A/N : So, I've been wanting to do this for a while. First How To Train Your Dragon fic. Enjoy!
Disclaimer : I own nothing.

I liked to believe that I was the tough girl that could get herself out of any situation while acting calm, cool, and collected. The girl who could beat any boy at sparring by a long shot and could most likely out drink them, too. You know, that girl that had the most colorful vocabulary.

Don't get me wrong—I liked some girly things. I was (slightly) flattered whenever the boys of Berk would flirt with me and give me presents. And when I saw beauty, I appreciated it. Though, flowers could be pretty tacky.

I thought all this before I kissed Hiccup Horrendous Haddok III. I guess after the whole dragon as allies thing happened, we became a sort of "item." It was then I finally learned that, while I was good at it, I couldn't keep up my tough girl exterior forever.

It always happened at random moments. We'd walk to the beach with our dragons while holding hands, and butterflies would creep into my stomach and I'd feel myself blush and I didn't care who saw it. Which was really stupid—I was a damn Viking for the gods' sakes. Sure, I was a teenage girl, too, but that shouldn't matter.

The thing is, this socially awkward, clumsy boy brought down my walls I worked so hard to build up so strong and high. All he had to do was send me a goofy grin and I felt like I would melt. And I would try to stop it, but it was just so hard.

"H-Hey, Astrid." Speak of the devil. Hiccup dismounted Toothless, who then decided to dive into the lake I was sitting next to.

"Hey," I answered as he sat down next to me. I thoughtlessly grabbed his hand and saw him smile from the corner of his eye. "Getting used to riding him yet?" I said, nodding toward the Night Fury.

He glanced down at his crippled leg. "It's a little difficult, but I'm getting there."

I nodded. It had only been a few months since the incident, but he was making good progress. The next few hours were filled with pointless conversation, but I enjoyed every second of it until I realized it was getting dark and I'd have to be home soon.

When I told Hiccup this, he stood with me, hugging me to his chest. I closed my eyes, smiling and enjoying the warm sensation of being held.



"I... I really like you," I said before turning on my heel and running off.

See, the problem with building walls around yourself and hiding is that, once someone finally found the real you, you're entire being just... crumbles under that person. For me, the person was Hiccup.

But, as I glanced back and saw the boy with his cheeks flushed and a crooked smile, I couldn't help but think about it more.

I guess, with him, it was okay.

A/N : Meh.
