Elizabeth's POV

We pulled into the school parking lot as and Adam and I have gotten a lot of stares as we got out of the car or in our case a hearse.

"Really Adam? Did we have to take Morty on the first day of school?" I said leaning on the door in my blue denim mini, pink v neck shirt with designs, heels, and sunglasses. Mom told me I had my own dangerous style and attitude.

"What? It was my turn to pick what car we took since you picked the Volvo yesterday." Adam said in his black skinny jeans, band tee, and black signature beenie. He dressed a lot like dad did, but kept his hair like Uncle Adam's.

"Let's just go" I said as we walked to the front steps of the school.

"Finally you've arrived" Alex said

"Yea hopefully you don't get into trouble this year like you did last year." I said looking at the school

"Hopefully you don't start fights Ms. Elizabeth Goldsworthy" Alex chuckled

"She didn't start it some guy grabbed her and she said for him to let go and when he didn't I punched him" Adam said

"So what's everyone talking about?" Rebecca asked

"Weren't you supposed to come with Alex?" I asked Rebecca

"Yea, but mom made me stay because she wanted to make sure I had everything she even took some of dad's tampons" Rebecca laughed

"I remember last year when mom got our book bags mixed up and gave me dad's tampons" Alex chuckled

"Eew gross can we not talk about tampons." Adam said

"Ready to head into school" I said

We then stopped at our lockers I had first period with Adam which was supposed to be 10th grade Trig.

"So Adam explain why we have Algebra 2 when we took that last year?" I said sarcastically as we walked into the classroom

Adam then chuckled as we sat in the back row next to each other.

"Welcome I'm your math teacher Mr. Woodley. Who in this class wants an A at the end of the year without coming back?"

Of course the whole class raised their hands.

"Well to get an A at the end out the year you just need to solve this problem:"

Mr. Woodley then flipped over a black board he had be hind his desk revealing the question"

A worker is asked to fill up a pool with two pumps. Pump A is performing the work 1 hour as 1/12th of the job and pump B is performing 1/8th of the job. The leakage is taking away 1/24th of the work. How long will it take to fill up the pool? Show all your work.

I then looked over at Adam and he was doing the work as was I. Then Mr. Woodley started to talk and I just ignored it.

"Excuse me you in the back with the sunglasses what's your name?"

"Elizabeth Goldsworthy" I said

"What are you doing?"

"Nothing now." I replied.

"What were you doing?"

"The problem" I said

"Did you come across an answer?"

"Yes I did." I replied

"Would you like to share it with the class?"

"No because I want to see if my brother Adam here got it right too I showed all my work."

"I've solved the problem and also showed the work too" Adam said

Just then Mr. Woodley took our papers and looked over our work.

"Get out" he said

The class looked shocked

"We didn't do anything wrong." I told him

"Yea, but you got the answer right it was 6, both of you go to the principal"

"Oh the answer to the question on the board is inconclusive" I stated Adam chuckled "Let's go Adam."

"Elizabeth" one girl asked me

"Hmm" I said

"What's inconclusive?"

"It means there's no answer"

Adam and I then walked to Mrs. Mason's office. It didn't take us long to get there.

"What's up" Mrs. Mason asked

"Aunt Emma our classes are screwed" I told her

"How so?"

"We're supposed to have Trig and we're in Algebra 2" Adam said

"Needless to say we got kicked out for not belonging" I said

"Ok I'll check it out." Aunt Emma said as she typed on her computer "Ok it's fixed you shouldn't have to worry about anything the rest of the day you two. Here take this pass for your class and head to trig."

We did just that.

"So Adam isn't school fun" I exclaimed sarcastically

"Loads" Adam chuckled

We walked to class with our arms locked and even walked inside class just the same.

"Can I help you" the teacher asked

"Here" I said handing him the note.

"Ok Mr. and Ms. Goldsworthy take your seats I'm Ms. Cooperman"

"Sure, but it's Elizabeth and my brother here is Adam not Mr. and Ms. Goldsworthy"

We then sat in the middle of the class next to each other. I then got a text on my phone.

So how's high school?

Xoxo Amiee

Well Ms. Bhandari it sucks. Wait till you and Trina get here next year. Speaking about your twin meet us at my house after school.

Xoxo Elizabeth

"Elizabeth please refrain from texting during class"

I just rolled my eyes.

The rest of the day went by pretty fast Adam and I didn't have any trouble in our classes except for people glaring at us as we walked arm in arm. After school we drove home in Morty which didn't take long.

"How was school kids" mom asked

"Boring, but how did you and dad have fun in school?"

"Well Honey that's simple we started out as English partners, then we started dating during that time, we spent the summer together, then in my senior year your mother's junior year I found out she was pregnant with you two and it went from there" dad said as he took a seat at the table.


"Don't worry you two you have most of your classes together right?"


"Then I'm sure you'll have fun"

Then there was a knock at the door.

"The gang's here" mom said

Then Aimee, Rebecca, Trina, Alex, Adam, and I hung out for the rest of the night. Dad tried to use Morty and wouldn't you know it broke down leaving Adam to fix it. I laughed every time Morty broke down because dad was incompetent when it came to fixing his hearse.