Astrid POV
Today has got to be one of the worst days of my life. Well except for the day the FAYZ went up and that other day when that bus driver had a heart attack or those other days when i was about to be killed. This day is just the worst.
I hadn't known what had happened at first but when i did hear i was devastated i mean i was about frozen in shock. Sam. how could Sam be hurt i had just been talking with him he seemed a little better not so depressed I mean it was like an hour ago what could have happened in such short of time. I didn't hear all of the details behind his injuries just that i had to go now.
I don't even remember driving there i just remember Patrick climbing all around the car trying to get out. i don't even no who was driving the car all i could think about was Sam. Sam. Oh Sam how could you go and get yourself hurt...again. this time was different though they said that it was bad real bad.
Maybe i should have told him to stay and not go after Caine and Drake. But then that wold just go against everything that i've been telling him so far. He is a leader even if he doesnt know it but thats what makes him a good one is that he is so humble. he thinks clearly during a crisis and never seems to fail no matter how dire the circumstances. Gosh Sam! I cant keep going through this. why cant everything be fixed and the adults be back and this had never happened. but it did and if it hadnt i would never had paid any attention to sam. a least somthing good came of the FAYZ. But now that could all end and all in less then an hour.
I am just so scared of what i will see. will i see him lying there dead because i was too late or will it just be something minor that everyone just exaggerated? it couldn't be with the looks on their faces. how could this happen? what are we going to do if... Astrid! Don't even think about that of course Sam is going to live. he cant die he just cant. he has so much to live for even if sometimes he doesn't see it so many people are depending on him.
The car then started rumbling and bumping along as we turned onto the small narrow one lane road leading to the mine shaft. its not far now until i can see sam for myself and not just be left to my thoughts and think of the endless possibilities. the trees streamed past creating a blurring image of greens. it was a nice distraction of the conflict inside. i wouldn't last much longer though. Not to long. hopefully not to long. hope. All i can do now is hope.