Thrax looked real good and hard at the germs in front of him. He couldn't believe, this was the pick of the litter that this body had. Not good. With this crowd it's all most like I be doing it myself. He knew that there were still some germs that were coming, one of the guys he got earlier would be bringing them into the prative room at the Zit. Thrax try to think of different things to get this mind off the disappointment that was this group. All most instantly an image of a white blood cell came to mind. That little cop he saw at the dam. He would be cuter if he got rid of that goatee.
The doors open and Thrax got right to his plan, hoping that if he got it over with, he could go find the cute cop. As he was talking, he notice the door opening, but not a sound came from it. Probley just a late comer. He could hear the music from the club, and as he brought up the projector of the hyompluas, he toke notice of a white blood cell in a pretty little black and red gothic Lolita dress. The virus didn't say anything about it, just walked around the table, still talking about his plan to bring down Frank, and make it into the recorded books.
The rest of the germs were all smirking and laughing, but the white cell was shriving. Thrax knew that there were different types of shivers, and knew which one was one. The one the cell was doing was out of lust. Great. If luck is on my side, it will be that cute little cop. He put his arm around the shoulder of the cell, and lend in real close. The cell's scent was the yummiest one he had ever smiled.
The room was silent as the conductor was busy eye raping the young cell in the pretty dress. All of the sudden, the wall was blown away. The cold pill was there, and doing a stupid dance. Thrax had the cell pin to the table- he played off like the cell was a spy, but he just wanted to see the little cell under him- and the cell whimper at the blast.
"Not now. Why couldn't he wait a little bit longer?"
Thrax looked down at the cell, that was a man's voice, and he hoped his hopes weren't being deceived.
"What's your name young one?"
It was too good to be true, the young cell he wants was here in his arms and he just got thrown off his little boy. That cold pill is going to die when I get my hands on him. His germs jumped right into, fighting the cold pill, knowing instantly that the young cell in the dress was good. They each knew in their subconscious that if they hurt the boy, and survive the cold pill then Thrax was going to kill them.
An; ok I know its short but I wanted to go ahead and put it up. I think I waited long enough. I don't know if I put it on my other chapter that I might put this story up on , or another site. Just wait till I think it through. I hope you enjoyed this part.