Okay, my darling readers, I said that this would be a two-shot, but I've decided to make this a three-shot. I'm terribly sorry for taking so long with this! I honestly didn't expect for this to happen, but it seems that I'm having trouble writing up a particular scene, for it will be my first. Now, I hope you enjoy this chapter, and expect a new one (hopefully) sometime soon. Thanks to those of you that reviewed chapter one, reviews keep me going! And a special thanks to mcentire_k and Drumchik for pre-reading this creature for me. Now, I give you chapter 2 of The Detective, The Doctor, and The Badge..

The Detective, The Doctor, and The Badge Chapter 2 – Plan of Action

Maura woke with a deep blush and a hand clutching at her sheets. She was fairly sure that she'd been whispering a certain detective's name in her sleep.

Horribly embarrassed with her dream, the doctor rolled over to look at the alarm clock on her bedside table. She glanced at the badge next to it, pushing the thoughts of dream analysis to the back of her mind. She ignored the still lingering feeling in the pit of her stomach, instead focusing on the plan she had been considering the night before-the plan that included the badge beside her and a certain Detective…

Jane grunted into her pillow, sitting up and recalling her nightmare from the night before. The tragedy of the coffee shop disappearing was rather haunting to the constantly over-caffeinated detective.

The brunette grabbed her cell phone from her bedside table, dialing up the first person on her speed dial- none other than a Miss Maura Isles. It rang twice before a sleepy blonde answered.


"Hey, Maura, it's Jane." Maura didn't need an introduction, she knew as soon as her phone rang that it would be her best friend calling- not to mention her hoarse voice did all the explaining needed.

"Good morning, Jane. I'm just waking up…those nachos didn't quite agree with my stomach last night." Maura rubbed some of the sleep out of her eyes and continued as she glanced at the badge on her bedside table once again.

"Oh, and I believe I still have your badge." Jane knew by the voice on the line that the other woman was smiling. What she didn't know, however, was that the blonde had plans for the badge.

"Oh, thanks for gettin' it back from Detective Crowe for me. I've got to learn not to make bets on rock-paper-scissors after 12 am." Jane shook her head as she spoke, listening to a sudden peal of laughter from the woman on the other line.

"Oh, Jane…" Maura's words came out much heavier than she expected them to, and the silence that followed frightened her a bit. She feared that she'd put too much emotion into them, and perhaps the brunette could read her affection through the phone. The ME's analysis was stopped short, however, when Jane broke the silence.

"Listen, I had this nightmare last night...can we go to the coffee shop real quick? I wanna make sure it's still there. I'll trade you my badge back for a latte?"

"Make it a Moroccan mint tea and I'll indulge your unfounded insecurities. Pick me up in ten?" Maura's voice was light enough, but Jane swore that she heard some other meaning behind her inquiry. Somehow, the words that came through sharply to Jane were "indulge your unfounded insecurities". The word "indulge", in particular…

Jane stopped her thoughts in their tracks and decided a change of plans was in order.

"Actually, how about I bring the tea to you? I'm already wide awake and it sounds like you're still in bed. Right?"

"Well…" Maura was incapable of lying without a drastic outcome.

"Yes, I'm still in bed" she sighed, "I suppose you could just bring the tea. I'll see you soon?" Even as Maura spoke, a new plan unfolded in her mind. Perhaps this would make things even easier…

"Yea, I'll see you in a bit. Bye" Jane flipped her phone closed and dragged herself out of bed, making her way to the bathroom for a cold shower.

Jane arrived at Maura's home within ten minutes of the phone call. She was rather serious about her badge when she was sober.

She had waited in line at the coffee shop for five minutes before letting out an exasperated sigh and storming out. Without her badge, she couldn't make her way to the front of the line as she usually did- and pulling out her gun to prove that she was a cop hadn't seemed appropriate for some reason.

Irritated and empty-handed, Jane stood at Maura's door and lifted her hand to knock. Before her knuckles could meet the door, however, the smiling blonde was inviting her in.

"Hey, Maura." Jane followed the blonde into her living room, slipping her hands into her pockets nervously as she walked. She assumed that Maura had just gotten out of bed- the doctor was wearing a nightgown that Jane certainly had not seen before.

Jane pushed past the thought and cleared her throat.

"Sorry about your tea, I couldn't get very far in the line without my badge."

Maura chuckled and shook her head.

"Don't worry about it, Jane. I had a feeling you might have trouble at the coffee shop, given your lack of patience."

"Hey, that's not-" Jane started to argue but stopped abruptly when Maura held up a very familiar badge.

"I believe a mint Moroccan tea was promised to me in exchange for this?" a mischievous grin formed across Maura's face, something Jane didn't remember seeing there before.

"Uh, yea…but, I have no tea for you. Can I still get it back?" Jane plastered a hopeful grin across her lips.

"Of course, Jane" Maura replied sweetly, though the grin never left her face.

The detective reached for her badge then, wrapping her hand around the hunk of metal in Maura's hand. Rather than releasing the item, however, the blonde curled the fingers of her free hand around Jane's wrist.

"Not so fast, Jane."

The detective pulled her gaze from the badge, looking into Maura's eyes. The smirk on the doctor's face grew wider, and she took a step closer to the detective.

"Wha- Maura, what are you…?" Jane was having trouble forming a coherent sentence, verbs and nouns were lost and she found her breath catching as the blonde leaned forward.

"You have to give me something in return for the badge, Jane." Maura's words were innocent enough, but the sudden husk in her tone and the way her breath fell across Jane's ear sent shivers down the detective's spine.

"Well…I didn't…I didn't get any uh…no tea…" Jane knew that her reaction to Maura's challenge was odd. With anyone else, she would have snatched away the badge or initiated some sort of argument. Or at the very least, she would be capable of thinking clearly.

For some reason, however, her thoughts were clouded, and she didn't dare move away from Maura. In fact, she anticipated the doctor's next move, hoping that it would bring them closer.

"I know, Jane. I think you can give me something else. You can trade me something for it…" Maura's vague comment was followed by an odd squeak from Jane.

"Well…what can I give you for the badge, then, Maura?" Detective Rizzoli finally found her footing, looking into the doctor's eyes with determination, hoping not to make another ridiculously vulnerable sound.

"A kiss." The two words were simple, but the way Maura spoke them was incredibly complex.

"Wha…a kiss? You-you want me to-"

"Kiss me, Jane." It was more of an order than a request, Jane realized.

She also came to realize that something within her had wanted this for quite some time- and that same something loved that Maura was ordering her around.

Driven by this realization and too clouded with shock to do otherwise, Jane leaned forward and crashed her lips into Maura's.

The ME gasped; surprised that Jane had obliged so quickly, that she had not even hesitated. Her shock was short-lived, however, for she soon found herself kissing the detective hungrily. In an instant, the badge was forgotten, clattering to the floor as Maura burrowed her hands in dark brown curls and Jane gripped the shorter woman's hips.

Ta-daa! Hope you enjoyed the second chapter! A new one will be coming up, I'm writing it already! Please leave me reviews, they make my heart all happy! Love you all, and thank you for reading!

