SONIC OF THE ELEMENTS CHAPTER 27 Memories are Eternal.
Greetings, it is a pleasure to be releasing another chapter again. As always I would like to thank the many authors for their allowing me to incorporate their original characters, and of course those that find my simple mess of words entertaining. Your want of more drives me to keep writing even when my time is rather limited. An as promised so long as one person still wishes to read this story I will continue to write it. Thank you very much for your time and support.
There is a saying. Those that do not learn from their past, are doomed to repeat it. Though this may ring true for many a soul as they strive to find their way. It no doubt also comes with a warning. Those that only hold on to a dark past, shall never grasp a bright future. As to be frank there are somethings that are best left buried in the past never to be disturbed again. For the sake of those involved.
Yet what of memories? Do the same rules apply? Perhaps it's best, I allow you to find the answer yourself...
Wow what a day. Let's see...I guess I'll start with my name and history a bit. That way you will better understand my situation. So name first. My names Abequa Alter, and I'm the current princess of the Alt tribe of echidnas. An this is my trouble.
Ever since I could walk I remember, having this...Power... An since than memories have been a bit tragic from than on.
I don't really know what it means. An I'm not able to control it well, but one thing is for sure. It makes my life a never ending nightmare.
I didn't really get it at first. Back when I was just a little girl it all seemed harmless. I thought it was nothing but a game my father would have me play with him with the other members of our tribe. A way for us to spend time together, you know real quality time. I mean my mom died giving birth to me, so all I had was my father after all. I figured he would at least be more than happy to have me around since I'm all he has left.
Yet I guess that was never the case. Especially now that I can see what it is he really was doing. He was using me to keep the rest of our tribe in line. Like his own personal lie detector! The nerve! His own daughter even?!
Though when I think about it kinda makes sense. My power is suited well for that anyway. I mean if you were the leader of a vicious warrior tribe of prideful echidnas, what would you do with the power to see peoples lies. I mean truth be told I can't read minds or anything, but I can see a persons inner darkness. An I can use this to read their hearts and tell if they are lying or being truthful. An ever since my father found out he has used me to keep tabs on the people...Like some kinda warning alarm.
But its not the power itself that makes my life suck. It's how I'm treated thanks to it. My father keeps me locked up inside the temple and refuses to let me out on my own. Afraid I will get killed or something. Not like I would want to leave the temple anyway, the other tribe members treat me like a monster that violates their souls or something. Which is completely untrue but they will still believe what they want.
Whatever I don't care, I don't need any friends. I don't have any of them anyway. But there is one guy I just don't trust now more than others. My dads new advisory Eli. Its not even the fact he is some kinda strange black echidna that just appeared out of nowhere a few days ago. It's...Never mind I don't have time for that now. Bottom line I got overwhelmed by everything. I figured I just needed some fresh air.. You know, clear my mind to feel all better. It would be a literal walk in the jungle...Or so I thought. Little did I know I would be attacked by some kinda strange monster when I got to the surface of the island.
An that's my latest problem, from there it kinda gets hazy.
I can't seem to remember much of anything after that...Uhh...It all goes back to memories again doesn't it. In my opinion some things are better left forgotten...But, for some reason I do recall pain in my right leg an seeing some kinda blue flash. Than...blank...I need to figure out where I am and how to get back to warn my dad.
Well, perhaps those two over there can explain to me what has gone on. Strange though, I've never seen them before. One is an echidna girl much like myself, but her garb looks like it's from a different tribe. But that can't be the other tribes are all dead. While the other well...I don't really know who or what he is. He seems to have spines sort of like an echidna, but they do not hang down from his head, but shoot out from the back of it. An what is with that short tail and those ears, or the blue color for that matter. Whatever I probably just haven't seen them in a while, being trapped in that temple and all makes it hard.
This all seemed to flow through the young echidna girls brain as she slowly stood up and walked over to the two figures. A bit nervous and confused she pulled herself together and started to open her mouth.
"Eztlin. (ez-teal-n)" The girl spoke. Gaining a confused look from Sonic an a shocked one from Tikal. Both of them now tipping their heads to the side. Almost as if trying to hear her a bit better. Though this proved fruitless in all point. An before long Sonic could no longer keep his thoughts contained.
Sonic stared blankly for a moment blinking repeatedly before looking back to his arm that Tikal was currently healing. A green glow engulfing it being projected from Tikal's hands as they were but a few inches from his wound.
"Yeah...I didn't catch any of that. So Tikal fast version of this conversation. One, Thanks for helping me out, and healing the girls injuries. I oh ya big time. Two, any idea who she is or what shes saying? I have to hurry and find Blaze and the others. An I think she might know something, but I gotta say I have no idea what the heck kinda junk shes spouting. Or why she was being chased by that monster." He asked scratching his head with his other arm.
It would be fitting to describe our blue hero as utterly confused at this point. He randomly finds himself separated from his friends atop a mountain, only to come across a strange girl being chased by some sorta huge monster. Yea this would really set a guy back even in Sonic's case.
Tikal seemed to just stand there at his words. Not even noticing the green healing emitting from her hands had slowed down considerably. She was simply stunned after hearing those words come from the girls mouth. "That language...Is it possible?" She questioned her gaze now locked on the out of place female.
The girl found this, like Sonic, rather confusing as well. So she decided to try something else, hoping for the best result.
"Umm, I do not know why you are speaking in this foreign tongue. Or for what you need to find a out of control fire, but it sounds like you saved me from that creature from before. So with that I give you my thanks." She said to them in a slow tone. Hoping this would work.
It was than Sonic and Tikal were both sent aback instantly.
"Wait you can understand us?!" The two said in disbelief. Now both holding their firm attention towards her.
With a drop of sweat finding the back of her head she backed up just slightly at this."Ye-Yes, though I must say I have never heard any from the tribe as fluent in this new tongue as my self and our leader. Who are you two? An please, tell me how did you come to speak this tongue it as if so natural? An what part of the island are we on? I do not recognize this area, though it does feel like I know this place somehow." Abequa asked them looking from back to front as she did.
Sonic and Tikal looked at each other for a moment before Sonic let out a sigh.
"Oh boy, looks like we have a lot to catch up on. An not a lot of time..Alright well lets get this part over with. First off I'm Sonic, Sonic the hedgehog. An this is my friend Tikal, what's your name?" He inquired of her.
"I am Abequa princess of the Alt, it is a honor to meet you." She spoke with a polite bow to them of respect.
Finding the whole thing a bit amusing, mostly her strange name Sonic let out a small chuckle."Nice to meet cha but that names a bit tough to say. So I'll call you Abby for now at least that cool? (she simply nodded seeming to like this name) Good, so what do ya say we start filling in the blanks for each other huh. I'll go first." Sonic started as he began to enlighten her on their current situation.
However, while the three of them conversed, other matters were in effect.
Elsewhere deep in the midst of the Sand Ocean.
As the deserted grounds of the open plain come into view once more, we are gifted with a distant look towards the various pyramids amidst the desert heat. Even though this wasteland was not intended to be such, it proved a spacious arena for the epic struggle of force that continued within it. An just as one would start to think the action had started to slow, a quick flash rushes past. Reminding us that this is a battle that has not yet been resolved.
"Dang it this is ridiculous." Yuffi yelled in protest as she began to run through the vast seemingly endless dunes of sand. She was quickly dodging from left to right spontaneously, an bashing through large piles of sediment as well with little care. Almost as if meant to avoid something or someone.
She was currently traveling at her top speed as she gained a slight blur behind her. Last time she clocked herself it was about 550 mph. Nothing in comparison to Sonic, Shadow, or Blaze, but she was close behind Tails & Knuckles while still miles ahead of Silver and Amy. Adding her keen reflexes to the mix, and she could dodge most any attack thrown her way. That wasn't at supersonic speed of course. Even affording her a bit of leisure in-between a foes strike. Though, now she would not even dare to stand still for more than a blink. For fear of what might take place.
Though as she kept up this pace one began to wonder...What was chasing her exactly?
There was no one behind her, and seemed to be nobody beside or above. This was what caused quite some confusion, until she began to slow for a mere moment. It was than it became clear us all.
As she started to slow the sand beneath her began to shift slightly and move almost as if some thing was under her feet. An suddenly, Yuffi was forced to come to a halt by a small shock-wave that shook the surrounding air. Allowing an explosion of displaced sand to shoot out from under her feet.
"Dang that was close." She said lowly as she flipped out of the way landing on her feet a good yards distance from her last position.
"Your getting sloppy." A voice spoke out from around her, seemingly from nowhere in sight had it originated. A taunting tone within.
Without thinking she back-flipped from the ground once more, landing on a nearby rock-mass this time. Not noticing a certain unconscious pink and silver duo sprawled out behind her. Paying no heed to them, she yelled out in rage once again.
"You know you really piss me off! Your a hedgehog right? Not some darn mole?! So get from under there and fight me head on. Where's your honor, where's your pride dang it!" She roared her blade in hand now slashing wildly at the sediment. Loosing countless waves of black energy at the ground an forcing several pillars of sand to splash up in response to it.
Suddenly in one untouched spot the sand began to shift slightly. Within a second it caved in on itself and a figure started to rise from the hole. Showing Lance now before her, his arms crossed shaking the excess sand from his body in a second.
"Hmm...Curious. You say I am acting out of character when it is you that seems strange. You are a hedgehog yourself right? We are a natural burrowing species, though out shined by our cousins the echidnas no doubt. We are still quite adapt at digging from birth, tell me, is this truly so foreign to you?" He asked her quaintly and a bit indifferent.
He wasn't to concerned about this, but he did find it odd. At least from his view point.
Yuffi grew a blush as she started to steam at his comment. This was a topic she found of the up-most aggravating."I'll have you know not ALL hedgehogs like digging! That is a unfair stereotype. That I for one do not live up to. So stop playing in the dirt like a kid, and fight me head on like a man! Or do you you not have the balls?" She stated pointing her blade his way in rage.
If there was one thing Yuffi was adamant about, it's what she liked and what she did not. She remembers times as a small child when she loved to dig more than one would believe. Tunneling about everywhere she could. However, thanks to a failed tunnel and some giant vicious bugs. She long since has left digging as an unneeded part of her life...Period. As well as one she rather dislikes bringing up ever.
Than suddenly as if by invite with new haircuts and all, Silver and Amy shot back up as these words were spoken out. A serious hate filling their faces.
"Exactly, some of us hate digging! It's pointless and just dirty." Silver voiced at the statement.
"Yea we feel you their Yuffi. Don't you dare put us in that category just because we are the same species!" Amy agreed pointing to Lance. Her hammer now finding it's way to her hand.
To be honest all three of them had a bit of a bad experience when it came to digging. So they tended to be very adamant about not being forced into the same likes as others.
Yet Lance simply slicked back his quills a bit before they rebounded to their normal messy style. An with a quick wave of his blade the rock-mass they were all on was split in half right down the middle. He figured this was the best way to stop this from becoming a even more stupid situation.
Forcing both Yuffi, Amy, and Silver off it in a instant. Yuffi jumping to the left while Silver grabbed Amy and they levitated to the right, now floating 20 feet in the air within his light green aura. They all started to take a look towards Lance an noticed something different.
Out of nowhere he started holding his head with his left hand as if he was in pain, while his right arm that held his sword started to throb. He soon started to let off a low grunt as this continued. Until the throbbing intensified now causing his arm to bulge with muscle, shredding the sleeve of his jacket to bits and exposing his bare arm (still furred of course). Though by far the most alarming thing was the red aura now circling the blade.
"Feed...Me..." A strange voice shot echoed out from all around. Causing a chill to find the them all.
"Ahh...This power...?!...Darn it..I should have known this would happen...Such selfishness. It never fails." Lance said lowly beginning to breath heavily.
His vision was beginning to cloud and his mouth was starting to dry. He knew what was happening now, but he could not sit back and let the unstoppable proceed.
Off put and rather concerned themselves Yuffi began to address this.
"What the heck is up with that...An what kinda power did I just sense. It's emanating from the...?! Wait you two see that?" Yuffi asked in shock as she looked over to the North of them. Yet before any could attempt to speak an answer, someone was coming their way fast.
"Lookout!" Rin yelled as she shot towards them all like a missile.
Even more confused now the four hedgehogs quickly evaded as the wolf girl quickly hit the ground with a huge crash an instantly rushed forward in a sliver streak. Stopping at her sisters position.
The moment she did this however a terrible sound wave touched down like a bomb where she had just been, forcing all around to throw up their guard to block the incoming waves of sand uprooted by it.
In a few mere moments the explosion had died and the sand had all stopped falling. Leaving a large 20 foot deep hole in the ground right where the blast touched down. This unnatural imprint in the desert slowly began to fill up once more as sand from all sides flowed down into the hole. Above that the massive upheaval of wind and sediment now kicked up a large sandstorm that surrounded them all. Staying a good 40 yards away, but inching closer and closer like it had a mind of its own.
An as Yuffi, Amy, and Silver now stood at the edge of the hole, Lance opposite them. They could not help but be impressed.
"You know, I don't want to be that guy but...Where on Mobius did that come from?" Silver questioned still carrying Amy in his arms bridal style.
"Man that was loud. I'll give her this, shes got some serious pipes on her. Anyway sorry, things kinda got crazy with the cat back there. Turns out she's a lot more trouble than I first may have thought... Also (Rin now began to look down as she twiddled her fingers)... I may or may not have inadvertently destroyed several historical land marks...Maybe." Rin stated slowly a bit embarrassed at her troubles an the current scratches upon her face and uniform.
The others looked towards where she had come from and their jaws dropped. Three of the 12 pyramids of the sand Ocean were reduced to nothing more than smoking yellow rubble.
The others found this a serious impact. The pyramids in here were rumored to each be filled with countless untold treasures, as well as priceless history of the world. An now it was all gone in a flash. Though as the others were shocked,Yuffi remained uninterested.
"Well it was just a bunch of rocks anyway no big loss, I say leave it up to G.U.N. insurance. Heck that's what it's for anyway right. I mean I did the same for the Cosmic interstate." Yuffi stated not really caring. True she had done much worse than that before, and in her defense the Cosmic interstate wasn't damaged all that much...Though she has been permanently banned from ever setting foot in there unsupervised again. Yet that's a story for another time.
"You do know neither of those can be replaced right!" Amy and Silver yelled chopping the two of them in in the center of their heads...Just before two quick flashes and both the pink and Silver hedgehogs were lying face down in the sand. Several large bumps adorning their heads. Yeah safe to say that attempt at discipline back fired.
"Anyways...I wanted to get some distance from me an the cat. An instinctively I went this way. Which in retrospect might not have been the best plan right now. But hey like Sonic always says, Live and Learn right?" Rin said dusting off her hands.
A term she had since adopted after meeting Sonic. One she used rather often when a mistake was on the table.
Yuffi agreed as she began to crack her knuckles. ( a fast whooping like that on two idiot teammates can do a number on the joints sometimes). Her gaze locked forward. "Well since your here an all. Quick question. Do you feel anything strange going on in several directions?" She asked.
Rin simply shrugged her shoulders in confusion. "Um, to be honest I think the term strange is rather relative now. But I'm not sure what you mean by that exactly. I do sense some kind of strange energy coming from the north, but that was for a moment. Did something else go on here?" She replied and a bit concerned.
Yuffi simply pointed to the other side and Rin's gaze followed suit. It was here she could lay eyes on Lance his arm starting to bulge a bit more and she was caught by shock...An a little bit of disgust.
"What the heck?! This crimson aura leaking from that sword. Yuffi It feels...Demonic..." Rin said back stepping now forming several hand signs in quick succession. "I don't know what's going on here anymore but I know I don't like it. I say we take the gloves off, otherwise this guys gonna be trouble. I can feel it." Just than Rin quickly turned her attention to the left. "Man she is a pain. I'm really getting tired of this annoying Bi..." She was cut off before she could finish.
"I thank you for holding your tongue just now." Aria stated as she descended on to the scene right next to Lance. A few scratches on her face and clothes matching Rin's.
"Hey don't tell my sister to shut it. You got a problem? Than bring it on! I reserve the right to personally to shove my foot deep in your...!" Yuffi was also cut off this time.
"Whoa! Cork it you two." Silver and Amy stated now jumping into Yuffi and Rin's faces.
"Hey hey watch it! We got rated T for Fantasy Violence, Animated Blood, Comic Mischief, and Crude Humor. NOT! Strong Language. You keep this up and we will lose a good chunk of our audience, as well as our Teen rating." Silver stated holding up a large script of this current season. "Yeah an might I add that you are ad libbing to boot. Stick to your lines amateur!" He roared shoving the collection of paper in Yuffi eyes.
"Yeah, they really come down on you for that nowadays. An I'm not getting fired for it, I'm finally getting more screen time." Amy stated pulling out her cellphone. "You see this! These are the current character polls for the show. Right now me and Silver have made a huge jump from ranked 72 to 60. We're just behind nameless G.U.N. solider number 2." She said pushing her phone in Rin's face.
(This is actually rather true considering at rank 70 they were below stationary tree number 5 in popularity. Though in their defense that tree did have a pretty solid performance getting blown up by Sonic.)
This outburst was quickly halted as both of them both received the same treatment as before, only adding to the bumps and bruises this time around.
Now rather pissed off, after their acting was insulted the sisters decided to change the subject back.
"Anyway you were saying?" They spoke in unison.
A drop of sweat found the back of both Aria's and Lance's heads."Right...Yet again you must excuse our captain. He is just simply not himself today. An when he is like this, its best for us to take our leave. Standards and all." Aria said now putting her left hand on his shoulder, in an effort to comfort him.
"You know as much as I would love to see you two jump in your ship and take off to the other end of the universe I'm afraid your forgetting something important." Yuffi stated her focus now locked on Aria and Lance.
"An what might that be?" Aria asked curious as to what she had to say.
Suddenly Rin vanished and reappeared above their heads. "The part where we hall your sorry butts to jail! Mystic Arts Forbidden Skill: Grasping Reaper!" Rin stated.
Quickly two giant black skeletal hands arouse from the sand clutching both Aria and Lance tightly. Attempting to restrain and crush them all at once.
Both mercenaries began to try and struggle free, hoping to break out with force alone. However that idea proved to be worthless before the ghastly hands that now held them.
Yuffi grinned as she quickly swiped her sword forward before sheathing it. Now causing a large slash of energy to hold at the necks of Lance and Aria."You might as well just surrender between those hands and my energy blades you are completely pinned. Your done, an now that you've been caught. Allow us to take you two back to our base. Where we can talk, a bit more." Yuffi spoke as she walked up to them.
Aria heard her and however remained undeterred."I will take that into account thank you. However, I wonder if this is the best time for you to be bringing more trouble back to your base?"
An before they could ask what she referred to...It had already started.
A warning call quickly went off on all of the G.U.N. agent communicators. "This is base calling the Sand Ocean extraction team please respond. Repeat this is G.U.N. base calling the Sand Ocean extraction team please respond!" A female voice said over their comms. Quickly Silver and Amy stood up and Silver answered.
"This is agent Silver I am currently with the team we can hear you what is the situation Topaz?" He asked her.
"Please return to base at once we are in code red status! The base has been infiltrated by an unknown intruder that has incapacitated the Commander! An is running amok. We have also lost all contact with the island investigation teams and are taking heavy loses please provide back up at once." She exclaimed before the link was suddenly cut. Silver actively tried to reestablish contact but to no avail.
At this Aria began to let out a laugh. Gaining the attention of the agents.
At that moment Yuffi was at Aria's throat, her blade ready to slice. "You have 5 seconds to explain what's going on before I turn you into cold cuts."
Feeling oh so obligated Aria decided to humor them. "It's rather simple a acquaintance of ours has entered your base and is making short work of it. Do you really think outlaws like us would come to a world an not have a handle on the native authorities. How naïve can you get."
Needless to say the group was startled to a high degree. How could this be possible, how could the most powerful and secret agency in the world suddenly come under attack without so much as a whole army advancing on them.
With this Yuffi, Rin, Amy and Silver all became anxious. Their palms starting to sweat, teeth starting to grind. They could not correctly process this.
"We gotta get there quick you guys come on." Amy stated to them gaining their attention for a brief moment.
Taking this moment of distraction as her chance Aria took full advantage."I am Sorry, but this will hurt quite a bit captain. Are you ready?" Aria stated.
Lance was now starting to cringe. Pain searing on his face as he looked towards her. "Do not worry. Just hurry, I can't keep it back much longer." He spoke he was losing his grip quickly. An it was only a matter of time before he would fail.
Hearing this Aria simply began to inhale a large breath. That was all she needed to hear.
"Do not take this personal, but we must be going now. Though it has been fun, maybe we can do this again someday. Until next time let me leave you with this...Banshee's Terrene." Aria yelled out. (note word is pronounced Tear-een meaning land or region in this context.)
An with a deafening scream a wave of violent sound came forth from her mouth. Blanketing the agents in a maelstrom of sound based agony.
In less than a blink the others were all forced back a considerable distance from both Lance and Aria, grasping their ears and doubling over in pain. Blood beginning to leak around their ears slowly.
Their were in unbearable pain as the attack assaulted them, keeping them from so much as moving. Or concentrating on upholding their attacks no less..An yet suddenly just as they all were losing their minds...It all stopped. Like the whole instance had never really transpired. An as the others regained their composure they immediately looked to where the attack had come from, only to find that the two figures were long gone.
"Uhh... Assuming everyone is not permanently deaf...Where in Mobius did they go?!" Yuffi asked looking left to right frantically. Still covering her ears.
"Ow...not deaf..Just really sensitive at the moment. Anyway they can't have gotten far lets spread out and find them." Rin stated rubbing her ears they still had a bit of blood leaking from them but all in all she was recovering.
Yet as they started to stand up they found themselves suddenly floating into the air accompanied by a strange green aura.
Looking at the two of them now as they ascended to his level (about 25ft in the air) was Silver now holding an unconscious Amy under his left arm, his right now pointing towards the two sisters.
"The only reason no one is deaf right now is thanks to the mental armor I clad everyone in right before the attack. Your welcome by the way. An sorry but we need to forget about those two for now and head back to base. I'm worried about the others. Besides I was only able to soften the blow to everyone, not block it. An Amy took a good amount of damage from it none the less. We all need to back them up an head to the infirmary to make-sure there really is no permanent effects or anything like that. Agreed?" He half spoke half commanded them. A bold move on his part to say the least.
Rin and Yuffi glared at him for a moment clenching their fists, before finally folding their arms and submitting. "Fine...Lets go." Was their unanimous answer a bit of anger in their voices. It was a serious issue to them to allow Lance and Aria to get away, yet as much as they hated to admit it. Silver had a point this time. It was more important to see to Amy and go check out the base.
With a nod of approval Silver and the three of them shot though the air towards the direction of G.U.N.
However little did they know a mile away from their previous location Lance and Aria were sitting atop large rock-mass watching all this take place.
Aria now peaking her head back over behind it as she watched Silver fly off.
"Well looks like we got away. We should have time to rest here now until you are able to to calm it done captain." She spoke now looking over to Lance. A look of worry in her eyes.
This could not have come at a worse time. Their best option was to escape. Had they not the outcome would have been bad fro the entire area.
"I will be fine...Just give me some time to rest." Lance was in the same shape as before though now with bloody ears to add, still grasping his sword tightly. Pain abundant on his face.
Seeing the new injury he sported Aria felt a bit down. "Forgive me captain, I did not mean to make your pain worse. It was the only way I could get us out of there fast enough to help you. I guess it's a good thing we did indeed join forces with that woman. Her information proved useful and the distraction she is causing saved us...Or them to be more precise."
Aria noted as she began to tend to Lance's wounds. She knew full well what would have transpired if things had not stopped when they did. Plus even if she was a hired gun killing with out getting anything from it was not her style.
Lance just winced at this. "I don't blame you Aria, if anything I must apologize. I ruined both of our fun because of this thing..." He said looking down at his arm still bulging the blade being held tightly within his hand, almost like he could not release it.
Yet Aria nodded. "Thank you captain. But I think we both know what set it off. It was him wasn't it, our target?"
Lance smiled at her this time. "Yes, no doubt the energy we just sensed was from him. Wonderful, simply wonderful. An now that I have a good idea of his energies. I can track him. So we have no need to be hasty, once we are fully healed we can finish what we started. An he will be ours." He replied now resting his eyes, as Aria began to sit across from him.
"An what of Sela? I can hear her deep beneath our current location. Shall I go help her, she seems to outnumbered?" She asked him.
"No, you know how prideful she can be. Your better off letting her handle it on her own. Besides it would prove unwise to stay here should they come back looking for us. An as for the outnumbered part don't worry the one that was any kind of threat to her has already been dealt with from what I can sense." He stated to her.
"As you say captain. Sound Cell." She stated putting her hands towards him. With this Lance became surrounded by a cage of sound waves as the two began to levitate in the air.
With a snap of her fingers the two vanished.
The previously intact underground palace was now a shadow of its former self after the battle had ensued. One of which that seemed to be at its end now.
A state of stun was still upon Rouge's face. She wasn't even sure what she was seeing was truly real or some fabrication. So she took it all in for a moment, a deep breath came from her and another golem fell to the ground. Turning to dust as it made impact.
Just a few yards away from her was the battle between Knuckles, and this strange woman named Sela. An for some unknown reason she could manipulate the sand around them to her will. An using said sand she had just caught and impaled her boyfriend through the center of his back and chest, both shoulders plates, and head through his left eye. A horrid sight in any setting.
"This is some kinda bad joke right? Come on Knuckles quit playing around and lets get back to work." She said as she began to walk towards him, partially stumbling now.
Once she finished configuring this in her head suddenly a strong crushing feeling come over her. For right now she was in the grip of one of the sand golems. As she attempted to struggle free it merely clenched its hand tighter proving her efforts utterly useless.
"You let your guard down so easily. I'm pretty surprised." Sela's voice spoke out from beneath her.
Rouge heard this and began to look down, and to her surprise a small pit of sand began to open up right in her line of sight as Sela slowly emerged from it as if floating. With a second all she needed to fully come before Rouge in whole. Her arms crossed, a smirk about her face and those light green misted eyes. Glaring right at Rouge, almost as if they could see right into her.
"It's pointless you know that right? Clearly anyone can see, even someone as blind as myself knows he will not answer you now. An he never will again. The moment he died you should've already planned your next move and prepared for a counter attack. Or even an escape. Yet instead you stand there like a deer in headlights. I thought you were a professional. But I guess I misjudged you. No fun at all." She stated turning her back to Rouge and slowly walking over to Knuckles.
Right now Sela was rather pleased with herself. As she felt her pride in her own power rise. For as long as she could remember she has always been a exceptionally proud girl. One that wished for no help in life, one that sought out her own accomplishments to no end. Prestige her only guideline...Perhaps, being born blind was what brought this about. Perhaps, being treated like she was helpless as a child drove her to become what she was now.
Yet whether this was truth or not she thought to herself made no difference. What mattered now was she had come out victorious. She had beaten Knuckles and that was something she could find pleasure in. "Well this little distraction is over accept it and surrender. I may release you if you do." She spoke with a condescending attitude.
Though Rouge was not one to share this moment with her. Nor one to let someone look down on her like this. She felt no such pride right now, only rage and hatred towards Sela. An making it known now would be all to easy.
"There's no way in this zone or the special that either of us would surrender. To someone like you." Rouge replied in rage.
Sela simply snapped her fingers as she continued to walk toward Knuckles. With just this the golem slammed Rouge into the ground while still keeping its hold fast.
Rouge was only able to spit out a mere bit of blood at this. She could feel her body slowly being crushed, her bones starting to hurt. "Is that the best you can do? Please, kitten's hissy fits are more painful." She stated as the golem held her pinned to the ground, not relaxing its grip for a moment.
Sela simply scoffed as she now leaned her back against Knuckles' lifeless body. "Apparently you are a lot dumber than I pegged you for. But It doesn't really matter as my time is short." She said pulling the small black box from her pocket and admiring it.
Upon a closer look one could make out a few more features to it than just being a small black cube. It seemed to be inscribed with a large amount of ancient pictures and text. Yet what seemed to be the most prominent was small symbol that adorned the top of it. The mark resembled that of a bird in the shape of a magic lamp surrounded by small feather like flames arranged in a counter clockwise motion.
"Besides, I got what I came for. An no doubt the others are way on their way to subduing our target. So I may as well get moving." The brown hedgehog girl stated while she gently removed any dust the small had on it by rubbing it on her chest.
Not liking the sound of that last comment. Rouge felt all too inclined to ask. Fearing she would not like anything she would be told.
"Others, Target?! Wait what are you getting at? Do you know what that box is, and are you telling me there's more like you? If so what's your goal here?" She spoke quickly.
Sela smirked as she now began to playfully throw the black box up and down in one hand. She had been wondering when Rouge would ask this.
"Well, seeing as you will probably be hearing of this shortly I see no reason to hide it. My name is Sela as I stated before, and I am but one of the Dark Raiders. A team of inter-dimensional mercenaries, though bounty hunters is a more fitting term right now. We're here hunting one of the multiverse most dangerous criminals. The Dark Savage Fleetway. Though I believe he calls himself Sonic or something on this world." She said nonchalantly.
Rouge could only gasp at this. As her mind started to go 100 miles a minute. Trying to make some sense of her current thoughts she spoke out the first thing she had pieced into a sentence "Dark Savage Fleetway...Sonic?!...What are you talking about?" She stuttered half in shock. She could not believe this.
Sela was set aback by this slightly. "You mean to tell me you have never heard of him?! Wow this is a rather uninformed planet isn't it. Well, cant say I blame you. To be honest I never looked into all of it myself I just know some legends from old times. Something about 8 evil beasts of destruction that nearly brought about the end of all life in our universe. But whatever that's Aria's job to do research. All I can remember are the scary tales used to frighten children back than. Never thought they would ring true."
Just as she stated this Rouge began to hesitate. A huge amount of pain starting to reach at her mind and heart. She wasn't sure what was causing this feeling all of a sudden but she knew one thing, she did not want to hear anymore. "Please just stop, I'm done I don't want to hear this."
Sela could sense the pain in her voice. Perhaps she had struck a nerve, or maybe this was something completely different from Sonic. Maybe this was personal. Either way she figured she would have a bit of fun with this.
"Would you like me to tell you some of the horrible tales that have been spread about him. From the information we gathered your one of his friends now right? I wonder how you will feel about that when I tell you some of his history beyond the ones you might know of here... I think to be frank you might even be willing to help us after this. I mean bad people should be punished right? An by all accounts that demon should be slain on sight for what he has done. Now where to start..." Yet as Sela started to ponder she noticed a hand on her right shoulder.
"Yea I think I've heard enough." A voice spoke out. Gaining both Rouge and Sela's full attention.
Almost instantly Sela screamed out in pain as she felt her shoulder bone snap. As the hand squeezed her. She was quickly able to struggle free and jumped back out of the grasp of the hand. Now clutching her shoulder with her other arm.
"How, how did you survive?!" She roared as the golems came to her side quickly dropping Rouge to aid their master. To say she was rattled would be an understatement right now. Right now she could tell her shoulder was broken, but what truly hurt was her pride. She mentally jeered herself for letting her guard down like that, glaring at the one whom had done so.
Rouge on the other hand was somewhere between shocked and elated. As she started to stand clinching onto her left forearm with her right hand to try and numb some of the pain she was in. Yet as she looked upon the one that had just stuck and freed her, she could not help but smile.
"Dang...Don't worry me like that will ya. I almost thought I-" Suddenly she was cut off.
Knuckles just shattered the sand built spikes with his hands as he looked her way, his face serious. His eyes locked. "Tell me do you remember all your past crimes?" He asked Rouge.
Taken aback she began to hesitate. "What, what does that have to do with-" She was cut off again.
"Do you remember how many you harmed? Do you remember all you did to them, when it happened, or even all their names?" He spoke again to her. Now removing the patches of dirt from his body where the spikes made contact, showing not a single scratch on him in those places. Like he had never been attacked at all.
Rouge started to put her head down at this. "No...I don't remember...I just know that I hurt a lot of people, I made a lot of mistakes. Ones I have to live with. But I put that behind me, I'm a better person now...I've changed..." She said lowly, tears starting to come to her eyes as the horrid memories of her child hood began to flood back to her.
Rouge may seem care free girl at first glance, but deep down she hid a heavy pain. Her old life was one she was not proud to recall. She was indeed a thief after all. She grew up in the darkest lows on Mobius. She had been forced to, and even willingly chose to do some things she could never mention to the others. Things she only ever shared with one person, the one she cared for most in this world...Knuckles.
She told him about it all, the violence, the deceit, the pain. It was terrible. She thought now trembling. "I'm different now...I'm good, I,I, I know I am. I swear. You know this Knuckles. You know better than anyone. When everyone else saw a thief you me...An that's the only thing that's kept me sane. So please don't ring this up please. Don't start looking at me different." She begged him, suddenly she felt herself being held.
Knuckles was now holding her in a gentle embrace her head now resting in his chest. "Idiot, I told you that would never happen. What you were, what you did it's all just bad memories. Ones we both swore never to dwell on. Your different now, you have a second chance. Now think how Sonic feels, he had things a lot worse than any of us did. Don't you think Sonic deserves that same treatment?" He told her.
With those words it became clear to her now. She had started to see Sonic differently based on a past he could barely recall, or control for that matter. One that haunts him everyday. An that Sonic had to deal with a lot more ,a lot longer than she did. An realizing this she started to grasp his chest as the tears started to flow.
"I'm-I'm sorry. I almost..." She thought.
"It's in the past so just forget about it an move on. Besides this battle ain't done yet. But you've done your part, now it's my turn." Knuckles said turning to Sela.
Sela started to cringe as she could feel Knuckles rage towards her. "It does not make sense, I killed you how are you still alive? What are you?!"
Knuckles simply walked towards her a few steps before stomping his right foot. Causing a large number of stone spikes to shoot forth from the ground. "I'm the worlds best treasure hunter, the boyfriend of the girl you just cruelly tortured. An the friend of the good man you just insulted. But as of what I am right now...Probably the maddest guy on this planet!" He roared as he cracked his Knuckles, creating a quake in the palace that shook even the golems.
The dim throne room remained a rather tense area as both echidna stared each other down. Neither seeing to budge in the slightest. Shade's glare never swaying from the aged chief. If it were not for those cuffs and the two guards at his side she already would be well on her way to finding the others. While the older echidnas looked upon her with a cold stare that would make Shadow proud. It was here after this that Necuametl spoke.
"I am losing my patients with you child of Noctunrus. Tell me how did you escape the Twilight Cage, how did you find us here, and what you are after?!" Necuametl demanded slamming his fists upon his thrones arm rests.
His rage was apparent. He had always proved a man of few words and fleeting patience and right now Shade was testing each one of these standards.
Yet Shade kept her cool, not an ounce of being affected could be seen in her reaction. "As I told you before, we simply explored this island and found you by chance (or perhaps dumb skill would be better for description here). We have no other business with you, but if you will not understand this I have nothing left to say." Shade replied turning her head from him. Not even wanting to see the elder echidna.
It was with this Necuametl let out a sigh as he stood up an started to pace himself. "I should expect as much from a Nocturnus. Your tribe has always been shrouded in darkness. Hence why there was no other choice but to confine the remainder to an eternal prison. Left to live in the darkness you had come to know so well. A fitting outcome for you all...Would you not agree child? Your tribes actions did cause the death of many." He stated now standing but a few feet before the kneeling Shade.
This last statement began to cause Shade's blood to boil. When anyone mentioned her tribe in such light she became enraged. Sure she knew that her tribe was not the best when it came to social standing, but that didn't mean she did not have pride in being one of them. Bad points and all most all held pride in their family...Sometimes...
"Hmph, curious. I sense contempt coming from you. Not a sense of justice or righteousness. Yet I am inclined to agree with your words. In answer yes, my clan has made it's fair share of failings. However, I it really only because the Nocturnus sinned so gravely that you show such emotion now? Or perhaps it's because your own tribe lacked the drive to advance, an therefore were beaten to the punch by mine?" Shade said tauntingly.
"Why you insolent!" He stated now grabbing Shade by the neck and lifting her into the air right into his line of sight.
Though she was being held at bay right now she felt no real pain, her armor made sure of that. Shade quickly let out a cough to deceive him into thinking he was hurting her. An a moment after, she than began to chuckle in his face. She could feel that she had struck a nerve and now she would abuse it as much as she pleased. All to create her opening.
"Shocked old man? You shouldn't be, I may be young but I am not a fool. I have always been taught of how the Atl were a tribe of warriors that always proved inferior in both strength, and fame to the Knuckles clan. How in the end you had no choice but to agree to a peaceful alliance with them just to stay on their good side. An that secretly you would do anything to surpass them." She stated now seeing the anger grow on his face.
She took this as her chance. In all the time she had spent with Shadow, & Sonic for that matter she had learned one strong lesson. An angered enemy is a careless one. She knew if she could get him to lose focus on everything but rage she could by enough time to escape. So she kept at it.
"You than shamefully took to underhanded methods. Stealing Nocturnus tech to make armor for yourselves, and copying Knuckles clan fighting styles to try and close the gap. You were inferior in might to the Knuckles, and in terms of intelligence to the Nocturnus. You were in effect the eternal bronze place by all accounts. Both than an now it would seem. You had no drive to obtain your own and that's why you ultimately failed and the Nocturnus-" Suddenly she was dropped back to the ground, causing her gaze to shoot up towards him in a bit of shock.
"An that's what did it was it not. Drive without guidance. Your ambitions were too far stretched and you ended up insighting the wraith of that unstoppable monster. You dared try and control the Dark One and gain its power, which utterly destroyed you. With his response to it being to wipe-out half of your very clan in an instant. Though if it had ended there, nothing would have continued on. However your actions brought ruin to more than just yourselves. The Dark One went on a rampage that day, and nearly destroyed the entire echidna race. If it were not for the Great Illumines none would be here. A fact I am grateful to the Master Emerald for everyday. It was indeed a time I will never forget seeing. It shall continue to haunt me." He spoke turning away from her and reclaiming his seat on the throne. His composure now fully reclaimed.
Shade simply scoffed at this. To be honest she had not forgotten that the whole reason the Nocturnus were imprisoned was because they, or rather Lord Ix had become far to power hungry. A fact she regretted, but would not deal with right now. There was something bugging her about his story. Something she just had to make clear.
"Wait that can't be true. That was thousands of years ago. An as long lived as our race is. We do not come close to 4000+ (not that she could talk, she was about 4,023 right now yet she figured it would be best to keep that information to herself at this time.). How can you call claim to this?" She asked him utterly unsure of how this could be the case.
A sinister grin now found the tribal leaders face at this. "Hmm, now you are the one asking questions? Well as a show of respect I will tell you this much. We Atl have acquired quite a great deal in the time we were active in the world. Things you will witness soon enough. Soon the entire world will know what the Atl have been doing all this time. With this I shall forgo all my other questions from before in regards to this next one. I do hope you can be of help to me this time." He stated now seeming to take a more relaxed position to her.
Shade noticed and at once began to nonchalantly fidget with the back of her wrists through the cuffs. Allowing a key she had lifted off one of the guards she was carried in by to find the palm of her left hand.
"An what might that be?" She inquired.
"When you all intruded upon us, when you sprung our traps willingly. For but a split moment there was the appearance of a exceptionally large energy. One that felt similar to that of the Dark One...An than vanished completely. Now from what I recall the Dark One was destroyed on that day, giving way for progress to once again find us all. A prospect we Atl well soon be taking full advantage of. Yet if the Dark One were still to live, that would prove a problem for all. So my question starts here. Tell me, could you shed any light on this matter pertaining to that dark energy that was felt.?" He spoke, a serious look about him.
Shade heard this an at once her mood began to change. As several thoughts ran through her mind. What was this progress he spoke of, how had he been able to live this long, and how did they sense Sonic's power. Last she checked very few could do such a thing.
Seeing the new expression finding her the chief replied again."I see you are a bit apprehensive. Do not fret, we unlike the Nocturnus learn from the mistakes of others. We do not wish to repeat the past. We want to know so that if he still lives we may put an end to him permanently this time. An bring a glory to the Atl that not even the Knuckles clan were able to attain. An as a Nocturnus you should be more than willing to share this with us. What do you say, help us with our goals and you will find ample in the Atl tribe." He stated holding out his hand from the throne inviting her response.
Shade looked down to the floor for a moment at this. As she began to let out a strange laugh.
To describe would seem as though one of mental unrest had just been entertained with the most amusing of jokes. An that is when things become the most unnerving.
"I really am one messed up woman I must say. I have battled along side, shared a meal with, and even admired. The very one that took everything away from me. One might call it entertaining my own reaper if you will...An yet..." Suddenly Shade was now running towards the chief headlong. Her cuffs unlocked by a small key she had in her left hand.
The two guards at his throne at once jumped towards her to block her advance. Yet as soon as they stood before her a purple flash was seen. An their bodies were now shown lying face down in the floor.
The Atl leader at once tried to respond to this, but was far to late. Shade had vanished completely from sight.
"What on Mobius. How is this possible where did she-" He found himself quickly silenced by what happened next.
Shade suddenly reappeared. Now at the leaders throat, her Leech-blade at the ready to take his head. "I am sorry. But I can not sit back and allow anyone to take that monsters life." She told him as she pulled the blade back to finish him.
"My my, this will not do at all." A voice said from nowhere.
Shade at once looked around for the origin of it. Though before she could, she felt herself stuck by a blow to the back of the neck. Falling into unconsciousness without another word being able to escape her lips.
Thus as Shade hit the floor a figure now stood before her. The originator of the voice now clear. Though it was a bit unexpected.
From what could be defined it seemed the figure was an echidna, but with some rather key differences. His fur was a dull black in color, with his muzzle being white. He sported a black lavish cloak with green lines heading down it vertically that flowed and covered his entire being. Leaving only his head unobstructed. An for some reason yellow eyes with a black eye patch over his left eye one.
Taking notice of the figure and now letting out a sigh the elderly echidna began to address him."That was boorish. Were you at least able to find out anything useful from her Eli?" The chief asked. Now tapping Shade with his foot to make-sure she was not just acting.
The black echidna simply laughed at his question. "Forgive me my leader but she was far too much of a mess to allow me to read her mind easily. I did not get much. Though what I was able to discern is that this one named Blaze whom is now in the cell with the rest of the prisoners. She will be the key to all this."
"I see, well than I have no more use for her send her back to the cell with the rest. I will take the rest of the information I need later. Right now we must find my daughter, she is a valuable part of all this. Without her we have no future." The leader stated now taking a stand and leaving, as the black echidna remained close behind him.
"Yes my master is shall all be done." Eli spoke snapping his fingers. Suddenly Shade was dropped right into a dark hole that opened under the floor and vanished. Closing up right back over her.
At that same time back upon the Angel Island.
The calm area from before that covered the Island was now utterly gone. As a sense of dread and terror now covered the expanse. Followed by a large explosion that leveled a good many trees and hills upon the floating rock.
Yet the forest near the emerald shrine was seeming to be the center of this new turmoil. Proved true further by a black smoke rising from a few trees.
Than without so much as a warning another large explosion could shot out several more trees tumbled to the ground upon. Causing more damage and several hours of repair work for Knuckles as well.
"Ah this brings me back. Memories can be so exciting sometimes don't you agree?" A voice spoke out as another explosion took place. Almost as if the source was the voice itself.
"Please stop this, we do not wish to fight you. Please return to your normal self my friend." Another voice asked from within the forest. A strange green glow now rising up in the supposed battlefield.
It was than at this time the black smoke that covered the stage cleared, and the actors of this voice over play were given shape.
On the left side stood a now roughed up Chaos. Though a bit different this time. The blue water creature standing with its guard up protecting a frightened Tikal and a equally as weary Abequa. Though he seemed to have something else. A long thin tail flowing in the wind, with a sharp spike at the tip.
Right now the three of them were in dire straights. Chaos was barely holding its form solid, his limbs banged up and his glowing light green eyes rather dim. Yet despite this damage he still stood firm, his blank silent stare never straying from his opponent.
Tikal and Abequa on the other hand had only a few scratches here and there. A messy spike, a rip in their garb, or a hole in their gloves. Otherwise for the most part that was it, in terms of their outward appearance anyway. However in terms of mental health right now, they were far worse off than Chaos to say the least. The two of them were quite unnerved to be frank. They could not comprehend how bad things were right now. It had all happened so fast, they were still just trying to adjust to it all. Fear was crawling up their spines like some sort of invisible serpent ready to bite.
An one could not blame them, especially when looking to the right side of the now treeless plain. For there but a few mere yards away stood none other than Dark Sonic. Though with a few slight differences. He looked exactly the same as when he last appeared before. Blue tinted black fur, and rising spikes like always...However, now he was sporting instead of lifeless blank eyes, deep crimson red ones with slashed pupils no less. An a look of pure pleasure on his face to add.
Dark Sonic than took a few steps closer to them all. An they quickly flinched, unsure what to do. Was he going to attack again or just sizing them up, they were unsure and that feeling made them flinch.
It was here Sonic let out a sadistic laugh. Grabbing his sides as he did so.
"I swear this is real entertainment. You three make quite the team. To think two scared little girls, and a puddle with attitude. This is rich. Oh I'm gonna enjoy watching your fruitless struggle to survive." Dark Sonic said now licking his lips.
He was elated at this prospect. If their was one thing he enjoyed, besides destruction. It was relishing in the futile efforts of his helpless prey. Like a vicious predator toying with its meal, before consuming.
Seeing as how things looked even more bleak, Tikal tried to reason with him once more. Hoping to get Sonic to return to himself. She knew she had to try at least once more. Anything to avoid a fight.
"Sonic please stop this I beg of you. I am sorry for what happened. It was all a accident. Please do not make us have to harm you." She begged once more, looking into his eyes pleading to reach him.
"Yes please, I am sorry. It was a reflex, I meant no harm. I only wished to help." Abequa reasoned. She knew this was all her fault. An right now she was mentally jeering herself for it. How she wished she had not done that. This all never would have happened.
Yet their pleas fell on death ears as Dark Sonic looked back and merely laughed at them again. A sinister tone in his speech.
"Sorry girls but I'm afraid that last little outburst was all I needed to regain full control. Blue is not gonna save you this time. Besides, you speak as if you actually can hurt me. An if that's the case...I'm dying to see you try." He told them as a black orbs of energy gathered in his hands.
With this is was clear talking was not going to stop this. An so Tikal clasped her hands to her chest and dropped her head down.
"I am sorry for this my friend, but you leave me no choice. We will fight you with everything we have. Master Emerald please lend us your power!" She roared, as a green light now began to shine from behind her.
The Master Emerald had begun to react to her voice and suddenly shot a focused green beam of light directly into Chaos. Causing the monster to let out a high pitched roar.
Needless to say both Dark Sonic and Abequa were caught off guard by this. However Sonic more so, as he suddenly found himself being punched in the jaw by Chaos an with such power that he was sent flying off the Island and into sea below.
A tremendous splash was all that could be seen as impact was made. Showering half the Island in cool water and fish at the same time.
Dark Sonic quickly emerged from the water with no more than a mere drip of blood on the side of his mouth.
"Ok, you caught off guard their but that is all it was. An if your plan was to try and drown me, not gonna happen. Also I hope that is not all the power you have because if so how do you plan to beat me? Last time I checked without the Chaos emeralds he can only stay in that form. Which is by no means a match for me." He said now levitating a few inches above the water, his arms crossed and his dark aura now pulsing madly.
In a flash of light Tikal & Chaos appeared before him as they two hovered above the water. Though Chaos stood upon it, while Tikal floated a good few feet behind him.
With a firm look in her eyes Tikal once more spoke out. "Do not worry, even without the aid of the chaos emeralds we still have the Master Emerald, and the entire ocean on our side. Allow us to show you why Chaos was deemed a god of destruction." She confirmed to him as she began to glow a bright orange, her hands outstretched to the water creature before her.
Chaos than let out a loud roar again as the water of the ocean swallowed him. Turning into one giant ball of glowing liquid. That now floated in the air. Suddenly the waters of the ball began to swirl and crash violently against each other, quickly forming cracks in it. As this took place whirlpools, and cyclones began to arise fill the sky accompanied by fierce lightning.
This was truly shaping up to be one heck of a show. As the lines for battle were being drawn. Than with an explosion the ball broke apart and what emerged was rather shocking to all.
Chaos had morphed from the small alien like water being, to as massive 200ft long serpentine dragon beast made entirely of water. With large green eyes, and fangs of stone. An to top it off Tikal now hovering atop its head surrounded by a large ball of orange light.
"Sonic we will return you to yourself even if we have to beat you into submission. Now Dark Sonic allow me to introduce Chaos at his most powerful. Thanks to the endless sea, and the Master Emeralds support he has become Complete Chaos. An we will stop you here and now." She stated as Complete Chaos let out a loud howling roar that shook the very seas.
Dark Sonic witnessed all this and a new found grin found his face.
"Well, I gotta say I'm impressed. I can see how you were actually capable of gaining that name." Dark Sonic than began to crack his knuckles in excitement. "However, you should remember this well. The title god of destruction was originally bestowed upon me long ago. An there is not enough room in this world for two of us. So now I'll give you this advice, don't hesitate. Show me every ounce of power you have. Because if you don't..." Suddenly Dark Sonic's eyes began to glow a blood red. He uncrossed his arms as blackened claws shot forth from his fingers, and his k9s started to gleam.
Tikal, Chaos, and the now spectating Abequa from above seen this and started to tense. They could feel it Dark Sonic was serious. Black smoke began to engulf the area around them like a fog. To be honest raw evil was being released into the air an than out of nowhere they all began to hear eerie otherworldly howls emanating from the darkness. Than out of the blackness several pairs of red glowing eyes began to float and roar in the darkness. Along with a villainous laughing that did not come from Sonic. No, there was something else glaring at them. An it was not alone as the eyes continued to appear before the number became uncountable.
Tikal an Chaos began to steel themselves as the air began to crackle. "These creatures?! This is no illusion...Chaos whatever you do do not let your guard down for an instant. Because if we do." Tikal said keeping her stance as she looked around to the several enemies now surrounding them.
"I may end up killing you all instantly." Dark Sonic said as lightning stuck. An like the ring of the bell the two incarnations of destruction rushed towards each other. Truly this would be a battle to make history.
Now I must apologize I tried a great deal to get this out in the beginning of the month, but I came into contact with a lot of complications from the sight that forced me to redo the whole thing over. Yet now I have finally got it though not in July like I had hoped, though in the end I had to split it up a bit, or this one would have become a triple chapter. Regardless, thanks again to all those that read my simple story and I do hope you have enjoyed this update. An I will release the next asap, so look forward to it.
P.S. A special shout out to DarkSonic126 & rkzmcginnis for their encouragement I am truly humbled by your efforts. Also I formally apologize for failing to post this in a more timely fashion.
An it is with this I shall take my leave, and continue my preparations for the next adventure. Now I just have one thing left to say.
So until the next chapter...STAY THIRSTY MY FRIENDS.