Disclaimer: I don't own Harry Potter or any of the songs! Or any recognizable material!

Zaliya Lily Sent the 200th review to my first story, the Life Project! Congratulations! You win a holographic cookie since the story is over!

Hey, hey, you, you, I don't like your girlfriend
No way, no way, I think you need a new one
Hey, hey, you, you, I could be your girlfriend

Girlfriend—Avril Lavigne

Ginny had seen plenty of strange things in her life. Her best friend was Harry Potter for Merlin's sake! But this...this was just too much!

Ginny held four year old Hermione as if she thought she were a bag of garbage. What do you do with a baby?

At the beginning of the school year, she had been placed in a special life class with the seventh years. The project for the year was to live with your "husband" and "children," and live a life like it was normal. Ginny and Blaise had spent the past several moths as toddlers, only growing to full size for events such as Hermione and Draco's "wedding," and for Christmas.

Ginny stood in the middle of the living room, her face turning crimson under the stares of everyone she'd invited to her Christmas party.

"Are you just going to leave Draco there?" Blaise Zabini, Ginny's soon-to-be husband demanded finally, marching forward to pick him up. They were wearing mini versions of the clothing they'd been wearing before.

"Mummy..." Hermione whimpered. "I's cold..."

"What's going on in here?"

Ginny spun around to see her mother and father had gotten home early.

"Oh, dear!" Mrs. Weasley exclaimed upon seeing the toddlers. "Professor Snape must have made a mistake with the potions. I'd better owl everyone's parents to alert them."

She bustled out of the room.

"I think I'm just gonna...go..." a person said. Then, everyone but the life project students bolted.

All around them were toddlers. Baby Harry, Dean (who was all male again, thank Merlin), Ron, and Cho sat in the middle of the room, while Parvati (who wasn't a boy, strangely), Luna, Seamus, and Lavender scrambled to find their children.

Parvati picked up an adorable baby Harry, and shrieked. "He's so bony!"

"I'm sorry, mummy," he whispered. "Please don't call auntie Petunia. I'll be good...please..."

He rested his head against Parvati's chest.

Parvati's eyes filled with tears as she patted Harry on the back. "It's alright, baby...I forgive you...sh, sh."

"What do we do with them now?" Ginny asked. "Keep them at our houses? Will they change for New Years?"

"Yes, dear, but for now, I suppose you'll just have to look after them," Mrs. Weasley called from the kitchen, where she was writing letters to all of the parents.

Ginny looked down on Hermione with mild disgust. She really didn't like children.

"Mummy..." Hermione said. "Mummy, I want a blankey."

Ginny's heart swelled. Oh, but she's so adorable!

"Of course, baby, come on. I think it's time for you to go to bed anyway."

Hermione curled up in Ginny's arms.

"I can take Draco home with me," Blaise said quietly, startling Ginny. She'd completely forgotten he'd been standing behind her. He was so quiet sometimes it was scary.

Ginny turned to him and nodded. "Of course..." she swallowed hard. "Dear..."

That's when she remembered-the REAL wedding. She glared disgustedly into the flames he had just retreated into. She was tempted to throw a huge tantrum at her mother, had she not been so tired. She turned to see Ron had been carted off by Lavender. A grin cracked across her face. Oh, Merlin, it would be hilarious to see Ron's face when he came to his senses on New Years and found himself at his crazy ex-girlfriends house.

"Mummy, daddy forgot to say goodbye," Hermione whined.

"It's okay, baby," Ginny said, absently stroking Hermione's poofy hair. "He told me to tell you goodbye."

Hermione smiled, and then yawned. "I go bed now."

"Oh...right..." Ginny muttered. "Come on then."

She carried Hermione up the stairs and plopped her down on Ginny's bed. "Stay right there while mummy gets your bed set up."

Hermione nodded as Ginny turned to begin making the bed Hermione slept in over the summer, which she'd forgotten to make in her haste to get to her fiancé's house. Pulling out her wand, she put safety bars on the side. She wouldn't have thought about it had she not remembered her mother doing the same for her when she was a baby.

She turned to Hermione to see she had already fallen fast asleep.

Ginny took a few cautious steps forward, trying to muffle her heels by stepping on discarded pieces of clothing.

"Hermione?" She said, poking her skinny arm. "Baby."

Hermione cried out. "No!"

Ginny's hand shot back, and she was angry. "Well, fine!"

But Hermione was so far gone that she didn't hear her.

Narrowing her eyes at the child, Ginny went to sit on the other bed, but laded on the safety bars and fell backwards, hitting her head on the bar on the other side.

She was so frustrated! Growling, she ripped off her shoes and tossed them at the floor, then ripped off her dress, and pulled the sheets up around her, content to sleep in her slip and underwear.

The next morning, Ginny awoke to a soft tapping on her door. "Mhmmmmm..."

She mumbled.

The door creaked open, and Ginny rolled over. If it were anyone but her mom, she'd die. Her makeup, she knew, was smeared all across her face. All of her hair spray from the night before would not have done her hair much good. And she was wearing her underclothes.

"What do you want?" She mumbled, her eyes squeezed shut tight.

"To take you and my kids to breakfast."

Ginny's eyes burst open.

"Blaise?" She shrieked, sitting up. "What are you-?"

Blaise slapped a hand over Ginny's mouth and pointed to Hermione's sleeping form.

"What are you doing here?" she whispered fiercely, pushing his hand away.

"I am positively sure we've discussed this," Blaise stated plainly, staring at her as if she were a moron.

Ginny's eyes narrowed. "Get out."

"Why should I?" He asked, standing up straight and crossing his arms over his chest.

"Because I'm wearing almost nothing, and we're not married yet," Ginny said. "I'll come down when I'm presentable. Go talk to my brothers or something. And where's my son?"

"He's safe with your mother at the moment," Blaise replied, turning. "Oh, and don't forget to dress Hermione."

Ginny watched him leave the room, eyes narrowed. But as soon as he was gone, she grinned. He was so handsome! And he looked sooo strong! Plus, Slytherins had great personalities, which she'd learned from dating Draco a few years back. Of course, that had ended horribly, but still. It was nice while it lasted.

Wait…she thought. Doesn't Blaise have a girlfriend. With an evil grin, she decided to get rid of Miss Greengrass, and take Blaise for herself. Astoria was ugly, anyway.

She got out of bed and danced across the room, kissing Hermione's forehead.

"Wake up, darling!" She sang, still twirling around her bedroom.

"Hm..." Hermione said as she woke. "Why are you so happy, mummy?" Hermione inquired, rubbing her eyes sleepily.

"Because!" She announced, scooping up Hermione and pretending to waltz with her. "I think I'm in love!"

"With daddy?" Hermione asked, confused, her laughter dying down.

"With daddy!" Ginny said, rocking Hermione back and forth, making her laugh again.

Ginny finally set down Hermione and began rummaging through her closet to find something to wear. She pulled on a pair of jeans, an off-shoulder sweater, and a pair of boots.

"What do you want to wear, baby?" Ginny asked, brushing her fiery red hair.

Hermione shrugged.

"Well, you just pick something out while mummy fixes up in the bathroom."

She crossed the hall, closing the door lightly, then entered to bathroom, where she quickly washed off all her make up, reapplied new, and brushed her teeth.

Making sure she was completely presentable and almost impeccably flawless, she crossed the hall again to Hermione.

"Hermione, that's my school uniform," Ginny reminded, indicating the black skirt, white shirt, red tie, and black cardigan Hermione was holding up.

"I want to wear dis," she announced.

Shrugging, Ginny pointed her wand at the clothes, which shrunk and pulled themselves onto Hermione's extremely tiny body. Ginny sat Hermione in front of her and began to brush through her hair.

"Ow!" She exclaimed. "Mummy, that hurts!"

"I'm preparing you for childbirth," Ginny announced. As soon as the words left her mouth, she wondered where she'd gotten them from.


Chapter one is DONE! I finished it quite a bit earlier than I'd planned, but the earlier the better!

Please tell me what you think! I love hearing from you guys.

And if you don't understand it, you probably didn't read book one, so go back and do that! I just love the thought of people actually READING what I WROTE.

Yours Truly,

Lovers Dream

Less than three.