Disclaimer: I am not Toboso-sensei, therefore I do not own "Kuroshitsuji" or anything related to this manga and anime.

Author's Note: This is supposedly a ficlet, but since I thought that this might make a good fic, I might as well make it as one, ne? Please share your thoughts with me after reading. :D

"Sob with the Tears of Flame"


He probably knew that this would happen.

He was just . . . a bit naïve to think that everything had already ended.

Before him lay a lifeless Ciel Phantomhive, covered in blood. Ciel's glaucous-coloured hair was tousled on the cold, cemented floor beneath him. His usual piercing azure orbs were now staring tediously at the mourning skies above. His favourite attire was soaked in his own blood—the bright crimson liquid being slowly scattered widely on the ground by the acidic rain. And Ciel's eyepatch—the one he always used to keep the contract between him and Sebastian a secret from outsiders—was clutched tightly in his damaged right hand.

It's your fault; your fault for being weak.

Sebastian Michaelis never felt so vulnerable in his entire life. He could only stare blankly at his dead master, mourn for him silently. He didn't want to look at him this way . . . He knew that someday he'd be the cause of his death—by eating his soul, as promised in their contract. Sebastian knew that he should be rejoicing now, devouring Ciel's temptingly delicious soul full of hatred in glee. Yet why? Why couldn't he do it?

That's because you've grown attached to him, mocked his inner thoughts, snickering at the disgraceful face Sebastian made. You're a stigma . . . A humiliation to all demons.

You deserved it for yearning more than that boy's soul.

Kneeling on the damp ground, Sebastian encircled his slender arms on Ciel's lithe body. He carried the cadaverous body of Ciel to someplace where he could find peace. Sebastian didn't feel like himself . . . Was this caused by Ciel's influence? He didn't know; didn't want to know; didn't understand.

Was it because his master was killed by another, not by his bloodstained hands?

Fool, Sebastian's thoughts derided, scrutinising at the miserable demon, did you always steep that low?

Or did you grow weak after serving that weakling?

Sebastian ignored his scornful thoughts, setting his mind straight to his main objective.

Main objective? His inner thought asked in sarcasm, Wasn't it to eat his soul, enjoy every single damn second? Oh dear, you really did grow a heart.

He didn't mind if he grew a heart, because the cause of it all was his precious bocchan, after all. Ciel Phantomhive was the one and only person that could make him act this way. No one else but him. Just him.

I would never serve anyone else other than bocchan, countered Sebastian, battling with his inner more demonic self, because he's the only one. But . . .

But I've tarnishedcompletely destroyedhis trust with me.

His life was stolen away from him because of one foolish action I've done.