A/N- I'M BACK! Sorry I've been gone. November was a busy month for me! I finished NaNoWriMo, did my coursework AND my University application, so I can relax a bit now XD

Disclaimer- Do I really need to say it?

"Astrid! Good news!"

Astrid glanced up when she heard Hiccup's voice echo upstairs from the front door.

"Good news?" she mumbled, raising an eyebrow. "Well it's about time I got some"

She pulled herself up into a more comfortable position and smiled slightly as Hiccup limped into the room, grinning.

"What's got you so excited?" Astrid asked wryly, trying to hold back her own hopeful instincts.

"The healer said you can start walking around now" Hiccup told her, and Astrid's eyes widened slightly.

"Hiccup, if you're joking I swear I'm going to kill you" she warned, still hardly able to believe what she was hearing.

"I swear to you, I'm not joking" he promised, smiling. "She told me she's coming up now to double check you, but she said it's been long enough"

"Yeah, only five months" Astrid said sarcastically, but she couldn't fight back her excitement at being able to walk around again.

Hiccup smiled at her, seeming to sense her eagerness. "Well…" he said slowly. "I'll leave you to get ready? Will you be okay?"

"Stupid question" Astrid drawled, giving him a stony stare. "Of course I will, moron"

Hiccup smiled sheepishly at her reply and slipped out of the room, leaving Astrid shaking her head at his retreating back, though she was smiling. She pulled her covers off of her legs and swung her legs over the side of the bed, reaching out for her trademark spiked leather skirt. She pulled it on and slipped on her boots, loving the fact that she was able to wear them again. She reached out for her shoulder pads and pulled them on, shifting her shoulders with a small grimace to try and get used to their weight. She tied her hair back in its usual braid and slipped on her headband, letting out a small sigh of relief. She felt whole again.

Astrid stood silently, noticing proudly that her legs weren't shaking. She had been doing secret leg exercises when Hiccup and her family weren't sitting with her to keep her legs good and strong so when the time came for her to walk again, she'd have no trouble with it.

Astrid stretched out her arms and stood on her tiptoes in a large stretch, feeling more physical relief than she had ever had before.

"Feels good" she sighed, opening her eyes with a smile.

"It looks good too" a voice said from the doorway, and Astrid turned to see the healer stood in the doorway, watching her carefully. "How do you feel?"

"Excellent" Astrid said immediately. "It doesn't hurt or anything"

"Well you look fine" the healer mused, and then nodded with a smile. "Go on then. You're free to go. Just don't overwork yourself"


Astrid quickly ran downstairs, stopping to call out a goodbye to her parents, who glanced at each other in surprise before smiling in realization. Astrid slipped out of her home and closed the door behind her, inhaling deeply.

"Fresh air" she mumbled with a pleased smile, and opened her eyes when she heard a group of people calling her name. She smiled as she saw Snotlout, Fishlegs, the twins and Hiccup running towards her.

"Hey" she greeted them, and laughed lightly as they surrounded her.

"It's great to see you out" Snotlout told her, and the twins began to immediately fire questions at her.

"What was it like?"

"How bad did it hurt?"

"Do you have any scars?"

Astrid rolled her eyes at the mini interrogation and tried to answer as quickly as she was able.

"What do you think? Pretty bad. It hurt quite a lot and just a few"

Hiccup quickly stepped in before the twins could continue.

"Alright!" he stated and gestured to the dragon stables. "I think a certain dragon is looking forward to seeing you"

Astrid's face lit up at the thought of seeing Blue, and she grabbed Hiccup's hand, quickly beginning to drag him towards the stables.

"Gah!" Hiccup cried, loosing his footing slightly. He scrambled back up and smiled as Astrid called out for Blue.

The Nadder immediately ran out of the stables, flapping her wings eagerly. Blue let out a delighted shriek upon seeing her mistress, and Astrid flung her arms around the dragon's neck.

"I've missed you girl!" Astrid murmured, running her fingers over the scales. Blue crooned in delight and excitedly nuzzled her, causing Astrid to laugh.

Astrid turned to Hiccup, her face bright with a huge smile, and Hiccup was struck by how happy she looked.

She pulled him in for a sudden, surprising kiss and smiled against his lips.

"Thanks for taking care of me" she mumbled, and pulled away grinning. "But don't get used to it!"

Hiccup couldn't help but laugh.

Same old Astrid.