It's been awhile huh?

For those of you who don't know me, I'm Dark Side of the World perhaps the biggest Yutaka x Minami fan….at least in my area where I live.

It's been two months since my last Lucky Star fanfic and now I have the time to start working on my next one, Heart of an Angel. Now I got this idea when inspiration struck me when I thought about how sick Yutaka is most of the time. Well, I saw the movie John Q and when I saw the kid playing Denzel Washington's son get sick and hearing of his condition I thought about Yutaka and the idea of the story played out.

I had to do a lot of research on this condition in this story as well as plan the beginning well. The middle and end came to me, but how to get there was harder to figure out so if at first the story seems a bit rough in some spots that 's me trying to work out some problems that came to me in the creation of the chapter.

Now in this story you can look at this in either a Yutaka x Minami romantic view or friendship view, but I made it more romantic, at least in Minami's view. I'm not going to focus the romance aspect as heavy in this as I did in my last one, this one focuses more on the emotion aspect of the characters especially Yutaka.

That is not to say there is no paring for everyone; I do have a little Konata x Kagami for everyone in this story, since they are the second most focuses characters besides Minami and Yutaka.

In this story, Yutaka and all her friends are in Second Year while Konata and the others are in Senior Year. Just a heads up. Yeah, I know that's not what they are in cannon, but hey it's fanfiction.

So nothing else to say, but read on!

Heart of an Angel

A Lucky Star Fanfic by Dark Side of the World

Disclaimer: I do not own anything that is not mine

This had to be a dream.

A nightmare.

Something like this almost never happens to people you know. It just happens to total strangers you hear about on the news on how a person they cared about collapsed and are now in critical danger.

You think none of those incidents will ever happen to you because the odds are too great. You're one person out of billions on a single planet…and yet you get the rotten luck of going through it.

You think back and wonder what happened? What went wrong? How did your day, which seems like every other day, go to hell in a single moment? What events caused all this to happen?

Did any event even cause it or was it something that was lying in wait like a tiger for its prey?

And then….your mind flashes back….

(10 Hours ago)

A sunny day, a clear ordinary day.

Nothing new or different for the life of one, Iwasaki Minami who stared out the window wondering what today held for her this time. As she slowly dressed herself for the school day she slowly looked at the picture of a friend she always had for such a long time.

Kobayakawa Yutaka.

The girl whose smiles always warmed Minami's heart, even in the darkest of days. As she finally finished placing her uniform on, she walked over to that picture and smiled while her hand gently rubbed the checks of the photo. It was that girl that made Minami smile again two years ago when they first met and it was that girl that was the first true friend she ever had.

Ending her thoughts on the strawberry haired girl she made her way downstairs in her huge mansion where the echoes of her footsteps could be heard throughout the building with only silence as its reply. Arriving at the bottom of the stair case she was greeted by her other friend, the one she had ever since she was a girl that managed to always be there for her.

Her dog, Cherry.

Kneeling down she petted her as the white furred canine rubbed her head against the hand of her master. After a few more minutes of petting, the two entered the kitchen where Minami saw, as usual, a white note on the fridge from her parents to her.

Minami didn't need to read it to know what it meant. It meant another day alone in the house with nobody, but her and Cherry.


Like it had been for as long as she could remember.

Minami could not force herself to hate her parents, even if they never talked or spent time as a family. Her dad and mother just worked hard to give her the best…but the problem was she never wanted the gifts, the high education, the money or anything else money could buy.

She wanted them.

She wanted her mother and father to be with her, even for just one day it would be enough.

And yet the only times they ever saw each other was once in a blue moon. Even on the holidays she had spent her time alone or with the Takara's next door. Not that it wasn't nice,they were like a second family to her. Yet the desire to have her family as a whole, for some attention, was worth more then anything she wanted.

Minami poured some milk into a cup and sighed, "Do they even want to know how my day was? Or what is going on in my life? Can't they just ask a simple question or be at dinner and not late from work?"

Did they even know they had a daughter?

Shaking her head she grabbed a quick pastry and headed out into the sunny day, the thoughts of her parents only whispers in her mind.


School and Minami had never had a good history together. Sure, she always had good grades and perfect attendance; she was even the Class Health Officer multiple times. And yet from Kindergarten to 8th, she never had a single friend. It was easy to be blamed on her silent attitude that made people mistake her for being cold and emotionless, but it was more to the fact that she was shy and unsure on how to respond around people that forced her to be alone for so long. The only person she ever interacted with on a regular basis was her older neighbor Miyuki, but as time went on she grew up and had to handle bigger responsibilities.

She had no idea how to deal with people her own age and so she shunned herself, leaving everyone to ignore her.

Until she met her that is…


Her voice, which she knew by heart, raised Minami's depressed spirits as she turned around with a small hidden smirk to see the smiling face of her best friend.

"How are you Minami-chan?" Asked Yutaka.

"Fine…you?" She asked.

"I'm pretty good." She as they started walking through the front gates, "Konata-Oneechan's friends came over yesterday and had some fun. I was thinking of asking you to come over, but it was late and I didn't think there was enough time."

"It's okay…I can always come over another time." Said Minami.

"Today then?" Asked Yutaka with a bright smile.

Minami couldn't help but look down at the ground with a blush on her face, "Sure."

The two made it to the shoe locker room where two of their other friends, Patrica "Patty" Martain and Tamura Hiyori , saw them. The blond haired American ran over to them and said, "Hey! You guys ready for the upcoming weekend? I say we should do something really awesome like Akihabara or something."

"Is there not one weekend you don't want to go there?" Asked Hiyori, even though secretly she wanted to go there herself, but knew the other non otaku's were a little tired of going there.

"Not all the time. Sometimes I suggest Gamers or a Sushi place." Said Patty making Hiyori sigh at the one track mind her friend had.

Yutaka couldn't help but giggle as the scene before she gave a small series of cough which caught Minami's attention.

"You okay?" She asked out of concern.

"Yeah…" She said clearing her throat, "I think I just breathed through the wrong wind pipe."

Nodding the four of them made their way to their first class.

But for some strange reason…Minami couldn't help but feel something….she didn't know what it was…but she didn't like it.

(Time Passes)

As the day went by it was apparent that something was wrong with Yutaka. She seemed very tired throughout the day and coughed a lot. She was asked by their teachers if she wanted to go to the nurse, but she politely declined saying it was just a dry throat.

Minami however knew better. While it was no common knowledge that Yutaka was sick more often than others were, Minami and a few knew that Yutaka always tried to fake not being sick in order not to cause trouble for other people. Minami knew she meant well, she didn't want people to worry about her and cause trouble for them which was a problem she always had Minami knew of since they first met. Then again, Minami was similar but for a different reason.

Things only got worse as Yutaka didn't eat much at lunch.

"Yutaka-chan….you're not eating much. I know the cafeteria doesn't have the best food but…" Said Hiyori.

"If you're not eating any can I have some?" Asked Patty.

"Patty-chan!" Said Hiyori.

"It's okay…I just don't have any appitite…." Said Yutaka with a forced smile as she pushed her plate away and got up.

"Ara? Where are you going?" Asked Patty.

"Bathroom." Said Yutaka quickly as she rushed out.

Minami watched her run off out of the cafeteria and this worried her.

"You think something's wrong with her?" Asked Hiyori "She hasn't been well all day."

"Yeah. Maybe you should talk to her." Said Patty to Minami who looked up at her, "You're always taking care of her and she listens to you more."

Nodding, Minami got up and started heading out when she saw nearby four people she knew very well. One was Yutaka's cousin, Izumi Konata an otaku and spirited girl. Then there were the twins, Kagami and Tsukasa Hiiragi with the former being a top student and diligent worker while the latter was a carefree and a daydreamer. And finally, her neighbor and the closest thing she had to an older sister, Takara Miyuki.

Thinking she could use an extra hand in helping Yutaka, she walked over and soon arrived at their table getting their attention.

"Oh Minami-chan. How are you?" Asked Miyuki as she gave her a sweet smile.

Nodding she turned to Konata and asked, "Um…Izumi-sempai…"

"Minami, call me Konata. I mean you're like friends with Yu-chan so you don't have to call me that." Said Konata waving her hand around, "It makes me sound old."

"Konata, your 18." Said Kagami.

"Yeah, but I'm still older then all of us so that makes me the old lady." Said Konata pointing it out.

"Right, whatever." Said Kagami not wanting to get involved any further.

"So what did you want to talk about Minami? You're usually talking with Yu-chan." Said Konata as she took a bite out of her chocolate cornet.

"Did Yutaka act strange when coming to school, you three usually are on the train with her right?" Asked Minami to Yutaka's cousin and the twins.

"Now that you mention it…she did seem a little off." Said Kagami thinking about it.

"Really? She seemed fine to me?" Said Tsukasa.

"Tsukasa she was coughing so much, how could you miss it?" Said Kagami.

"I thought since it was getting close to winter it was normal to cough like that because your body is still adjusting to the temperature." Said Tsukasa blushing.

"Why do you ask? Is something wrong with Kobayakawa–san?" Asked Miyuki as she adjusted her glasses.

"She's been coughing a lot in class and she just ignored lunch and ran off. She hasn't said anything about it however." Said Minami.

"That's Yu-chan, always trying to not make other people worry about her." Said Konata.

"You could learn some of that." Said Kagami taking a sip from her juice can.

"What do you mean?"

"I mean, you could stop asking people for help with your problems when your perfectly capable of doing them on your own."

"You're still angry that I copied your homework again last night aren't you."

Kagami turned to her and said, "You think?"

"Aw! I know my mad little Kagamin loves me no matter what!" Said Konata hugging her best friend who made Kagami blush from embarrassment as she saw a few people around them turn around. Pushing her off she told Konata to cut it out as well as tell her sister to stop giggle from the predicament.

"Well, jokes aside. I'll come with you and help out." Said Konata getting out of her seat, "I'm sure the two of us can convince Yu-chan to see the nurse. Let's go."

The two walked their way out of the cafeteria and tried to look out for Yutaka, but they soon got to the end of the hall and no sign of her.

"Where could she be?" Asked Konata to herself as they made their way to the stairs. Upon reaching the halfway mark between the first and second floor they saw Yutaka slowly making her way to the second floor.

"Yutaka I…" Said Minami when thing just started to slow down for her.

She saw the body of her best friend soon tip backwards and start to fall towards the stairs without any sign of slowing down. Minami's eyes widen as her body got ready to reach out, but the blue haired sempai that had accompanied her was quicker as she dashed and jumped letting Yutaka fall into her arms before falling on the stairs all the way down.

" Yutaka! Sempai!" Shouted Minami as she caught them and gasped at what she saw.

Her Yutaka…her sweet little Yutaka….her once gentle eyes were near bloodshot as her pupils widen in shock. Her gentle hand slowly clutching her chest as if it was on fire as her body started shaking like a rag doll as a single word entered Minami's mind.


"Yutaka! What's wrong!" Shouted Konata in fear as she held her little cousin as Minami helped her lay her down gently.

"Yutaka!" Shouted Minami as she held her free hand which gripped hers like it was afraid of falling off. The two girls felt their stomachs chill as a gurgling noise came out of Yutaka as if she was suffocating.

"Get the nurse! I'll stay with her!" Shouted Konata to Minami, trusting her to get help ASAP.

Nodding, Minami ran up the second staircase like a possessed soul and ran through the halls. The sight of seeing Yutaka in such critical pain pushed strength into her legs that she never felt she had. Arriving only half a minute later she slammed the door open surprising the nurse, Amahara Fuyuki ,out of her stupor.

"Minami-chan. What's wrong? Why are y-"

"Sensei, Yutaka's in pain and I…I don't think she's breathing please come!" Shouted Minami with worry in her voice.

Amahara just gasped at seeing the desperation and fear in Minami, something she never saw before, and knew it was serious. Grabbing a medic bag she told Minami to guide her to Yutaka as the two of them ran through the halls while grabbing the attention of other students in their class rooms who peeked out their doors to see what was going on.

When they arrived, a small crowd of students on both staircases were surrounding Konata and Yutaka while whispering to each other.

"Move it!" Shouted Amahara as she dashed to Yutaka and started checking her vitals.

Minami just stood there in silent fear as she watched Yutaka, stiff in pain, lying there like all the life had been sucked out of here.


Turning to the left she saw Patty, Hiyori, Kagami, Tsukasa, and Miyuki all come up the stairs and were shocked at what they saw. Patty turned to Minami and demanded to ask what happened, but Minami couldn't reply.

Konata then broke the silence by asking, "Is she…she going to be alright?"

"I don't know…maybe…but at her age?" Mumbled Amahara who was clearly thinking about this. Konata felt her knees weaken, but was caught by Kagami who nodded to her.

"Hey what's with the crowd?" Asked a loud voice as a tall figure moved through the lower crowd revealing Kuroi-Sensei.

"Eh? Fuyuki? Is that Kobayakawa? What's going on?" She asked seeing the current state.

"Never mind that! Call an ambulance right now! Tell them we have a student who's had a heart attack and is currently going through heart muscle failure!" Demanded the nurse.

Everyone in the crowd gasped at the revelation that one of their own had just had a heart attack and at such a young age.

Minami didn't hear the gasps. She was going through her own heart attack right now.


She just stood there, staring at her best friend in shock. She responded to no voice or sound as she felt her knees get weaker and her eyes spinning.

A heart attack.

Yutaka had just had a heart attack.

Was she dying?

Too many questions.

After a long time of silence she finally reacted when she suddenly woke up from her zoning out and saw two men, dressed in white slowly take Yutaka onto a stretcher and dragged her down the stairs and towards the front yard's door. She had stood still for so long, lost in her own world she didn't even feel how long time had passed. What felt like minutes was really only 20.

But upon seeing her best friend, wrapped to a stretcher with a breathing mask on, kicked her brain into overload as they carried her away in a hurry.

Minami rushed out as did many other students, but she pushed and shoved everyone out of her way.

When she reached the entrance she saw the white ambulance out back, getting loaded with the tiny body of a young third year student who was only minutes ago normal and now was suffering in extreme pain by something she shouldn't have at her age.

As she saw the doors about to close she saw Konata, trying to be held back by Kagami, shouting to the men who spoke to her. Kagami shouted something back but Konata turned to Kagami, tears in her eyes, and said something that Kagami was shocked at hearing. Minami couldn't hear what they were saying, the students around here were chatting like crazy and it started to make her go mad. It made her want to shout at all of them to shut up so she could hear.

In the end it didn't matter as she saw the men nodding and Kagami let Konata go, who jumped into the ambulance at once before it took off. And just like that, Minami saw it drive away, but not before seeing the name of the hospital that it belonged too.

"Okay people the show's over let's get back to class!" Shouted Kuroi as did other teachers who soon came out upon seeing the incident.

Minami didn't hear Kuroi say anything, she just focused on the open gates that lay before her.

A hand suddenly surprised her as she turned around to face a wet eyed Hiyori with the rest of her friends behind her, except Kagami who was still watching the gate with her hand above her chest in worry.

"Come on…we should go." She said as Tsukasa soon started crying before Miyuki went and held on to her to comfort the saddened twin.

Minami took one step forward before the memory of seeing Yutaka's bloodshot and pained face echoed in her mind again.

And she took off after the ambulance.

She heard her named called multiple times by various people, but none of that mattered.

She had to get to the hospital.

She had to see Yutaka.

She had to find her.

Dashing through crowds, running through traffic, and knocking people out of the way; nothing could stop her. She just kept moving and moving, not slowing down for anything, not even when her body was starting to feel pain from all the running.

But none of that mattered; only Yutaka did.

As she made her way through, people only wondered why a green haired high school kid was crying and running in the middle of the day when school was still going.


After an hour of running, she made it.

Her tired feet were burning like they were on fire, her lungs gasping for even the slightest bit of air. Slowly, Minami entered the building and fell on her knees breathing deeply which surprised a few people. A few workers went to go help her when she suddenly got up and rushed over to the reception desk before slamming her hands on the table. With desperate eyes she begged the woman at the front desk for the location of Yutaka.

The woman was shocked but she replied and Minami bolted towards the stairs and rushed all the way up to the 4th floor. Turning a sharp turn to the right she rushed all the way to the ER section where she saw Konata looking at the floor, crying on a small chair as she tried hugging herself for comfort. Upon hearing foot steps she looked up only to be surprised upon seeing Minami arrive.


"How is she!" Shouted Minami as she gripped Konata and asked, "Is she alright! Please tell me sempai!"

Konata shook out of Minami's grip and gripped the girl in response and shouted, "You need to calm down!"

Minami just stared at her.

"Calm down…it's not going to do Yutaka much good when she sees you like this and starts to worry." Said Konata giving a sad smile.


Upon hearing her name, Minami lost it. She fell on her knees, tired and defeated, as she cried on her sempai's chest. Her tears fell down like waterfalls as she gave out the dreariest sobs of sorrow that Konata had ever heard.

Never in her life had Minami felt such fear in her soul then this moment in her life.

Konata meanwhile had taken it upon herself to comfort Minami who was going through as much pain as she was. Yutaka and Minami were close and this only proved that their bond was very strong. Konata couldn't even recall a time when she had seen the almost expressionless girl cry, she was very calm and always kept her emotions cool but this time it wasn't going to happen.

Konata only held Minami until she too started crying.


Since then the two had waited and waited.

An hour later after arriving Yutaka's older sister and Konata's cousin rushed in with Konata's father, just as worried as the rest of them. A doctor came out a half an hour later, before they could ask about the condition of Yutaka he asked some questions concurring Yutaka's heath history which Yui had been quick to answer and soon he left leaving again with no answer.

Two hours later all their friends had arrived, including Misao and Ayano. Although they were not close friends with Yutaka, they still hung out and were supporting just the same. Everyone just sat down in silence as the time pressed on and fear began to grow.

Minami just couldn't but still wonder…why her?

Why did Yutaka, who had never done one wrong thing that Minami could think off, have to go through with this?

Minami's thoughts were interrupted as somebody came out, a middle aged doctor with short black hair and brown eyes. Taking of his glasses he gave a big sigh and said, "I….I have bad news…."


Why her?


Not bad for a first chapter huh? Anway, don't expect an update for at least till the end of next week. I got college midterms going on.

Please Read and Review.
