Disclaimer-I do not own the gone series
Sam s POV
My eyes felt as heavy as mercury as I tried to slide them open. I don't really know what had awakened me I just knew that I had awakened from an exhausted sleep that was not even close to being finished. The next thing I noticed was the serious pain coming from...well everywhere. What the heck happened? Where the heck was I? An why the heck am I in so much pain? Where was Lana?
I had so many questions with so few answers or any at all. I might as well take a look around since I can somewhat focus through this mask of blurriness that blinds my vision. The moon shines above me giving me a clear view of the area around me. Wait... the moon? Why the heck was I outside? The last thing I remember was... What was I doing? I had heard Astrid and there was a lot of pain and Cain was there and so was Lana so why was the pain still here? Then I don't really remember anything else except a brief glimpse of Edilio and the bright sun above me and then a nice comfy warm bed. So then how the heck was I outside? This didn't make any sense. Nothing made sense anymore the world had just gone mad that day the FAYZ came up. Why did the world have to suck?
So since I was in another situation I mind as well find a way out of it. I was in the woods that was evident since there were trees all around blocking out some of the light and since I could move at all I was supposedly tied to one. Great. My life just keeps getting better and better.
I tried to wiggle my way out of the ropes holding me down but it was no use and then I considered using my power but I didn't know if that was safe to try right now with my condition and I didn't really know how my hands were positioned since pretty much all circulation was cut off from my wrists and all down my hands.
After struggling for some time it was just no use and I was getting tired and I eventually drifted off to sleep. Thinking of who the heck my captors were. It could be a number of people. And Astrid. Astrid I wonder how she was doing? and then the dark abyss swallowed me whole.
Zil s POV
What was I supposed to do now? Shit I had this plan it sounded good at the time but what the hell was I supposed to do now? I have got to look good in front of the guys if they don't think that I have this all figured out I m screwed.
I thought it would be a brilliant idea get Sam while he s down. But now that I have him what was I supposed to do with him? I have him but what am I supposed to do? I kept thinking of that question over and over in my head as I paced that hard wood floors of the farmhouse. It was pathetic how I sounded. I was supposed to be a leader and if anyone saw me now they would be laughing.
He was captured and in my hands, at my mercy I could do whatever the hell I wanted. Now that Sam was out of the way Perdido beach would be mine! The only problem now was Caine. What was I supposed to do about him since he wont be occupied with Sam anymore since I already have him? That was the one downfall of this plan because while Sam was roaming not so long ago he took care of Caine. I m sure I ll think of something when the time comes. Now that my numbers are growing he ll be to afraid to come after us even with his cool little super powers. Only NORMAL people belonged here and I will make sure it stays that way.
The door slammed open causing me to jump in the air like a scared cat.
"Woop's sorry to scare ya," the boy apologized. I had no idea what his name was and didn't really care.
"Well, why are you here?" I have yelled at him for causing me a fright.
"I just thought I should report that the prisoner is conscience again." Well its about time how long could someone sleep? He didn't look that hurt. Well... sure he was really pale and had a lot of bandages but its not like it wasn't something Lana couldn't fix she probably just wasn't around and so Dahra had to do something temporarily.
"It's about time. Is someone watching him?"
"Umm well I was-"
"You left him there with no guard!"
"Well I thought you wanted to be updated-"
"But not leave the prisoner unguarded you dumb ass!"
"Well you umm didn't put anyone else on watch except me-"
"WHAT! I put at least four people with fully loaded guns on him. Do you know how powerful he is? Do you?"
"Well, um, no," he said timidly.
"Yeah I didn't think so. If he gets away because of your frickin carelessness your punishment is going to be one most dire!"
"Um yeah I understand," he said standing there awkwardly looking at his feet.
"Well go watch him and find three others to go with you. I cant stand the sight of you just looking at you now makes me feel a little dumber." He hurriedly ran out of the room afraid of what else I would say. Now that was the way to handle things. Have people be afraid of you yet know that your right and make them always think their in the wrong and never yourself. It seems to be working well for me i just hope my luck will last.
Authors NOte-well sorry guys about not updating in awhile but now I have! Sorry about the language in this one it just kind of went with it if you know what I mean. Anyways hope you guys can review because that would be awesome. I was also wondering if you guys could refresh my memory because I cant seem to remember any of Zil s gang members names if you could tell me a few it would really help me out. Anyways thanks for reading and I hope you enjoy! :)