A/N: Ok so this is my first Castle fic. I'm not really sure how I feel about it but I think I like it lol. Let's just say I'm undecided please review and tell me what you think. But I feel that I must inform you that this is in the kind of distant future. Like at least 5 years. Castle and Beckett are married and have one 3 year old child Jo.

Disclaimer: I don't own Castle *sniff*sniff lol. Oh but wait Jo belongs to

"Mommy….Mommy…," she whispered in my ear. I tried to ignore her hoping that she world go wake Rick up. I felt awful for it but I had literally just got in bed. "Pssst… pssst….. mommy." She placed her little hand on my cheek and I gave up opening my eyes.

"Yes baby?" I asked sleepily.

"We had a bad dream mommy," she was clutching the teddy bear her daddy had given her to her chest, who, of course had shared the bad dream with her. "Can we sleep with you mommy? Please? "I could hear the fright in her voice and the light from my alarm clock was shining in her watery eyes.

"Sure baby" I said scooting back farther into Castle causing him to move and grunt with displeasure though his arm slithered its way around my stomach.

"I sorry Daddy," she whispered blowing him a kiss before cuddling into my open and waiting arms. I wrapped them around her grateful for her warmth. I took in the scent of her baby shampooed brown hair which she had gotten for me. She was actually the perfect mix of me and Castle. But I couldn't shake the image of those beautiful blue eyes flooded with tears. I pulled her up to where we were eye level with each other. Tears had begun to once again stampede down her cheeks.

It broke my heart. "What's wrong baby?" I wiped some of the tears from her face.

"I (sniffle)… I had a dream that you and daddy left… left me. And nobody cared. I begged you, mommy, I begged you to stay with me," the tears started rolling down my face now," and you just laughed and told me to stop acting silly." If it were at all possible, my heart broke into more pieces. "No mommy don't cry….. It was just a dream." I smiled at the irony.

"So do you feel better now sweetie?"

"If I answer yes do I have to go back to my bed?"

"No," I scoffed.

"Then yes, mommy, I do feel better." She ran her hand over my cheek wiping away the tears. "You know what mommy?"

"What baby?" going to sleep was no longer important to me all that mattered was her and spending much needed time with her.

"I love you."

"I love you too, baby." I kissed her little face.

"Hey, mommy? We can go to sleep now. I know you just got home."

"No that's ok."

"No mommy I'm kind of tiered too."

"Ok well goodnight then."


She tossed and turned for the next twenty minutes before finally turning to me.

"Mommy, will you sing me to sleep? The 'Hush Little Baby' one?"

" Hush little baby don't say a word momma's gonna buy you a mockingbird and if that mocking bird don't sing…"

And with that we both fell asleep. Me holding Jo and Castle holing me. And there we were, all the residents of the Castle Loft in one bed all safe and sound.

A/N: Ok so kind of short but I have decided that I like it lol. If you can't tell, I'm a little crazy but that's what happens when you are righting when on a sugar rush, and typed it up when it finally wore off so sorry for any errors. Lol. I hoped you like it. PLEASE REVIEW! Good or bad just PLEASE NO FLARES.