Disclaimer: I do not own the copyrights to Gundam Wing, Endless Waltz, Sailor Moon, X, Serial Experiments Lain, or any songs that are used in this story. All copyrights belong to their respective owners.

Readers Note: This is a re-post

Gundam Wing & Sailor Moon

X Pi

Episode 1:

The Unexpected Tear


"Ah." Johan gasped as he jolted upward.

"Hey Johan?" Duo asked who was sitting next to him in this airplane like spacecraft, "You had a bad dream?"

"Yes." Johan said looked down at his hands in his lap, "It was about Haruka again."

"You really do miss her don't you?" Duo's tone was truly sympathetic he wasn't feigning it.

Johan didn't answer.

"I know how it is, buddy. I miss her in my own way too, she was a great pilot and one hell of a technician."

"Yeah." Johan sighed, "but I miss her for herself."

Johan felt his face and felt the stubs of his beard forming or at least that were already out. Because of the fact that he hasn't shaved in the few months that his wife Haruka died.

The ship that they were on was a craft made for Preventer, it was like that of a Condor plane, but it was smaller and the seats were more spacious almost like the entire plane was first class, only first class for members of Preventer. The passengers on this Preventer first class Condor were Duo Maxwell, Heero Yuy, Trowa Barton, Quatre Raberba Winner, Wufei Chang and Johan Rodriguez.

The ship itself was on it's was to Earth; specifically back to the Sank Kingdom because of something that's appeared. Details about this something were vague at this point, but they called in Preventer to ask for assistance. But all that could be gathered about this something is that it appeared to be like a hole in the forest, although it's not an ordinary hole.


Meanwhile in Tokyo, in another time and another universe the Senshi were gathered in the cities part to investigate something that's occurred there. Or at least something that was sensed on Ami's computer, she pinpointed it to a very thick area in the planted forests of the park. The Senshi treaded there way through the wood with Amy in front of them leading the way. The little screen of the palm top read the distance between the group and the anomaly.

30 feet

"We're getting close." Ami called to the rest of the group.

Usagi who was extremely annoyed was tripping over the thick branches on the ground as well as over Rei. And the only reason why the two of them didn't start to fight each other was because of the presence of Haruka and Michiru.

15 feet

"We're almost there, just a little more." Ami pushed herself, something was drawing her towards this place.

The readings in her palm top only started a few hours ago when it was sensed that something evil passed through this anomaly. Not necessarily into their home of Tokyo but something went through the anomaly to somewhere else. And Ami set herself out to find out where it is.

5 feet.

"There it is." Ami whispered as she came to the clearing.

The clearing was just like any other, rounded with rough edges to where the grass met the trees. The trees and bushes surrounded the tear like a wooden Stonehenge, each trunk was a support to the ring that circled the tear.

The tear itself looked just like that of a tear in some kind of cloth, diamond shaped, rough edges but in the area within the diamond shape was like that of a picture suspended in midair. Only the picture wasn't of the forests of the wooden Stonehenge, the picture within the tear showed a castle-like building, blue skies, clouds and trees as well.

The Senshi stared in awe of the tear, it looked inviting but at the same time it looked dangerous in some way, like the spider to the fly. Looking into it they stood wondering if it could lead somewhere. Usagi, in the back of her mind, wondered if it is a doorway to some other place and time in which she might find some kind of fairy tale romance with a handsome knight. But she just stood staring at this odd anomaly.

"What is it?" Rei asked

Ami snapped out of her own trance, "I'll find out." She said and went to work calculating and verifying what this anomaly could be.

Curious, Usagi walked around the anomaly to where it's back might be and she saw the same thing to when she first laid eyes on it. The tear leading to the place where a castle-like building stood as well as green trees, white clouds, and blue skies.

"Got it." Ami huffed, "I found out what this thing is."

"What is it?" Michiru asked coming up behind Ami to look at the little computer screen.

"It's a temporal dimensional vortex." Ami explained

Of course not very many knew what she meant by that.

"Could you explain that in a simpler way, Ami?" Minako asked with that same puzzled look of one eyebrow raised and crooked smile

Ami shrugged and exhaled, "It's a doorway to a different time and place. But the difficult part is that I'm not sure where it will lead. The most simple plan is for all of us to go through, but I'm not sure if we'll be able to come back if we step through."

"Then there's only one way to find out." Rei asserted

"No," Ami advised, "I also found out that it will only allow six people to go through. Once six of us go through then it's up to them to try to find a way back. Plus that does offer some security on our part."

"Meaning what?" Haruka asked

"That if the six that choose to go through can't make it back then we on the other side can find a way to reopen the vortex."

"Seems reasonable." Setsuna added

"The only hard part," Ami cupped her chin, "Is to choose who will go through. There are nine of us, so that means that only three will stay behind."

"I'll go." Haruka volunteered,

"I'll go too." Michiru added

"I'll have to go as well." Ami explained

"But if your caught," Setsuna spoke with concern, "Then there might not be a way for you to get back."

"Remember, Sailor Pluto. You're the guardian of Time and Space, I know you have the power to open up a gate like this only once. So you can use it to bring us back."

Setsuna bowed her head, "I understand."

"So," Ami listed, "That's Haruka, Michiru, myself. Now we need three others."
"I'll go." Minako volunteered with a high hand, "Maybe there are some cute guys there."
"I'll go along as well." Makoto added

"I may as well go along too." Rei pointed out, "Plus I've felt the presence of something evil around here. Although I'm not too sure of what it might be."

"It's settled then." Ami closed her palm top.

"But what about me?" Usagi asked with a slight cry

"You're too valuable to loose Usagi." Ami explained, "Plus there might not be anything there, and if we run into real trouble we'll try to find a way to contact you. Because I'm not sure if our communicators can work across dimensions."


The Gundam pilots stood outside the walls of the Sank Kingdom's castle in New Port City. Johan looked out towards the woods and thought about times past. He thought about how he brought down his Gundam Dragon down to the tops of the trees and parked it there and that was when he met Heero Yuy. Here in the Sank Kingdom's institute, they both came here as students even though they were secretly working as Gundam pilots, even from each other.

But now that time is gone, peace is here at long last, well not for Johan. Ever since that day, long ago when he held his dead wife Haruka Tenou in his arms. Johan looked out towards the forest and clenched his fists wanting revenge on whoever it was that took his love away from him. He held his fist to his lips and he was about to weep once again but he couldn't. He didn't want to show any weakness. Although he felt the same thing during the funeral, his friends attended. There was no family for either Haruka or Johan.

At the time when he stood near the coffin, he saw Wufei Chang walk up towards him. He stopped him where he stood.

"Don't." he said, "I know what your going to say Wufei so don't waste your breath. You'll tell me that crying is for the weak and mourning is for the cowardly. So please let me be."

Wufei at the time was surprised that he heard this kind of assertion from Johan. Even though he found out that Johan was a member of Wufei's clan. In it's own way Johan is like a brother to Wufei.

Johan thought about these memories as he looked out towards the wood. He heard footsteps come up behind him.

"Hey Johan" The voice of Duo Maxwell called, "let's go!"

"I'm on my way!" Johan called as he followed Duo and the other Gundams into the forest.

As they crunched and stepped their way through the forest they found the exact same object that the Senshi found. A diamond tear floating in the middle of a clearing. They stepped into the clearing and stared at it.

"Amazing." Quatre awed

"Indeed." Wufei agreed

"I think I know what this is." Johan volunteered

"What is it?" Duo asked

"I believe that it's a wormhole."

On the other edge of the clearing Heero stood looking at this thing from a side view only to find it as thin as paper. Yet on each side it was the same, a diamond hole floating in space to show a distorted picture within it. Almost like a painting under warped glass.

"A wormhole?" Heero asked

"Yeah," Johan asserted, "I read somewhere that wormholes are basically holes in space that connect a point in one time and place to another."

"I thought those things only occurred in space." Quatre added, "But it's never been actually proven that they exist."

"Well," Johan placed his fists at his sides, "what do you call what's in front of us here and now?"

"I don't know." Quatre answered, "but one thing's for sure, who knows what might come out of this thing."


The Senshi on the other side of the tear decided that they should go prepared so they transformed and stepped through the doorway and into the forests of the Sank kingdom. They fell through the tear with a thud against the soft grass in this clearing on the other side. Ami was the first to go through and she was the first to feel the pain on the other side of it.

"Ow." She cried as the other Senshi piled up on her.

The Gundams stood around this and watched with an overwhelming amount of confusion. Especially Johan who was seeing something remarkable, a hole in space and yet six women had just come out of it.

Duo just had to comment, "Well, at least something good came out of that, wouldn't you say so?"

But no one answered because they were too awestruck by what has just happened, even Quatre blinked twice to make sure that this wasn't a dream. He looked and counted the same number; one, two, three… six girls came through.

Just as all six of the Senshi were down on the ground each of them got up and dusted themselves off. And looked around to find six boys standing around them, Sailor Venus was slightly happy.

"Hey," She said, "We did find some cute guys here."

Wufei scoffed, "Just our luck." He mumbled, "That we come down here only to find women."

Johan and Heero on the other hand looked at this and thought about how those six women came through, although Heero was trying to figure out whether these six are a threat to the Earth Sphere. And Duo was looking over all of this and looked at the Senshi's fuku uniforms, you have got to be kidding me, he thought.

"Who are you?" Heero demanded

Sailor Mercury started the introductions, "My guardian deity is a planet within the ice, I am the soldier of ice and water, I am Sailor Mercury."
"My guardian deity is a planet within the fires of those who fight, I am the soldier of fire, I am Sailor Mars."

"My guardian deity is a planet within the sea of sand, I am the soldier of the sea, Sailor Neptune."

"My guardian deity is a planet up in the sky, I am the soldier of the sky, Sailor Uranus."

"My guardian deity is a planet within the storm clouds, I am the soldier of lightning, I am Sailor Jupiter."

"And My guardian deity is a planet within those who love, I am the soldier of love, I am Sailor Venus."
All of the Gundams eyebrows raised at the sight of this as well as the introductions.

Duo's thoughts then came out through his lips; "You really have got to be kidding me."

Sailor Mars looked over her shoulder at Duo and tried to counter attack. So she thought about remarking on his clothes, "Well look at you dressed like some kind of priest!" She sneered

"Hey, watch it!" Duo pointed his finger; "You're talking to the God of Death!"

"Stop this!" Quatre shouted, "Look," he calmed down and tried to talk to these strangers, "We've been given your introductions, but tell us where you came from."

"Our home was in Tokyo." Mercury stated

"What year?"

"The year was within the 20th century."
"20th century?" Duo asked

"That's right. Could any of you tell us what year this is."

"The year is After Colony 198."

"After Colony 198?" Sailor Venus asked

As this questioning was going on, Johan saw a true sight for sore eyes. At least what he thought it was. He looked at Sailor Uranus for the entire time span that this conversation was going on.

"Haruka?" He asked softly

Sailor Uranus turned her head sharply and looked at Johan in the face.

"You?" She said with high eyebrows

Neptune looked over her shoulder to see Johan, "You know him, Uranus?" She asked

"I think I saw him in a dream."
"Haruka!" Johan called as he dashed across the clearing and hugged Sailor Uranus so tightly that Uranus was trying to free herself from his grip.

"Let me go!" She shouted

At that point, Johan had let go of Sailor Uranus and he looked at her with teary eyes. While at the same time the Gundams and the Senshi were looking at this with curiosity. Especially the Gundams who were seeing Johan speak to a woman who looked like Haruka. But they knew that it couldn't' be her since she's already dead.

"Haruka." Johan pleaded, "It's me, Johan."

"I'm sorry." Uranus apologized, "I don't remember seeing you. You must have me confused with someone else."

"You're name is Haruka Tenou isn't it?"

Uranus was in a corner, she couldn't lie her way out of this one, "Yes, I am."

"Then why don't you remember me?" He demanded
"I'm sorry sir, but you must have me confused with someone else."

"Uranus." Neptune called, "Are you alright?"

Uranus turned to Neptune and looked at her and hugged her.

When Johan saw this he began to weep silently, "Haruka." He cried

Uranus looked back at him with confusion as Johan was holding his fists at his sides.

"How could you betray me like this!" He shouted at the top of his lungs, "I saved you! You saved me! I thought that you were dead! And now that I know that you're alive, I find that you've betrayed me, and not with a man. But with a woman! How could you?" His sobs became more tearful, "HOW COULD YOU!"

As Johan began to weep he felt his heart start to slow down, and he watched Sailor Uranus hold Neptune in her arms and he still wept at the sight of it. And he fell to the ground unconscious.


The Senshi and the Gundams were gathered at the Sank Kingdom's infirmary along with them was Relena Dorlin. She stood with the Gundams and the Senshi who had de-transformed in order to seem inconspicuous. The Senshi did introduce themselves to Relena as well as the Gundams. They also explained their situation and why they came to this place and time.

Relena stood by her Nephew's bed and wanted to know what happened. Johan on the other hand looked as out cold as someone who was in deep sleep.

Duo explained, "We were called down to Earth to investigate some weird thing in the forest. When we got there, these six chicks fell out of it." He gestured to the Senshi.

"What exactly happened to Johan?" Relena asked

"He was screaming at that girl over there." He pointed to the Haruka Tenou who was Sailor Uranus, "He was screaming about how she betrayed him by being with another woman. Personally, I think he's suffered too much."

"I think the kids crazy." Haruka suggested

"How dare you!" Wufei shouted, "How dare you speak about a fellow member of my clan like that woman!"

"You want to make something out of it kid?" Haruka asked

"Let's go!" Wufei said as he took his fighting stance.

"Stop it both of you!" Relena shouted,

Wufei and Haruka stood down from their fight yet were still looking at each other with fierce eyes.

"Our main concern is Johan." She looked at Haruka who stood beside Michiru, "If you were really the Haruka Tenou that was married to my nephew I would say the same thing to you that you betrayed him. But somehow I think you're not exactly her."

"What do you mean by that?" Haruka sneered

"The Haruka Tenou that I knew as the wife to my nephew was a kind woman, she loved Johan with all her heart and soul. Johan would die for her and she would have done the same for him."

Haruka looked at Johan lying on the bed, "He must be quite the guy." She thought

"It really has been too much for him." Duo shrugged

"What do you mean Duo?" Heero asked flatly

"Johan's seen his family die, then to add onto that his first future wife was killed while he was away, and now his wife's dead. Then this happens, and that is the straw that breaks the camels back." Duo shook his head thinking back to how he watched his own family die; the priest named Maxwell, and the sister. He remembered watching them die before his eyes, he sympathized with Johan in this respect.

"I feel sorry for him." Rei said

"So do we." Quatre added

"How so?" Minako asked

"We were there at the funeral for his wife. He didn't carry the casket with his hands, he carried it on his shoulders."

Ami brought her hand to her chest, "Poor man." She said


In the instant that the Senshi and the Gundams looked at the unconscious Johan, all three of them vanished into thin air.

To be continued…

Author's Notes: This is the beginning of the new story, the new danger over the horizon that I was talking about in my Author's notes for my previous story. In this we know that Johan has lost his wife Haruka. He's in a complete state of mourning even after the funeral he still can't believe that his wife is gone. Suddenly Preventer discovered the tear, now the tear is something that I had to give some serious thought. Because I got into an argument with someone about crossing over Universes, whether the powers of the Sailor Senshi would work in the Gundam Universe. Of course I didn't want to pay attention to such annoying details; it takes all of my energy away from the real problem at hand.

This is the first crossover that I've ever done so I wanted to make this one special. So the two major Anime series that I crossed over were Gundam Wing and Sailor Moon. There was a specific reason for it, and that was because of the Haruka Tenou who is Sailor Uranus. I felt that she might have a great part in all of this. As we've seen Johan mistakes Sailor Uranus for his wife and he's devastated not only to see this one who he thinks is his love but also to see her with another woman. I've also added some elements from two other Anime's, those being, X and Serial Experiments Lain, which will be evident soon.

Come back for more chapters of this exciting story.