

"We are here to discuss the event that happened last night as many of you may know the Yondaime has died." the room went silent then Hiruzen continued "He died sealing the kyuubi into a new born named Uzumaki Naruto." finished Hiruzen

Many of the civilians called for the boy to be killed at once so that the demon may die.

"Silence!" shouted the hokage everyone instantly shut up they all looked at the hokage who sent out a wave of killing intent at them.

"Naruto will be honored as a hero for that is the Yondaime wish for he is the kyuubi's prison not the actual thing he will be trained to be a ninja." Said Hiruzen

"I say that you allow me to take him and turn him into a weapon." proposed Danzo

"You will not I've already decided that he will be trained by Jiraiya who has already taken him and will return in the last year of the academy so that he will make friends."

Everyone was amazed that Jiraiya had taken the boy and will be training with him for so long.

"I will also be sending Hatake Kakashi to help him when the boy turn 10 so he can have a grasp on ninjutsu." said Hiruzen "Jiraiya will also be teaching the boy how to control the kyuubi's chakra. Finished Hiruzen

The council was shocked when they heard that he would be learning how to control the demons chakra. Hirashi then spoke up "Are you sure that is a wise idea having the boy learn to use the Kyuubi's chakra and to be trained by Jiraiya-sama.

"Yes I am sure of it and I will explain during the clan meeting but for now I will pass a law that forbids people from telling the younger generation only Naruto will be allowed to tell them if he see it fit If you break this law you will be executed do I make myself clear" explained the hokage.

Everyone in the room nodded as he motioned for the clan heads to follow him into the other room and dismissed the others.

Clan council


One inside he put up a barrier to prevent people from hearing what they were discussing. "I will now tell you about Naruto's heritage Naruto is the son of Namikaze Minato and Uzumaki Kushina." everyone gasped at hearing this

"So the boy is the son of the Yondaime." Asked Fugaku as he was amazed to learn this about the boy

"That is correct that is why I'm having Jiraiya and Kakashi train the boy so that he can learn from both his father's sensei and his student." Answered Hiruzen

"That is all you may know return to your families also keep this a secret we don't want Iwa coming after Naruto is that clear." said the Sandaime as he stood up to leave.