Disclaimer: I own nothing. Everything belongs to J.k Rowling.

Ok so there will be a mom/daughter relationship between Hermione and Minerva eventually…I'm building my way up slowly. Anyways this takes place in the first year. Hope you like it.

Hermione had been at Hogwarts for a year now and so far she had both loved it and hated it all at the same time. She loved learning new spells and things, but hated all the teasing she got. It wasn't just the usual name calling of 'bushy haired freak' or 'nerd'. Here at Hogwarts they called her a 'Mudblood'. She hadn't known what a Mudblood was at first though she still didn't like them calling her that word especially because she didn't know what it meant. About two weeks ago she had gone to see her Head of House. It was customary for the head of house to check on their first years by having a one-on-one meeting with them during the fall and spring semesters. Somehow they had gone to talking about her grades to Hermione talking about her problems.


"You have very nice grades Miss Granger," said Professor McGonagall. Her face showed no emotion when she said this however. Minerva McGonagall liked to keep her stern appearance around the students least they get the idea she was actually human just like them. "I hope you keep up this work. You show quite a bit of promise."

Hermione blushed and quietly said, "Thank you."

"Miss Granger I was wondering something." Professor McGonagall paused, waiting for some kind of acknowledgment from her pupil. She got what she was waiting for; Hermione finally looked her in the eyes for the first time since the beginning of the meeting. "I have noticed you look rather melancholy as of late may I ask why?"

"It's nothing professor. I'm probably just homesick."

"Miss Granger you know you can tell me right? I'm here to help you. I truly don't think it's a simple case of homesickness. Why won't you tell me what is troubling you?"

"I won't tell you because there is nothing to tell. I've just…not gotten very warm welcomes from my peers."

"What do you mean?"

"Well they keep calling me this word, but I'm not sure what it means. I've tried looking in every book I could think it would possibly be in but I-"

The older witch cut her off, "Miss Granger what was the word?"

"Um…well…Mudblood," Hermione said feeling rather embarrassed as she stared down at the floor.

It was a good thing Hermione was looking down so she didn't see the fury in Minerva's eyes at the mention of what they had called her. Minerva was anything but pleased about some silly children calling her star pupil a 'Mudblood'. She would never admit it but she felt for the girl. It wasn't like with the other students. Minerva had the urge to protect the girl. It was different than her sense to protect the student body as a whole. It was more of an urge and the other was more of a sense.

Minerva knew she had to get herself under control or she might run off and hex someone. She cleared her throat trying to keep the anger in her voice at bay. "Who has called you these names?"

"It's not important," muttered Hermione.

"Miss Granger I'm not asking you to tell the names. I am telling you to tell me the names."

Hermione looked up. Surprised by sternness and hint of anger in her professor's voice. "I'm sorry Professor. They're really too many to count or name."

"How many approximately make fun of you?"

"Everyone in first year Slytherins does. Most of the Ravenclaws in first year with only a few that don't. The Hufflepuffs aren't as forth right about it, they snicker behind my back and leave umm…notes for me to find, and well most of the Gryffindor's aren't that bad. The worst they normally call me is a 'know-it-all.'"

"I will take care of this problem, Miss Granger. Now if you'll excuse me, I have some work to do."

-End Memory-

That meeting with Professor McGonagall led to a rather unpleasant exchange between Draco and Hermione. She had been walking to the library when Draco spotted her and called out, "Hey Mudblood, you can't even fight your own battles? You had to go run and cry to a teacher so they would fix it for you."

Hermione spun around. She normally would have ignored Malfoy, but this time was different he had something that she thought no one knew about. Malfoy seemed to pick up on this because he continued by saying, "Oh you don't know do you? Well let me enlighten you. Dear, Students…" Draco read off a piece of parchment in his hand. "I would like to inform you that if any of you pick on Hermione Granger anymore and I find out about it (which I will). You will be serving detention with me for the whole month. Signed, Professor McGonagall." As Draco read the announcement out loud more and more students started to form a circle around the two. Most of them were first years. The upperclassmen really didn't care what the silly little first years were going on about.

After Draco finished reading the paper he looked up grinning evilly at Hermione. "So you're running to tell the teachers now? How very Mudblood of you," the blond boy sneered at her.

Hermione was too shocked to say anything. She really didn't want things to get any worse and now they were. All thanks to her wonderful professor.

Draco took advantage of her silence to address the crowd. "I'm sure you've all read the announcement by now. Little Mudblood can't takes it and goes crying off to her professors."

When he was done speaking a murmur arose from the crowd. A couple braver Slytherins and Ravenclaws yelled out a couple of the insults that were being passed around.

Hermione could feel the tears welling up in her eyes. She tried to suppress them but knew it was no use. This was the worst of it yet. It seemed she had united her class though. She had united them against a common enemy, her. She was the enemy: the know-it-all, the snitch, the cry baby, the Mudblood, and the bushy haired freak.

Hermione vaguely heard someone yell, 'silence.' Everyone became silence. She could just barely hear Professor McGonagall telling everyone to go back to there common room unless they would rather be serving detention with her. Hermione head was swimming. All the emotions she was trying to suppress where bubbling over now. Everything is just going to get worse from here, the young Gryffindor thought.

Minerva turned to Hermione with a triumphant smile on her face. Little did she just know she had quadrupled Hermione's problem. "Well Miss—"

Hermione cut her off yelling, "How could you? Don't you get it? You just made everything ten times worse!" With that the young Gryffindor ran down the hallway leaving a very stunned Professor McGonagall behind.

So what do you think?