A/N: I decided to attempt an AU multi chapter fic.

Disclaimer: Disclaiming ownership because I obviously don't own anything other than the plot.

Dance with me

Chapter 1: Boys will be Boys

"Alright boys, why don't you make your way on home?" she stated through an elated grin over a job well accomplished. Hearing the laughter on the other end of the com link fade, Chloe unplugged the device from her ear and dropped it safely across the keyboard of the main computer. Turning to her left, the tiniest of smirks coating her lip, she said, "You're losing the sneak charm, Mr. Queen."

"I wasn't trying to sneak up on you," he answered stiffly, a hand poised over a cufflink.

Quirking her brow, she brushed passed him, gathering the clutter of papers and coffee mugs as she went. "So I take it your meeting didn't end well."

Watching her shuffle a stack of papers before neatly setting them upon the table, Oliver pressed his shoulder into the wall. "My ears are still ringing," he deadpanned, his hand sweeping to loosen the now rather suffocating knot of his tie. The only thing he could remotely recall from the hours spent cooped up in the boardroom of LuthorCorp were incoherent hollers of fellow high positioned employees.

Opening her mouth from the urge to throw in a condescending remark, Chloe could only frown when a whiz of air shot past her ear, announcing the arrival of the League's own resident flirt.

"First home!"

"That's hardly fair," Oliver added gruffly, "the others never had a chance."

Craning his neck in the direction of the smaller blonde, Bart cupped a hand to the side of his mouth. "What's wrong with, BossMan?"

Smirking, she said, "He's just ticked that a few board members actually had reason to yell at him."

Lips pressing into a thin line, Oliver shot Chloe a warning look.

"Oh, come on, Ollie, lighten up. They couldn't have been that mean?"

"Did you cry?" Bart couldn't help but ask, earning him a giggle out of Chloe.

"Shut up," Oliver grouched, yanking the tie from around his neck and tossing it at the younger man. Bart was behind Chloe before the tie even fluttered miserably to the floor.

Walking over to the accessory and bending down to pick it up, Chloe let out a sigh. "We'll lay off the meeting." Instead, she faced Bart. "Everything run smoothly?"

Nodding, Bart added, "Since the last time you asked."

Rolling her eyes, she picked up her forgotten ceramic mugs and headed for the kitchen, depositing them in the sink.

"Still no sign of the evil doer?" Oliver prompted, picking up one of the pages Chloe had so neatly stacked and glazing over it.

Shaking his head, Bart flopped onto the couch, his eyes sweeping around for the game controller he was positive he had left behind before the mission started. "He's out there somewhere."

The mere statement made Oliver's skin crawl. Yes, Lex Luthor was out there somewhere, plotting to make the lives of innocent people a living hell, and the fact that they still failed to find him did nothing to help his current agitation.

"I wonder how he feels about you taking over his pride and joy?" Bart voiced aloud, lifting up a cushion in search of said game controller, and then tossing it aside in utter defeat.

"LuthorCorp holds plenty of tarnished memories for him," Chloe mused, her eyes sliding to Oliver a brief moment before she turned to Bart. "It's by the TV," she answered his unspoken question, "and straighten that up." Her finger jerked to the cushion now on the floor.

"Your anger can be just as scary as mine," Oliver patronized, setting down the paper and turning to Chloe with a smirk.

Unable to keep the eye roll at bay, she turned away from him, choosing instead to head over to the couch Bart so indolently lounged upon. Scooping the papers into her lap, she decided it was better to occupy herself with potential information than have Oliver drown himself in more bitter resentment.

"Still," Bart said, adding his two cents into the conversation already deemed finished by his older teammates, "LuthorCorp gave him power. He was inspirational to many people, a leader and a person to look up to."

"On the surface," Oliver added tersely, "and I'm sure people loved being admonished, harassed, and barked at. If that wasn't enough, potentially dying because you learned a little too much was a real drafter."

Grimacing, Chloe sent Bart a look of compassion and slight admiration. "At least you did your research."

"Nah, Mamasita," Bart stated, propping his feet upon the table, making Chloe take back that sudden pride she'd felt towards him, "I just remember you making those points. And what Licious says, Bart most likely remembers."

"Remind me to have you coach him next time we head out for a mission."

Turning to the tall blonde, Chloe watched the tightness in his features with sudden interest. Behind that livid façade, she could now blatantly see that his lack of smile wasn't only due to a horribly gone meeting, but the fact that he had yet again missed out on a mission. "What's got you so hauled up at LuthorCorp anyhow?"

Wearily turning away from her, he felt the slight bit of eased tension ebb away, replaced with the frustration he had accumulated during the long hours of work. "Trying to plan a Charity Event."

Bart's jaw dropped. Leaning forward with wide eyes, he couldn't help the eruption of guffaws that followed shortly after. "With the way you were acting, I thought someone was embezzling funds or trying a hostile takeover."

"I can't say that it doesn't sound a bit anticlimactic," Chloe added, sinking further into the couch in hopes Oliver didn't throw an icy glare her way.

"You try assembling contacts and razing awareness."

"Not to mention whether to go with fish or chicken."

The three turned in the direction of an incoming AC and Victor, each munching on a set of their own fries. Chloe and Bart decided it was best to hold in the laughter.

"What is it, gang up on Oliver day?"

"When is it not?" AC asked pointedly, slapping a hand upon the shorter man's shoulder.

Shrugging off the hand, Oliver deposited himself beside Chloe, too tired to even think up a rebuttal. Leaning his head back, his eyes darted to the petite blonde watching him with the slight worry she tried best to keep hidden from the others. "I'm fine," he whispered complacently.

"Tense?" she returned in a soft voice.

"You two wanna let us in?" Victor's voice interjected the brief moment of privacy the two had fallen into.

Boys would be boys.

Sitting up, Chloe turned to Victor with a sudden smile. "Did you get the information?"

Tossing a silver flash drive at her, he sent her an affirmed nod. "See what you can do with that."

"I'll look into this tomorrow," Chloe added in slight giddiness, although part of her was urging to seek out the information this so called warehouse was holding right then and there.

"Tomorrow means tomorrow, Sidekick," Oliver reminded her as his hand slid over hers and grabbed the drive before her brain even realized her body was in the midst of standing up.

Blushing, Chloe relaxed herself, Oliver looking to her with slight amusement.

Deciding the videogame no longer held much of a purpose, Bart tossed the remote at Victor and posed a question that had been lingering in his mind since the mention of the charity event. "Who you bringing as a date?"

It took a moment for Oliver to latch onto the question, although he was far too accustomed to conversations jumping from one topic to another. "One, you cannot come, and two, I don't know. I'll probably ride solo."

"Why aren't we ever invited?" Bart mumbled gruffly, folding his arms across his chest.

"Because," Chloe tempted to sooth, "How would you explain the acquaintance?"

"I could be the son of a rich billionaire."

"Everyone knows everyone," Victor pointed out, "besides, I'd rather not stand around being lulled to sleep by conversations I could care less about all the while trying not to suffocate myself in the hideous bowtie."

Opening his mouth to refute the jab at the bowtie, Oliver closed it again. Bowties were hideous.

"Hey, why don't you take Chloe?" AC suggested, his eyes brightening.

Frown firmly intact, Chloe stood up in sudden haste, carefully maneuvering herself over Oliver's outstretched legs. "I am not Ollie's girl Friday."

Eyes following her as she made her way over to the kitchen, again, Oliver watched her jab the coffee machine without kindness. He hadn't missed the rigidness in her voice. Why was she so worked up over this? "No one said you had to come. It's an offer."

"It's a favor," she groused, whipping around in the direction of the boys, "which is frankly all Chloe ever does."

"We don't take you for granted, Sidekick," Oliver proclaimed, heaving himself off the couch.

Making his trek over to the kitchen, he placed his hands around her biceps, giving her a look that had her giving in, in an instant. Damn Queen Charm! "I don't have a dress," she pointed out in clipped tones.


"My dancing skills aren't up to par…"

"I can fix that!"

Eyes darting to Bart, both Chloe and Oliver raised questioning brows.

He whizzed towards Chloe, his eyes glimmering with excitement. "I can teach you plenty of my moves."

"What moves?" Oliver asked patronizingly as he gave him a push away from Chloe.

"I picked up a few on various runs…"

"This is more than a hoedown."

"Condescending much?" Chloe couldn't help but call out.

A/N: I'm still brainstorming ideas, so I'm not exactly sure when the next update will be :/ I'd loved to hear your thoughts and opinions.