
Arc I: An Unlikely Beginning
Chapter '0'~ Epitaph

The sky would be the first thing one would notice on a day like this one. It was blue, like almost any other day, but today, it was filled with many giant tall clouds, seemly reaching towards the heavens while, at the same time, intensifying the rays of the sun. With of course, the occasional bird Pokémon gliding through the air.

Back on the ground, some more or less tall trees were bordering nearby downs. A small Caterpie was doing its best inching away toward the sanctuary of the trees to escape the exposure that the jade grassland gave him to the flying birds. Even if it was natural, some nearby bug Pokémon winced when a Swellow had swooped down to have a taste of the poor worm.

Not too far away, perhaps even near the middle of the downs, a small but very noticeable hill had formed. On this hill, one could get a beautiful view of the sky and its components. In fact, this is what a Charmeleon was doing at this very moment. It was resting again a tree, which could easily be called the tallest in this current area that had grown a good distance from the rest. The Charmeleon was slowly caressing a good-sized Pokémon egg that was in her lap and humming a smoothing melody. This Pokémon was in fact a female, which showed the reason behind the motherly nature she held for the egg.

"You're going to be big little one," She thought. "I can just feel it. You're going to do great things, see great Pokémon; you're going to be a great Pokémon. I can't wait to see the type of Pokémon you'll become. I hope you'll always know that whatever you'll do, wherever you'll go, you'll have my love and my blessing

"Silly me," A slight giggle escaped her maw. "it still hasn't hatched from its egg and I'm already talking about it leaving me." She paused for a moment, sighing. "Well, I guess this'll be the life of a Mother. Always in worry…" Her thoughts became more and more disoriented as she fell deeper and deeper into the unconsciousness of blissful sleep. The slowly setting sun shined brightly against her person as she continued to subconsciously caress her egg even in the mists of her deep sleep.

Writer's Notes (Please Read):

Hello There. I'm guessing you were interested in my fanfiction, otherwise, of course, you wouldn't be reading it now. Nevertheless, through excessive sleep-planning, sleep-writing, and sleep altogether, I had come up with this a few years ago. Sleep-work can be extremely tiring. I had a good nap afterward though, so I'm good.

I want to tell you, the reader, that I hope you enjoy this adventure I managed to pull out of my head. I have an outline of it all written out already, and I have a good solid idea where I'm going to take everything, so you don't have to worry about a random adventure fic with an author that has no idea where to go.

What you might experience, though, is an author that occasionally doesn't know how to take things where they're supposed to go (otherwise known as writer's block). I want to apologize in advance for any infrequent updates I'll have because of it—and because of school, which i still am in.

Lastly, I want to apologize for how short this 'Prologue' was. Many people say that a 'Prologue' is unnecessary in a story, and that it shows bad writing. I neither agree nor disagree, and I mostly wrote this to give you, the reader, a look at the kind of writing style you should expect from me. Albeit, a majority of the rest of the story will be written in first person.

That is all I wish to say, and thank you to everyone who took the time to read this. :)

Your Author,


P.S. Until further notice, the chapters you will see ahead are being rewritten and re-edited to better reflect the author's growth in writing skills.