Disclaimer: I do not own the copyrights to Gundam Wing, Endless Waltz, Sailor Moon, X, Serial Experiments Lain, or any songs that are used in this story. All copyrights belong to their respective owners.

Readers Note: This is a re-post

Gundam Wing & Sailor Moon

X Pi

Episode 6:

The Epilogue


Johan woke up, the blackness of his dream turned into a brightness of the ceiling. He looked up and saw the ceiling of the hospital. Of course he knew that it was a hospital from the whiteness of the place. At first the only thing the wanted to move was his head and neck. So he turned his head on the soft pillow (even though it is hospital issue). He looked out what appeared to be the window and he saw space, outer space. He was home, back in space.

He looked to the other side of the room to see another window and he immediately knew that this window went out into the hallway. Out that window he saw people, several of them, a few of them had their backs turned to the glass and were leaning against the window. Johan wanted to jump right out of the hospital bed and run out the door and find out who it is out there. But he knew that he was here in the hospital that he can't just leap out of bed. Not to mention that he has this bum leg so that would mean that he would have to hop out of bed and hop into the hall way.

That was the next thing he wanted to check, his leg, but he had to take one thing at a time. He felt around for the bed controls, and he pushed the button that would lift him into a sitting position. And he looked at his leg and it was bandaged up (he saw it that way because there were no bed sheets) and that meant that Preventer had to use some special treatment on him to get it like this. Because when he tried to move it he didn't feel anything, it was as if Treize hadn't cut him in the first place.

He tried to move himself, starting with his upper body moving down to his lower body. It felt as if he had been drugged, recovering from a hangover or waking up after a long nap. He looked to his lower left to find the guardrail for the hospital bed. The first part that he moved was his arm. Even though he's a bit weakened he can still move, and he lowered the guardrail. He moved himself and got up. Standing on his legs made him feel a little weaker since it was his leg that was injured. He slowly walked to the door and opened it, apparently no one came in so he figured that he should come out.

As the door opened he was slowly thinking about what Lain said, that he would know. At first he was feeling sick, not because of whatever drugs the doctors may have used but the part of him knowing what to do. When the door was slightly ajar he suddenly realized what he needed to do; return the Senshi to their world.

The door was now fully opened and he looked into the hallway to find the Gundams and Senshi all standing in the hallway talking to each other. He hobbled over to them, and he heard their words.

"I'm not sure when he'll come out of it." Johan heard Duo's voice

"He is quite the guy, Duo." Haruka said, (the Haruka who is Sailor Uranus)

"I'm surprised that you would say that about a man." Michiru smiled, "As I understand you don't like popular men."

"Hey." She whispered

"I will say this." Heero's voice added, "Johan is a survivor."

Johan cleared his throat and spoke even though at first his voice sounded very low and dry, "I'm touched."

The Senshi and Gundams spun around to find Johan out of his room, on his feet and out of bed. The first ones to come near him were Michiru and Duo, both of them were at his side like nurses aiding their patient.

"How are you feeling Johan?" Michiru asked

Johan looked at Michiru's face and saw the concern in her eyes, "I'm feeling a bit weak."

"You should get back to bed Johan." Duo said

Johan laughed a little bit, "Just like that time I tricked you into going to bed while you were drunk."
Duo smiled, "Yeah, you really put one over on the God of Death."

"Let's get you back to bed Johan." Michiru suggested

"What of my wife Haruka?"

"You're wife's just fine." Ami reported, "She was moderately undernourished but she's in better condition now."

"How long have I been out?"

"Two weeks."

Duo felt that he should tell what happened and make a joke at the same time, "That's right Johan. You lost a lot of blood but we found most of it."

Johan laughed a little but he was using most of his strength to stand on his own two feet.

"What about the swords we were given?" Johan asked while being led back to his bed

"We don't know." Duo explained, "After you passed out they vanished into thin air."

They were now aiding Johan back into his bed.

"Let's get you back to bed." Michiru suggested

As they were easing him back into the already "sitting-up positioned" bed Johan told them of what he had to do.

"I have to…" He was so tired that he could barely stay awake

"What Johan?" Duo asked

Johan was already in the sitting position in the hospital bed, "I have to return the Senshi."

At that moment, Johan fell asleep.

As he did, Michiru reached for the bed controls and set the bed into it's "laying down position."

"What did he mean?" Duo asked

Michiru looked at him, "He meant that he wanted to return us to our own universe. But from what Ami told us, we can stay here a little longer. Plus I don't think we've properly thanked any of you."

Duo shrugged but then he thought of a real good crack joke at this, "What kind of thank you will you give us?"

Michiru got the idea of the joke from the seductive tone in Duo's voice and she giggled and said, "I don't think so Duo."


A few days later:

This adventure may have been an exciting time for the Senshi, but for the Gundams it was just another day at the office of Preventer. The perspectives were quite different between them but some congratulations were needed between the Gundams and Senshi for fighting this battle. Especially since this would probably be the last time that the Gundams would ever see the Senshi, so a celebration would be held in honor of this. One might think of it as a farewell party but that would in a way be a bit sad for this occasion.

It was held at the Sank Kingdom once again, since it was decided that after the whine, dine and dancing was over then the Senshi could go home. Although the occasion to the Gundams and the officers of Preventer this party was like a small get together, but to the Senshi it was like a ball. Even the Senshi were given the best dresses that could be made, although there was Haruka (Sailor Uranus) who didn't exactly like the idea of wearing a dress.

"Why not Haruka?" Michiru asked back at their guestroom, "We are guests here you know."

"I know that." Haruka said slightly growling, "I just… don't like it."
Michiru shrugged, "Alright."

So Haruka (Sailor Uranus) wore a completely white tuxedo to the event. There was a bright side to having her wear a tuxedo. It was this, at least the party guests would be able to tell the difference between the Haruka Tenou that is Sailor Uranus (whom would be wearing the white tuxedo) and the Haruka Tenou who is Johan's wife (whom will probably be wearing a dress).

There were tables and tables with small finger foods on it and people were dressed in the finest of clothing that could be tailored. Even the Gundams would be dressed in their finest Sank Kingdom uniforms.

The Senshi arrived through a great set of doors into this fairy tale like atmosphere. Each of them were in awe, it was almost like their vague memories of the parties that were held in the White Kingdom's ballrooms all those years ago in their own universe. The Senshi were dressed in dresses of different colors. Such as Ami was in an ice blue color, while Minako was in a orange-yellow dress, Makoto was in a green color, Haruka was in her white tuxedo, Michiru was in a sea foam green, and last of all Rei was in red. They stepped into the ballroom in one large cluster, like a school of fish in an aquarium they progressed. That is until they heard a familiar voice come from the faceless crowd.

"Hello." The voice called

Haruka and Michiru were the first ones to see them, they saw the Gundams in their Sank Kingdom uniforms and they progressed in their school-of-fish-progression. They walked over and found the Gundams in uniforms that were of a super formal nature. Their Sank Kingdom Uniforms. Heero's of it's black and white, Duo's was black and red, Trowa's of two shades of blue, Quatre's was a light tan with it's white, Wufei's was purely white, finally Johan's was of green, black and of course was the common gold for their shoulder pads and trims.

Among the Gundams were Haruka Tenou (who had her long hair cut back to it's original short look) and Relena Dorlin, both of them in dresses that were nearly fit for royalty. Relena's dress was nearly the same outfit that she wore when she was the Chief Representative of the Romafeller Foundation. Better known as Queen Relena. Although the dress that Haruka (who is Johan's wife) had a little less fluff at the waist below area.

The Senshi came within their circle and the conversations began. The first was Rei who wanted to say something to Wufei.

"Wufei?" She asked

"Yeah?" Wufei Responded

"I wanted to say that I'm sorry for slapping you." She looked down at her hands that were holding her red dress.

"I'm not sure what to say Rei." Wufei laid his hands behind his head, "A woman never apologized to me before."

Rei bowed this time to Wufei, "Please accept my apology."

Wufei looked at her slightly surprised only seeing her shiny black hair that was draping downward.

"Alright, alright." Wufei said in a tone that said I get your point.

Next to this forgiving conversation, Johan and his wife were talking to the rest of the Senshi, and actually at the moment Johan was talking directly to Haruka (Sailor Uranus) and Michiru (Sailor Neptune).

"Tell me." Johan asked with a smile, "What do you two do back home in your universe?"

The two Senshi looked at each other, and Michiru stated what the two of them wanted to do.

"I wanted to be a violinist." She stated, "And Haruka wanted to be a race car driver."

"Really?" Haruka (Johan's wife) asked, "What stopped you two."

Michiru looked down to the floor with a face of solemnest and near shame, "Our destiny's were to be Sailor Senshi."

Johan smiled and giggled

"What's so funny?" Haruka (Sailor Uranus) asked

"I'm not too big on fate or destiny." Johan stated, "I'd like to think that I have some control over my life. But you said that you wanted to be a violinist Michiru. How good are you?"

Michiru looked back up at Johan and tried to think of a modest explanation of her level of playing the violin, "I'm pretty good." She shrugged

Johan began to formulate and idea, "We have some instruments set up." Johan explained, "Quatre and I were going to play a little something during this small party, would you like to play along side of us?"

Michiru smiled, "I'd love to, but I didn't bring my violin."
Johan shrugged, "Hey, it's no big deal. I'll just ask for another to be brought in. I think that you should have some fun while you're here."

"That would be great."

"How about this?" Johan asked Michiru, "Do you have any music with you?"

"I do." Michiru answered thinking back to the sheet music she had in her clothes, "Do you mean for the violin?"

"That's right."

"I have some in my room, but how good are you and Quatre?"

Johan smiled as if hiding his own pride, "Oh we're pretty good. But could you bring your sheet music, I think we can play it."

"Alright." Michiru answered

Johan was just about to leave to talk to the other Senshi when he came back to talk with them.

"Oh by the way." He said to the Senshi Haruka and Michiru, "Where did all of you spend your last Thanksgiving?"

"Our last Thanksgiving?" Michiru asked, she was in deep thought trying to remember what they did, but then she thought of an answer, "We don't celebrate Thanksgiving where we come from."

"In that case, Christmas." Johan smiled, "You see, here in the Sank Kingdom we throw one hell of a Christmas party. So if you and the other Senshi aren't doing anything where you are, why don't you come back and we'll have a blast."

"Now Johan." Haruka (Johan's wife) said while hugging his waist and laying her head down on his chest, "You're not trying to hit on them are you."

Johan wrapped his arm around his wife and looked into her eyes.

"I'm not." He smiled; he looked back at the two Senshi and asked them, "How about it?"

"We'll see how things turn out." Michiru smiled, "But I think we should."

She looked around at all the people that turned up at this party; they were really getting the red carpet treatment. Johan and his wife Haruka turned and went to talk with the other Senshi while Haruka (Sailor Uranus) and Michiru talked to each other.

"What are you feeling Haruka?" Michiru asked

"I'm feeling very odd." Haruka answered, "It's just a very odd feeling to look at someone else who looks like you. It's like looking into the mirror only your not standing in front of the glass."

In another part of the room, not to far away from Haruka and Michiru, the other Senshi were talking amongst each other of what to tell the others when they get back.

"We'll probably tell them that we took care of the problem." Ami suggested

Even though this suggestion sounded good, the others that were around her (Whom were, Rei, Minako and Makoto.) thought differently.

"What if Usagi asks what happened?" Minako asked, "We can't tell her that there were cute boys here. We'll be hearing her whine for months on end that she didn't come with us."

"That may be." Rei acknowledged, "But we can always say that we didn't meet anyone here."

"Then again," Makoto added, "Why should we worry? She is our friend and we can't keep secrets from her, she'll eventually find out. I think that telling her now is better than lying."

"Yes." Rei agreed, "But what choice do we have?"

"None." Minako answered blankly

All the Senshi gathered in this small circle nodded their heads.


Meanwhile the Gundams were in their own circle talking about their acquaintances, the Sailor Senshi.

"What are all of you thinking about them?" Johan asked his small group,

Duo looked over his shoulder at the Senshi who were talking amongst the others at this Fairy Tale-like party.

"They're an…" Duo was trying to think of the best word for this group, "interesting bunch I've met."

"I have to agree with you Duo." Quatre agreed whole heatedly as he looked in the same direction, "They have a kindness such as we do. They have to fight but they don't want to kill anyone just like us."

"Speak for yourself, Quatre." Wufei added, "We have had to kill people in our battles."

"That may be Wufei." Johan stated, "If we kill another man in battle its called heroism, but when a man kills another in passion its called murder. Where do we draw the line in our killing?"

Johan's dear wife Haruka at his side began to giggle as Johan had laid out his philosophical question about the line in murder.

"Why are you laughing Haruka?" Johan asked

Haruka looked up at her husband and looked deeply into his green eyes to make her explanation, "It's just you're so serious even when you're not fighting. I think we should just have fun, I mean this maybe the last time that we'll see our new found friends, the Sailor Senshi."

Johan thought about his wife and wanted to asked her something.

"How does it feel to meet someone who looks like you?" Johan asked her

Haruka looked back at the Haruka and Michiru near the other Senshi and tried to think of her own response about this situation.

"I think that she's feeling the same way I am." She answered

"How's that?" Duo asked

She kept looking at the Haruka Tenou across the room as she gave her explanation, "It feels like that I'm looking into the mirror but at the same time I know that I'm not."


Johan found his way to the little "stage" that was set up in the hall where the people had gathered for this small "farewell get together". Johan saw what was set up on the stage, the violin's, two of them were for him and Quatre. The third he requested was the one that was intended for Michiru. Each of the violin's in it's own shade of wood varnish stood in their upright cases waiting for their players to come along. Johan passed the one he would play, then Quatre's and finally Michiru's to where the microphone stood.

Johan walked up to it and spoke into the microphone, "May I have your attention please." He asked

The audience that used to be in it's clamor of noise and hustle stopped and all eyes and faces turned to Johan.

"Ladies and Gentleman," Johan began, "As part of this event there will be music. Played by myself as well as two other people, and it gives me great pleasure to introduce them." Johan raised his left hand to that part of the stage where his fellow Gundams stood, "From the office of Preventer may I introduce, Quatre Raberba Winner."

The audience Quatre walked up the stage and waved to the audience and stood at Johan's side while he continued.

"And one of our distinguished guests, may I introduce, Michiru Kaioh."

Michiru came to the stage and curtsied to the audience.

Both Quatre and Michiru went to the violins that were set up in their upright cases. They were setting themselves up, placing a small cloth between their chin and the violin. But before they did that they exchanged some words with each other.

"Good luck to you." Quatre whispered

Michiru didn't exactly say anything, but she winked at him. It was a kind of wink that said a whole list of things to Quatre. He blushed at this, because the closest thing that a woman did anything effectual for him was Dorothy Catalonia stabbing him. One could include Quatre's 27 sisters in this sort of matter but it isn't exactly the kind of thing one would think about.

The two violinists raised their violins and their bows waiting for their third to begin this trio. Neither one moved, both of them had their eye's closed and their bows setting right on the string.

"I hope you enjoy our performance." Johan said as he turned around and reached for his violin and he began the first note.

Soon the others joined in and the song at first was just one violin. But as soon as Johan began, Michiru and Quatre joined him. The song itself sounded wonderful almost like a Scottish Jig that would be played on top of the highlands in the days of the clansman. That was the feeling that the audience was getting and they began to make small dances on the dance floor to the music. So did the violin players, Johan, Quatre and Michiru began to open their eyes and began to jump and dance around each other in a circle of music and dance.

Meanwhile on the dance floor the Senshi began to pair up with the Gundams, at least partially.

Rei came up behind Duo and tapped him on the shoulder; he spun around and looked at her with some confusion as she curtsied to him. Duo did somewhat get the message and he took Rei's hand and began to dance with her. The two of them were dancing like the others on the dance floor as if they themselves belonged to this hypothetical Scottish clan.

Back away from the edge of the dance floor Makoto walked reluctantly to Trowa Barton. One would say that Trowa was one person she had on her dance card, but another would say that would be more like a lack of options. But she continued to Trowa and called him softly while the music continued.

"Trowa?" She asked

Trowa turned and looked at her blankly as he always looked at anyone as if waiting for a moment to strike, even though Makoto posed no threat at all.

"What can I do for you?" He asked

Makoto blushed and asked, "Would you dance with me?"

Trowa now looked confused, for the first time in a long time he didn't exactly know what to do. Of course this expression showed clearly on his face.

"What's wrong?" Makoto asked

"I don't know how to answer your request." Trowa explained while he swallowed trying to get rid of the dry feeling in his throat and he wiped his palms against his Sank Kingdom jacket to get rid of the sweat.

"Do you want to?" Makoto asked

Trowa opened his mouth and said in a low dry throat voice, "Yes."
Makoto led Trowa to the dance floor and she did help Trowa in his steps even though this may be the first time that he's danced before. That could be clearly seen by how choppy his foot movements were. Ironic in a way, he could do some amazing tricks and tumbles in the air, but on the dance floor, well that's pretty much evident.

At the same time both Haruka Tenou's were looking up at the stage at their loves, Michiru Kaioh and Johan Rodriguez. The two of them stood side by side, it was as if they were twins, one wearing a tuxedo and the other a dress.

"He's amazing isn't he?" Haruka (Johan's wife) asked

"Yes." Haruka (Sailor Uranus) agreed, "So is Michiru."

"I have to have high respect for you two that you can love each other that much."

"I say the same for your husband, I've never seen so much devotion in a single man in my life. He has a pure heart just like Michiru and myself."

Haruka (Johan's wife) smiled, "You have to have a pure heart if you want to protect the one's you love."

The music continued on the stage as the circle of music and dance continued. Although Quatre and Johan were feeling something within themselves as the music progressed.

"What is this feeling?" Quatre wondered

"Could it be a wave?" Johan thought, "But what kind of wave and from what or who?"

At the same time Michiru was feeling the same thing.

"A wave." She thought as she played, "A feeling of kindness and passion. Quatre Raberba Winner, Johan Peacecraft Rodriguez, you're just like us aren't you?"

The music began to stop and when it did the audience began to clap for the trio.

"Thank you, ladies and gentleman." Johan thanked with his voice nearly out of breath and small sweat droplets on his brow.

"At the close of today's event our guest, Michiru Kaioh has a small number she would like to play."

Michiru stepped forward and curtsied to the audience and began her own number it was a single violin piece. It was the same piece that she played for Usagi in the park when she bounced the lemon on her violin. Thankfully though, she didn't need to be that showy.

Behind her Quatre and Johan were leaving the stage and the two of them said the same thing to each other.

"I felt something."

"From what?" Johan whispered to Quatre

"I think it's coming from Michiru." Quatre's eye's wandered to Michiru

"I have to agree with you. If a player can invoke that kind of feeling in you then they truly are great."

Quatre shrugged.

The number wasn't that long but it was good enough to invoke that same feeling in the audience. A feeling of happiness with a twinge of sadness yet a light of hope, like an emotional cocktail drink. And the number ended and the audience clapped for this wonderful violin player named Michiru Kaioh.


The Senshi and the Gundams stood around the tear in the forest outside the Sank Kingdom. They were in their normal clothes that they had but each of them had a box that contained their dresses (or tuxedo in Haruka's case). This is the part where they have to say good-bye to each other.

"We won't forget any of you." Ami began

"We'll come back to visit sometime." Minako added with a smile

"We hope you have a happy life." Makoto wished

"Good luck to you all." Rei smiled

"Good bye." Michiru waved while Haruka at her side smiled and waved as well

The Gundams said their good-byes as well

"I won't forget any of you as well." Johan stated

"See ya." Duo winked

Heero merely did something that was one of the rarest occurrences; he smiled while he waved to them.

Trowa simply smiled, more specifically he smiled at Makoto as if he was thanking her for the small dance.

"Come back soon." Quatre wished

"Don't trip on you're way back." Wufei advised

"We won't." The members of the inner Senshi said in unison.

They turned their back and stepped into the tear and in an instant they were gone and so was the tear. This adventure was now just a memory of the Gundams, just a memory of another crazy day at the office of Preventer.


On the other side of the tear in the Senshi's universe, the members that had gone through had reappeared. And it was then that they heard the same annoying voice of their leader. A voice that they wanted to hear for a while.

"Welcome back." The voice said

The Senshi looked and saw Usagi stand along side of Sestuna and Hotaru.

"How long were we gone?" Ami asked, she had to know how much time had passed between each universe.

"You were only gone for a few hours." Sestuna answered

"So?" Usagi asked, "What was it like?"

Minako looked at the box in her arms and remembered the dress that she wore at that party in the Sank Kingdom and she smiled.

"Where there any boys there?" Usagi asked

"Most definitely." Minako answered

And when Usagi heard this she began to weep loudly as if she was regretting (loudly) that she didn't go.

"Calm down, Usagi." Rei demanded, "We'll explain what happened later on. It has been a tiring trip and one that I don't think that we'll forget."

Haruka and Michiru looked over their shoulders to where the tear used to be and thought about those six boys and their Gundams.

"Weren't they incredible?" Michiru asked

"Yeah." Haruka agreed, "I'd never thought it happen, it wasn't one man that amazed me, it was six. It just amazes me that boys like them would be like us with such great responsibilities like ours. To protect."

"You're in deep thought aren't you?" Michiru asked playfully

"I wonder if we'll see them again."

"Someday, we might." Michiru shrugged, "But who knows what the future might hold for them or us. But right now, I'm just glad to be home and with you, right Haruka?"

"So?" Usagi asked loudly, "What were the boys like?"

"Let's head home." Ami suggested, "We'll tell you the story."


Back in the Gundam Universe, Johan and Haruka were looking out over one of the many balconies of the Sank Kingdom's castle. To their left was the forest where the tear was found and to their right was the blue ocean with the setting sun over it.

"What are you thinking about Johan?" Haruka asked

"I'm thinking about two things." Johan answered staring into the forest and the ocean, "I'm thinking about how wonderful it is to have you back with me. And I'm thinking about those girls we met. They really are a funny group, I wonder if we'll see them again."

"Perhaps." Haruka said, "But now all that matters is that we're together."

"That's right." Johan said as he looked into Haruka's eyes and kissed her while the sun let out it's last bit of glow and the stars came out above. While the stars, planets, colonies and galaxies turned overhead, this story now ends with it's own ending.

But would this be that last time that the Gundam's would meet the Sailor Senshi?

The End…?

Author's Notes: This chapter I had to keep both Haruka Tenou (Johan's Wife) and Sailor Uranus separate. So that's why I had to refer them to what they were as well as who they were so that (you) the reader wouldn't get confused even more.

When I began writing this I only wanted to bring a handful of Senshi into the Gundam Universe. The reason is because I wanted to emphasize more on the other Senshi than just Sailor Moon and her Hallmark saying rose throwing hero, Tuxedo Kamen. Plus I also wanted to leave Chibi-Usa out of it because I felt that she would annoy most readers as well as some of the Gundam Pilots, the same goes for Tuxedo Kamen and Sailor Moon. I think that Usagi's whining would probably annoy one of them so much that they'd hit her. So that's why I only chose a few Senshi to come into the Gundam Universe.

Though I will say that this isn't the last story that I'll write about the Gundams in Preventer.

Come again for the next installment in this series: Gundam Pirates