Hello people! Well as you can obviously see I'm writing another story, Again. This is my third for Vampire Diaries, so I hope you like this one. This is just an idea that popped into my head and yeah. So for all of you who absolutely hated it when Damon was making out with Katherine in the first episode of season two, he doesn't, but Stefan does. Anyway please read and review!
Disclaimer: I do not own The Vampire Diaries if I did, then I probably wouldn't be writing on fan fiction right now.
Chapter One: Drinking Buddies
Elena found herself driving towards the boarding house for some unmistakable reason. She felt as though something was wrong, something that shouldn't be happening. Stefan had just dropped her off at home and went to go hunting. But she felt drawn towards the boarding house, so she just went.
As she pulled into the driveway, she parked and got out of the car, heading towards the front door. Elena took a deep breath and knocked, the door was unlocked so she just walked in, hearing a crash. She ran up into the living room and gasped.
Stefan and Katherine stood in front of her tangled in each other, in an obvious passionate kiss that completely shattered Elena's heart. The two in front of her froze and slowly turned around. Katherine was grinning wickedly and Stefan's expression turned into one of horror.
He stepped away from Katherine, his shirt torn down the middle falling off his shoulders as he tried to make his way towards her. "Elena it…it's not what it looks like."
Elena shook her head and clutched her chest. It felt like he had taken his hand and pulled her heart out, stomping all over it. As the tears cascaded down her cheeks she bit out in a harsh tone, "Oh, it's exactly what it looks like."
There was a slam of the front door and a voice coming behind them, "Stefan, why do I smell-."
Damon trailed off as he walked into the room taking off his jacket, than he looked up and saw the scene in front of him. Stefan without a shirt, a smirking Katherine, and a tear streaked Elena. "What'd I miss?"
Elena was the first to speak, "Ask your dear brother." She pushed passed him and ran out the door in a rush.
Damon was bewildered by the way her voice sounded as she said that. Elena's words were harsh and honestly hostile. He turned toward Stefan and Katherine. "Stefan what did you do now, you know, never mind I don't think I want to know." He nodded in Katherine's direction, "Bitch,"
Katherine smiled playfully at him, "You're not gonna kill me? I thought you'd jump at the chance. Or at least try to claim me in some way of yours."
"Naw, I'm good. You know I don't want to get in that whole love triangle again, not my thing anymore." Damon replied leaning against the wall, smirking.
"Well that's good, but you know it wasn't really ever a triangle for me, though." Katherine stepped towards Damon slowly, swinging her hips in a seductive way that would make men fall on their knees.
Damon raised an eyebrow, challenging her for an answer. One he wasn't sure he wanted to hear. "Oh?"
Katherine poked him in the chest and leaned in by his ear and whispered, "I used you. I never loved you. It was always Stefan."
Everything in Damon's mind shut down and darkened. He felt as if he'd go insane, break something, anything. He tried his best to not care, but everything about her just made him crack.
Then in the midst of it he pushed Katherine away from him, she hit a wall with a soft thud; he dove at Stefan, growling and breaking a chair leg near him; stabbing him in the stomach over and over again. "I hate you!" Damon yelled, letting the rage take over and consume him into a monster.
Katherine jumped up and ran at him, taking Damon down into the wood floor. She kept him pinned, until he flipped them over and slammed her down, "I loved you! I fucking loved you and you felt nothing! Nothing!" He slammed her into the floor again until Stefan knocked him off and tried to throw him into the wall. Damon hit the wall with a deafening crack; he slumped against the wall for a minute or two and tried his best to stand up.
Damon staggered up and glared at Stefan and Katherine, he focused on Stefan and growled lowly, "You made your choice stay away from Elena. And I've made mine." With that said Damon, as best and as fast as possible disappeared from the room leaving the two to each other.
Elena sobbed into her knees, wishing, hoping for the pain of betrayal to leave her, but it was as strong as ever consuming her in a large ball of dark emotions. Her world was breaking down and everything in it seemed to just gather around her and laugh.
She gasped at the pain in her chest again and squeezed her chest to herself in an attempt to keep herself together. Jeremy passed her room and tipped his head in, "Elena, are you alright?"
She shook her head fiercely, "No, but…just go away. Please."
Jeremy looked at her and slowly nodded, "Call if you need anything," he closed the door and left Elena to her own self pity and sadness.
Elena took out her diary and decided to at least put down her thoughts to try to get everything out and on paper. That way it could maybe be relieve the emotions flowing through her a little bit off her shoulders.
Dear Diary,
Today… today has been one of the worst and most stressful days of my life. I just found Stefan kissing, actually more like mauling Katherine's face in the living room of the boarding house. I felt like there was a reason to go there, Stefan said he was going hunting, but obviously not. I felt like he ripped my heart into a thousand pieces and set it on fire. He tried to give me the "It's not what it looks like" line, but I couldn't handle the excuse he was going to give me. It was too much and seeing her there scared me more than almost anything I'd ever experienced. She really did look exactly like me, it was unbelievable.
I think the only highlight of my day was when I was with Bonnie and Damon came into the hospital. He helped Caroline and saved her. It was one of the best things he's done for me. I felt like he was my constant in life, holding me to the ground and never changing. Except for the fact that he thought Katherine was me and he kissed her. I'm not even sure how he would have thought I would have kissed him back, but I don't know. It makes me believe Isobel's words even more. I don't like it, but
I still believe that she's probably right.
Now my mind wonders back to Stefan, I don't even want to say his name let alone write it without the pain enveloping me. I wish that everything was as it was suppose to be, easy and carefree. Sometimes I wish that I didn't know anything about vampires, witches, Katherine, just have that ignorant bliss most other people have.
I need to stop thinking and at least try to sleep or something; maybe I'll be like Damon and numb away my sorrows by drinking.
Elena tossed her diary aside and leaned back against the headboard of the bed. The tears kept coming, and so did the pain.
She felt the wind blow her curtain from her window and then a dark figure appeared in her room with a bottle in hand. "Damon," Elena whispered in a small voice rubbing her eyes a little to focus on him.
Damon walked over to her bed and sat next to her. "Elena."
Elena looked him over and noticed his clothes were tattered and torn. He took a deep gulp of whatever was in the bottle, probably scotch. Elena tried to get out of her thoughts of betrayal and deceit; she didn't want it to take over her, "What happened to you? Are you okay?" she asked.
"Oh I'm just dandy." He replied sarcastically, "I think I could guess why you're all red and puffy."
Elena sighed, "You got your heart ripped out too?" She closed her eyes and bit her lip, trying to ignore the pain, of it all.
"Yup, sounds about right. Want some?" Damon asked her motioning to give her some of the alcohol.
Elena considered it and thought, fuck it; she nodded, "Yeah,"
She took the bottle out of his hand, almost smiling at his shocked expression. Elena tipped her head back and drank some of its contents. It burned down her throat, but felt good in a way. She took another swig, feeling it slide down her throat like fire.
"You know we should be drinking buddies." Damon joked, leaning against the headboard beside her and kicking off his shoes.
Elena leaned her head on his shoulder, "On these circumstances I don't think that'd be a good idea."
Damon nodded and sat in silence with her, deep in his dangerous thoughts, he felt himself slowly crumble as he listened to Katherine's words replay in his head, "It was always Stefan." He said bitterly, just loud enough for Elena to hear.
"What do you mean?"
Damon laughed, "I'm always second best. No one's ever really loved me. Katherine said it was always Stefan and that she was just using me."
Elena looked up at him, feeling empathy towards him, knowing what that felt like, she was Stefan's second best to Katherine. Always, she would always be, no matter what. It pained her heart for Damon and herself, at the moment they were in the same boat, only having each other to understand the feeling. "I'm sorry Damon. You know, just screw them all and their happiness. I wish I never met Stefan, I don't want to feel like this, broken and empty."
"Yeah, it sucks. You're right though, we don't need them they all suck balls. Katherine's just a dirty bitch. And Stefan's an idiot. I don't know how he could be so stupid and give you up for her."
Elena took the bottle again and took another gulp, feeling the buzz start to faze through her mind and body. "I don't know either. But, you know Katherine doesn't deserve you anyway, they deserve each other."
Tears started to fall down Elena's cheeks, "I just wish he didn't." Elena buried her head in Damon's chest and kept sobbing finally letting it all out. Damon just held her and rubbed her back, he set down his bottle and pulled back the covers, letting himself in and holding her more firmly.
Her sobs calmed down into slow breaths; Damon felt himself fall asleep to the soft thrum of her heart.
"You're not wanted here Elena, he doesn't want you." Katherine's mocking tone sent Elena into rage.
Elena didn't care if she provoked the vampire, she stood in front of her doppelganger with no fear, "I don't care!"
Katherine smirked, "Are you sure? You have no one now, look." Katherine giggled and met Stefan in a hungry kiss. Stefan held Katherine close to her and moaned into her mouth, loud enough for Elena to hear.
Elena felt like she was going to be sick, that and she felt as though something worse was going to happen. She started to walk backwards and then tripped, slicing her arm on something. Blood oozed out causing the attention of the vampires to turn toward her.
Damon appeared out of nowhere and walked up behind Katherine taking her in his arms and kissing her. While Stefan stared at Elena's arm. Seeing their kiss made Elena's heart break again, tears came out of her eyes, and into her lap. It hurt worse than seeing Stefan kiss her, she didn't know why, but it did.
Damon turned toward her and smiled, "It's always been her, Elena."
Elena screamed as the three vampires, rushed towards her biting her in different places. "Damon!" She screamed one last time before everything faded away into darkness.
Elena opened her eyes and took deep breaths; she felt something next to her and turned to see Damon holding onto her tightly. She took her hand and brushed his hair out of his face. Running her hand on the length of his face, Elena took a moment to admire his features, he was so beautiful, it was obvious, but it was a natural beauty she admired. She knew he had gone through worse things in all of his life, but this situation with Katherine now was probably one of the worst. She didn't want him to feel pain any more than she did; they were friends, friends that really needed each other right now.
A voice interrupted her from her thoughts and her hand that was still unconsciously running along Damon's face. "I guess I was too late, you've already gone for my brother."
Elena jumped at his voice and sat up, "What?"
Damon started to stir next to her and sat up slowly, letting go of her waist. "What happened?"
"Stefan." She muttered before jumping out of bed and after Stefan. Elena ran out of the room and down the stairs, grabbing Stefan's arm.
"We need to talk." She said, letting go of his arm, crossing them in front of her chest.
Stefan nodded and sat down at the table. Elena sat opposite of him and tried to hold back the feelings that were trying to pry themselves open.
Stefan started off blunt, anger and jealousy seeping into his words. "So what you're with Damon now?"
Elena ground her teeth together and snapped back, "Are you with Katherine now?"
"No, I'm not. What you saw was a mistake, she forced herself on me."
Elena laughed with no humor and angrily replied, "What I saw was not forced, that's a fucking lie. You kissed her back just as much as she did."
Stefan stayed quiet, griping the table with force, Elena was too caught up in her anger to even notice.
"And no I'm not with Damon. I needed him and he needed me, we were there for each other as friends." Elena sucked in a breath and tried to calm herself, she didn't want to cry in front of him.
"What's going on?" Jeremy walked down the stairs; he seemed softer towards Elena since he saw her the day before crying her eyes out in her room. Which only meant one of two things, someone died or she just got dumped or cheated on.
Stefan stood, "Nothing, nothing's going on I'm leaving."
"We're over." Elena whispered, "Have fun with Katherine."
Stefan left and Elena sank in her chair, putting her head down on the table. She felt nothing at the moment and wanted to stay like that, feel nothing towards Stefan. But he seemed to be popping in and out of her head.
Jeremy walked over to her and leaned down next to her, "Are you okay?"
"No," She mumbled and reached for Jeremy, he held her and let her hold onto him tightly. He mumbled comforting things and rubbed her back softly, knowing what she needed. He saw Damon walking down the stairs towards them.
Jeremy nodded his head toward Elena and Damon walked over and took Jeremy's place. He sat them down on the couch and held her again to his chest. He had heard the whole conversation and was even awake when she was stroking his face. Elena yelled his name when she was asleep and then woke up, he didn't want to startle her so he pretended to be asleep.
"I'm going to the store and Block Buster; Elena needs something to distract her. Watch her, while I get the movie and ice cream."
Damon nodded and watched Jeremy leave the house. Elena started to relax against him and then she slowly looked up at him. "I'm sorry," She murmured wiping her face.
"It's okay, just sit tight Jeremy will be back soon. When he comes back do you want me to stay?"
Elena nodded, "Please, unless you have something you need to do." She smiled slightly as he shook his head said he would stay.
Out of all the commotion Elena forgot that Jenna was home and probably going to get up soon, it was a Saturday, meaning Jenna was bound to get up within the hour, it being close to ten in the morning. Elena sighed, "Jenna's going to be coming down soon, she's still mad about what happened with Katherine and you."
"That's fantastic." Damon replied sarcastically wrapping his arm around her, "But, I don't care, she can still be mad at me. I'm staying though."
Elena looked down smiling, "Good."
As predicted Jenna came drowsily down the stairs rubbing her eyes, she turned into the kitchen without noticing the two and then came back with a cup of coffee. She nearly dropped it when she saw Damon on the couch with his arm around Elena. "What are you doing here?" she nearly yelled.
Damon turned and dropped his arm, trying to find the right answer Elena would want him to say, "I uh-"
Elena cut him off, saving him from trying to find his own answer, "He's comforting his friend who just saw her boyfriend make out with another girl. And then try to lie about it." She saw the look her aunt was giving her, the one that said hypocrite all over, but Elena wasn't.
Jenna looked squarely at Damon, "Don't try anything." She glared at him some and sipped her coffee.
"I wouldn't dream of it." Damon gave one of his charmingly cocky looks and then smiled at her.
"Yeah right," Jenna grumbled as she climbed up the stairs mouthing a silent, "We're talking later."
Jeremy came home and set his bag on the table, the movie in hand, "Okay, I got some random movie, I'm not sure if you'll like it or not, it's Letters to Juliet."
Elena smiled at her brother and stood up; she walked over to him and hugged him, "Thank you Jer."
"No problem, now I'll leave you guys to this I'm going to my room." Jeremy waved good bye to them and practically ran upstairs.
Damon watched Elena put in the movie and grimaced, "I think there was a reason why Jeremy ran. Crap this will be like an all day sleep over, shit."
"It will be when we play truth or dare." Elena shot over her shoulder as she grabbed the remote to skip through the previews to the movie itself.
"Ooh, maybe I'll get some juicy info on little Miss Gilbert." Damon said aloud trying to lighten the mood, before either one of them could start to think about anything too serious or Katherine/Stefan related.
Elena sat next to him and raised an eyebrow, "Yeah and I'll drink with you."
"Told you we were drinking buddies," He reminded her, getting comfortable, while putting his arm around her again.
Elena sighed leaning on him, "On bad circumstances."
I'm not sure what you guys thought, but I'd really like to know, so if you people don't mind please review, I would really like to see if I should keep going and if anyone likes this idea.
Review, please!
-Vanessa :)