A/N: This is a sequel to my fic "Collateral Blessings". If you choose to read this story, it would benefit you greatly to have read the first one to understand my original characters and their relationships to the characters from Supernatural that you already know and love. I did start off with the epilogue of "Collateral Blessings" to give you a jump start becasue the stroy picks up right where the epilogue left off.
Disclaimer: I do not own Supernatural or any of its characters.
The sun peeked through the curtains, waking the sleeping red head. She brushed the curls out of her face as she opened her green eyes to see what the morning held in store. She stretched her arms above her head as she yawned and rolled over. She tumbled out of her bed and snuck around the rest of the upstairs to see if anyone else was awake in the house. A peek in the room next to hers led to the discovery of only one sleeping form on the bed, which meant that at least one other person was up and about. Another glance into the guest room revealed that the house guests were both still tucked in their beds, awaiting the surprise she had left them after they had fallen asleep.
She toddled down the stairs with her blankie tucked under her arm. She found him in the kitchen. "Morning, Daddy!" she said as she wrapped her arms around his leg.
"Morning, Sugar! Would you like some pie for breakfast?"
"Mommy doesn't like it when we have pie for breakfast."
He laughed as he picked up his daughter and kissed her on the cheek. "No, she doesn't. But she doesn't need to find out."
"Mommy always finds out, Daddy."
"Yes, she does," he sighed, as he set his daughter down on the counter and cut a slice of pie anyway.
"Do you think she will find out what I did to Uncle Dean and Uncle Sam while they were asleep?"
He never imagined that those muttonheads would ever be an "uncle" to any child of his. Heck, he had not even imagined he would have any kids. But ever since she had made her early and very loud entrance into the world almost five years ago, there isn't anything the two hunters wouldn't do for her. And even he had to admit, he wouldn't have it any other way.
"And what was that, Sugar?" he asked.
"I gave them clown faces, Daddy!" she giggled.
"That's my girl!" Gabriel exclaimed. "I won't tell, if you don't!"
"Arrgh! Clowns? Why did it have to be clowns? Why won't this come off? GAAYBRIEL!"
The father and daughter could hear the commotion coming from upstairs. "I think your Uncle Sam is awake now, Sugar. Which means everyone else will be awake soon, too. Would you like to leave before they come downstairs? We could go see some elephants and lions."
"Daddy,' she giggled. "It's too early. The zoo isn't open."
"Oh, we aren't going to the zoo. We're going to Kenya."
With that, the father and daughter disappeared from the kitchen with a snap, before anyone else could discover their morning mischief.
"I have tried everything and it just won't come off," Sam huffed, trying desperately to remove the "clown face" that he had woken up with this morning.
"Dude, we are just going to have to wait until that candyass gets back," Dean said. "Deal with it. Besides, the make-up sure does help you look pretty, bitch."
"Shut-up, jerk. You look just as pretty as I do." Sam sighed. "Annie, I am going to strangle him when he gets back, you know that right?"
"It's hard to take you seriously, Sam, in you current condition," Annie laughed. "And how sure are you that it was Gabe that did this?"
"What to do you mean? This sort of thing is right up his alley," Sam grumbled.
"Well, as much as I hate to admit it, Abigail has been...well, exploring her powers recently."
"Are you saying that our precious, sweet little Abby could have done this to us?" Dean asked.
"Your precious, sweet little Abby also made her stuffed animals come to life last week, which was cute until the puppy dog chased the teddy bear into curio cabinet, with Abby tearing right behind them. Glass shattered everywhere." Annie shuddered. "She would be in the hospital now if Gabe hadn't been here to heal her."
Both Sam and Dean's eyes widened in surprised. "Since when does Abby have powers?" they said in unison. "Or at least ones that she can control?" Dean added. Sam and Dean hadn't been to visit in several months, but they did try to keep updated on the important information in the little family's lives. They were here now because Abby would soon celebrate her fifth birthday and they wouldn't miss that even if another Apocalypse was right around the corner.
"Well, I think we have always known this was coming. Whenever she sneezes, the lights flicker. And when she has a temper tantrum we loose power in the whole house for a bit. But for a couple of weeks now, she has been experimenting. She realizes she can control it. She wants to see how much like her dad she can be."
"And I am sure he is encouraging her. What kind of things can she do?" Dean pried.
"So far, she has been able to teleport herself small distances, mostly around the house, or move object around the house, like bring herself a snack when she is already in bed. And the rest of it has been things that would entertain her."
"Like giving us clown faces?" asked Sam.
"She has been going through a circus phase lately. So clowns, jugglers, tightropes, and animals all hold a certain fascination for her right now. Maybe she wanted her own clowns in the house. Be glad you didn't end up in a tutu with an umbrella up on a tightrope. Plus, both Abby and Gabe are gone this morning, so someone is hiding from something."
"I don't know. I wouldn't put it past him to hide behind his daughter," Dean said while Annie just rolled her eyes.
"Maybe we could call Cas and he could change us back," Sam said. "Dean, get him down here!"
"Me? Why me? You call him."
"I don't know. Maybe because he has a 'profound bond' with you?"
"Ugh...You are never going to let me live that down, are you?" Dean sighed.
"Just like all of the things you don't let me live down," Sam retorted.
Cas soon appeared and Annie swore she saw the slightest of smirks on the angel's face when he regarded the two hunters with their new appearance.
"Cas," Sam begged. "Please, can you change us back?"
"I am afraid there is nothing I can do Sam. Only the one who did this to you can reverse the effects."
"Then please, find them!"
"Gabriel and Abigail! One of them did this to us!" Sam exclaimed.
Just then, the father and daughter appeared in the room. Abigail had her hands full with cotton candy and balloons. "Mommy!" she cried. "Daddy and I went and saw elephants and lions and giraffes in Can-ya. Then he made a circus for me! I got balloons and cotton candy, see?"
"I do. Looks like your hands are sticky, too." Annie said, as her daughter nodded. "Maybe your Daddy could help clean you up?" Annie looked up at Gabe, who snapped his fingers, cleaning up the mess his daughter brought home. It was then that Abby noticed the other in the room.
"Uncle Cas!" she squealed with delight, running to the angel and hugging him around both legs. "When did you get here?"
"I just arrived a few moments ago. Your Uncle Dean asked me to come and help him with a problem that he and your Uncle Sam seem to have."
Abigail giggled. "They have clown faces. I gave them the faces last night when they were sleeping."
Annie gave Sam and Dean a look that clearly said "I told you so." But Sam rounded on Gabriel anyway. "You!" Sam shouted. "You need to take care of this now!"
"Hel-lo! Didn't you just hear? I didn't do this. Why are you yelling at me?" Gabe responded. "And watch your tone. You are going to scare Abigail."
"I am tired of being a clown," Sam sighed, exasperated. "I hate clowns."
"I am sorry, Uncle Sam, I thought you would like clowns as much as I do," Abigail said, her face downcast.
"Come here, Sugar," Gabe said, picking up his daughter. "Do you remember what I taught you?" Abigail nodded her head. "Let's change Uncle Dean and Uncle Sam back now, Okay? So close your eyes, and picture them the way they should be."
Abigail did what her dad asked her to do, he set her down and soon Sam and Dean were back to their usual selves.
"Thanks, Abby," Sam said, as he kneeled down to give the girl a hug. "I am sorry I got mad at you."
"That's okay, Uncle Sam. I only meant it to be fun," the girl replied. "Mommy, can I go outside and play?"
"Sure sweetheart, just stay close by, okay? And Abby, no making your toys coming to life."
"Yes, Mommy." The little girl went out into her front yard, grabbing a doll along the way, while the adults stayed behind to talk. She had no problem keeping herself entertained, though she wished her mommy would let her bring her doll to life. It would be so much more fun if her doll could talk and play with her. Or if she had any playmate at all. Soon, however, a man approached the house. He was dressed in a black suit as he approached the little girl.
"Why, hello love," he said. "So, you fancy a playmate? I could make you one if give me kiss."
As Abby raised her eyes to look at him, and given her parentage, she did not see the face of a man. She saw his true, gnarled demonic face. And she did what any child her age would do. She screamed.