Disclaimer: I literally stole the plot from that old chinese movie 'Dream Lovers'. I'll change the ending a bit. Oh yea, this is written entirely for pleasure, not profit - in case someone reading this has the power to sue me for stealing the plot ^^::

Deep in the ocean, a stone statue lay on the sands covered by seaweed and moss. It managed to avoid most of the corrosion because one could see the distinct lines and curves which were carved out a few thousand years ago onto the stone. Suddenly a strong current started pulling at the stone figure and what had snagged the statue onto the ocean bed let go.

Rukawa Kaede waved his baton, efficiently directing his orchestra to a colourful composition of his art. The piece was a masterful combination of classical and modern music and the effect was strengthened by a play of laser lights that the audience was dazzled by it. He turned his head slightly to the side to let his sharp hearing catch for any mistakes of tones or timing not looking specifically at any group when suddenly his sight was blinded by a vision other than the group of professional musicians playing intently in front of him. It was the vision of a stone figure about to rise up to the surface of the murky ocean. Slowly the figure drifted up...

Flashes of this image continued, disturbing his concentration. Fortunately, his practiced hands was able to keep on moving to the familiar beat of the music even as he was trying to comprehend on what was happening to him.

... cutting through the salt water with ease as it ascended...

Although the music was loud in his ears, the vision conquered his mind and muddled his senses that he felt like going crazy.

... rising up from the watery depth... up and up and up...

Rukawa's movements became frenzied following the faster beat of the music in addition to the vision of the rising stone statue still clouding his mind.

... and then the statue surged out of the water with a burst of pressure, sending out sprays of salt water and small waves along the ocean's surface...

The audience sitting entranced as they listened to the concert was surprised by the sudden shout erupting from the stage. The musicians stopped their play as they watched their conductor who had shouted a few moments ago stand motionless on the stage, his eyes closed and the baton held high. Puzzled murmurs among the musicians and the audience did not prompt any movements from the dark haired man as he remained unmoving. Suddenly, a woman from the audience jumped up from her seat and ran quickly onto the stage, the echoing sound of her shoes clear in the hall, to grab at the man and began shaking him.

"Kaede! Kaede!" she cried out shaking him harder. Suddenly, the woman shrieked as the man fell to the floor, bringing her along with him.


The statue floated lazily on the surface of the ocean as the sun's rays kissed it for the first time in a millenia. Finally, it was free...

The cold wind blew bittingly in the air, blowing at the branches of the trees and howling through cracks and holes in all the houses in ancient China. The two lovers inside a small house lay together on a warm bed not feeling the chill as they embraced. Candlelight flickered gently in the paper lanterns, casting soft shadows on the stone weather-worn walls. The wooden windows rattled a bit by the gust of wind but the couple paid no heed.

After thoroughly kissing his partner on the lips, the dark-haired man trailed his mouth along the redhead's cheek and then stopping at the jaw. As he started kissing and nibbling his lover at the place below the ear, the redhead asked, "Hey, can you do me a favour?"

"What?" the dark-haired man said distractedly.

"Say to me: If you die, I'll follow you for I do not fear the loneliness of death."

"What brought this about?" the dark-haired man asked, propping himself on his elbow.

The redhead played at his lover's hand still splayed on his chest as he mumbled, "Well, you see, with your job with the emperor I'm afraid... mmph!"

The dark-haired man stopped his forceful kiss, looking at the only person who has meant so much to him. Other people may only see the young man beneath him as a loud and brash person but at moments like this the redhead can reveal an uncertain and emotional side in him which made the dark-haired man love him dearly. The brunette gave his lover a dragging kiss along the jaw before opening his mouth to whisper, "If you die, I'll follow you for I do not fear the loneliness of death."

"Thank you," the redhead smiled, "Then we will be a pair of beautiful spirits."
To the young man's surprise, his lover shook his head. "No. I don't want to be a beautiful spirit. I like flesh and blood. I love the feeling of being inside your flesh. That's real."

The redhead's puzzled expression vanished as he blushed and looked into his lover's beautiful blue fox eyes. "And I love the feeling of having you inside me. Flesh or spirit."

The dark-haired man then started kissing him again, finding his way back to the redhead's mouth. As he kissed the redhead passionately on the lips, his hand wormed its way inside the folds of the redhead's clothes.

"You wear too much," the dark-haired man complained as his hand continued its task separating the redhead's multiple layers of clothing. The redhead grinned, wanting to snicker or tease at his lover but instead he moaned as he felt a warm hand starting to caress his nipple.

Hanamichi groaned as he lay writhing in the bed, feeling pleasure course through his veins. His breathing grew more heavy before he suddenly woke up with a start. Looking around him dazedly, he realised that he was in his house, in his own bed, the clock beside the table showing that it was nearly twelve in the afternoon.

The feeling of those hands and mouth all over his body, caressing and possessing him in the dream still lingered strongly in his consciousness that he felt the need to clean himself. Jumping out of bed, he went hurriedly into the bathroom and turned the shower on. After stripping quickly out of his pajamas, he stood under the jet of warm water, furiously scrubbing his eyes, his mouth, his neck and his chest - all the places on his body which the strange man in his dream had kissed and touched him so intimately.

I love the feeling of being inside your flesh. That's real...

The redhead shivered, wondering why those words spoken by that man in his dreams does not repulse him as he thought it should.

First posted in 2007. Edited in 2010