Disclamer: I don't own kuro, this is purely fan made and blah blah you catch my drift, why im putting this on here I don't know ^^.

Me: Hey Avi im writing a story about 3 girls from the 21st century fall into kuro.

Avi: Make it about us!

Me: ummm ok, sure ^^

Avi: However I want to say something before you do this.

Me: Yerr… *stares weirdly at her*

Avi: Stay away from my husbands or I will kill you.

Me: *sighing* Fine….*whispering under breath* maybe I won't

Avi: What was that!

Me: hahaha nothing, ok now for the prologue I hope you enjoy

"God I knew this was a good idea," I smiled, lying on a picnic blanket with my best friends.

"Hey it was my idea too!" whined my best friend Emma or as I called her 'Avi', but soon returned to her normal attitude of happy go lucky.

"It was both of our ideas," I laughed trying to reassure her that it wasn't just her idea.

We both smiled and brought out a couple of boxes of food.

When the food arrived from the bag that I had brought, Avi and my other best friend Liv dug in straight away, and I followed shortly after. The boys in the group moaned about not getting any, while we all giggled, while chewing on sandwiches and snacks.

Suddenly Liv brought out a huge lollipop, I rolled my eyes remembering from the time we were in the restaurant and she had started putting rib meat onto her fruit lollipop.

I tutted and she stuck out her tongue and put a crisp on the lolly, then shoved it into her mouth.

"It's really nice, you guys should try it some time," she said, lollipop in her mouth.

Avi and I just gave her a look and then she made her occasionally 'kihihih' noise.

Once the food was finished, I laid on my back and stared up at the trees of the forest we had decided to have our picnic in.

It was lovely, and all the leaves were a lush green. Surprisingly today was nice, seeing as it was England and the rain was the thing I was accustomed to seeing.

I could have just laid there forever but that's when my other friends started to fidget, I could tell they were bored, even though they always said they were 'lazy', they always had to do something.

"Let's play hide and seek tag," I came out with, my eyes now shut.

"Yay!" Avi yelled but then looked at me funny.

"Little kids play games like that!"

"But we are not adults yet, we're 15; we still get to be a kid before we grow old and cranky."

"Ellie you already are cranky," I heard my friend Matt say, after that I sent a high kick in his direction, which made him yell at me. I liked doing high kicks; they just weren't very controlled yet, it normally resulted in me hurting myself by over stretching my leg because of my unfit body.

"Liv you're it," I winked, as Liv moaned about 'why did it have to be her' but she couldn't complain much, as we all suddenly ran away into the deep forest.

It wasn't very long until I was out of breath, and clutching a nearby tree. The words of my mum where in my head 'this is why you should exercise more' and they played on a loop. Dammit I hate running, and sports, so why did I suggest this? I had never liked it as long as I had known. Especially that time I was laying in my mum's car boot waiting for someone to come find me and they had given up; I was there for about an hour!

Footsteps were coming closer, I turned to make sure it wasn't Liv, it was Avi.

"H-hey," I mumbled gasping for air, and waving slightly in her direction.

"I want to hide with you," she smiled, and I said something like sure, but it just sounded more like a mumble though.

Avi kept complaining about my heavy breathing making us easy to find, but I didn't care, I felt like I was dying for god's sake.

Knowing that Liv was probably just walking around, and not being bothered to put effort into finding anyone, we walked further and further into the forest to find an appropriate hiding place.

"All these places suck," I moaned.

"Well if she comes just leg it," my happy friend said.

We promptly came across a cave, and I stared it blankly.

"What the hell? I didn't expect a cave to be here," I said raising my eyebrows.

"Let's hide in there." Avi grabbed me and pulled me into the cave. I didn't mind hiding here much, I just didn't like the fact it was so dark.

Avi on the other hand had started yelling about the fact there were spiders everywhere, she hated spiders, I on the other hand liked them, I mean they're harmless and they kill flies. I hate flies.

I turned around and gave her a loud 'SSHHHHH!' I didn't want Liv to find us yet but she would if she kept up that racket.

Avi calmed down, but started to whisper loudly to me, in her 'I'm scared' whiny tone. I just sighed and walked further into the cave.

Why we didn't stop was beyond me, I mean, we could have hidden further back near the entrance of the cave, but we continued to walk further in.

"I think we should turn back," I mumbled, I started to feel uncomfortable about this.

"Tehe, don't be such a coward," Avi giggled at me.

I pouted and scowled but continued to walk, suddenly like a little pin point shone in the distant, a white light.

"Hey Avi, look" I said pointing towards the light.

"Do you think there's something on the other side of the cave?"

"Probably, want to go check it out?" she asked me. I nodded and we began to run forward in the cave. The light seemed to get larger and larger until me and my friend seemed engulfed in it.

I started to squint, and walk blindly, that's when I felt nothing under my feet.

I could hear Avi screaming next to me, we were falling, but how? This was in the middle of England, only sea sides had cliffs?

I closed my eyes, opening my mouth trying to scream but nothing was coming out. Was I? Going to die?

I felt my hair batter my face as I fell at a crazy speed. I felt my eyes open for a split sound and I saw the bright blue sky.

This is it, I'm going to die! All I felt like doing now was crying!


AN: Hi Hi~ Yay fanfic writing is fun.

Well I had this idea for a while, and while I was busy writing like loads of chapters for it, I noticed a story with a sort of similar scenario but anyways who cares.

Ok this is the sort of prologue, after this chapter, I'm going to add two more, in case you guys don't like it. If you do, then I'll upload the rest.

But I hoped you enjoyed the prologue, onto the next chapter.