Author's Note: Hey this is Green Gallant. Like everyone else on here, I've seen the show for a while. I didnt actually think I would start writing Sym-Bionic Titan this soon. But since my muses only live for a few hours now, I figured I'd better get a jump on it while the idea was still fresh. The first chapter if you can call it that is pretty straight forward. I apolgise for its brevity. I hope you guys like it. Let me know what you think. This is a follow-up to 'Roar of the White Dragon'. Enjoy. Title may change.

Sym-Bionic Titan:

Infinity On High

Later that evening as the White Dragon a.k.a. Mike Chan sat in his jail cell sulking. The burley detective from earlier approached his cell yet again. As the asian looked up at the large, sweaty man he seemed even more incessed than before. For some reason this amused the young racer as a smile played on his face.

"Well, what brings you back here my friend?" he snarked.

The police detective as usual looked like he was about to bust an artery on the spot. The detective who seemed so content only hours earlier when he arrested him was back to his shaky, chibernol-esk self who was soon joined by another. A man of ominious build, with a white beard and a hat that covered most of his features. Mike raised an eyebrow at the man that stood before him, as the detective fought to get the words out.

"Michael are being released into the custody of...your father." he said boiling in anger.

The racer narrowed his eyes at the mysterous man, who smiled at him from beneath his military styled hat. He didnt know who this guy was, but if he was bailing him out he was intrestred. Anything was better than sitting here.

"All right then, you heard the man." he smiled.

The detective gripped the bar with his large hand and would have surely crushed it if he had the strength. The officer grit his teeth as he undid the lock and freed the man he had spent so many months trying to capture. The snarky young man walked out of the jail cell smirking at his would be captor all the while seeing the anger on his face.

"See you around boo." he said as he walked past.

As the two men walked up the hallway he decided to address his savior.

"Dont know who you are or why you came for me fool, but I appreciate it." he said with hands in his pockets never looking at the man.

The man in question merely smiled as he looked forward and said.

"I understand you ran into a bit of trouble. A boy named Lance Luna."

"The fool that put me here?" he asked looking up at him. The man nodded.

"The very same. I have ways of...getting back at him. If your intrestred." he told him.

"I got my own possie. What do I need you for?" Chan asked.

The man suddenly grabbed Chan by the throat and slammed him against the wall with inhuman force, cracking the white brick wall behind him.

"Because I can offer you alot more than just a fast car. I can offer you something...more his speed. Something that'll allow you to take him down...perminantly." the man said in a low voice. Mike struggled to catch his breath before relenting.

"I'm listening." was all he could manage. A smile slowly crept on the Galalunan's face knowing he had his pawn.

Author's Note: All right so what'd you think of that? Like I said pretty short. I gotta say, I thought it was amusing in the preview that even Octus could appreciate a pimped out race car. If you'd like to see more, I'd love to hear your comments. I'm still not sure if this story is worth it. Oh and this story is definatly AU.

Please review,

Green Gallant