An angel's cry

Chapter one: An angel's death begins.

A spiky brown haired angel boy with red marks on his cheeks runs towards a girl (she looks to be in her twenties) with long silver hair and grey eyes, the creator (1) with fear plastered on his face.
"There is something wrong with Naruto! He's not feeling well, and he isn't happy! He is indifferent! And earlier when he was singing, he wasn't singing his usually happy song; he was singing a terribly sad song!" The boy says panicked.

"Calm down Kiba love." The creator starts out, and the boy takes a deep breath. "I know what is wrong with Naruto; I just wasn't expecting it to happen so quickly. Someone is by Naruto love's side right now, correct?" She says, looking into Kiba's eyes.

The creator loves all her angels, they were her family. Unlike the humans she created, her angels never abandoned her for being much different aside from the fact that their bodies were much close to the same. The humans even dared to forget who she was, they dared to forget the creator, the reason they were ever given a chance to live but they kept with them who and what an angel was. The creator still loved the humans; after all they were still her creations.

"Yeah. Gaara is watching him, Naruto is asleep."

"Good, it wouldn't be good for Naruto love to be alone and Gaara love seems to be lonely lately,"

"Yeah…. Wait, You know what's wrong with Naruto, what is it?" Kiba asks franticly. The creator gives him a look that calms him immediately, as it does to all the other angels.

"Naruto love needs to find his opposite who was taken to earth. Years ago, our angel of darkness was stolen as a baby; he was stolen by my first creation. Naruto love, as the angel of light can't live without him."

"You mean he was taken by-

"Yes. I'm sorry, if I never upset Orochimaru by sending him to the earth with the humans, Naruto's life wouldn't be in danger."

"It's not your fault at all, and all the angels know why you sent Orochimaru away, and we know you love him too much to destroy him, especially since he was the first being you created. We all know that Orochimaru killed Obito."

"Thank you, but it's too late to discuss this. Come Kiba love, we need to organize something with Naruto love and Gaara love." The two walk into the gigantic mansion/castle. They walk up the stairs and walk down one of the halls until they reach Naruto's door. The creator slowly opens the door to see Gaara and Naruto chatting.

"Hello Kiba and Azami," Naruto greets. Gaara nods a hello. Kiba and Azami (the creator) walk in. Suzume smiles at them sadly, and immediately Gaara and Naruto know something is wrong.

"Naruto love, have you ever heard of something like love can only exist with hate, and such?" Naruto nods. "You've been feeling sad lately, and as the angel of light, it's very strange usually, but…." Azami looks into Naruto's eyes sadly, trying to think of how to tell him he was dying. "A long time ago, about three months before you were born, another angel was born, with black hair and black eyes. The angel was… the angel of darkness. The angel of darkness was kidnapped after his second birthday by… my first creation. The angel of darkness has yet to activate his powers Naruto love, and if he doesn't activate them soon enough…. You'll…" Azami grows quiet, doing her best to hold back tears. "Listen… I- I can't go to earth to get him back, if I leave here long enough, heaven will crumble. I can send you to the school that the dark angel goes to, but I'm sorry, it's the best I can do."

"Will he go alone?" Kiba asks. Azami takes a moment and looks into all three pairs of eyes.

"No, I would prefer to send you three together, Naruto love, angel of light, Kiba love, angel of animals, and Gaara love, angel of wind. I would also like to send Ino love, angel of flowers. Please get ready, I will send you off tomorrow, the more time to find him, the better. I'm going to tell Ino love about this." Azami walks out of the room solemnly. Shortly after Naruto, Kiba and Gaara started packing things from their rooms to get ready for the next day. Ino was packed in seconds, after hearing what she was doing would help Naruto. To everyone, Naruto was like a bright ray of sunshine, and without sunshine, many would be sad.

The next day….

Azami, Naruto, Gaara, Kiba and Ino were all in a garden, all but Azami standing within a circle with many kanji written on it.

"If you guys have any problems or need anything, get a hold of me and I will help in a heartbeat. One of the reasons I wanted Ino love to go is because she and Kiba love have both been to earth before, so please help them blend in."

"I won't let Naruto take any risks, or get hurt." Ino and Kiba smile.

"I wish you all a great trip." Azami closes her eyes, puts the palm of her left hand over the back of her right hand and starts to mumble some words. Her hand and the circle start to glow. Soon the group has disappeared. Azami looks at the empty circle with sad eyes.

"Please find him in time."

To be continued


(1)Due to religion controversies I didn't call her god. And it's a she because people always choose a male to be their creator person, and so far out of the people I have met, girls tend to act more lovingly. Yes I know she says love after names a lot, but that's part of her personality. It's hard to explain.

Their relationships:

Azami is like a very close mother and sister to them, but they call her by her first name.

Gaara is attached to Naruto; I'm not going to say why yet.

Nanami: the creator will be one of the big parts btw, just not as big as Sasuke and Naruto, and thank you for your reviews, I had to wait a month on all my other sasunaru stories to get a review, for this one it was 4 hours. XD and thank you a lot for helping me with her name narutolover6661

The only reason I'm ending it here is because this is a good ending point for this chapter. I started working on the next chapter right after I posted this.

Inspired by the song tsubasa wo daite