The Doctor: The Lonely Angel
Author Notes: Just an idea I had sparked from the beautiful way they killed off David Tennant's Doctor. Guess it could be classed as a sort of review of his regeneration xxxx
There is a man
Who passes through time
Saving the lives of many
Losing the lives of his own
A curse of immortality
Worse than dying
Has a hold on his soul
And his two beating hearts
The loves of his life
Taken in time by fate
His many companions
Now so far away
The blonde haired love
Lost to another world
The faithful journalist
Age taking her slowly
The immortal Captain
So wrong in every way
The qualified doctor
Now a soldier for UNIT
His only child
Her life for his
The feisty ginger
Now a stranger
The wondering stranger
Destined to live a life
Of pain and sorrow
Immortality haunting him
A new face
A new man
But still the same
Still the lonely angel
Hope you enjoyed reading it as much as I did writing it. I'm really happy with this as poetry is kinda my thing xxxx